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In layman’s language reading, writing, lifting of weight etc. all such physical actions are called work. Rahul gets
tired after four hours study but Tushar does not tire even after sixteen hours study. Who does more work between
Rahul & Tushar ? For it, any reasonable answer cannot be given. Physical or mental labour performed by a person
can not be measured by any standard means or apparatus, therefore labour done by a person cannot be defined
in terms of work.
If you try to push a wall, the wall does not move. You would, of course, become tried after some time but from the
point of view of physics you have performed no work. In fact, work has a specific meaning in language of Physics.
In this chapter we will study the concept of work and energy in detail.

In physics work is defined if force applied on object displaces the object in direction of force. Here all three terms
force, displacement and direction of force are important if Force = 0, W = 0, if force non zero but displacement
is zero (like pushing the wall) work is zero and if force non zero, displacement non zero but no part of force in the
direction of displacement work is zero. Hence, we define the work as : Product of the force and
displacement in the direction of applied force or Product of displacement and force in the direction of displacement.
W = Force × displacement (force in direction of displacement)
Unit of work : The SI unit of force is a newton and the unit of length is a metre (m). So the SI unit of work is
newton-meter which is written as Nm. This unit (Nm) is also called joule (J), i.e.
1 joule = 1 newton . 1 metre
Abbreviated, this is1 J = 1 Nm
When a force of 1 newton moves a body through a distance of 1 metre in its own direction the work done is 1
Other units of work : In c.g.s. system of measurement force is measured in dyne, displacement in cm, and work
is measured in erg. From W = Fs cos .
If F = 1 dyne, s = 1 cm,  = 0°, so that cos  = 1 then W = 1 erg.
Thus, if a force of 1 dyne, displaces the point of application, by 1 cm, in the direction of force, then work done by
the force is said to be 1 dyne.
Relation between 1 joule and erg
1 joule = 1 N × 1m = 105 dyne × 102 cm = 107 erg
Higher units of work are kJ = 103 joule and 1 MJ = 106 joule

Work done by a force applied at an angle : Let say if a child pulls a toy car through a string, then as shown in
figure the force applied by him is along the string (direction OA whereas the toy car moves horizontally (direction
OX). The pulling force (F) makes an angle  with the displacement of car. In this case only a part of the force, say
F1, which acts along the horizontal direction is being actually used for the motion of the car. In such a case the
amount of work done by the force on the car is defined as the product of its component along the motion and the
magnitude of displacement.

W = component of force in the direction of displacement × magnitude of displacement

W = F cos  S
Work done by a force can be positive or negative according as the value of cos  is positive or negative.
( F and s, being magnitudes, are always positive)
Values of cos 
 = 0° 30° 45° 60° 90° 120° 135° 150° 180°

3 1 1 1 1 3
cos  = 1  0.866  0.707  0.5 0    –1
2 2 2 2 2 2

W = +ve for  = acute angle W = –ve for  = obtuse angle

Thus, if the displacement (of the point of application) has a component along the direction of applied force, then
work done is positive. On the other hand, if the displacement has a component opposite to the direction of applied
force, then work done will be negative. If the applied force and particle’s displacement be mutually perpendicular,
then work done by the force on the particle is zero. (cos 90° being zero).
It is important to understand that work done by the force does not depend on the time taken in the displacement
of point of action. For example, one porter takes 5 minutes to put a box on the roof of a bus while other put the
same box on the roof in 10 minutes, work done by both the porter is same.
Example :
(i) A coolie with a luggage on his head, moving on a horizontal platform, does no work, since the direction of force is
vertically up and displacement horizontal (even though he might feel physically tired).


(ii) If a boy tries to push a heavy boulder, by applying a force, but unable to displace it, then work done by the boy is
(iii) When a horse pulls a cart, the applied force and the displacement are in the same direction. So, work done by the
horse is positive.
(iv) When brakes are applied to a moving vehicle, the work done by the braking force is negative. This is because the
braking force and the displacement act in opposite directions.
(v) When a spring is compressed then the force applied by the spring and the displacement will be in opposite to each
other, so work done by the spring will be negative.

Work done against gravity :

Consider a body of mass m which is raised a vertical distance h.
The work done by the weight is – mgh
mgh is called the work done against gravity.

If an agent, such as crane, is responsible for lifting the body, then mgh is
referred to as the work done by the crane against gravity.
Similarly if a vehicle of mass m climbs a hill, and in doing so
raises itself a vertical distance h, then mgh is called the work done
by the vehicle against gravity.

