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3A. Vocabulary
• Films and TV programmes
I. Complete the definitions with the types of films below.
action films / historical dramas / romantic comedies /
science fiction films / war films.
1. _______________ often show the future. They sometimes include
2. _______________ are love stories that are also funny.
3. _______________ are films about soldiers and battles.
4. _______________ are fast, exciting films that often contain fights and
car chases.
5. _______________ show a specific period in the past. You can see
how people dressed, spoke and behaved those days.
VII. Complete the definitions using the adjectives below.
funny / boring / entertaining / gripping / moving / scary / violent
1. A(n) ______________________film is one that you enjoy watching.
2. A(n) ______________________film contains a lot of fighting and
3. A(n) ______________________film makes you feel strong emotions.
4. A(n) ______________________film makes you laugh.
5. A(n) ______________________film makes you frightened.
6. A(n) ______________________film is not interesting at all.
7. You can’t stop watching a(n) ______________ film because it’s so
VI. Complete the text about popular types of TV programmes in
different countries with the words below. There is one that you do
not need.
chat show
news bulletin
reality show
sports coverage
weather forecast.
What People Watch Around the World
In most countries around the world, people enjoy watching TV. However,
different types of programmes are popular in different countries.
Internationally, the most popular type of programme is the 1 __________
, probably because people like to know what’s happening in their country
and abroad. But surprisingly, there’s a place where the most watched
programme is the 2 __________ . This isn’t the UK, even though the
climate there is famously poor; it’s Japan. More than half of those asked
said this was the programme they watched most frequently.
3 __________ is also popular in many countries, though different events
are preferred. Some watch football, others baseball or tennis. English
football is watched around the world and it’s estimated that Manchester
United has got 354 million fans worldwide.
Both children and adults enjoy 4 __________ like Tom and Jerry or
Mickey Mouse, and in recent years the 5 __________ , starring ordinary
people rather than actors, has become popular everywhere.
Everyone enjoys laughing, and British and American 6 __________ are
particularly popular. They’re exported to many other countries, and often
remade with a new cast. For example, The Office, originally a British
show, has now got American, Canadian, German, Chilean and Swedish

● Ngữ Pháp

Cách dùng So sánh

Many Much
Dùng với danh từ Dùng với danh từ
đếm được. không đếm được.
Vd: books, trees, Vd: milk, water,
flowers, cats, chairs, money,
Một ít A few A little
Dùng với từ đếm Dùng với danh từ
được. không đếm được.
Hầu như rất ít Few Little
Dùng với danh từ Dùng với danh từ
đếm được không đếm được
Một vài Some Any
Dùng trong câu khẳng Dùng trong câu phủ
định và câu nghi vấn định và câu nghi vấn
có lời mời. có nghĩa là “bất cứ”.

I. Complete the sentences with some or any.

1. I’m going out with __________ friends.
2. We haven’t got __________ pets.
3. Have you got __________ homework?
4. I need __________ fresh air.
5. There isn’t __________ traffic on the road.
6. Are there __________ fields near your school?
II. Complete the sentences with a little or a few.
1. I went to the cinema with __________ friends last night.
2. She isn’t a vegetarian, but she only eats __________ meat.
3. ‘Would you like some pasta?’ - ‘Just __________ . I’m not very
4. I spent __________ time chatting with my uncle.
5. She bought __________ CDs in town.
6. I only recognised __________ people at the party.
III. Complete the sentences with much or many.
1. There aren’t __________ cottages in the village.
2. He doesn’t speak __________ Vietnamese.
3. Do you listen to __________ rap music?
4. Has she got __________ friends at school?

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