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Nutrient requirements of poultry publication: History and need for

an update

Article in The Journal of Applied Poultry Research · September 2014

DOI: 10.3382/japr.2014-00980

93 27,643

2 authors:

Todd J Applegate Clara Roselina Angel

University of Georgia University of Maryland, College Park


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©2014 Poultry Science Association, Inc.

Nutrient requirements of poultry publication:

History and need for an update
Todd J. Applegate*1 and Roselina Angel†

*Department of Animal Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907;

and †Department of Animal and Avian Sciences,
University of Maryland, College Park 20742-0001

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Primary Audience: Poultry Nutritionists, Feed Industry, Government Agencies,
Regulatory Committee

The NRC Nutrient Requirements of Poultry has been a benchmark publication for the re-
search, judicial, and regulatory communities domestically and abroad since the first published
edition in 1944. The poultry scientific community has looked to this publication for benchmark
diet formulation. With extraordinary changes in growth and productive potential of modern
poultry strains, as well as changes to body composition and egg output, it follows that nutrient
needs have changed beyond what the bird can compensate for with increasing intake per unit
of BW. Research publications used for amino acid and phosphorus recommendations in the last
NRC are now, at best, from 1991 and at worst from 1947. To our collective credit, the poultry
science community has published substantial amounts of data in those areas to warrant an
update to the ninth revised edition of the NRC Nutrient Requirements of Poultry. Historically,
our perception and definition of a nutrient requirement has changed from first being a require-
ment, as a percent of a diet, to preventing a nutrient deficiency, to now being a requirement to
optimize growth or egg production response per unit of nutrient intake. As economics becomes
an increasingly more important driver for the implications of research, the scientific community
has begun to embrace the concept of return on investment of nutrient used for compositional
growth or egg production. As these concepts take shape, the current edition’s format will have
to undergo a substantial creative revision; possibly even embracing the concept of modeling of
nutrient responses. Funding for such a revision will require a large financial investment from
the NRC, the feed industry, commodity associations, as well as time investment by the scien-
tific community.

Key words: poultry, nutrient requirement, National Research Council

2014 J. Appl. Poult. Res. 23:567–575

HISTORY OF THE NRC AND in 1863), which combined with the National
NUTRIENT REQUIREMENT Academy of Engineering and Institute of Medi-
PUBLICATIONS cine in 2013. There are 6 divisions of the NAS,
one of which is the Division of Earth and Life
The NRC is the operational arm of the Na- Sciences, which is home to 12 boards. The pri-
tional Academy of Sciences (NAS; established mary board the poultry community would be

Corresponding author:
568 JAPR: Review

Table 1. History of revisions to NRC Nutrient Requirements of Poultry, Beef, Dairy, and Swine publications (by

Poultry Beef Dairy Swine

1944 1945 1945 1944

1946 1950 1950 1950
1950 1963 1956 1953
1954 1976 1958 1959
1960 1984 1966 1964
1966 1996 1971 1968
1971 2000 1978 1979
1977 2014 (estimated) 1988 1988
1984 2001 1998
1994 2015 or 2016 (estimated) 2012

