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Unit 5

Unit Opener Extend Worksheet 3.5.1

1 Work in pairs. Read and discuss.

People have been captivated by flight since

ancient times. Birds were honoured and used as
symbols of strength, beauty and wisdom. They still
are today. The appearance of birds was believed
by some to be a sign of events to come. Fictional
superheroes often have the power to fly. Why does
flight have such a powerful appeal for people?

2 Tick and write. Tick some reasons why you think people are so fascinated by the idea of
flying. Write others that you and your partner discussed.
✓ Flying represents freedom.
People have always wanted to become birds.
✓ Flying represents power and speed.
✓ People want to be able to explore the sky and beyond.
✓ Being able to see great distances from the sky would have advantages.

Impact Extend Worksheet 3.5.1 1

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3 Think about a time you were high up in the air. Was it on an aeroplane? Were you on a roller
coaster or a Ferris wheel? Did you climb to the top of a mountain or skyscraper? What words
would you use to describe how the experience made you feel? Choose words from the box or
use your own words. Put the words in order of intensity of feeling (1 = strongest). Compare your
list with a partner’s.

nervous  excited  strong  scared  bored  small  proud  thrilled

strongest feeling 1.




weakest feeling 5.

4 Write about the jetpacks pictured on pages 76 and 77 of your book. Would you like to fly
one? Why or why not? Do you think they’ll become available in the future for all people to fly?
Will that be a good thing or not? Explain your ideas.

Impact Extend Worksheet 3.5.1 2

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Unit 5
Vocabulary Extend Worksheet 3.5.2
4 Read. Which words and phrases make sense together? Circle all the correct letters for each item.
1. flight
a. of a penguin b. of an eagle c. of a bumblebee d. of an aeroplane
2. flap
a. your arms b. their wings c. in the wind d. of geese
3. limited
a. capabilities b. possibilities c. factories d. opportunities
4. soar
a. among the clouds b. like an eagle c. in a car d. on currents of air
5. early
a. adaptation b. evolution c. example d. in the century

4 Read. Unscramble the correct word in the box and write it on the line.

rateefus  wolohl  vevedol  leddig  ninpswag

1. Did you know that birds evolved from dinosaurs?

2. Which features of modern birds were found in dinosaur fossils?

3. A pterosaur’s wingspan was longer than that of any bird living today.

4. Early bats probably glided before they flew.

5. A hollow bone is a lighter bone.

Impact Extend Worksheet 3.5.2 1

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3 Read. Write answers to the questions. Use the words in bold in your answers. Then share your
answers with a partner.
1. Were you surprised to learn that birds evolved from dinosaurs? Explain why
or why not.

2. Describe some adaptations that allowed pterosaurs to fly.

Example answer: The adaptations that pterosaurs developed over time included

the ability to flap their wings, they had strong flight muscles, hollow bones and a

long wingspan.

3. Explain the difference between gliding and flying.

Example answer: Gliding is being carried along on currents of air. Flying is flight

powered by flapping wings or a machine.

Impact Extend Worksheet 3.5.2 2

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Unit 5
Speaking Strategy Extend Worksheet 3.5.3
1 Read and decide. Is the speaker arguing or conceding? Write Arguing or Conceding on the
lines in the conversation below. Then compare with a partner.

Speaking strategy

Arguing and conceding

I think that .

Don’t you agree that ?

Yes, that’s probably correct.

Many experts agree that .

I guess you have a point.
Well, maybe you’re right.

Yes, but what about ?

You may be right about that.

Daniella: The most amazing thing about Ryan Carney is that one feather inspired
him to research how flight evolved in animals! Don’t you agree?

Andres: Maybe you’re right. But did you know he’s also a musician and an actor as well as
a scientist? Now that’s amazing! Conceding

Daniella: Really? I didn’t know that. I guess you have a point. Conceding

Andres: I think that being able to combine science and art would be the best kind of
career. Arguing

Daniella: You may be right about that, but sometimes when you have too many things
going on, nothing gets done right. Conceding

Impact Extend Worksheet 3.5.3 1

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2 Read each opinion statement. Then work with a partner. Discuss each one. Take turns arguing
and conceding points.
1. The development of flight was the greatest adaptation in the history of evolution.

