26 Unpacking The Roots and Impact of Workplace Well-Being A Literature Review

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International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach Research and Science

E-ISSN 2987-226X P-ISSN 2988-0076

Volume 2 Issue 01, January 2024, Pp. 312-321
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59653/ijmars.v2i01.433
Copyright by Author

Unpacking the Roots and Impact of Workplace Well-being: A

Literature Review

Alfa Santoso Budiwidjojo Putra1*, Evi Dewi Kusumawati2, Dewi Kartikasari3

Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Pignatelli Triputra, Indonesia. | alfasbp@upitra.ac.id 1
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Pignatelli Triputra, Indonesia. | evi_dewi@upitra.ac.id2
Vocational Faculty, Universitas Pignatelli Triputra, Indonesia. | dewi_kartikasari@upitra.ac.id3
Correspondence Author*

Received: 01-12-2023 Reviewed: 03-12-2023 Accepted: 08-12-2023

Workplace well-being significantly influences employee health and productivity, impacting
organizational success. This paper explores the roots and consequences of workplace well-
being through a comprehensive literature review. Focusing on antecedents and outcomes, it
identifies psychosocial relationships, job satisfaction, and social support as crucial factors.
Additionally, individual well-being is shaped by a healthy lifestyle, education, and financial
stability. The paper emphasizes the intertwining influence of a safe environment, healthcare
access, and social justice on community well-being. Workplace well-being extends its impact
to physical health, productivity, and interpersonal relationships. A positive work environment
contributes to enhanced physical well-being and productivity, emphasizing its role in fostering
a supportive workplace culture. Personal well-being is linked to mental health, longevity, and
happiness, forming a foundation for a fulfilling life. Social well-being transforms social
participation, quality of life, and life satisfaction, highlighting its central role in individuals'
connections and overall fulfillment. This review enhances understanding for researchers and
informs HRD practices, guiding strategic decisions to promote workplace and individual
Keywords: Well-being, Antecedents, Consequences, Literature Review

Workplace well-being is a critical aspect that significantly influences the overall health
and productivity of employees, contributing to the success of organizations (Friedman & Kern,
2014; Hammoudi Halat et al., 2023). As the modern work landscape evolves, understanding
the multifaceted dynamics of well-being becomes imperative. This paper delves into the
intricate components of workplace well-being, aiming to unravel its foundational elements and

Unpacking the Roots and Impact of Workplace Well-being: A Literature Review

explore the far-reaching consequences through a comprehensive literature review. In

contemporary organizational settings, fostering a culture of well-being has become a strategic
priority. The emphasis on employee well-being extends beyond traditional metrics of success,
recognizing the integral connection between a thriving workforce and overall organizational
performance (Ford et al., 2011; Monteiro & Joseph, 2023). However, to cultivate a genuinely
supportive environment, it is essential to identify and comprehend the antecedents that
contribute to well-being and discern the diverse outcomes associated with it.
Despite the growing body of literature on workplace well-being, there exists a
discernible gap that necessitates further exploration. While numerous studies have explored
isolated aspects of well-being, a comprehensive review that systematically unpacks its roots
and examines its widespread impact is notably lacking. This paper aims to bridge this gap by
offering an integrative synthesis that enhances our understanding of the intricate relationship
between workplace well-being and organizational success. Understanding the roots and impact
of workplace well-being holds profound significance for both scholars and practitioners. For
researchers, it provides an opportunity to contribute to the existing body of knowledge by
offering a consolidated overview. For practitioners and organizational leaders, insights from
this review can inform strategic decisions aimed at cultivating a workplace that not only
sustains employee well-being but also drives organizational excellence. In the subsequent
sections, we will navigate through the antecedents and consequences of workplace well-being,
uncovering valuable insights that can shape future research directions and inform practical
strategies for fostering a flourishing work environment.

The main objective of this review is to amalgamate the factors leading to well-being and the
outcomes associated with it. An additional aim of this research is to enhance Human Resource
Development (HRD) practices by providing a better understanding of the antecedents and
consequences of well-being.

Findings from literature review

A framework of 3 x 3 findings was introduced, outlining antecedents of well-being (organized
into three clusters) and the outcomes of well-being (categorized into three clusters).

Research Methods
This paper employs a literature review methodology, drawing on a selection of articles indexed
in Google Scholar. The focal variable of this paper is well-being. Several keywords utilized in
the search include antecedents of well-being and consequences of well-being.

