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Vox Sang.

36: 31 3-320 ( I 979)

A Simple Method for the Preparation of Human Serum

Yu-lee Hao
Blood Services Laboratories, American Red Cross, Bethesda, Md.

Abstract. A simple method, based on ethanol fractionation, for the preparation of highly
purified human serum albumin with a higher yield than that of the conventional ethanol
procedures is described. It consists of two purification steps, namely, precipitation of most
of the other plasma proteins from a 3-fold diluted plasma with ethanol at 42% concentration,
pH 5.75 and -5"C, leaving over 96% pure albumin in the supernatant, followed by isolectric
precipitation of albumin from the supernatant at pH 4.8 and -5°C.The paste thus obtained
was processed to the final albumin solution according to the conventional methods. The yield
of the final albumin with a purity of over 99% was equivalent to 29.5 g/l of plasma representing
a recovery of over 93%. The possibility of recovering other plasma proteins and the suitability
for large scale preparation are also discussed.

Introduction ards (DBS) of the National Institutes of

Health, now the Bureau of Biologics (BOB)
Ever since Cohn et a/. [2] followed by of the Federal Drug Administration (FDA)
Oncley et ul. [13] developed the cold ethanol [12]. In 1962, Kistler and Nitschmann [9]
procedure for fractionation of plasma into simplified the Cohn procedure for the prep-
five major fractions, the method for prepar- aration of this plasma derivative but the
ing clinical albumin from Cohn fraction V method still required at least three precipita-
has been predominantly used over the past tion steps in order to remove other proteins
30 years throughout the world. The albumin prior to the recovery of albumin, even if al-
thus prepared was carefully characterized bumin was the only product intended. Be-
by the Protein Foundation and subsequently cause of the ever-increasing demand for this
approved by the Division of Biologics Stand- important plasma protein, several alterna-
tive methods have been reported, aiming
1 Contribution No. 435 from the American Red primarily for the preparation of clinical al-
Cross Blood Services Laboratories, Bethesda, Md. bumin. These include the use of polyethylene
20014 (USA). glycol for initial fractionation of plasma fol-
3 I4 Hao

lowed either by electrodccantation [15] or American Red Cross volunteer donors. Ethanol
by repeated chromatography on ion ex- used was USP 95% ethyl alcohol. Acetate buffer
[0.8 M, pH 4.0) was prepared according to Cohn et
changers [3], and the method of Schnridrr
a / . [2]. Sodium caprylate and N-acetyltryptophan-
rt d.[16] which involves heating the plas- ate were purchased from the Nutritional Biochem-
ma in the presence of ethanol and a stabiliz- ical Corporation. All other chemicals and reagents
er followed by precipitation of albumin with used were reagent grade.
polyethylene glycol. However, none of these Centrifugations were carried out with a Sor-
vall RC-2B centrifuge operating at 12,OOOg for
methods has received wide acceptance by
1 h at -5 O C . All pH measurements were made at
the industrial fractionators in the United room temperature. Protein mixtures were diluted
States. The reasons for this reluctance to 5-fold with 0.15 M NaCl before measuring pH in
change the method are at least threefold. order to avoid abnormal readings at high ethanol
First, a considerable investment has to be concentrations. Biuret determinations of protein
using bovine albumin as standards were carried
made for the necessary fractionation facil-
out according to the method of Gomall et a/. [5].
ities; second, the question of quality and Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was carried
yield of the product, and the processing out according to Davis [4] except that the sample
scale, and third, the restrictions imposed gel was omitted. The separating gel contained
upon the use of new reagents and precipi- 7% acrylamide and the staining solution was 1%
tants by the BOB. amido black in 7% acetic acid. Immunoelectro-
phoresis (IEP) of plasma and various albumin
In our continued search for a new meth- preparations, 3.5% in concentration, against anti-
od that would lead to a procedure for those whole serum, was carried out according to Grabar
fractionators who are primarily interested and Williams [6]. Quantitation of albumin was
in the recovery of clinical albumin, many carried out by radial immunodiffusion technique
(RID) [lo] using M-partigen plates, which have a
points of equal importance have to be con-
precision of 5 8.5% coefficient of variation, pur-
sidered. The method should (1) utilize the chased from Behring Diagnostics, Somerville, N. J.
existing fractionation facilities and equip- Detection of possible impurities which have the
ment, (2) be simpler than the currently avail- same electrophoretic mobility as albumin was car-
able methods, (3) be amenable to large scale ried out by double diffusion technique [14] using a
10% albumin solution and commercially avail-
production under aseptic and pyrogen-free
able antisera against a-globulins such as a-l-anti-
conditions, (4) provide a better product in trypsin, a-1-acid glycoprotein, antithrombin 111
terms of purity and yield and (5) conform to and a-1-lipoprotein, purchased from Behring Diag-
the licensing requirements of the BOB. This nostics.
report represents the first step toward that Prekallikrein activating activity (PKA) of the
goal whereby a simple ethanol procedure to 25% albumin solution was determined according
to the method of Alviiig et a/. [l].
prepare highly purified albumin which ap-
pears to meet all these criteria is described. Procedure for Isolation of Alburnin
A flow chart for the isolation of albumin is
shown in figure 1. All precipitation steps were
carried out at -5 T.
Materials and Methods
Precipitation of Inipurities. Threefold diluted
Fresh frozen plasma or cryosupernatant deriv- plasma was placed in a water bath at -5 OC and
ed from 450 ml of human blood plus 63 ml CPD the pH was adjusted to 5.6 using acetate buffer.
anticoagulant solution was obtained from the After stirring for 1 h, precooled (-5 "C) 95% etha-
PreDaration of Human Serum Albumin 315