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familiar with is the Board on Agriculture and in the United States and abroad have used these
Natural Resources. Among this board’s function publications as benchmarks for their guidance.
is to appoint ad hoc committees to develop NRC The NRC publications have therefore be-
reports. Notably, the NRC releases approxi- come very valuable references for regulatory
mately one report each working day on issues agencies (domestically and internationally), as
in science, technology, medicine, social science, they are comprehensive evaluations of credible
and education. and generally accepted science (for the most part
The NAS established the NRC in 1916 af- based on published peer-reviewed information)
ter a request by President Woodrow Wilson to that was current at the time of publication. For
recruit specialists from the larger scientific and example, the US Food and Drug Administration
technological communities to participate in and (FDA) makes its scientific determinations to
support the work of the NAS. During World War support regulatory processes based on standards
II, the Committee on Animal Nutrition through that are scientifically sound and consistent;
the NRC was tasked with improving animal nu- otherwise, the determinations could be viewed
trition to ensure an adequate food supply for the as arbitrary and capricious. Traditionally, the
population during emergency war times. The FDA uses NRC publications as a standard when
inception of the Nutrient Requirements of Poul- making determinations with regard to nutrient
try report from the NRC began with the first 18- recommendations in the evaluation of utility
page edition being published in 1944 [1]. Inter- or functionality of substances added to animal
estingly, the concept of a requirement was not feed, as well as during assessment of the safety
in place at that time; rather values were listed and toxicity of those substances. The informa-
as nutrient allowances without inclusion of mar- tion available in NRC publications regarding
gins of safety. As noted in Table 1, the publica- toxicity of nutrients or other additives, includ-
tion was consistently revised at least every 6 or 7 ing tissue levels, maximum tolerable levels, and
yr until the 1984, eighth revised edition [2], with so on, is regularly used to determine the safety
the ninth coming 10 yr later [3]. The frequency of substances used in animal feed during pre- or
of updates early in the history of the publication postmarket valuations of product safety or the
was notable, as new nutrients were being dis- truthfulness of labeling.
covered and the relevance of those nutrients for The US FDA continues to use informa-
poultry nutrition were established. Inasmuch, tion in NRC publications as the gold standard
the NRC has considered 4 species of upmost when making regulatory determinations. Rec-
importance to consistently update the nutrient ognizing the value and merit of NRC publica-
requirement publications, namely beef, dairy, tions, the FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine
poultry, and swine. As updates to the NRC pub- still partially funds relevant NRC publications.
lications were fairly routine over its last 50-yr However, the FDA also recognizes that some of
history, the regulatory and judicial communities the information in old NRC publications can be

somewhat dated; and thus the FDA makes rea- through the NRC. As mentioned earlier, the pri-
sonable adjustments and minor deviations from mary focus of the initial Committee on Animal
information gathered in NRC publications based Nutrition work was to ensure an adequate food
on current science and facts when making its de- supply, which was accomplished in part through
terminations. publishing the nutrient requirement publications
for livestock and poultry. Currently, this respon-
WHAT HAS CHANGED IN sibility rests with the Animal Nutrition Pro-
THE UNITED STATES SINCE gram of the Board on Agriculture and Natural
PUBLICATION OF THE NINTH Resources (BANR). Today, the major focus of
REVISED VERSION IN 1994? BANR work is centered in 4 areas: (1) environ-
mental quality, refining animal feeding to reduce
The NRC is a nongovernmental institution, environmental effects; (2) animal production,

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yet it does receive a small amount of federal improving animal productivity and efficiency;
money to support its functions. Because of this, (3) food safety, enhancing the quality and safety
it is subject to particular federal policies, includ- of food products derived from animal sources;
ing the Freedom of Information Act [4] and the and (4) animal and human health, ensuring the
Federal Advisory Committee Act [5]. When it health and well-being of animals and humans.
comes to convening ad hoc committees to write To help support the Animal Nutrition Pro-
the reports, federal policies do not play a large gram of BANR, the National Animal Nutrition
role in the functionality of the committee’s work Program (NANP [6]) was initiated in 2010 and
other than directing the flow of information is supported as a National Research Support
from the public to the committee and verifying Project with hatch funds administered by the
that the committee members do not have a con- USDA before the formula distribution to state
flict of interest in the report itself. In establish- experiment stations. The NANP is focused on
ing the financial support for each publication, addressing challenges facing researchers in ani-
the NRC is reliant on numerous external funding mal agriculture and filling voids in the animal
sources. The NRC reinvests some of the income nutrition research and academic communities.
from sales of prior reports into development and An integrated and systematic approach is used
production costs. Today, this investment only to share, collect, assemble, synthesize, and dis-
covers 25 to 30% of the costs of any species nu- seminate science-based information, education-
trient requirement publication. To give a sense al tools, and enabling technologies regarding ag-
of cost, it is estimated that the cost of the next ricultural animal nutrition, with an emphasis on
publication (dairy) will be $400,000 in 2014 beef, dairy, swine, and poultry. The purpose of
or 2015. Therefore, financial contributions for NANP is to identify the current state of coordi-
these publications must come from other sec- nation and networking within animal nutrition;
tors. The FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine explore animal nutrition over time, across geo-
has been a consistent donor toward these efforts graphic locations, by topic, and by networks of
in recent years. Additionally, the majority of the collaborators in animal nutrition research; define
funds must come from entities that do not bear high-priority animal nutrition issues; and foster
any direct financial benefit from any specific as- new and existing collaborations to facilitate so-
pect of the publication. Thus, the large propor- lutions to these issues. The committee interacts
tion of funding for a revision must come from with the NRC on critical national priorities in
not-for-profit or public entities (e.g., commod- animal nutrition and provides a forum to address
ity check-off, donations to or from an animal or research support needs. The NANP consists of
feed industry foundation, and so on). However, a coordinating committee which oversees 2 ad-
49% of the funding for such an effort can come ditional committees: (1) a modeling committee
from directly from the poultry and allied indus- that focuses on improving the use of predictive
tries. technologies and tools, enables the use of com-
For many years, consistency of the publica- mon software platforms, and works with re-
tions and cohesiveness across publications was searchers to develop and share models and mod-
overseen by the Committee on Animal Nutrition eling information; and (2) a feed composition
570 JAPR: Review