Work done by a moving vehicle :

The diagram show the forces that commonly act on a moving vehicle. R is
the resistance to motion (this is always in the direction opposite to the direction
of motion) and F is the driving force of the engine.
The work done by F is referred to as the work done by the vehicle.
If the vehicle is not accelerating, the forces acting on it are in equilibrium.
Example 1 :
How much work is done by a force of 250 N in moving an object through a distance of 100m in the direction of
force ?
Sol. The work done is calculated by the formula
W = FS = 250 × 100 = 25 × 103 joule
Example 2 :
A body of mass 2 kg is raised to a height of 1m. Find the work done by the force of gravity.
Sol. The force of gravity on the body, is the force exerted by earth on it and is mg (weight)
acting vertically down. However, the displacement s = 1m vertically up.

Now from W = Fs cos 

W = 2 × 9.8 . 1 cos 180° [  cos 180° = – 1]
= –19.6 joule


Example 3 :
A man lifts 20 boxes each of mass 15 kg to a height of 1.5m. Find the work
done by the man against gravity.
Sol. The work done against gravity in lifting one box = 15g × 1.5 J = 22.5 g J
The work done against gravity in lifting 20 boxes = 20 × 22.5 g J = 450 gJ

Example 4 :
From the graph (figure) of force versus displacement F
of a particle, find the total work done by the force. (in N)
Sol. The total work done = Total area below the F – x curve
=  6  30  90 joule
2 10

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Example 5 : x (in m)
Figure shows four situations in which a force acts on a box while the box slides rightward a distance d across a
frictionless floor. The magnitudes of the forces are identical, their orientations are as shown. Rank the situations
according to the work done on the box during the displacement, from most positive to most negative.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Sol. D, C, B, A
Q.1 If the angle between force F and displacement s is 60°, then the work done is –
(1) Fs (2) F/s (3) (4) 2Fs
Q.2 We lift a box and put it on the table. Work done by us on the box depends on –
(1) different paths in putting the box (2) time taken by us
(3) Our weight (4) Weight of the box
Q.3 A block is moved upto a distance of 4m on a surface which provides a resistive force of 100N. Work done by
resistive force of 1000 N. Work done by resistive force is –
(1) 400 joule (2) 200 joule (3) zero (4) 300 joule
Q.4 If you apply 1J of energy to lift a book of 0.5 kg, how high will it rise ?
Q.5 A porter puts a box on the roof of a bus at a height h from earth. What is the total work done on the box by
porter and gravitational field.
Q.6 What is the work done against gravity in lifting a mass of 10 kg to a height of 10 meter ?
Q.7 What is work done by a man against the gravity if he is walking on a level road.
(1) 3 (2) 4 (3) 1 (4) 0.2 m
(5) zero (6) – 1000 joule (7) zero


Some people have a lot of energy when they get up in the morning. Carbohydrates are high-energy foods. Oil is the
main source of the energy that keeps industry and cars going. The centre in a football formation has to put a lot of
energy into his attack.
The word energy has a different meaning in each of those four sentences. As used in physics, the word has a very
precise meaning, although it is a little difficult to define because energy takes many different forms. We can approach
a definition by noting the relationship between energy and work. Energy is defined as the capacity to do work.
In other words, anything which has the capacity to do work is said to possess energy. The implies that work can
be done only ar the expense (cost) of energy i.e., to do work, we need to spend energy, whatsoever be its form.
Unit of Energy : Same as that of work i.e., Joule (J)
Remember : Energy and work are one and same, but used in different context eg : it will be wrong to give a
statement as “I have done 50 joule of energy”. The correct statement as “I have done 50 joule of work”. Similarly
it would be incorrect to say that “The body possesses 100 joule of work”. The correct statement would be to say
that “the body possesses 100 joule of energy”.
Let us understand energy-work equivalence with some examples :
(i) When a fast moving Cricket ball hits a stationary stump, the stump is thrown away. Here the work is done on the
stump by the ball and the ball has the capacity to do this work because of its motion (kinetic energy).
(ii) A body can acquire the ability to do work when it is deformed temporily. For example, a compressed watch spring
is able to drive the wheels of a watch.
(iii) If a boy (mass = m) climbs upstairs to a height (h) then work done by him would be mgh and consequently he
would have lost mgh joule of energy.
Types of Energy : Energy manifests itself in different forms, e.g., mechanical energy, internal energy, electrical
energy, chemical energy, sound energy, light energy, solar energy, heat energy, nuclear energy etc.
(i) Mechanical Energy : The energy in a body may be by virtue of its motion (kinetic energy) or by virtue of its
position (potential energy). Energy in a body due to these conditions is called mechanical energy. For example,
energy of water in a water tank on the roof, energy of moving bullet, energy of small spring in ball-pen, energy of
moving air etc. are the forms of mechanical energy.
(ii) Nuclear Energy : In nucleus energy due to nuclear forces acting between the nucleons is called nuclear energy. It
is of two types (i) Nuclear fission energy (ii) Nuclear fusion energy. In nuclear fission, when a slow neutron hits a
U235 nucleus, it breaks into smaller fragments. There is a loss of mass in this process. This loss in mass converts
into nuclear energy. In the process of nuclear fusion, by the fusion of smaller nuclei, a big nuclei is formed. This is
also accompanied by loss of mass which is converted into nuclear energy.
(iii) Sound Energy : It is that form of energy which gives sensation to our ears.
(iv) Chemical Energy : Energy obtained in chemical reactions is called chemical energy.
(v) Photo Energy : Visible part of radiation energy is called light energy. This produces sensation to the retina of eyes.
(vi) Solar Energy:Solar energy is obtained from nuclear fusion. Energy from Galaxies and sun is called solar energy.
(vii) Heat energy : When we burn coal, wood or gas, heat energy is released. Steam possess heat energy that is why
in a steam engine, the heat energy of steam is used to get the work done. Sun also radiates heat energy.
(viii) Light energy : It is form of energy which gives us the sensation of vision. Natural source of light is the sun. An
electric bulb also emits light energy
(ix) Magnetic energy : A magnet also possess energy known as magnetic energy. When a current is passed through
a coil, it stores magnetic energy.