2. The idea that insects’ wings evolved from structures used for moving in the water is a theory
that may be disproven.

3. To say that today’s birds are living dinosaurs is an exaggeration.

4. Because colugos use their wings to travel long distances, they should be considered flying

Impact Extend Worksheet 3.5.3 2

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Unit 5
Reading Extend Worksheet 3.5.4
1 Read. Complete the sentences with the correct word in brackets.
1. True flight is flight that is powered by a source of energy.
(limited, powered)

2. Archaeopteryx had feathered wings, but it was not a very skilled flier.
(skilled, stable)

3. Leonardo da Vinci drew designs for flying machines including a glider and a
parachute . (parachute, jetpack)

4. The Wright brothers’ Flyer was controlled by a pilot (an engine,

a pilot)

4. A helicopter doesn’t take off at an angle like a plane; it

ascends straight up into the air. (take off, fly) (descends, ascends)

2 Read. Circle all the correct letters for each item.

1. What adaptations allowed for the development of flight in reptiles?
a. hollow bones b. skin-covered wings c. a bony tail d. strong muscles

2. Which things contribute to powered flight in birds?

a. feathers b. flapping c. gliding d. wings

3. Which machines did the Wright brothers build or design?

a. a parachute b. an engine c. gliders d. a wind tunnel

4. What does a glider need to be able to glide?

a. a plane to tow it into the air b. a hot air balloon

c. air currents d. wings

5. What words are associated with modern aeroplanes?

a. helicopter b. pilot c. engine d. fuel

Impact Extend Worksheet 3.5.4 1

Copyright © National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning.
3 Look at the words. When you know the meaning of one form of a word, you can increase your
vocabulary by recognising related forms. How many of the words related to weight have you
seen before? Use two of the words in an original sentence.
Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
weight to weigh weighted weightily
weightlessness weightless
weightlifter lightweight

4 Complete the table. Write as many forms of each word as you can without using a dictionary.
Compare your table with a partner’s. Then use a dictionary to find additional forms and add
them to the table. Note that some of the spaces will remain blank.
Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
capability capable capably
limitation / limit to limit limited / limitless
power to power powerful powerfully
skill skilled skilfully

Impact Extend Worksheet 3.5.4 2

Copyright © National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning.
Unit 5
Grammar 2 Extend Worksheet 3.5.5
1 Read. Choose the past perfect continuous verb from the box that best completes each
sentence. Write it on the line.

had been flying had been flying had been studying

had been experimenting had been trying had been taking

1. Before the first pterosaur took flight, insects had been flying for over
100 million years!

2. Before da Vinci made a drawing of a parachute, he had been studying flight

for years.

3. Before the Wright brothers tested the Flyer for the first time, they
had been experimenting with gliders and wind tunnels.

4. By the time the storm hit the airport, our plane had been descending safely for
several minutes.

5. My uncle had been taking flying lessons for several years before he finally took
me for a ride in his plane.

4 Read. Complete each sentence with the past perfect continuous form of a verb in the box.

build  dream  study  glide  evolve

1. Bats probably had been gliding for hundreds of years before they evolved the
capability of flight.

2. By the time Archaeopteryx developed some features of modern birds, it

had been evolving from dinosaurs for millions of years.
had been dreaming
3. By the time the Chinese invented kites, people of human
flight for many years.

4. Before the Wright brothers successfully flew their aeroplane, Santos-Dumont

had been building hot air balloons.

5. By the time Ryan Carney was inspired to study the evolution of flight, scientists
had been studying dinosaur fossils for hundreds of years.
Impact Extend Worksheet 3.5.5 1
Copyright © National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning.
Unit 5
Mission Extend Worksheet 3.5.6
1 What are three interesting things you learnt about Ryan Carney and his research into
the evolution of flight in birds?

2 What are three things you can learn from people such as Leonardo da Vinci, the Wright
brothers and Ryan Carney about following your interests?

3 Imagine you are making plans for your ideal career. What are three things you’ll need to
do along the way?

Impact Extend Worksheet 3.5.6 1

Copyright © National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning.
Unit 5
Unit Review Worksheet 3.5.7
1 Complete the sentences with words from the box.

limited prove skilled support

allow stable weight force

1. Gravity is the force that pulls objects down towards the earth.

2. Scientists look for evidence to prove that birds evolved from


3. A pterosaur’s bones and muscles were strong enough to support its

great weight in the air.

4. The ancient Chinese were skilled at kite-making.

5. Da Vinci’s glider might have worked if its design had allowed for more
stable movement.

2 Complete each sentence with the past perfect form of the verb in brackets.
1. The Chinese had invented kites centuries before flying machines were
designed. (invent)

2. Before Marco Polo saw man-carrying kites, Abbas Ibn Firnas had glided
with feather-covered wings. (glide)

3. Leonardo da Vinci had designed a glider long before George Cayley

successfully flew one. (design)

4. Before the Wright brothers tested the Flyer, they had worked out how to build
an engine powerful enough to lift it into the air. (work out)

Impact Extend Worksheet 3.5.7 1

Copyright © National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning.
3 Rewrite each verb in the correct form. Then use each verb in a sentence.
1. ascend, past perfect had ascended

2. fly, past perfect had flown

3. flap, past perfect continuous had been flapping

4. take off, past perfect had taken off

5. support, past perfect continuous had been supporting

6. buy, past perfect had bought

Impact Extend Worksheet 3.5.7 2

Copyright © National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning.

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