Table 2. Published literature used for the basis of NRC [3] recommendations for dietary amino acid concentrations
and phosphorus (range of years for the basis of NRC [3] recommendations)

Nutrient Broilers Turkeys Laying hens

Amino acid 1947–1991 1949–1986 1962–1989

Phosphorus 1952–1983 1954–1986 1983–1987

committee that assembles data and researches ibility coefficients in growing birds. Whereas
resources on feed composition, fosters com- our collective poultry scientific community has
munication among those collecting feed com- addressed several of these particular issues, we
position information, and improves efficiency have chosen to highlight progress on amino acid
and consistency in data collection and mainte- and phosphorus responses in the scientific litera-

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nance. Examples of current accomplishments ture in the following subsections.
include development of a modeling template to
use across NRC publication updates; corrections Amino Acid Requirements
and software updates to dairy models; and de-
velopment of feed ingredient database structure A few recent publications have challenged the
for online public access [6]. NRC recommendations for amino acids as being
inadequate for current poultry strains. Dozier
WHAT NEW SCIENTIFIC et al. [11] summarized the amino acid require-
INFORMATION HAS BEEN ments of broilers in weekly durations based on
studies conducted since publication of the NRC
guidelines [3] until 2007 and suggested much
The NRC [3] amino acid and phosphorus greater amino acid needs for optimal growth and
recommendations for poultry were based on the muscle deposition. In turkeys, however, feeding
latest peer-reviewed literature to that time, but, of 110% of the NRC recommendations [3] did
as exemplified within Table 2, the literature used not improve turkey tom performance or yields
is now (in 2014) 23 yr old for amino acid rec- [12]. A different turkey study, by Noll et al. (as
ommendations and 31 yr old for phosphorus for cited by Lunden [13]), suggested that when a CP
broilers. However, the present commercial bird minimum is included in the formulation, BW
is very different from commercial birds avail- was not significantly affected by 100 versus
able before 1991, due in part to genetic selec- 110% of NRC CP requirements (18.7 vs. 19.3
tion as well as management practice- and feed- kg, respectively [3]). However, FCR was 0.03
related changes [7–9]. For example, the national lower, and breast yield (percent of carcass) was
average BW for turkey toms at 18 wk of age was 1.5 percentage units greater in birds fed 110% of
only 10.9 kg in 1986 [10] versus over 18.2 kg NRC requirements [3].
today. A quick search of literature (Agricola, key
words: nutrient, requirement, and broiler) notes Table 3. Published literature since referenced citations
that substantial peer-reviewed literature exists in NRC [3]
on several key nutrient areas, namely that of Publication Number of
amino acids and mineral nutrition (Table 3). Nutrient date1 published papers2
Additional changes have shaped the poultry
Lys 1981 to 2013 >40
industry since the 1994 publication [3], includ-
TSAA 1985 to 2013 20
ing bird genotype; feed ingredient composition, Val 1990 to 2013 7
as genotypic and phenotypic selection has oc- Arg 1990 to 2013 12
curred (e.g., corn with lower protein and propor- Ile 1990 to 2013 8
tional increases in starch content); increased use Ca 1982 to 2013 9
P 1983 to 2013 14
of co-products (e.g., distillers dried grains with 1
varying amounts of solubles); enzyme supple- Starting date was after the date of the last cited reference
for NRC [3].
mentation; as well as realization and quantifi- 2
Agricola search (key words: nutrient, requirement, and
cation of different nutrient and energy digest- broilers).

