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[Q1] According to statistics, the annual output of passenger cars in the world accounts for about a% of
the total production of vehicles. Choose the most suitable a value from the following values?

1. 35
2. 50
3. 75
4. 90

[Q2] The total number of annual passenger cars in the world in recent years (2015 ÷ 2019) is close to
which number?

1. 60 million
2. 80 million
3. 100 million
4. 120 million

[Q3] Who is considered to be the inventor of the first automobile in the following names?

1. James Watt
2. Nicolaus August Otto
3. Karl Benz
4. Henry Ford

[Q4] Which of the following is not the reason car manufacturers switch to electric motors?

1. Oil resources in the world are gradually depleting

2. The air is polluted and the earth is warming
3. The internal combustion engine has had a long history, so it needs to be renewed with an electric
4. An electric motor has a characteristic and performance curve better than an internal combustion

[Q5] Which of the following functions does not belong to the basic functions of the automobile?

1. “Run”
2. “Stop”
3. “Comfort"
4. “Turn”

[Q6] The supersonic car has such name because of which of the following reasons?

1. It is shaped like supersonic aircraft

2. It has the maximum ground speed over the sound speed
3. It has the maximum flying speed over the sound speed
4. Just a name to advertise for a special car-making project
[Q1] What does MT stand for?

[Q2] What does AT stand for?

[Q3] What does ABS stand for?

[Q4] What does EFI stand for?

[Q5] What does FF stand for?

[Q6] What does FR stand for?

[Q7] What does RR stand for?

[Q8] What does 4WD stand for?

[Q9] What does 4WS stand for?

[Q10] What does CVT stand for?

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