1 vol of plasma + 2 vol of 0.15 M NaC I

i t
PPT Centrifugation Supernatant

p H 4.8

- - -- - - - _ _ _ _ ~
PPT Centrifugation
4 t
Reconstitution and
lyophilization glycoprotei n
25% albumin solution containing
20 mM each of stabilizers, p H 7.15
Sterile filtration
Heating at 60 “c for 10 h
Fig. 1. Flow chart for the iso- 4
lation of albumin. Final albumin

no1 was added in a thin stream fashion to avoid reconstituted in 2vol of distilled H,O and then
the high heat of dilution generated by the addition lyophilized. This lyophilized powder was then
of ethanol to a final concentration of 42% ( v h ) weighed and reconstituted in an appropriate
with stirring. The temperature of the mixture amount of H,O containing 0.02 M each of sodium
should not exceed 0 OC. After the ethanol addition caprylate and N-acety1tryptophana:e followed by
the pH became 5.75f0.05 and the mixture was adjusting the pH to 7.15 with 2 N NaOH and addi-
continuously stirred for a t least 1h prior to centri- tion of the required amounts of NaCI. This albu-
fugation. After centrifugation, the precipitate was min solution, clear yellow in color, was then sterile
discarded and the supernatant was used for further filtered and pasteurized at 60 O C for 10 h. Tests on
fractionation. the final product including heat stability were car-
Precipitation of Albumin. The pH of the super- ried out according to BOB requirements [12].
natant was adjusted to 4.8 using acetate buffer.
After stirring for 1 h, the mixture was allowed to
age without stirring for at least 3 h prior to centri-
fugation. The precipitate, similar to Cohn frac- Results
tion V in texture, was the albumin paste to be used
for further processing, whereas the supernatant,
which is analogous to Cohn fraction V supernatant, In a typical experiment starting from a
could be used for preparing a-1-acid glycoprotein 300 ml aliquot of fresh frozen plasma pool
as a byproduct according to the method of Hao it required 600 ml of 0.15 M NaCl to make
and Wickerhauser [7]. the dilution and 1.55 ml of acetate buffer to
Preparation of the 25% Albumin Solution. So- bring the pH to 5.6, which later became
lutions of various concentrations could be prepar-
ed from the albumin paste according to the con-
5.75 after addition of 713 ml of 95% etha-
ventional methods [2,9]. In brief, in order to pre- nol. Centrifugation gave rise to a precipitate
pare the 25% albumin solution, the paste was first of 46.8 g and a supernatant of 1,518 ml.
316 Hao

Table I. Purification of albumin

Volume Albumin Total Protein, Total Purity, Recovery,

ml mg/mll albumin, mg/m12 protein, % %
mg mg

Plasma 300 31.5 9,450 67.5 20,250 46.7 100

42% ETOH
supernatant 1,518 6. I 9,260 6.3 9,563 96.8 98
albumin paste I67 52.8 8,818 53.2 8,884 99.3 93.3
25% albumin solution 34.7 253.0 8,779 255 8,848 99.2 93

Determined by radial immunodiffusion.