In the case of laying hens, CP and amino acid P). Unfortunately, the aP used by the NRC [2]
formulations are largely over-formulated versus publication is based in large part on calculations
NRC requirements [3], with the hope of getting developed in the 1950s that took P from a total
a return in either egg size or egg number. Re- to an aP nomenclature. Part of the shift in think-
search by Applegate et al. [14], however, sug- ing between 1984 and 1994 was to clarify ter-
gests that 15.3 g of CP/hen per day (858 mg of minologies and gain clarity in the literature with
Lys, 450 mg of Met, 585 mg of Thr, and 638 mg regard to experimental design. Since that time,
of Ile per hen per day) is sufficient to maximize substantial discussion has taken place among the
egg weight and production from 25 to 45 wk of poultry and swine scientific communities on de-
age versus birds fed corn-soybean meal diets velopment of consensus protocols for ingredient
containing 16.15 g of CP/hen per day (874 mg aP. In particular, Nutrition Working Group of the
of Lys, 409 mg of Met, 627 mg of Thr, and 684 European branch of the World’s Poultry Science

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mg of Ile per hen per day). Notably, 15.3 g of Association published [16] consensus protocols
CP/hen per day supplied 2% greater CP (24, 50, for aP determinations, including procedures for
and 24% more Lys, Met, and Thr, respectively) the determination of nutrient hydrolysis per unit
versus the NRC recommendations [3]. of enzyme inclusion. For a historical perspec-
tive on biological determination of phosphorus
Phosphorus Requirements availability, please refer to the review by Shas-
tak and Rodehutscord [17].
As detailed by Applegate and Angel [15],
substantial research has been conducted in broil- HOW CHANGES TO
ers and laying hens to further define phosphorus COMPOSITIONAL GROWTH
needs since the 1980s-based publications that AFFECT NUTRIENT NEEDS
were the foundation for the recommendations
in the NRC [3] publication. However, over- It is well accepted that of the major poultry
feeding of dietary P is common commercially, species, some of the most pronounced gains
with excesses of 20 to 100% over published re- in selection for growth and improved yields
quirements commonly observed. In the United have been in the broiler. The question debated
States, part of this overfeeding is due to a lack of by many when it comes to discussion of a re-
a centralized, up-to-date source of information vision to the NRC requirements [3] is whether
on poultry P requirements (e.g., a current NRC increases in feed (and thus nutrient) intake are
publication), lack of information on digestible P commensurate with growth needs. However, of-
in ingredients, and no information on ingredi- ten missing from this discussion are changes to
ent concentrations with variability and number composition of growth (or egg production) per
of analysis represented associated with it. Ad- unit of feed intake. Havenstein et al. [7, 8] noted
ditionally, when the NRC requirements [3] were substantial growth improvement in comparing
put forth, phytase was just entering the commer- a random bred bird from 1957 versus an Ar-
cial market. Further, phosphorus nomenclature bor Acres bird from 1991 and a Ross 308 from
between the eighth [2] and ninth [3] NRC pub- 2001. These dramatic improvements in gain are
lications induced confusion by many, in that the exemplified in Table 4. When these strains were
1984 publication [2] used an available P (aP) fed diets representative of 1957 and 2001, it be-
nomenclature, yet the 1994 publication [3] used came clear that broilers cannot fully compensate
a nonphytate P (nPP) nomenclature without for a poor quality feed by simply eating more
substantial change in the values resulting in feed [8]. Similar improvements in growth were noted
ingredients having similar aP and nPP concen- in summarizing commercial production in Bra-
trations between these revisions. These termi- zil from 1990 to 2009 by Patricio et al. [18], in
nologies are not synonymous, as aP refers to the that adjusted FCR to 2.0 kg was 1.96 and 1.57,
P that is absorbed from the diet into the animal respectively. These changes in growth largely
(i.e., feed P minus P within the distal ileum; a speak to a differential need for ME per unit of
biologically available term) versus nPP, which feed intake (i.e., caloric efficiency) possibly re-
is chemically determined (total P minus phytate lated to different maintenance requirements with
572 JAPR: Review

