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Calamba was named after? after a big native jar
a poem about Rizal's beloved town Un Recuerdo A Mi Pueblo (In Memory of My Town)
Riza's first sorrow? death of concha
Rizal's first poem in native language Sa Aking Mga Kabata
Rizal's first private tutor Maestro Celestino
Rizal's 2nd tutor? Maestro Lucas
taught rizal spanisha nd latin Leon Monroy
Filipino sergeant Lamadrid
Escuela Pia
3 names of Ateneo Ateneo Municipal
Ateneo De Manila
consisting of internos (boarders) Roman Empire; red banner
composed of the externos (non-boarders) Carthaginian Empire
the best student in each "empire" EMPEROR
the second best tribune
the third best decurion
the fourth best centurion
the fifth best stand bearer
the college registrar Father Magin Ferrando
What was rizal's first price? brightest pupil
Rizal took spanisha s private lesson at what college? Santa Isabel College; three pesos
Wrote travel in the philippines? Dr. Feodor Jagor
third yr ateneo: won a what award? one medal: latin
first poem of rizal in ateneo dedicated to his mother mi primera inspiracion
his father liked it
2 reasons why he enrolled philo and letters
not sure what to persue
Rizal's vocational course perito agrimensor (expert surveyor)
asked for advice on what to take Fr. Pablo Ramon
were largely young men, often mestizos and creoles whose fam-
ilies could afford to send them to study in Spanish universities in propagandists
Madrid and Barcelona
Enlightenment thought
Individual rights
Propagandists were inspired by?
publisher of La solidaridad? Graciano Lopez Jaena
La Solidaridad's principal organ? Mariano ponce
Org's secretary Marcelo H. Del Pilar
The nation of 8mil souls should not, must not be the exclusive
theocracy and traditionalism
preserve of what and what
forced sale of local products to the govt? the bandala
how will they achieve objectives of the movement? (La Solidari- series of campaign information
dad) bid for sympathy
1 Spanish language as the medium
Challenges in the movement are? )la Solidaridad 2 Censorship
3 Budget

Sucessos de las Islas Filipinas; Antonio Morga

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Rizal annotated the first ever written and published book about the
Philippine Islands. What is this book and who is the author?
Our national hero used this essay as a responsed to accusations
On the Indolence of the Philippines
that the Malay race was lazy. What is the title of this essay?
to wake up from slumber and traced the circumstances that
brought about the awakening of the Filipino is the theme of what Philippines, A Century Hence
In this essay, rizal called the Spanish government to start a new
political relationship with the Philippines. What is the title of this Philippines, A Century Hence
An essay on how Spanish friars govern the Philippines and the
Como se Gobiernan las Filipinas
role of the elite and liberalist in the tragic fate of Filipinos.
President of La Liga Filipina? Ambrosio Salvador
Fiscal of La Liga Filipina? Agustin de la Rosa
Deodato Arellano Secretary of la liga filipina
Apolinario Mabini secretary
formula for social science? reason and empirical investigation


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