Determined by biuret reaction.

To the supernatant, 0.92 ml of acetate protein, leaving 98% of the albumin in the
buffer was required to adjust the pH to 4.8. supernatant. Isoelectric precipitation at pH
After standing overnight and centrifugation, 4.8 recovered almost all of the albumin in
an albumin paste of 55.6 g and a supernatant the paste, leaving more soluble proteins,
of 1,462 ml were obtained. The paste was mostly (1-1-acid glycoprotein, in the super-
then reconstituted in 111 ml of H,O to give natant. The final yield of the 25% albumin
a total volume of 167 ml prior to lyophiliza- solution, having a purity of over 99%, was
tion whereas the supernatant was used for equivalent to 29.5 g/l of starting plasma
the recovery of (1- 1 -acid glycoprotein [7]. which originally contained 31.5 g albumin/l
Upon completion of lyophilization, the for a final recovery of over 93%. Three plas-
albumin powder was dissolved in 33 ml of ma aliquots, each derived from a 100-liter
H,O containing stabilizers and NaCI, and a plasma pool (cryosupernatant) or 500 do-
final volume of 34.7 ml of 25% albumin so- nors, were quantitated by RID and their al-
lution was obtained. Sterile filtration follow- bumin concentration was found to be in the
ed by pasteurization resulted in a clear yel- range of 30.2-33.5 mg/ml, which was in
low solution. This solution remained un- good agreement with the albumin concen-
changed as determined nephelometrically, tration in the starting plasma.
after heating at 57 OC for 50 h. Samples Figure 2 shows the polyacrylamide gel
which were not properly aged during the electrophoretic results of the purified sam-
isoelectric precipitation step gave rise to a ples saved from each step during fractiona-
yellow rather than white powder, after lyo- tion. The 42% ethanol supernatant revealed
philization, and a greenish yellow solution essentially only one band (albumin). The re-
after pasteurization. constituted albumin paste obtained by iso-
The yield of albumin in terms of antigen electric precipitation at pH 4.8 showed a
and protein from each step is summarized in major albumin band as well as a thin dimer
table I . Precipitation with ethanol at 42% band indicating polymerization probably
removed slightly more than 50% of the total caused by the combination of low pH and
Preparation of Human Serum Albumin 317

42% EtOH pH 4.8 PPT Final Alb.

Fig. 2. Preparation of albumin as illustrated by

polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. 1 = Plasma,
5 p1; 2 = 42% ETOH supernatant, 25 ,ul; 3 = pH 4.8
precipitate (5%), 4 ,MI; 4 =final albumin (25%),
200 ug.
Fig. 3. Polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis of
various albumin preparations. 1 = Plasma, 350 pug;
2 = commercial albumin, 200 ,ug [2]; 3 = commercial
albumin, 200 pg [9]; 4 =commercial albumin, 200
ug [16]; 5 = albumin prepared by the present meth-
od, 200 !‘g.
318 Hao

Fig. 4. Immunoelectrophoresis of various albu- 3.5% [9]; 4 =commercial albumin, 3.5% [16]; 5 =
min preparations. 1 = Whole plasma; 2 = commer- albumin prepared by the present method, 3.5%.
cia1 albumin, 3.5% [Z]; 3 =commercial albumin,