Table 4. Growth of broiler strains from 1957 to 2001 (as adapted from Havenstein et al. [7, 8])

BW FCR to 42 d FCR to
Broiler strain (g/d to 42 d of age) of age 700 g

1957 Athens-Canadian Random-bred 11.8 2.45 2.59 (56 d)

1991 Arbor Acres 49.8 2.00 1.58 (21 d)
2001 Ross 308 62.6 1.58 1.31 (21 d)

improvements in growth that have occurred over and a fast-growing broiler strain (Table 7). They
time. concluded that the fast-growing strain was less
Additionally, if one looks at composition of mineralized and had more porous cortical bone
growth over time, the proportional growth of than that of the slow-growing strain. Whereas

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muscle and intestine far surpass that of other the reduced calcium and phosphorus content in
organs, such as the heart and skeleton. For the tibia may counteract differences in the rela-
example, Schmidt et al. [19] compared tis- tive requirements per unit of intake; it empha-
sue growth differences between a heritage line sizes the need for improved precision in mineral
(random bred since 1940) from the University nutrition in the modern broiler.
of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and Ross 708
(late 2000s). Notably, the growth of the breast WHAT IS A NUTRIENT
muscle was 3.8-fold greater, the small intestine REQUIREMENT?
was 1.14-fold longer, and growth of the heart
was only 0.7 in the Ross 708 versus that in the Though this may seem like a simple ques-
heritage line (Table 5). This begs the question as tion, it is not easily answered and our defini-
to how nutrient needs, amino acids in particular, tions have substantially changed since the first
have shifted as composition of the carcass has NRC poultry publication in 1944 [1]. Leeson
changed. To that end, if one uses predictions for and Summers [21] defined a nutrient require-
growth versus nutrient needs, comparisons can ment as “the minimum amount of the nutrient
be made utilizing the NRC guidelines [3] and required to produce the best weight gain, feed
publications such as the Brazilian broiler nutri- efficiency, etc. and the lack of any signs of nu-
ent requirement tables [20]. Notably, the Brazil- tritional deficiency,” which are often referred
ian model predicts a 20% greater digestible Lys to as the “minimum nutrient needs.” Admit-
need by the broiler to 17 d or a common 2.1 kg of tedly, they offer substantial examples wherein
BW as compared with the NRC guidelines [3]. various factors would influence these needs, and
Much of this additional Lys need is directly at- thus have led to the imposition of “margins of
tributable to compositional differences per unit safety” to which the NRC requirements [1] used
of BW rather than only differences in intake or the term “allowances” rather than requirements,
rate of BW growth to a common BW (Table 6). as additional allowances are “needed to provide
Similarly, Williams et al. [9] reported differ- for the contingencies which are inherent in the
ences in tibia characteristics between a slow- manufacture, transportation and use of poultry

Table 5. Broiler body, tissue and organ growth differences between a heritage line (University of Illinois, Urbana-
Champaign) from 1940 versus Ross 708 broiler from 2007 (adapted from Schmidt et al. [19])

Breast Heart Small intestine

Strain BW gain (g/d) g/d AG1 mg/d mg/g of BW cm/d cm/bird2

1940 heritage 30.8 1.6 1.09 240 7 1.8 123

2007 Ross 708 53.1 6.1 1.25 316 5 2.5 141
2007 vs. 1940 1.8 3.8 1.3 0.7 1.4 1.1
Allometric growth (AG) coefficient after 14 d of age.
Length to a similar BW.

