PAT BHS INGGRIS KLS 1 TH 20222023 - Siap Print

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Penilaian Akhir Tahun

MI Modern Bani Adam Boyolali

Tahun Pembelajaran 2022/2023
Jl. Raya Boyolali-Semarang Km. 2, Mulyosari, Winong, Boyolali

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari : Rabu Nama : _______________

Kelas : I (Satu) Tanggal: 31 Mei 2023 No. Absen : _______________

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a, b or c !

1. Look ! This is my blue house. House in Indonesian is ….
a. rumah sakit b. sekolah c. rumah

2. What room is this ? This is a …. ( dapur )

a. bed room
b. kitchen
c. living room

3. Galang is sleeping in the bed room. Bed room in Indonesian is ….

a. kamar tidur b. dapur c. ruang tamu

4. The living room picture is ….

a. b. c.

5. What is this ? This is a …. ( persegi panjang )

a. circle
b. rectangle
c. square

6. This is a green triangle. Triangle in Indonesian is ….

a. segitiga b. lingkaran c. persegi

7. This is a ….
a. cat b. fish c. dog

8. Look ! There are … dogs.

a. Three b. four c. five

9. Caca has seven birds. Seven birds in Indonesia is ….

a. lima burung b. enam burung c. tujuh burung

10. Seekor kelinci putih, In English is ….

a. a white rabbit c. a blue rabbit c. a red rabbit


11. … the cat ( mengelus/membelai )
a. pet
b. feed
c. brush

12. … the cat ( memeluk )

a. brush
b. hug
c. feed

13. Siti plays with the …. ( boneka )

a. toy car b. doll c. spin top

14. I have seven yellow balls. Seven yellow balls In Indonesian is ….

a. tujuh bola kuning b. enam bola kuning c. lima bola kuning

15. Vino is flaying the …. ( layang-layang )

a. spin top
b. kite
c. yoyo

16. Look ! Nino has a new …. ( sepeda )

a. yoyo
b. doll
c. bike

17. Edo : Abi, lets playing on the …. ( prosotan )

Abi : Okey, Lets go !.

a. swing b. slide c. bike

18. Rani sedang naik jungkat jungkit. Jungkat-jungkit in English is ….

a. kite b. see saw c. jungle gym

19. Edo and Abi climb on the …

a. slide b. tree c. jungle gym

20. Dina kicks the ball. The picture of kick the ball is …
a. b. c.


II. Fill the blank with correct answer !
1. Sebuah rumah hijau in English is a ….

2. I’am taking a bath in the bathroom. Bathroom in Indonesian is ….

3. Look! There are ….

4. What is this ? this is a …. (gangsingan)

5. Rina rides the blue bike. Ride in Indonesian is ….

6. I have a red yoyo. A red yoyo in Indonesian is ….

7. Haidar and Riki are playing on the …. (ayunan)

8. There are eight blue dolls. Eight blue dolls in Indonesia is ….

9. Nina and Nino are playing with the …. ( mobil-mobilan)

10. Me and my friends are playing in the playground. Playground in Indonesian is ….

Pilihan Jawaban

a. mengendarai f. toy cars

b. six fish g. sebuah yoyo merah
c. green house h. taman bermain
d. kamar mandi i. delapan boneka biru
e. spin top j. swing


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