high ethanol concentration. The pasteurized Discussion

albumin solution was essentially the same as
that of the reconstituted albumin paste. Fig- In realizing that albumin is probably the
ure 3 shows the electrophoretic results of most important plasma component currently
the albumin prepared by thc present method recovered from the conventional ethanol
along with three commercial albumin pro- fractionation systems, it would be ideal to
ducts used for comparison. Figure 4 shows develop a method such as the one reported
the IEP results of plasma and the same al- here whereby albumin could be immediately
bumin preparations used in gel electropho- separated from the rest of the plasma pro-
resis when developed against antiwhole se- teins without being subjected to sequential
rum. All four preparations were found to be fractionation. However, due to the magni-
antigenically homogeneous. In qualitative tude of its concentration in plasma, the most
tests (Ouchterlony) for impurities using var- reasonable approach for isolating this pro-
ious specific antisera, traces of (1-1-acid gly- tein is to work out conditions in terms of
coprotein were detected in the albumin pre- protein and ethanol concentrations, pH, ion-
pared by the present method. The concen- ic strength, which would lead to a sufficient-
tration of this impurity, however, was below ly large difference in solubility between al-
the detectable level by RID which has an as- bumin and the rest of the proteins thus per-
say range of 10-140 mg/100 ml. N o PKA mitting a satisfactory separation by precipi-
was detected in the two preparations tested. tation.
Preparation of Human Serum Albumin 319

Tn order to achieve better selectivity and which is required in the conventional pro-
less entrapment during precipitation, this cedures to achieve the required purity and
method is developed by starting with a 3- to facilitate sterile filtration.
fold diluted plasma which becomes 5-fold Although the albumin obtained in the
diluted after ethanol addition, whereas the first step (42% ethanol supernatant) is well
conventional ethanol procedures [2, 91 give over 96% pure, as required by the BOB [12],
rise to a 2- to 3-fold dilution over plasma the isoelectric precipitation step is neces-
when albumin fraction is precipitated. How- sary. It not only concentrates albumin from
ever, this procedure only requires two pre- a solution containing 42% ethanol, but re-
cipitation steps compared to several precipi- moves more soluble proteins, such as a - l -
tation steps required in the conventional acid glycoprotein, in the supernatant. It has
procedures, thus resulting in a higher yield, been found necessary to age the precipitate
and reducing the processing time and labor during isoelectric precipitation of albumin
considerably. In addition to recovering cryo- to avoid the development of green color af-
precipitate for preparation of antihemophilic ter pasteurization. The cause for this color
factor [18], the present method, although change is unknown and merits further inves-
developed primarily for albumin, could also tigation. However, Kistler and Nitschsmunn
be integrated with the methods for recovery [9] postulated that the color change was
of clinical prothrombin complex [8], anti- due to oxidation of traces of hemoglobin to
thrombin 111 [ll] and c-1esterase inhibitor verdoglobin.
[17], using ion exchangers or affinity ad- Although the present procedure has been
sorption prior to ethanol precipitation. These developed based on a series of small scale
adsorption processes are often accompanied experiments, it appears that the method has
by the dilution of plasma to some degree, the potential of being scaled up since it re-
especially if a wash step is required. The quires only those steps which have been
present procedure which requires initial di- routinely employed in the conventional et-
lution of plasma in order to obtain effective hanol fractionation procedure.
separation of albumin from the rest of the
plasma proteins could therefore accommo-
date such dilution. Furthermore, since the Acknowledgement
first step of this procedure is to precipitate
most of the other plasma proteins equivalent The author wishes to express gratitude to Dr.
to Cohn fractions I, 11, 111, IV-1 and IV-4, G . A . Jamieson for his advice and encouragement
throughout this work and to Drs. M . Wickerhauser
leaving albumin in the supernatant, immune
and K . l n g h a m for their critical suggestions in
serum globulin should be recoverable from preparing the manuscript, to Dr. 1. Mercer of the
the precipitate according to the conventional Michigan Department of Public Health for carry-
ethanol procedure [2, 131 without affecting ing out the stability tests and to Ms. Betty Swanson
the yield of albumin. The albumin paste ob- for her excellent secretarial assistance. He is in-
debted to Hyland Laboratories, Drs. P. Kistler and
tained by the isoelectric precipitation from
W . Schneider for providing albumin preparations
this more diluted ethanol supernatant can used for comparison in these studies. This work
be reconstituted and lyophilized without em- was partially supported by the National Institutes
ploying an additional clarification step, of Health, grant No. HL 13881.
320 Hao

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