Table 6. Predicted growth and digestible Lys requirement per NRC [3] versus Rostagno et al. [20] at 17 d of age
and a common 2 kg of BW

Age BW Digestible
Reference (d) (kg) FCR Lys (%)

NRC 17 0.68 1.43 0.98

Rostagno et al. 17 0.70 1.38 1.23
NRC 42 2.09 1.82 0.87
Rostagno et al. 32 2.07 1.55 1.10

feeds.” In today’s ingredient pricing environ- to or below their requirement (e.g., phosphorus),
ment, we likely can no longer afford this vague the variability in response of the population in-
notion for unspecified margins of safety without creases. Similarly, birds within the flock respond

Downloaded from at University of Maryland on August 19, 2014

a quantifiable performance or yield response to differently to a challenge, thus increasing this
nutrient input variation. Thus, Ahmad and Ro- variation. This is of particular economic consid-
land [22] and Gous [23] have suggested that we eration, as substantial yearly improvements in
rather should be discussing nutrient “responses” performance (meat yield, egg production) con-
rather than requirements per se; encompassing tinue beyond what we traditionally think of as
considerations of marginal cost of ingredient or the breakpoint. To further complicate issues, the
nutrient input versus marginal returns of prod- literature is pervasive with different presentation
uct. This concept becomes rather complicated and terminology related to requirements, includ-
in our traditional view of nutrient requirement ing that of a breakpoint determined through bro-
tables, as prior nutrient intake influences current ken-line analyses (optimum nutrient return per
and future performance responses. Furthermore, unit of nutrient input for a measured characteris-
as the broiler market now has a different ending tic), a quadratic asymptote (maximum or mini-
BW, optimization of these birds’ different end- mum), or a percentage (e.g., 90 or 95%) of the
ing BW and composition will take different nu- asymptote. Either way, these measures average
trient response curves. Thus, modeling of nutri- the response of the population, whereas, more
ent responses based on the desired end product times than not, the variance around that mean
offers a more dynamic applicability than static gets lost in interpretation. Regardless, the NRC
requirements in tabular form. committees are tasked with utilizing the best in-
Part of this complexity is also due to (1) in- formation available.
dividual responses within a particular environ- This leads us to ask, “Why and in what cir-
ment, (2) variation in nutrient delivery to the cumstances would the variance matter?” Case in
bird versus what was formulated, (3) variation point would be related to that of skeletal and leg
in ingredient nutrient composition, and (4) feed abnormalities and industry formulation targets
management systems that include free choice for macrominerals and vitamin D3. Historically,
or restricted intakes. The response from insuf- the industry has supplemented vitamin D3 at con-
ficiency to sufficiency becomes curvilinear, be- centrations well above what is typically reported
cause we determine the response for a popula- as the requirement. For example, Edwards et al.
tion, and not the individual. Work by Schinckel [25] reported the vitamin D3 requirement of
et al. [24] suggests that as birds are fed closer broilers for growth to be 275 IU/kg, for bone ash

Table 7. Broiler tibia growth and mineral characteristics between a slow and fast broiler strain (as adapted from
Williams et al. [9])

Tibia width Tibia length Tibia ash Tibia

Broiler (mm/kg of BW (mm/kg of BW
strain at 42 d) at 42 d) (%, 4 d) (%, 42 d) (% Ca) (% P)

Slow 5.3 94.1 41 58 26.9 11.4

Fast 2.6 39.3 29 46 18.5 8.4
574 JAPR: Review

to be 503 IU/kg, for plasma Ca to be 552 IU/kg, publication is the oldest revised edition,
and for rickets prevention to be 904 IU/kg; yet with beef being currently updated and
broiler and turkey diets routinely contain 2,000 dairy undergoing committee formation
to over 5,000 IU/kg. This over-supplementation and financial organization (last revision
is a partial reflection of a report by Yang et al. in 2001), and swine having been recently
[26]. In that report, they evaluated 26 vitamin D3 updated in 2012.
supplements using a biological response in tur- 4. Several challenges need to be faced if
key poults of changes in femur ash content; the an update is to be made to the poultry
supplements elicited a range of bio-potencies of NRC requirements beyond the need for
40 to 134%. Thus, they recommended an over- substantial commitments of financial re-
supplementation of vitamin D3 by 3 to 4 times sources from all sources and volunteer
the requirement as an insurance factor. More re- time from scientists.

