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1. Ratio, Averages:
a. Avg = Total Sum/ total count
b. Weighted Avg = w1x1+w2x2+..../(w1+w2)
c. a/b=c/d=e/f = (a+c+e)/(b+d+f)
2. Progression: (n= # of elements)
a. AM = Sum of all elements/ n
b. GM = (product of all elements)^1/n
c. HM = n/ (1/x1+1/x2+...1/xn)
i. For 2 numbers a,b, HM = 2ab/a+b
d. AP: Tn = a+(n-1)d , Sn = n/2 {2a+ (n-1)d} = n/1 (T1+Tn)
e. GP: Tn = a(r^n-1), Sn = a(r^(n+1) - 1}/ (r-1), Sum of infinity terms = a/1-r,
3. Percentage & Profit Loss:
a. For successive % change of a and b, net % change = a+b+ab/100
b. P = SP-CP
c. Discount = MP-SP
d. P% = P/CP * 100
e. If a number x has increased to 2x, the rise is 100%. Simple concept, yet a
lot of students make mistakes by assuming it as a 200% rise.
4. Interest:
a. SI = PRT/100
b. A=P(1+r/100)^n, CI = A-P
c. for quick approximation: time taken for amount to double under CI =
72/R and to triple : 114/R
d. difference between SI and CI after 2 years is generally asked and it is
PR^2/100^2; After first year, SI=CI
5. Geometry:
a. Area = 1/2bcsinA = rt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*)s-c)) = a^2sinBsinC/(sinA)
b. R, circumradius = abc/(4*Area) = a/(2sinA)
c. R, Inradius = Area/s
d. Escribed circle, r against side a = Area / (s-a)
e. CosA=b^2+c^2-a^2/2bc
f. a/SinA=b/SinB=c/sinC
g. Number of diagonals in n sided regular polygon: n(n-3)/2
h. Sum of all internal angles = (n-2)*180 = n*theta
i. Sum of all external angles = 360 = n*theta
j. Area of a parallelogram = base × height
k. Area of a trapezium = 1/2 × (sum of parallel sides) × height
l. Length of direct common tangent = rt {distance between
centres^2 - (r1-r2)^2}
m. Length of transverse common tangent = rt {distance between
centres^2 - (r1+r2)^2}
n. The orthocenter, centroid, and circumcenter always lie on the same
line known as Euler Line.
o. The orthocenter is twice as far from the centroid as the circumcenter is.
p. For an acute angled triangle, the Circumcenter and the Orthocenter will
lie inside the triangle.
q. For an obtuse angled triangle, the Circumcenter and the Orthocenter
will lie outside the triangle.
r. For a right angled triangle the Circumcenter will lie at the midpoint of
the hypotenuse and the Orthocenter will lie at the vertex at which the angle is
s. In a triangle, if AD is the median: AB^2 + Ac^2 = 2(AD^2+BD^2)
t. Right triangle:
i. circumcenter = mid point of hyp., orthocenter= 90 vertex
ii. mid point of hyp (circumcenter) is equidistant from all vertices
iii. area = R(r+2R), R= circumradius (semi-hyp), r= inradius
iv. R>=2r for ANY triangle to exist.
v. R+r = (a+b)/2 where a,b are perpendicular legs
vi. r=inradius= area/semi-perimeter for any traingle, for right triangle, r=
vii. distance between circumcenter and incenter for any triangle= sqrt
{R(R-2r)} for any triangle (That's why R>=2r condition above)
u. Angle bisector theorem => AB/AC = BD/CD (basic but quite handy)
v. d > r+R => 4 common tangents, d < r+R => 2 common tangents, d=r+R
=> 3 common tangents, d<=R-r => 0 common tangents where d=distance
between centers
w. Area of right triangle given inradius & Circumradius= r ( 2R+r) r=
inradius, R=circumradius. Note: Please apply only after verifying R>=2r. if R<2r,
triangle wont exist.
x. a non parallel, b parallel sides, total regions: (a(a+1)/2 +1)+b(a+1)
bounded regions= (a-2)(a-1)/2 + b(a-1)

6. Numbers/Modern Maths:
a. ncr=n! / r! (n-r)!
b. Nc0+nc1+....ncn = 2^n
c. Sum of first n natural numbers = n(n+1)/2
d. Sum of square of first n natural numbers = n(n+1)(2n+1)/6
e. Sum of cube of first n natural numbers = [n(n+1)/2]^2
f. Sum of first n odd numbers = n^2:
g. LCM of two numbers a and b = (a x b) / HCF(a, b).