(x) Electrical energy : An electric cell stores electrical energy. Two charges placed at some distance experience a
force. They also possess electrical energy, e.g. a charged body possess electrical energy.
(xi) Geothermal energy : Natural steam comes to the surface as hot springs or geyses. This huge source of energy
which is stored deep in the earth could be used to run generators and produce electricity.
(xii) Wind energy : Wind energy can turn windmills and propel sailboats. Windmills have been used to pump water
and mill grain. Giant windmills can drive electric generators to produce electricity.
(xiii) Bio gas : It is produced by the action of bacteria on decaying organic matter. In villages the dung of cow can be
a main source of cheap energy. As a result of the bacterial action, the decaying organic material produces ‘bio gas’
which is mostly ‘methane’. This can be used as a chief source of energy for lighting and a source of heat-fire for
Kinetic Energy : Energy possessed by a body by virtue of its state of motion is called Kinetic energy. Kinetic
energy is always positive and is a scalar. The fact, that moving bodies carry energy with them is proved by some
of the several happenings in day to day life.
Examples : (i) A stone thrown with some velocity, breaks the window pane.
(ii) A moving vehicle, when accidently happens to collide with another vehicle at rest or motion, leads to destruction.
Expression of kinetic Energy : Suppose that a constant force F is applied on a body of mass m. Its velocity
becomes v in a displacement S, then according to Newton’s IIIrd equation of motion –

 F  v2 
2 (F)  m  
v  02 S or
 m  2S 

Work done by force F in displacing the body by a distance S in the direction of force

 v2  1
W  F.s  m   S or W mv 2
 2S  2

This work done by the force which makes a stationary body to move with a velocity v, is measured as its kinetic
energy i.e. Kinetic energy K  mv 2
From this expression it is clear that the kinetic energy possessed by a moving body is directly proportional to its
mass and to the square of its velocity, if velocity is doubled KE becomes 4 times.

Consider an ideal situation where a trolley (or a sledge) is initially at rest on
a horizontal, smooth surface having negligibly small friction such as that of
ice. Let us push the trolley with a constant horizontal force as shown in
figure os that it begins to move. You will find that when the force is withdrawn,
the trolley continues to move with a uniform velocity (though for sometime).
Suppose it moves with a uniform velocity v. In an ideal perfectly frictionless
situation it should go on moving indefinitely. However, in actual practice,
having traversed a certain distance, it would come to rest due to friction Fig. : A loaded trolley or a sledge on a
acting between the surface and the trolley. horizontal, smooth frictionless surface
such as that of ice


Example 6 :
If a stone of mass 3 kg be thrown with a kinetic energy of 37.5 joule, find its velocity.
1 1 75
Sol. From K.E. = mv 2 37.5 = × 3v2  v 2   25 v = 5 m/s
2 2 3

Example 7 :
A bullet is fired from a gun. What will be the ratio of Kinetic energy of bullet and gun ?
Sol. When a bullet is fired from a gun, the gun has same momentum backward, which the bullet has a forward momentum
1 ; K.E. of bullet mass of gun M
 K =  .
m K.E. of gun mass of bullet m
So bullet has more K-energy than the gun.

