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announcement text

(1) Come prepared to hear lots of information about his research in Indonesia while you enjoy
the afternoon tea and barbecue.

(2) Come join us in celebrating this happy event.

(3) Dear family and friends,

(4) We will be holding a small party for his achievement in our backyard (see map over) on May
21 beginning at 2:00 p.m.

(5) See you later!

(6) Josh is finally graduating on May 24th from the University of Liverpool with a PhD in Earth

Choose and arrange these text into one proper announcement!

A. 1-2-3-4-5-6.

B. 2-4-3-6-5-1.

C. 3-6-2-4-1-5.

D. 3-5-2-6-2-1.

E. 3-6-5-4-2-1.

Jawab: C. 3-6-2-4-1-5.


Due to the high demand on our vanilla custard bread product, we’re facing a shortage of this
product. We will bake new bread every Monday and Friday.

For anyone who’s interested in trying our legendary bread, please pre-order 3 days before
baking days.
First pre-order will be opened this week. DM us on our official Instagram for pre-order.

Don’t forget!

Juna Bakery

The announcement is addressed to ….

A. People who want to be legendary.

B. People who have Instagram.

C. People who want to pre-order vanilla custard bread.

D. People who want to DM Juna Bakery.

E. People who want to bake legendary bread.

Jawab: C. People who want to pre-order vanilla custard bread.

Recount Text

1. Which of the following is an example of factual recount text?

A. A police report about an accident.

B. A dairy entry about your activity in Hawaii.

C. A detailed explanation of a day in the life of a pirate.

D. A blog article retelling your experience on visiting a farm.

E. A personal letter about a day in your life.

Jawab: A. A police report about an accident.


Recount text yang faktual harus membahas mengenai suatu kejadian nyata secara apa adanya.
Meskipun, dairy, detailed explanation, blog article, dan personal letter bisa dikategorikan dalam
kejadian nyata, namun penjelasan tersebut belum tentu sepenuhnya berdasarkan fakta yang

Sedangkan, laporan polisi tentang kejadian kecelakaan sudah pasti berdasarkan fakta dan
dijelaskan secara terstruktur. Sehingga, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah

2.… we went, we always saw very friendly people here.

Fill in the blank with the correct word(s)!

A. Could.

B. Where.

C. When.

D. Always.

E. Wherever.

Jawab: E. Wherever.


Maksud dari kalimat di atas adalah “kemana pun kita pergi, kita selalu bertemu orang yang
ramah”. Nah, kata “kemana pun” bisa kita temukan pada Bahasa Inggris dengan adverb

Sehingga, kalimat yang lengkap menjadi wherever we went, we always saw very friendly
people here. Jadi, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah E.

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