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Abnormal Psychology

Understanding  Psychological Dysfunction

» this is the point at which a person
Psychopathology has a significant impairment in life
area, such as work, home,
Definition of Mental interpersonal or social life is
Disorder impaired
» often called as “hitting rock
» a syndrome characterized by clinically bottom”
significant disturbance in an individual’s  Danger
cognition, emotion regulation, or behavior » behavior that are detrimental or
that reflect a dysfunction in the may cause harm to the person or
psychological, biological, or people around them.
developmental processes underlying
 Deviance
mental functioning
» Statistical Deviance – that the
» there’s usually a significant distress or
behavior does not occur often in
disability in social or occupational
» Social Deviance – that most
Diagnoses Are Made On the Basis of: people in the community find the
behavior to be “odd”.
o clinical interview
o clinical assessment Clinical Description
o DSM-5 text description
o DSM-5 criteria Present
o Clinician judgement » the presenting problem of the client

» how many people in the population as
a whole have the disorder?

» how many new cases occur during a
 Personal Distress
given period?
» a person’s behavior may be classified
as disordered if it causes him a great Onset
distress or unpleasant feelings or
emotions that impact level of » how did the disorder begin?
» this psychological discomfort
interferes with the daily activities and » Chronic Course – the disorder will
functioning last for a long time or a life time
» e.g. extreme anxiety, sadness or » Episodic Course – the disorder will
destruction last for a few months but may reoccur
Abnormal Psychology
» Time-limited Course – the disorder 4. Experimental Studies
will improve without treatment
Classification of Disorders
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
» what is the origin of the disorder?
Mental Disorder
» what are the factors contributed to the
development of the disorder? » a publication that is periodically revised to
reflect the most up to date knowledge
Treatment Development concerning psychological disorders
» what kind of treatment can help to » originally developed in 1952, when
alleviate the psychological suffering? American Psychiatric Association
» kinds of treatment include published DSM
pharmacologic, psychosocial, DSM I
psychotherapy or combine treatments
» based on theoretical assumption that
Causal Factors emotional problems or reaction caused
the disorder it described.
Biological Influences » criteria were very vague and had poor
Predisposing Factors
 Genetics – psychological factors
transferred from the parent to offspring » published 1968
» was the first classification of Mental
Precipitating Factor Disorder based on system contains in
the Internal Classification Diseases
 Exposure – exposure to neuro toxins,
accident, drug, or alcohol
Psychological Factors
» published in 1980
Social Factors – gender, social class, » has major improvement over its
culture, environment, ethnicity predecessors
Behavioral – some psychological disorder » DSM III-R was published in 1987,
such as phobias can be cause by classical that serves as interim manual until
conditioning more complete overhaul
Emotional Factors – frustration, anger,
fear, and extreme sadness can lead to » has the intention of providing an
psychological disorders empirical base for the diagnoses in the
new manual
Research Methods » DSM IV-TR was published in 2000,
refinement intended to enhance the
1. Observation/ Assessment
educational value of the volume
2. Case Study
3. Correlation Studies Multi-Axial Assessment
Abnormal Psychology
» involves an assessment on several chronic illnesses or neurological
axes, each of which refers to a disorders. These conditions can
different domain of information that influence the onset or course of mental
may help the clinician plan treatment disorders.
and predict outcome
Axis IV: Psychosocial and Environmental
Axis I: Clinical Disorder Problems
» these are called “clinical syndromes” » events of pressure that may affect the
a meaning that each is a collection of diagnosis, treatment, or outcome of
symptoms that constitute a particular the client’s psychological disorder
form of abnormality » valuates psychosocial and
» focuses on diagnosing specific clinical environmental factors that contribute
disorders, such as mood disorders to an individual's mental health issues.
(e.g., depression, bipolar disorder), These stressors may include recent life
anxiety disorders (e.g., generalized events, ongoing difficulties, or
anxiety disorder, panic disorder), and environmental factors that can affect
psychotic disorders (e.g., mental well-being.
schizophrenia). It addresses the
Axis V: Global Assessment of Functioning
primary mental health concerns.
» it is used to document the clinician’s
Axis II: Personality Disorder and Mental
overall judgement of a client’s current
functioning at the point of admission
» it includes sets of disorder that or discharge, or the highest level of
represent enduring characteristics of functioning during the previous year
an individual’s personality or abilities. » assigns a numerical score to reflect the
» these are the personality traits that are individual's overall level of
inflexible and maladaptive and that functioning, ranging from 0 (severely
cause either subjective distress or impaired) to 100 (excellent
considerable impairment in the functioning). It provides a snapshot of
person’s ability to carry out the task of the person's ability to cope with daily
daily living life and their overall psychological
» assesses personality disorders (e.g., health.
borderline personality disorder,
narcissistic personality disorder) and
intellectual disabilities. These
conditions often involve long-standing
patterns of behavior and cognition.
Axis III: General Condition
» for documenting a client’s physical
» considers any medical or physical
conditions that might impact the
individual's mental health, such as
Abnormal Psychology

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