Potential energy is energy due to position. If a body is in a position such that if it were released it would begin to
move, it has potential energy. There are two common forms of potential energy, gravitational and elastic.
(i) Gravitational Potential Energy
When an object is allowed to fall from one level to a
lower level it gains speed due to gravitational pull, i.e. it
gains kinetic energy. Therefore, in possessing height, a
body has the ability to convert its height into kinetic en-
ergy, i.e. it possesses potential
The magnitude of its gravitational potential energy is equivalent to the amount of work done by the weight of the
body in causing the descent. If a mass m is at a height h above a lower level the P.E. possessed by the mass is
Since h is the height of an object above a specified level, an object below the specified level has negative potential

Q.1 In the following examples, is the object's GPE

? increasing, decreasing or remain constant?
(a) an apple falls from a tree (b) an aircraft flies
horizontally at a height of 9000m. (c) a rocket
is fired into the sky.
Q.2 Mental arithmetic: A girl of weight 500N
climbs on top of a 2m high wall. By how much
does her GPE increase ?
Q.3 Mental arithmetic: A stone of weight 1N falls
downwards. Its GPE decreases by 100J. How
far has it fallen?

Note : The chosen level from which height is measured has no absolute position. It is important therefore to
indicate clearly the zero P.E. level in any problem in which P.E. is to be calculated.


Elastic Potential energy : This is a kind of potential energy which is due to a change in the shape of a body. The
change in shape of a body can be brought about by stretching, compressing, bending and twisting the body. Some
work has to be done to change the shape of a body. This work gets stored in the deformed body in the form of
elastic potential energy. For example, the energy stored in a stretched rubber band or a spring is elastic potential
energy and is equal to the work done in stretching the rubber band or spring. When this deformed body is
released, it attains its origin shape and the potential energy is converted into some other form, usually in kinetic
energy. Elastic potential energy is never negative whether due to extension or to compression.

Fix a wooden toy on a spring as shown in figure. When you com-
press the spring and then release, the toy performs up and down
motion. Here, the initially stored potential energy in compressed spring
is providing the kinetic energy to the toy. When the toy comes down,
it compresses the spring giving its kinetic energy to spring, where it
gets stored as potential energy and the process repeats itself.

Example 8 :
An object of mass 10 kg is at a certain height above the ground. If the potential energy of the object is 490J. Find
the height at which the object is with respect to the ground. Given g = 9.8 m/s2.
Sol. Mass of the object, m = 10 kg, potential energy PE = 490 J
PE = mgh ; 490 J = 10 kg × 9.8 ms–2 × h

h  5m . The object is at the height of 5m.
9.8 kg ms2

Example 9 :
A body of mass 2 kg is held 3m above the floor of a room.
Find the potential energy of the body relative to :
(a) the floor, (b) a table of height 0.8m.[Take g = 9.8 m/s2]
Sol. (a) P.E. = mgh1 and h1 = 3m (relative to floor)
P.E. = (2) (9.8) (3) J = 58.8 J
(b) P.E. = mgh2 and h2 = 2.2 m (relative to table)
P.E. = (2) (9.8) (2.2) J = 43.12 J

Example 10 :
How much is the gravitational energy of a 720 kg. meteoroid when it is at an altitude of 2200 km.
(G = 6.67 × 10–11 N-m2/kg2)

Gm1m 2  (6.67  1011 Nm 2 / kg 2 ) (6.0  1024 kg) (720kg)

Sol. E grav  =
r 8.6  106 m
Note that the value of r must be measured in meters to the centre of the earth.
The answer comes out to be –3.4 × 1010 J.


Q.1 Which energy is stored in the spring when a watch is wound up. In which form it gets converted when the
watch continues.
Q.2 If kinetic energy of a vehicle gets doubled on increasing its speed by 2 m/sec, what is the actual speed of the
Q.3 Find the energy possessed by an object of mass 10 kg when it is at a height of 6m above the ground. Given, g
= 9.8 m/s2
Q.4 If mass of a body is halved and its velocity is doubled compared to their earlier values respectively then its new
kinetic energy as compared to its initial kinetic energy will be –
(1) four times (2) twice (3) halved (4) eight times
Q.5 A particle of mass m at rest is acted upon by a force F for a time t. Its kinetic energy after an interval t is–