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach Research and Science

Well-being Antecedents
Psychosocial and Workplace Relationships

The positive impact of Interpersonal Relationships, Social Support, and Job Satisfaction
on workplace well-being is highly significant. Positive interpersonal relationships, such as
effective communication and teamwork, play a crucial role in creating a supportive
environment, enhancing engagement, and fostering job satisfaction (Abu-Ras et al., 2018).
Furthermore, healthy relationships among colleagues can alleviate stress levels and enhance a
sense of security, contributing to a robust foundation for workplace well-being. Social support,
whether from coworkers or the overall work environment, plays a vital role in providing
emotional and practical resources for employees. This support helps in coping with challenges
and work pressures, providing mental resilience, and cultivating a positive perception of the
job (Alqarni et al., 2023). Through the existence of this support network, overall workplace
well-being can be enhanced.

Job satisfaction, closely tied to workplace well-being, reflects a positive evaluation of

one's job. Employees who are satisfied with their responsibilities, receive recognition, and
work in favorable conditions tend to create a work environment that nurtures satisfaction
(Astuti et al., 2023). High job satisfaction directly contributes to optimal levels of workplace
well-being. By understanding the roles played by Interpersonal Relationships, Social Support,
and Job Satisfaction, organizations can strategically enhance these aspects. Strengthening
interpersonal relationships, increasing social support, and improving job satisfaction can form
the basis for improving employee well-being, bringing positive impacts to both individuals and
the entire organization (Astuti et al., 2024).

Individual Flourishing and Growth

The impact of a healthy lifestyle, education, and financial stability on personal well-
being is profound, influencing various dimensions that collectively contribute to an individual's
overall state of wellness. A healthy lifestyle, characterized by regular physical activity,
balanced nutrition, and sufficient rest, plays a pivotal role in promoting physical health, mental
resilience, and an overall sense of vitality (García-Ramírez et al., 2014). The positive effects
of a healthy lifestyle extend beyond the physical realm to encompass emotional and mental
well-being, fostering a heightened mood and life satisfaction. Education serves as a cornerstone
for personal development, equipping individuals with knowledge, skills, and the capacity to
make informed decisions. Higher levels of education correlate with increased access to
opportunities, improved self-esteem, and a sense of empowerment. Educational attainment not
only influences career prospects but also contributes to enhanced mental well-being through
the cultivation of critical thinking, emotional intelligence, and adaptability (Gayatri &
Puspitasari, 2023).

Unpacking the Roots and Impact of Workplace Well-being: A Literature Review

Financial stability emerges as a key determinant of personal well-being, impacting

various facets of an individual's life. Economic security provides a sense of stability, allowing
individuals to meet their basic needs, pursue personal growth opportunities, and alleviate stress
related to financial concerns (Gostin & Powers, 2006). Financial stability also facilitates future
planning, investment in personal development, and participation in activities that contribute to
joy and fulfillment, underscoring its significance in achieving a satisfying and balanced life. In
conclusion, the synergy of a healthy lifestyle, education, and financial stability intricately
shapes personal well-being (Hammoudi Halat et al., 2023). Embracing a health-conscious
lifestyle, pursuing education, and attaining financial stability collectively contribute to a
holistic sense of wellness, influencing an individual's physical health, mental resilience, and
overall life satisfaction.

Environment and Social Justice

The intertwining influence of a safe environment, access to healthcare, and social

justice on social well-being is pivotal in shaping the collective welfare of communities and
societies. A safe environment lays the groundwork for social well-being, fostering feelings of
security and community trust (Lambert et al., 2023). When individuals feel protected from
physical and psychological threats, it cultivates an atmosphere conducive to positive social
interactions. Safety forms the basis for the development of supportive networks, promoting
social engagement, cooperation, and a sense of collective thriving. Access to healthcare stands
as a fundamental pillar of social well-being, providing individuals with the means to maintain
and improve their health. It plays a crucial role in preventing the spread of diseases, enhancing
overall community vitality, and addressing health-related disparities (Lee & Choi, 2020). The
availability of healthcare resources contributes to a more equitable and socially just society, as
it ensures improved health outcomes and fosters a shared responsibility for community welfare.

Social justice, embodying principles of fairness, equity, and inclusivity, is a cornerstone

of social well-being. In societies where individuals have equal opportunities, are treated with
dignity, and have their rights protected, a sense of belonging and social cohesion flourishes
(Levasseur et al., 2010). Initiatives promoting social justice address systemic inequalities,
creating an environment where everyone can participate fully in societal activities. The absence
of discrimination and the promotion of fairness contribute to a harmonious and socially
integrated community, ultimately enhancing overall social well-being. In synthesis, the
collective impact of a safe environment, access to healthcare, and social justice significantly
shapes social well-being (Li et al., 2018). These factors establish a resilient foundation for
community cooperation, inclusivity, and active participation in the well-being of the broader
social fabric.

