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Essay 1
1. Can you tell me briefly about yourself, your name, your major, and your
2. How have you found your study so far? What is the most interesting course
you have and why?
3. What have you learned from your subjects?
4. Why is your major still relevant for Indonesia?
5. What organization is very interesting for you, and how does it shape you into
who you are right now?

Essay 2
1. What are your plans to engage with local and international communities
during your study abroad?
2. What activities would you like to do and why?
3. How is your research about your plan? (Feasibility, requirements, restrictions,
4. Native people are known to be hard to approach. What will you do if you fail to
approach them?
5. How are you going to establish your international network upon your study
and utilize it for your career and Indonesia?
6. Are you aware of potential culture shock that you might experience? How
have you prepared yourself?

Essay 3
1. Have you experienced academic challenges or problems during your study so
2. How do you deal with it? What lessons do you take from that experience?
3. What makes you stronger when you face hard times?
4. What is your biggest ambition in life?
5. What is your biggest success and how do you reach that success?

Essay 4
1. How do you keep your health? What is your health to you?
2. Have you ever experienced burnout? How do you cope with that in the host
3. How are you going to cope with different seasons in Japan and Germany?
4. What culture shock might happen when living in your chosen host country and
how are you going to deal with it?
5. Are you aware of potential culture shock that you might experience? How
have you prepared yourself?

Extra Questions
1. What do you think about IISMA?
2. In what ways can you contribute back for this program? In your university, in
your future life?
3. Why do you choose the host country?
4. Why did you choose Keio University and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin?
5. Why do you choose the courses?/You are a Law major student, but you
choose X classes. Are you sure? Why?
6. Why did you choose IISMA as a scholarship?
7. Why do you deserve this scholarship? Why should IISMA choose you as an
8. Explain the meaning and application of IISMA’s value in real life.
9. Why do you choose to do the exchange abroad?
10. How will IISMA help you achieve your goals?
11. In one minute, convince me why we should choose you to be selected?
12. How would you compare the economic development of Indonesia and Japan?
13. How would you compare X and Universitas Tarumanagara as a learning
14. What are your favorite and least favorite subjects in Universitas
Tarumanagara and why?
15. If you got picked by both of your chosen universities, which one would you
16. Since this is your first time studying abroad, do you have any relatives who
live in your chosen country and can take care of you there?
17. Do you have any academic achievements? And what is the use of the

Case Studies
1. If you are granted as an awardee and you get sick in the host country, what
will you do?
2. If you feel home sick in the host country and want to go home, what will you
3. If the course you chose is not as what you expected and is very hard, what
will you do?
4. If you ran out of money or your money got stolen in the host country, what will
you do?
5. If your parent died when you were abroad, what would you do?
6. If you go to a developed country to study, how would you use the knowledge
you get and implement it in Indonesia?
7. X’s education system is different from Indonesia’s. How well do you know this
and how have you prepared yourself?
8. Indonesia has had a lot of experts in your area. How do you see you will be
able to make a difference?
9. If you could give criticism to Indonesia’s current situation, what would it be?
10. How do you describe a good citizen?
11. What is your contribution for Indonesia as a country in ring of fire?
Random Questions
1. So, you love writing, right? Do you know Orham Pamuk?
2. (Technical questions about law)
3. What is your role in your family?
4. What are things that are currently trending around Gen-Z?
5. How do you respond to the LGBTQ+ issues going on?
6. Do you think Google Translate is taking over the translator's job?
7. Have you ever fought or got into conflicts with your friends?
8. What do you think about law in Indonesia?
9. Do you know how law and justice works in Japan/Germany?
10. How could IISMA support your career path?
11. In your opinion, what is law?
12. What is your hobby, and how are you gonna use it for your study later?
13. What is your next plan after joining IISMA?
14. What is your favorite Indonesia’s dish and can you cook the food in your
destination country?
15. So you will study at the library if you don’t understand the materials, then how
will you improve the library at your home university by utilizing the sources
you gained at your host university?
16. What is the benefit of this IISMA program for the government? So much
money spent and for what?
17. What is your plan after IISMA?
18. Why Japan and Germany?
19. How do you cope with your mental illness while going abroad?
20. What do you like the most from Japan/Germany?
21. Why do you pick the two universities and why one over the other?
22. How did you learn English?
23. Why do you choose Japan when you understand Korean better than Japan?
24. What is your plan for the future?
25. Why did you choose law as your major?
26. Are you an introvert or extrovert? How do you cope when your energy is
running low?
27. If you’re alone in a Japanese airport, what are you going to do?
28. What is the meaning of your name?

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