F2 t 2 F2 t 2 F2 t 2 Ft
(1) (2) (3) (4)
m 2m 3m 2m
(1) Potential energy, Kinetic energy (2) 2 ( 2  1) m / s (3) 588 J
(4) 4 (5) 2


According to this law, energy can only be converted from one form to another, it can neither be created nor
destroyed. The total energy before and after the transformation always remains the same.
Conservation of mechanical energy :
Kinetic and potential energy are both forms of mechanical energy. The total mechanical energy of a body or system
of bodies will be changed in value if :
(a) an external force other than weight causes work to be done (work done by weight is potential energy and is
therefore already included in the total mechanical energy),
(b) Some mechanical energy is converted into another form of energy (e.g. sound, heat, light etc.). Such a conversion
of energy usually takes place when a sudden change in the motion of the system occurs. For instance, when two
moving objects collide some mechanical energy is converted into sound energy which is heard as bang at impact.
Another common example is the conversion of mechanical energy into heat energy when two rough objects rub
against each other.
If neither (a) nor (b) occurs then the total mechanical energy of a system remains constant. This is the principle of
conservation of Mechanical Energy can be expressed in the form :
The total mechanical energy (K.E. + P.E.) of a system remains constant provided that no external work is done
and no mechanical energy is converted into another form of energy.
Examples :
(1) Body falling freely :
Considering earth as a body of zero mechanical energy, if a body of mass m is situated at point A whose height
from earth surface is h, then the total mechanical energy of the body/system will be potential energy only. i.e. EA
= mgh
Now, as body falls freely from point A, its velocity increases due to acceleration under gravity. At the point B body
possesses both K.E. and P.E.
So, Potential energy at B : UB = mg (h – x)
1 2
Kinetic energy at B : K B  mv B
Total mechanical energy at B : EB = UB + KB
1 2
or EB = mg ( h – x ) + mv B

or E B  mg (h  x)  m.2gx or EB = mgh
When the body reaches at point C on earth’s surface, h becomes zero. Therefore, the potential energy (Uc) at C
is zero. Total mechanical energy at C is K.E. only which equals the work done by gravitational force from A to C.
1 2 1
Therefore, E C  0  mvC or E C  0  m.2gh or EC = mgh
2 2
Thus, the total mechanical energy remains conserved at every point on the path of a freely falling body.
(2) When the pendulum is pulled to position C, it gains height.
At position C, it has : maximum potential energy and zero kinetic energy, as the pendulum is held by hand in
position C.
When the pendulum is released from position C, it moves towards position A. In doing so, its velocity increases,
due to the increase in velocity, its kinetic energy increases, at the expense of potential energy. At position A, it has
maximum kinetic energy and zero potential energy, as it is at its lowest position. (we can call it as recerence level)

When the pendulum swings from A to B, it again gains height and

hence, its potential energy increases. However, due to gain in height,
its velocity decreases and hence, the kinetic energy decreases. At
position B, it has maximum potential energy and zero kinetic energy,
as pendulum comes to rest at B for a moment, before swinging back
to position A.
Hence in the system of pendulum and earth, the energy is conserved.
It is the potential energy, which changes to the kinetic energy and vice versa.

Example 11 :
A body of mass 10 kg is kept at a height 10m from the ground, when it is released, after sometime its kinetic energy
becomes 450 joule. What willl be the potential energy of the body at that instant.
Sol. At a height of 10m the mechanical energy of the body,
E = Kinetic energy + potential energy
E = m (0)2 + mgh ( initial velocity of the body in zero)
E = 10 × 10 × 10 = 1000 Joule
After sometime the K. energy is 450 joule, suppose at that instant potential energy is u, then by the law of
conservation of mechanical energy
E = 450 + u ; 1000 = 450 + u or u = 1000 – 450 or u = 550 joule


Example 12 :
Starting at rest, the cart of figure slides frictionlessly to point P, which is 4.5 meters below the top of the hill. How
fast is it going at P ?

Sol. Considering its gravitational energy to have dropped to zero at P, its gravitational energy when it is at the top of the
 1 2
hill is (mgh)start. Its kinetic energy starts at zero and increases to  2 mv  .

 1 2
Since its total energy does not change, (mgh)start   2 mv 

The m’s drop out, and the equation becomes v  2gh  2(9.8 m / s 2 ) (4.5m)  9.4 m / s


The work done on a particle by the resultant force is equal to the change in Kinetic energy of the particle.
So, the work done by the resultant force W = Kf – Ki = K

Salient features of the work energy theorem

* When the speed of the particle is constant, there is no change in Kinetic energy and the work done by the resultant
force is zero. For example, in case of uniform circular motion, the speed of the particle is constant and so the
centripetal force does no work on the particle.
* Work and energy are interchangeable quantities. When work is done, it appears as energy. The energy can be
decreased by permitting the particle to do work on other particles.