Well-being Consequences
Holistic Wellness and Professional Connections

The dynamic influence of work well-being resonates across multiple facets, notably
impacting physical health, work productivity, and interpersonal relationships within the

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach Research and Science

workplace. A positive work environment, characterized by supportive leadership, a balanced

work-life dynamic, and low stress levels, significantly contributes to enhanced physical well-
being (Baeriswyl & Oris, 2023; Putra et al., 2024). Employees experiencing a sense of well-
being at work are more likely to adopt healthy lifestyle practices, mitigating the risk of stress-
related health issues and promoting overall vitality. This symbiotic relationship between work
well-being and physical health underscores the importance of a conducive workplace
atmosphere in fostering employee well-being. Work well-being is intricately linked to
productivity, forming a reciprocal connection. High levels of well-being, encompassing job
satisfaction, engagement, and a sense of purpose, positively influence productivity. A content
and mentally well-adjusted workforce tends to exhibit heightened motivation, focus, and
creativity, leading to increased efficiency in professional tasks (Dolcini et al., 2023). On the
contrary, poor work well-being, marked by stress or dissatisfaction, can impede productivity
and contribute to absenteeism, highlighting the crucial role of well-being in optimizing
individual and collective work performance.

The impact of work well-being extends further to interpersonal relationships within the
workplace. A positive work environment, characterized by open communication, mutual
respect, and a supportive culture, nurtures healthy relationships among colleagues (Ford et al.,
2011). Individuals experiencing well-being are more likely to collaborate effectively,
communicate openly, and contribute positively to the overall work atmosphere. Conversely,
challenges to well-being, such as high stress or job dissatisfaction, may strain interpersonal
relationships, potentially leading to communication difficulties and conflicts. In essence, the
interplay between work well-being, physical health, work productivity, and interpersonal
relationships is integral to the overall workplace dynamic (Friedman & Kern, 2014). Fostering
a positive work well-being not only enhances the health and productivity of individual
employees but also contributes to the creation of a collaborative and supportive workplace
culture, fostering a holistic and thriving professional environment.

Emotional Resilience and Life Fulfillment

The profound impact of personal well-being extends across crucial dimensions,
significantly influencing mental health, longevity, and happiness, collectively shaping the
trajectory of an individual's life. Personal well-being forms the bedrock for positive mental
health, encompassing emotional balance, resilience, and life satisfaction (Jennings et al., 2017).
A state of well-being serves as a protective factor against mental health challenges, fostering
emotional resilience and contributing to a positive psychological state. Practices promoting
personal well-being, such as self-care and meaningful connections, play a pivotal role in
nurturing mental well-being, providing individuals with the tools to navigate stress, anxiety,
and depression effectively (Judijanto et al., 2023).

The connection between personal well-being and longevity is robust, with higher well-
being levels associated with healthier lifestyle choices. Individuals prioritizing their well-being
often adopt habits like balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and stress management,
contributing to overall physical health and reducing the risk of chronic diseases (Kansky,

Unpacking the Roots and Impact of Workplace Well-being: A Literature Review

2017). As a result, a commitment to personal well-being becomes a key factor in extending and
enhancing an individual's lifespan. Furthermore, personal well-being is intricately tied to
happiness, representing a holistic and enduring sense of contentment. Cultivating well-being
through meaningful activities, positive relationships, and personal growth practices contributes
to a sustained sense of purpose and joy. Prioritizing personal well-being serves as a
foundational element for lasting happiness, transcending momentary pleasures and
contributing to an overall positive and fulfilling life experience (Keyes & Waterman, 2003). In
essence, personal well-being emerges as a linchpin in the intricate web of mental health,
longevity, and happiness. By prioritizing and nurturing personal well-being, individuals not
only fortify their mental resilience but also pave the way for a longer, healthier life and a
sustained sense of happiness that permeates their overall life experience.

Community Involvement

Social well-being stands as a transformative force, intricately influencing social

participation, quality of life, and life satisfaction, collectively shaping the essence of
individuals' connections and overall sense of fulfillment. Social well-being acts as a catalyst
for meaningful social participation, creating an environment where positive relationships and
a sense of belonging flourish (Mastroianni & Storberg-Walker, 2014). Individuals experiencing
social well-being are naturally inclined to actively engage in social activities, whether through
community events, group interactions, or interpersonal connections. This active participation
not only contributes to a sense of purpose but also fosters shared experiences, ultimately
enriching the social fabric of their lives. The impact of social well-being extends beyond
participation, significantly influencing the overall quality of life. Positive social connections
and a supportive social environment contribute to a well-rounded quality of life, encompassing
physical, emotional, and social dimensions (Monteiro & Joseph, 2023). The network of friends,
family, and community ties provides emotional support, shared experiences, and a profound
sense of security, elevating the overall quality of life for individuals who prioritize and
experience social well-being.

Furthermore, social well-being plays a fundamental role in determining life satisfaction.

