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ESE143-5 E01 Q6 - Technical Notes

Demand Analysis and Forecasting

1. Consideration of Design Period:

• The design period is the timeframe for which the water supply system is planned
and engineered to meet projected demands.
• It accounts for the anticipated growth in population, changes in land use, and socio-
economic development.
• Longer design periods, often ranging from 20 to 50 years, ensure that infrastructure
investments are sustainable and adaptable to future needs.

2. Unit Consumption and Types of Demand:

• Unit consumption refers to the average volume of water used per capita, per
household, or per unit area over a specific time period.
• Different types of demand include domestic, industrial, commercial, and
agricultural, each with distinct consumption patterns.
• Understanding unit consumption and demand types is crucial for accurately
estimating future water requirements and sizing infrastructure components.

3. Population and Development Forecast, and Demand Estimation:

• Population growth projections, coupled with forecasts of economic development and

urbanization rates, form the basis for demand estimation.
• Development trends, such as changes in industrial activities or shifts in residential
preferences, influence water demand patterns.
• Reliable demographic data, coupled with statistical modeling techniques, facilitate
the estimation of future water demand under various scenarios.

4. Demand Variation and Patterns:

• Water demand exhibits variations over different time scales, including daily,
seasonal, and long-term trends.
• Diurnal variations, influenced by daily routines and industrial schedules, often
result in peak demand periods.
• Seasonal variations, driven by factors like weather conditions and agricultural
activities, impact water usage patterns. Understanding demand variation and
patterns is essential for optimizing infrastructure design, storage capacity, and
distribution network operation.

Water Quality and Characteristics

1. Quality Characteristics for Water Supply:

 Parameters such as pH, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, and microbial content are vital
indicators of water quality.
 Compliance with established quality standards ensures water is safe for
consumption and other uses.
 Regular monitoring and testing are essential to maintain quality and identify
potential contamination sources.

2. Drinking Water Standards and Regulation:

 Drinking water standards, enforced by regulatory bodies, establish permissible

limits for various contaminants.
 Regulations dictate testing frequency, treatment requirements, and reporting
protocols to ensure compliance and public safety.
 Adherence to standards protects against waterborne diseases and long-term health

3. Impacts of Untreated Water in Public Health:

 Untreated water may contain pathogens, contaminants, and pollutants harmful to

public health.
 Waterborne diseases like cholera and dysentery can result from consuming
contaminated water.
 Chronic exposure to toxins in untreated water can lead to serious health issues,
emphasizing the importance of robust purification processes.

4. Physical, Biological, and Chemical Considerations in Purification:

 Purification processes address physical (e.g., filtration), biological (e.g., disinfection),

and chemical (e.g., coagulation) contaminants.
 Each step in the purification process targets specific pollutants to produce safe
drinking water.
 Advanced techniques like membrane filtration and ozonation offer effective removal
of contaminants.

5. Unit Process and Unit Operations:

 Treatment plants employ unit processes such as screening, coagulation, flocculation,

sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection.
 Unit operations like mixing, settling, and filtration facilitate the removal of
impurities and pathogens.
 Optimization of unit processes ensures efficient treatment while minimizing energy
and chemical usage.

6. Differences in Treatment of Groundwater and Surface Water Sources:

 Groundwater treatment focuses on removing minerals, microbes, and dissolved
 Surface water treatment addresses sedimentation, microbial contaminants, and
organic matter.
 Tailoring treatment processes to the specific characteristics of water sources ensures
effective purification.

Basic and Advanced Treatment Processes

1. Conventional Treatment Process:

 Conventional treatment includes screening, coagulation, flocculation,

sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection.

 Screening removes large debris and particles from raw water.

 Coagulation and flocculation aid in clumping together fine particles for

easier removal.

 Sedimentation allows settled particles to be separated from water.

 Filtration through sand, gravel, or membranes removes remaining


 Disinfection, often with chlorine or ultraviolet light, kills pathogens and

prevents microbial growth.

2. Non-Conventional Treatment Process:

 Non-conventional methods encompass specialized and advanced techniques

beyond conventional processes.

 Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) like ozone and ultraviolet-based

systems target emerging contaminants.

 Membrane processes such as reverse osmosis and nanofiltration provide

thorough filtration for high-purity water.

 Biological treatment methods like activated sludge and biofiltration harness

microorganisms to break down organic pollutants.

3. Technologies Applied for Conventional and Non-Conventional Treatment:

 Technologies applied in water treatment vary depending on the specific

contaminants and water quality goals.
 Conventional treatment plants utilize sedimentation tanks, rapid sand filters,
and chlorination systems.

 Non-conventional treatment employs advanced equipment like membrane

modules, UV reactors, and ozone generators.

 Continuous research and development drive innovation in treatment

technologies to address evolving water quality challenges.

Transmission and Distribution

1. Transmission System:

 Transmission systems transport water from its source to distribution points

over long distances.

 Infrastructure includes tunnels, aqueducts, canals, and reservoirs designed to

convey large volumes of water.

 Aqueducts and canals utilize gravity flow, while pumping stations are
employed to overcome elevation differences.