Example 13 :
A 60gm tennis ball thrown vertically up at 24 m/s rises to a maximum height of 26m. What was the work done by
resistive forces?
Sol. By Work-energy theorem, Wnet =  K.E.
1 1 1
Wg  Wres  0  mu 2 ;  mgh  Wres   mu 2 ; Wres  0.06  10  26   0.06  (24) 2  1.68J
2 2 2

In several situations, it is not enough only to know that how much work is done but it is also required that how
quickly it is done i. e, it is also important to know the rate of work done by the force.
The time rate of doing work is defined as power (P). If equal works are done in different times, power will be
different. More quickly work is done, power will be more.
Power =
Unit of power : The unit of power is the joule per second and this is called the watt (W). When large amounts of
power are involved, a more convenient unit is the kilowatt (kW) where 1 kW = 1000 W.
1 Megawatt = 106 watt
Power was also measured earlier in a unit called horse power. Even these days, the unit of horse power is in
common use. 1 horse power = 746 watt
The unit kilowatt-hour means one kilowatt of power supplied for one hour. It is, therefore, the unit of energy.
1 KWh = (1000 J/s) × 60 × 60s = 3.6 × 106 J

The power of a moving vehicle : The power of a vehicle is defined as the rate at which the driving force is
working. Consider a vehicle moving at a constant speed v meters per second. The driving force is F newtons.
The distance moved in 1 second is v meters. The work done by the driving force in I second is Fv joules. Hence
the power of the vehicle is Fv watts. So, if P is the power, P = Fv
i.e. the power of a vehicle is given by multiplying the driving force by the velocity.
When the velocity is not constant this relationship gives the power at the instant when the velocity is v.

Example 14 :
What is the power of an engine which can lift 20 metric ton of coal per hour from a 20 metre deep mine ?
Sol. Mass, m = 20 metric ton = 20 × 1000 kg, Distance, S = 20m, Time, t = 1 hour = 3600 s
work mg  S 20  1000  9.8  20
Power    watt  1.09  103 W
time t 3600

Example 15 :
One coolie takes one minute to raise a box through a height of 2 metre. Another one takes 30 second for the same
job and does the same amount of work. Which one of the two has greater power and which one uses greater
energy ?
Sol.We know that, W = Pt
P2 t1 1 minute
For the same work, W = P1t1 = P2t2 or   2 or P2 = 2P1
P1 t 2 30 s
Example 16 :
A 100W bulb operates for 5 hours. How much electric energy will it consume ?
Sol. Work = Power × Time = 100 watt × 5 hour = 500 watt hour = 0.5 kilowatt hour

Q.1 Calculate the power of a pump which can lift 100 kg of water to store in a water tank of a height of 15m in 10s.
(Take g = 10m/s2)
Q.2 A body of mass 50 kg runs up a staircase of 45 steps in 9s. If the height of each step is 15 cm, find his power.
(Take g = 10 m/s2)
Q.3 Find the energy in kWh consumed in 10 hours by four devices of power 500 W each.
Q.4 An electric heater is rated 1500 W. How much energy does it use in 10 hours ?
Q.5 A one kilowatt motor pumps out water from a well 10 metre deep. Calculate the quantity of water pumped out
per second.
Q.6 The average power required to lift a 100 kg mass through a height of 50 metres in approximately 50 seconds
would be –
(1) 50 J/s (2) 5000 J/s (3) 100 J/s (4) 980 J/s
Q.7 A man M1 of mass 80 kg. runs up a staircase in 15s. Another man M2 also of mass 80 kg runs up the stair case
in 20s. The ratio of the power developed by them (P1/P2) will be –
(1) 1 (2) 4/3 (3) 16/9 (4) None of the above
(1) 1.5 kW (2) 375 W (3) 20 kWh (4) 15 kWh (unit)
(5) 10.204 kg (6) 4 (7) 2

