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Name -Om Maini

Roll No-7662
Course - Ba program ( phil+physical education)

Pollution today has become a global

concern for the health of the environment as well as the flora and
fauna on the planet. Pollution has a widespread effect on the environment, including the natural
resources. It makes the natural elements polluted and harmful to use, ultimately making the life
planet suffer.
When a polluting substance enters into our natural environment and contaminates it, this
process is
called pollution. These pollutants are mostly formed due to several human activities, mostly
in nature. To state few examples – Carbon Monoxide (CO) released by transportation vehicles
pollute the
air; trail of oil left by big ocean liners, pollute the ocean and makes water harmful for aquatic life.
Education and awareness: These centers provide educational programs and Workshops to
awareness about the importance of waste reduction and Recycling. They can organize
seminars, training
sessions, and awareness campaigns To engage the community and encourage behavioral
change .
Recycling and composting facilities: One-stop centers often house recycling and Composting
reducing the need for new purchases.

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