Positive social interactions, a sense of belonging, and supportive relationships contribute to a
higher level of life satisfaction (Ford et al., 2011). The emotional support derived from social
connections, coupled with shared experiences and a feeling of being part of a community, forms
a solid foundation for sustained life satisfaction. Social well-being becomes a cornerstone that
transcends individual achievements and material successes, contributing significantly to
individuals' contentment with their lives. In essence, social well-being emerges as a central
force in the broader landscape of social participation, quality of life, and life satisfaction
(Gayatri & Puspitasari, 2023). By fostering positive social connections and cultivating a
supportive social environment, individuals not only enhance their active engagement in social
activities but also significantly elevate the overall quality of their lives, ultimately contributing
to a profound and lasting sense of life satisfaction. Table I presented a summary of the findings
from the literature review.

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach Research and Science

Table I. Antecedent and consequence clusters of well-being.

Well-being antecedents Well-being consequences

Psychosocial and Workplace Relationships Holistic Wellness and Professional

(Interpersonal Relationships, Social Support, Connections (Physical Health, Work
Job Satisfaction) Productivity, Interpersonal Relationships)

Individual Flourishing and Growth

(Healthy Lifestyle, Education, Financial Emotional Resilience and Life Fulfillment
Stability) (Mental Health, Longevity, Happiness)

Community Involvement (Social

Environment and Social Justice (Safe Participation, Quality of Life, Life
Environment, Health Access, Social Justice) Satisfaction)

Source: Authors

The literature review establishes a 3 x 3 framework for workplace well-being, outlining

key antecedents and consequences. Positive interpersonal relationships, social support, and job
satisfaction are crucial for workplace well-being, fostering a supportive environment and
enhancing engagement (Alqarni et al., 2023). Additionally, education, financial stability, and
a healthy lifestyle play pivotal roles in shaping personal well-being, highlighting their
collective impact (García-Ramírez et al., 2014; Gayatri & Puspitasari, 2023). A safe
environment, access to healthcare, and social justice are pivotal for social well-being, fostering
positive social interactions and community trust (Lambert et al., 2023; Lee & Choi, 2020).
Work well-being significantly influences physical health, productivity, and interpersonal
relationships, emphasizing its reciprocal connection (Baeriswyl & Oris, 2023). Personal well-
being contributes to emotional resilience, longevity, and happiness, forming a crucial aspect of
mental health (Keyes & Waterman, 2003). Social well-being acts as a transformative force,
impacting social participation, quality of life, and life satisfaction (Monteiro & Joseph, 2023).
In summary, these factors collectively shape workplace and personal well-being, underlining
their intricate interconnection and significant impact on individuals' lives.

Research implications
This comprehensive examination of well-being antecedents and consequences offers
valuable insights for future research directions. To advance the scholarly discourse, researchers
can delve into the nuanced dynamics of specific antecedents and consequences, exploring their
interactions and potential moderating factors. Additionally, longitudinal studies can provide a
deeper understanding of the temporal aspects of well-being, tracking its evolution over time.
Comparative analyses across diverse demographic groups and organizational contexts can
unveil unique patterns and inform targeted interventions. Moreover, incorporating emerging

Unpacking the Roots and Impact of Workplace Well-being: A Literature Review

well-being frameworks and integrating interdisciplinary perspectives can enrich the field,
fostering a more holistic understanding of workplace and personal well-being.

Practical implications
The findings present actionable strategies for organizations and individuals to enhance
well-being. Organizations can prioritize the cultivation of positive interpersonal relationships,
social support systems, and job satisfaction to foster a conducive workplace environment.
Strategic initiatives aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle, supporting educational pursuits, and
ensuring financial stability can contribute to employees' personal well-being. Creating safe
environments, ensuring access to healthcare, and championing social justice initiatives can
elevate social well-being at both individual and community levels. Workplace interventions
focused on optimizing holistic wellness, building professional connections, and fostering
emotional resilience can contribute to a thriving organizational culture. Practical applications
of these insights can inform organizational policies, employee well-being programs, and
community development initiatives, ultimately fostering a more flourishing and resilient


In conclusion, this in-depth exploration of well-being antecedents and consequences

underscores the intricate interplay between psychosocial factors, individual growth,
environmental influences, and social dynamics. The positive impact of positive relationships,
personal development, and social support on workplace and personal well-being is evident.
The reciprocal relationship between work well-being and its consequences further emphasizes
the importance of prioritizing well-being at both individual and organizational levels. As we
navigate the complexities of fostering well-being, understanding these antecedents and
consequences offers a roadmap for cultivating environments that promote flourishing
individuals and thriving communities. This synthesis contributes not only to academic
scholarship but also provides practical guidance for stakeholders invested in creating healthier,
more fulfilling work and life experiences.

Funding acknowledgment
This research was supported by the research and community service institute (No.
08.168/LPPM-UPITRA/VI/2023) from Universitas Pignatelli Triputra (Indonesia).

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