In our daily life, we observe that energy is converted
from one form to the other. Conversion of energy from
one form to the other is called transformation of energy.
Take an example of a stone which lying on the building’s PE
roof. Which has simplify the potential energy but when
the stone is dropped from the top of
the building, its kinetic energy goes on increasing and KE
potential energy decreases. We say that the potential en-
ergy is converted into kinetic energy. When it reaches
the ground, its potential energy becomes zero
and its entire energy will be in the form of kinetic
energy. Thus, we can say that when a body is released from a certain height the potential energy of the body is
transformed into kinetic energy. The work done in lifting the mass gave the mass gravitational potential energy.
Potential energy then becomes kinetic energy. Kinetic energy then does work to push stake into ground.
The phenomenon of transformation of the energy, from the useful form to the useless form, is known as dissipation
of energy.
Examples :
Mechanical energy into electrical energy : Water in the reservoirs of a dam has potential energy. When it falls,
it tends to lose its potential energy and gains kinetic energy which helps rotate the turbine connected to generators
or dynamo at the bottom of the dam. Thus, in hydroelectric generators the potential energy of water is transformed
to kinetic energy and then to electrical energy. Similarly when hands are rubbed, the mechanical energy due to
friction changes into heat energy. When a knife is rubbed against grinding stone, the mechanical energy changes to
the heat, light and sound energy.
Electrical energy into mechanical energy: In an electric motor,electrical energy is transformed into mechanical
energy. Electric motor is used to run electrical appliances like water pump, washing machines, etc.
Electrical energy into Heat energy : In electrical appliances like electric iron, electric heater, geyser, oven,
electrical energy is transformed into heat energy.
Electrical energy into Magnetic energy : By electromagnets.
Electrical energy into Light energy : When a electric bulb is switched on, electrical energy gets converted into
heat and light energy. In an electric heater, electric oven, electric geyser, etc., the electrical energy changes into
heat energy.


Electrical energy into Sound energy : In an electric bell, the electrical energy is transformed into sound energy.
The sound energy in a microphone changes into electrical energy.
Light energy into Electrical energy : In a photoelectric cell, light energy is converted into electrical energy. In
solar cells, light energy gets converted into electrical energy.
Heat energy into Mechanical energy : In a steam engine, when coal burns, its chemical energy gets converted
into heat energy which, in turn gets converted into mechanical energy which runs the engine.
Chemical energy into Mechanical energy : Chemical energy of petrol or diesel is transformed into mechanical
energy to run automobiles.
Chemical energy into Heat energy : When we burn various fuels like wood, coal gas etc., the chemical energy
is transformed into heat energy. During respiration, the chemical energy of the food changes into heat energy. It is
the heat energy which keeps our bodies warm. It is the heat energy which changes into mechanical energy when
we do locomotion.
Chemical energy into Electrical energy : When a torch is switched on, the chemical energy changes into
electrical energy. The electrical energy on flowing through the filament of the bulb changes into heat and light
energy. During charging of a battery, the electrical energy changes into chemical energy.
Sound energy into Electrical energy : A microphone converts sound energy into electrical energy.
Light energy into chemical energy : Green plants absorb sunlight which in turns gets converted into the form of
chemical energy. During nuclear fission or fusion, it is the nuclear energy, which ultimately changes into heat and
light energy.

Example 1 :
What is the work done to be increase the velocity of a car from 30 km/h to 60 km/h. If mass of the car in
Sol. Mass of car, m = 1500 kg ; Initial velocity, v = 30 km/h = 8.33 m/s ;
Final velocity, v = 60 km/h = 16.67 m/s
1 1
Work done, W  mv 2  mu 2
2 2
W  1500 [(16.67) 2  (8.33) 2 ] = 750 (277.9 – 69.4)
= 750 × 208.5 = 156375 joule = 1.56 × 105 joule

Example 2 :
You lift a 2.0 kg basketball from the floor, where its gravitational energy is zero. You raise it 2.4 meters, carry it
horizontally to a window, and drop it out. It falls 12.0 meters. What is its gravitational potential energy when it
hits the ground ?
Sol. Only the vertical distance counts. In lifting it, you raised the baksetball’s energy, carrying it horizontally made no
change, when it fell to the ground, its energy dropped.
Since it dropped below the floor, its energy decreased more than the increase when you raised it. On the ground,
it is 9.6 meters below the zero level.
Therefore, Egrav = mgh = (2.0 kg) (9.8 m/s2) – (–9.6 m) = –188 J


Example 3 :
If 20000 joules of work is done in pumping water up to a height of 12 meters, how much water is pumped?
E grav 20000J
Sol. m  gh   170 kg
(9.8m / s 2 ) (12m)

Example 4 :
A boy in a wagon, combined mass 55 kg, coasts on level ground, slowing down from 4.5 m/sec to
2.2 m/sec. How much internal energy is created ?
Sol. Since the ground is level, there is no change in gravitational energy, all the lost kinetic energy is converted to
internal energy. Therefore,
1  1 
Eint   mv 2    mv 2 
2  start  2  end

