Dialog B Ing Tugas

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P : good morning

O : good morning, how can I help you mrs?

P : I want to medical checkup

O : sure, may I have your name, address, date of birth and your age?

P : my name is sukma. I lived in taman praja street, madiun. I was born in madiun 2 january 2005. I
am 18 years old now

O : may I have your phone number?

P : 081234567

O : okay, can I have an identity of someone that I can call?

P : yes, my mom. The name is Winarti. The address in taman praja street madiun, and the phone
number is 081345678

O : alright, do you have bpjs?

P : no

O : okay, so what your complaint mrs?

P : so, I feel dizzy lately. My neck hurts and my chest feel painful too

O : alright, do you have any complaint again?

P : no

O : okay, what do you want to pay for?

P : Cash

O : okay, please come in mrs

* in medical ward

N : Good morning mrs, please sit down. What you feel right now mrs?

P : good morning nurse. So I feel dizzy lately, my neck hurts and my chest is painful too

N : ooh, okay. Let me check first okay?

* do vital sign check

N : okay, the result is your blood pressure is high mrs. 180/100. And your pulse is 110

P : is it bad nurse? (ekspresi khawatir)

N : don’t worry mrs, keep calm okay? For the further result, I will call the doctor.

P : okay nurse.

* in doctor room

N : excuse me doc, this is patient who has hypertention. The blood pressure is 180/100

D : Okay nurse
* go to patient room

D : Halo, good morning mrs. my name is maya, im your doctor. Is it sukma?

P : yes doc

D : okay, so from the result of your blood pressure, you have hypertension. And the patient who
have hypertension can be at risk of heart disease. This is caused by the high blood pressure causes
thickening of the heart muscle. And this condition make the heart can’t pump your blood normally.

P : oh no, so I have a heart disease???

D : no mrs, but its risky. I suggest just inpatient treatment. Would you like mrs?

P : ok doc, I want

N : nurse, please

* the nurse called the inpatient department

N : morning mrs, its from general poly. We want to send patient on behalf of sukma

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