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‭The Court of S.D.J.M.‬


‭Bibhutipur P.S.Case No 276/017‬

‭T.R.No ……/024‬

‭U/S-341,323,504,506/34 I.P.C.‬



‭Hari Nandan Mahto and others …………………Accused‬

‭The humble bail petition on behalf‬

‭of petitioners accused (1) Jyoti‬

‭Mahto S/O Hari Nandan Mahto (2)‬

‭Vidyapati Mahto S/O Hari Nandan‬

‭Mahto (3)Hari Nandan Mahto S/O‬

‭Late Saryug Mahto (4) Anita Devi‬

‭W/O Yogendra Mahto All are‬

‭resident of Village -Khadiyahi ,ward‬


‭no-06,P.S-Bibhutipur District‬

‭Samastipur most respectfully‬


‭As follows :-‬

‭(1)‬ ‭That your petitioners are quite innocent and have‬

‭committed no offence .‬

‭(2)‬ ‭That no anticipatory or regular bail petition has either‬

‭been filed or pending before your honours court or any‬

‭superior court .‬

‭(3)‬ ‭That in this case the petitioners are on police bond‬

‭and the petitioners have not misused the privileges of‬

‭police bond.‬

‭(4)‬ ‭That in this case cognizance has been taken by your‬

‭honours court on -01/04/2023 U/S-341,323,504,506/34‬

‭I.P.C which all sections are bailable, after getting‬

‭knowledge the petitioners are appearing sue moto.‬

‭(5)‬ ‭That the petitioner and the informant are related as‬

‭Gotiya and there is land dispute between the parties‬

‭resulting which this false case has been filed against the‬

‭petitioners .‬

‭(6)‬ ‭That men of means are ready to stand as bailors on‬

‭behalf of the petitioners and further there is no chance of‬

‭absconding or tampering with the evidence.‬

‭(7)‬ ‭That other relevant points would be urged at the time‬

‭of hearing .‬

‭It is therefore prayed that your honour‬

‭may kindly be pleased to enlarge the‬

‭petitioners on bail .‬

‭And for this the petitioners shall ever pray .‬

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