2. Water Supply Integration Systems:

 Integration systems optimize water distribution by balancing supply and

demand across different zones.

 Hydraulic zoning divides service areas into zones based on elevation,

pressure requirements, and water quality considerations.

 Grid and branch systems provide redundancy and flexibility in water

distribution, ensuring continuous supply even during maintenance or

 Bulk water supply systems deliver water to distribution networks from

centralized treatment plants or reservoirs.

3. Distribution System:

 Distribution systems deliver water from transmission mains to individual


 Pump-fed systems utilize pumps to maintain pressure and overcome

elevation changes, ensuring adequate flow to all areas.
 Gravity-fed systems rely on natural gravity to distribute water, with
reservoirs and elevated tanks providing storage and pressure regulation.

 District metering areas (DMAs) divide distribution networks into smaller

sections for leak detection, pressure management, and demand monitoring.

 Service supply systems connect individual properties to the distribution

network, often through meters and service lines.

4. Supply Management:

 Non-Revenue Water (NRW) reduction strategies aim to minimize losses from

leaks, unauthorized consumption, and metering inaccuracies.

 Pressure optimization techniques balance water pressure to reduce leakage

rates while ensuring adequate supply to consumers.

 Advanced monitoring systems, including flow meters, pressure sensors, and

leak detection technologies, support efficient supply management.

 Regular maintenance, asset management, and infrastructure upgrades are

integral to optimizing supply systems and minimizing losses.


Appurtenances are essential components of water supply systems that support their
functionality and operation. Here's a breakdown:

1. Metering and Gauging Points:

 Metering points measure water flow rates and consumption, aiding in billing,
leakage detection, and demand monitoring.

 Gauging points provide data on water levels in reservoirs, tanks, and wells,
enabling efficient management of water resources.

 Accurate metering and gauging facilitate effective decision-making and

resource allocation within the water distribution network.

2. Water System Appurtenances:

 Pipe support and protection systems prevent damage and displacement of

pipelines due to soil movement, seismic activity, or external loads.

 Valves regulate the flow of water within the distribution network, allowing
for isolation, control, and maintenance of different sections.
 Manholes and chambers provide access points for inspection, maintenance,
and repair of underground pipelines and equipment.

 Other appurtenances include air valves, backflow preventers, hydrants, and

pressure regulators, enhancing the safety and functionality of water systems.

System Auxiliaries

1. Reservoir:

 Reservoirs serve as storage facilities for water, providing a buffer against

fluctuations in supply and demand.

 Usage varies from daily storage for peak demand periods to emergency
storage for firefighting or system disruptions.

 Types of reservoirs include elevated tanks, ground-level reservoirs, and

underground storage structures, each suited to specific requirements and site

2. Pump Stations:

 Pump stations facilitate the movement of water through transmission and

distribution systems, overcoming elevation differences and maintaining

 Types of pumps include centrifugal, submersible, and booster pumps,

selected based on flow rate, head requirements, and energy efficiency

 Sizing of pumps involves hydraulic calculations to ensure adequate capacity

to meet demand while minimizing energy consumption and operational costs.

3. Other Facilities:

 Line boosters enhance water pressure within distribution networks,

particularly in areas with low elevation or long pipe runs.

 Chemical injection facilities introduce treatment chemicals such as

disinfectants or corrosion inhibitors into the water supply to maintain water

 Surge protection systems mitigate pressure surges caused by pump

starts/stops, valve closures, or transient events, safeguarding infrastructure
from damage.
Water Supply Modeling and Analysis

1. Demand and Hydraulic Design:

 Demand analysis involves estimating current and future water requirements

based on factors such as population growth, economic development, and
water usage patterns.

 Hydraulic design incorporates demand projections, pressure requirements,

and pipe sizing to ensure adequate flow and pressure throughout the system.

 Unit consumption and demand estimation provide input parameters for

hydraulic calculations, considering factors like peak demand, fire flow
requirements, and system losses.

 Establishing a design basis involves defining criteria such as minimum

pressure thresholds, service level standards, and water quality objectives to
guide system design and operation.

2. Source Identification:

 Source identification involves assessing available water sources, such as

groundwater aquifers, surface water bodies, or recycled water, to meet
demand requirements.

 Understanding the characteristics and quality of water sources is essential

for determining treatment requirements and ensuring compliance with
regulatory standards.

 Factors influencing source selection include water availability, reliability,

treatment complexity, and environmental considerations.

 Comprehensive source identification informs decisions regarding

infrastructure investment, treatment plant location, and resource
management strategies.

3. Network and Facility Layout

 Network layout encompasses the design and configuration of pipes,

appurtenances, pump stations, and reservoirs to efficiently convey and
distribute water.

 Pipe design involves selecting pipe materials, diameters, and alignments to

minimize friction losses, optimize flow rates, and ensure system reliability.
 Appurtenances such as valves, hydrants, and meters are strategically
placed to facilitate operation, maintenance, and emergency response.

 Pump station and reservoir layout considers factors like elevation, storage
capacity, and hydraulic connectivity to support system operation and

 Integrating hydraulic modeling software and Geographic Information

Systems (GIS) aids in network optimization, scenario analysis, and risk

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