1 1
E int  (55kg) (4.5m / s) 2  (55kg) (2.2m / s) 2 = 420 J
2 2

Example 5 :
How much power must a motor have to operate a pump that raises 1500 kg of water every minute to a distance
of 12 meters ?
Sol. Work is a kind of energy conversion. The work done per unit time is
E (1500kg) (9.8N / kg) (12m)
P 
t 60s
P = 2940 J/s = 2.9 kW

Example 6 :
A pendulum, swinging back and forth, rises at the end of its swing to a position 15 cm. higher than its lowest
point. How fast is it going at the lowest point ?
Sol. The gravitational potential energy it loses turns into kinetic energy, so
(E grav ) top  (E kin )bottom

mgh top  mv 2 bottom ; v  2gh  2 (9.8 m / s 2 ) (0.15m)  1.7 m / s

Example 7 :
A force of 250 newtons is used to push a 30 kg wagon up a hill, a distance of 12 meters, bringing it to a point 6.0
meters higher than its starting point. If 10 percent of the work done is used in overcoming friction, find (a) the
amount of work done, (b) the increase in the gravitational potential energy of the wagon, (c) the increase in the
internal energy of the system, (d) the increase in the kinetic energy of the wagon, and (e) the speed of the wagon
at the top.
Sol. (a) W = F s = (250 N) (12m) = 3000 J
(b) Egrav = mgh = (30 kg) (9.8 m/s2) (6.0 m) = 1760 J
(c) Internal energy is the energy produced by friction, so it is 10% of 3000 J, or 300 J


(d) The work produced three kinds of energy :
W = Eint + Ekin + Egrav
3000 J = 300 J + Ekin + 1760 J, so Ekin = 940 J
1 2 1 2
(e) Ekin = mv , so 940 J = (30kg)v , v  7.9m / s
2 2

Example 8 :
A truck and a car having equal kinetic energies are stopped by applying equal retarding forces. What is the
relation of distances covered by them before stopping.
Sol. Suppose m1 and m2 are the masses of truck and car and u1, u2 are their initial velocities. As K.E. of both are
equal so,

1 1 m1 u 22
m1u12  m 2 u 22 or 
2 2 m 2 u12
As equal retarding force is applied on both, if the distances covered by truck and car before stopping are
s1 and s2 then,

fs1 m u2
0  u12  2  s1  1 1
m1 2f

fs2 m 2 u 22
and 0 u 22 2  s2 
m2 2f

s1 m1 u12 u 22 u12
so,   . ; s 1 = s2
s 2 m 2 u 22 u12 u 22

Example 9 :
A stone of mass 0.2 kg is projected by a catapult with a velocity of 20 m/s. Calculate the kinetic energy of the
Sol. m = 0.2 kg, v = 20 m/s, K.E. = ?
1 1
K.E. = mv 2   0.2  202 = 0.1 × 400 = 40 J
2 2

Example 10:
In a tug of war one team is slowly giving way to the other. What work is being done and by whom ?
Sol. Work is being done by winning team.
Work = Resultant force × displacement of losing team.

Example 11 :
A block of mass m moves down with the help of a string by acceleration g/4, find out :
(a) Work done by gravitational force on the block
(b) Work done by string on the block
(c) Total work done on the block
Sol. (a) Work done by gravitational force on the block
W1 = + mgh, as gravitational force (mg) and displacement are in same direction.


(b) Force applied by string against gravitational force is (3/4) mg
So, work done by string on block
W2   mgh
(c) Total work done on the block
3 1
W = W1 + W2 ; W = mgh  mgh  mgh
4 4

Example 12 :
Does the work done in raising a box onto a platform depend on how fast is raised ?
Sol. No, since work done W = mgh.

Example 13 :
A weight lifter lifts 300 kg from the ground to a height of 2m in 3 seconds. What is the average power generated
by him ?
W mgh 300  9.8  2
Sol. Power =  =  1960 watt
t t 3

Example 14 :
“The earth moving round the sun in a circular orbit is acted upon by a force hence work must be done on the
earth by this force”.
Do you agree with this statement ?
Sol. The statement is wrong, since the centripetal force acting on earth is at right angles to its motion ( = 90°),
therefore work = Fs cos  = Fs cos 90° = 0.
Hence the work done by the centripetal force on the earth is zero.

Example 15 :
A pair of bullocks exerts a force of 140 N on a plough. The field being ploughed is 15m. How much work is
done in ploughing the length of the field ?
Sol. Force, F = 140 N ; displacement, d = 15m (in the direction of force)
work done, W = Fd = 140 × 15 = 2100 Joule


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