Downloaded from at University of Maryland on August 19, 2014

cent evaluations of sources of vitamin D3 across 5. The first challenge is to find a consensus
the industry resulted in a reduced variation in a among industry and scientists that a new
broiler bio-assay (86 to 118% [27]). This, cou- NRC guideline for poultry is needed.
pled with much improved methods of chemical
analyses, has greatly improved our confidence REFERENCES AND NOTES
in the concentration and bio-potency of the vita-
1. NRC. 1944. Recommended Nutrient Allowances for
min received by our birds, but has not changed Poultry. 1st ed. Natl. Acad. Press, Washington, DC.
industry supplementation concentrations for vi- 2. NRC. 1984. Nutrient Requirements of Poultry. 8th
tamin D3 41 yr after that initial report on variable rev. ed. Natl. Acad. Press, Washington, DC.
bio-potency of commercial D3 sources. Only 3. NRC. 1994. Nutrient Requirements of Poultry. 9th
under regulatory constraints have industry use rev. ed. Natl. Acad. Press, Washington, DC.
4. United States Government. 2011. 5 USC § 552: Pub-
concentrations changed (e.g., Europe). Industry lic information; agency rules, opinions, orders, records, and
has hesitated to reduce D3 concentrations as leg proceedings. Accessed Jun. 11, 2014.
problems continue to be a concern. In recent fdsys/pkg/USCODE-2010-title5/pdf/USCODE-2010-title5-
years, the US broiler industry has increased the
5. United States Government. 2009. 5 USC App. II §
proportion of birds produced toward the heavy 1–15: Federal advisory committee act. Accessed Jun. 11,
roasters market, and the weight of broilers has 2014.
increased to maximize processing plant mar- html/USCODE-2010-title5-app-federalad.htm.
gins. With these increases in BW at processing, 6. USDA-National Institute of Food and Agriculture.
2014. Ongoing details regarding the activities and accom-
the reported incidence of late mortalities, most plishments of the National Animal Nutrition Program. Ac-
associated with gait and or leg abnormalities, cessed June 4, 2014.
has increased by 1 to 1.5%, resulting in substan- 7. Havenstein, G. B., P. R. Ferket, S. E. Scheidler, and
B. T. Larson. 1994. Growth, livability, and feed conversion
tial economic losses. of 1991 vs 1957 broilers when fed “typical” 1957 and 1991
broiler diets. Poult. Sci. 73:1785–1794.
CONCLUSIONS AND APPLICATIONS 8. Havenstein, G. B., P. R. Ferket, and M. A. Qureshi.
2003. Carcass composition and yield of 1957 versus 2001
broilers when fed representative 1957 and 2001 broiler diets.
1. Much has changed with animal nutrition Poult. Sci. 82:1509–1518.
since the inception of NRC nutrient re- 9. Williams, B., S. Solomon, D. Waddington, B. Thorp,
and C. Farquharson. 2000. Skeletal development in the
quirement publications. meat-type chicken. Br. Poult. Sci. 41:141–149.
2. Nevertheless, their tradition of scien- 10. Ferket, P.R. 2003. Growth of toms improves substan-
tific rigor and independence has allowed tially. Pages 38–48 in WATT Poultry USA, July 2003. Rock-
them to become benchmarks for the sci- ford, IL.
entific, judicial, and regulatory commu- 11. Dozier, W. A., III, M. T. Kidd, and A. Corzo. 2008.
Amino acid responses of broilers. J. Appl. Poult. Res.
nities domestically and abroad. 17:157–167.
3. Substantial time has passed and scientif- 12. Applegate, T., W. J. Powers, R. Angel, and D.
ic progress has been made since the ninth Hoehler. 2008. Effect of amino acid formulation and acid
supplementation on performance and nitrogen excretion in
revised edition of the NRC Nutrient Re- turkey toms. Poult. Sci. 87:514–520.
quirements for Poultry in 1994. Of the 13. Lunden, T. 2009. Protein improves turkey gain.
4 primary livestock species, the poultry Feedstuffs 81:10–12.

14. Applegate, T. J., E. Onyango, R. Angel, and W. J. 22. Ahmad, H. A., and D. A. Roland Sr. 2003. Effect of
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21. Leeson, S., and J. D. Summers. 2001. Nutrition of the Maryland.
Chicken. 4th ed. University Books, Guelph, Ontario, Cana-

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