h. HCF of two numbers a and b = HCF of (a-b, b).
i. LCM of fractions = LCM of Numerators/HCF of Denominators
j. HCF of fractions = HCF of Numerators/LCM of Denominators
k. a^3 ± b^3 = (a ± b)(a^2 + ab + b^2 )
l. a^3 + b^3 + c^3 - 3abc = (a + b + c)(a^2 + b^2 + c^2 - ab - ac -
m. Fermat’s Theorem:
i. If N is a prime number and M and N are co-primes,
Rem(M^N/N)=M, Rem (M^(N-1)/N)=1
n. Wilson’s Theorem: If N is a prime number, Rem (N-1)!/N=N-1,
o. a^n+b^n div by a+b for odd n
p. a^n-b^n div by a+b for even n and by (a-b) for all n
q. # of rectangles in mxn = (m+1)C2 *(n+1)C2
r. # of squares = mn + (m-1)(n-1) + (m-2)(n-2)....till one term
becomes 0
s. # of rectangles of axb in mxn = (m+1-a)(m+1-b)
t. Ways of coloring a cube with different colors = 6!/24
u. Choose n point randomly in a circle..Probability they lie in the
same semicircle is n/2^(n-1)
v. 1*1!+2*2!+3*3!+4*4!+....+n*n!=(n+1)!-1
7. Logarithms/Statistics:
a. log(xy) = logx + logy
b. Power rule: (a^m)^n = a^(m×n)
c. Mean=3median-2mode
8. Trigonometry:
a. sin(u + v) = sin(u)cos(v) + cos(u)sin(v)
b. cos(u + v) = cos(u)cos(v) – sin(u)sin(v)
c. sin(u – v) = sin(u)cos(v) – cos(u)sin(v)
d. cos(u – v) = cos(u)cos(v) + sin(u)sin(v)
e. Sin 2x = 2sinx cosx = 2tanx / (1+tan^2x)
f. Cos 2x = cos^2x-sin^2x = (1-tan^2x) / (1+tan^2x)
g. Sin3x=3sinx-4sin^2x
h. cos3x=4cos^3x-3cosx
i. Sin 15 = (rt3-1)/2rt2, Sin18 = (rt5-1)/4
9. Algebra:
a. Area under |x-a| + |y-b| = c is same as |x| + |y| = c = 2c^2
b. Sophie Germain Identity => a⁴+4b⁴ = (a² +2b² +2ab)(a²+2b² -2ab)
c. F(x)*f(y)=f(x+y) then f(x)=a^x
d. Josephus problem: Killing of 2nd by one, 4th by 3rd and so on till
the final one is remained. Write total number of people in the form of
2^m+l...then soln is 2l+1
f. Questions based on direct concept:

10. Races & Clocks:
a. Circular Race: Two people are running on a circular track of
length L with speeds a and b in the same/opposite direction
i. Time for 1st meeting = L/(a-b). L/(a+b) in case of opp direction
ii. Time for 1st meeting at the starting point = LCM (L/a,L/b)
iii. In case of 3 people running in same direction,
1. Time for 1st meeting = LMC {L/(a-b), L/(a-c)}.
2. Time for 1st meeting at the starting point = LCM (L/a,L/b,L/c)
b. Clocks:
i. The minute hand moves at a speed of 6 per min and the hour
hand moves at a speed of ½ per minute.
ii. Hands of a clock coincide 11 times in every 12 hours. Any other
angle is made 22 times in every 12 hours.
iii. Angle between hour and minute hands of a clock = |11m/2-30h| ,
m in minutes and h in hours.
c. Time & Work:
i. A does a particular job in ‘a’ hours and B does the same job in ‘b’
hours, together they will take ab/(a+b) hours
ii. A does a particular job in ‘a’ hours, B does the same job in ‘b’
hours and C does the same job in ‘c’ hours, then together they
will take /( + + ) hours.
iii. If A does a particular job in ‘a’ hours and A&B together do the job
in ‘t’ hours, the B alone will take / ( - ) hours.
iv. Two people are running with speeds in the ratio m : n on a
circular track. * Remember that m & n need to be coprimes for
the above formulae to work:
1. If they are running in the same direction then no. of
meeting points will be (m – n)
2. If they are running in opposite direction then no. of meeting
points will be (m + n)
v. A,B moving towards each other. meet at P.Let t be time required
by a and b to reach at P..ant ta and tb be the time required to
cover the rest of journey................ t={ta*tb} ^½
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