Assignment Questions CHEM1001

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1. Define the hardness. Explain the different types of the hardness.

2. Describe the various disinfection methods and discuss breakpoint chlorination.

3. Write the chemical reactions of cation and anion exchanger along with their
regeneration reactions.

4. Explain the reverse osmosis process with a neat diagram.

1. Explain the working of leclanche cell with a neat diagram.
2. Denote the reactions and applications of lead-acid battery.
3. How can one produce electricity from the hydrogen-oxygen cell?
4. Write any five characteristics of the battery.
5. What are the types of semiconductors? Explain?

1. Write the setting and hardening equations of cement.
2. Differentiate between thermoplastic and thermosetting resins.
3. Describe types of steel and their applications.
4. Discuss properties and uses of Nylon 6, 6.
5. Illustrate the mechanism of free radical polymerization.

1. Describe the electrochemical theory of corrosion.
2. Write a note on pitting corrosion.
3. How do the pH, temperature, and dissolved oxygen affect the corrosion rate?
4. Explain the main constituents of paint.
5. How does the sacrificial anodic method control corrosion?

1. Describe the properties and uses of carbon nanotubes.

2. Explain the nanomaterial synthesis by the Sol-Gel method.

3. Give a note on the principle of Scanning electron microscope (SEM) with a neat

4. Write principle and applications of pH metry

5. Explain the principle and applications of IR spectroscopy.

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