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Submitted by:
Atilano, Sandler
Cabe, Janmarc
Comia, Lhourie Mae
Cutin, Naithan
Erna, Ma. Judea
Gabumpa, Ellissa Ceejay
Gastardo, Jerome Ymanuelle
Oabel, Dandley Lourainne
Ramos, Rechard Lei
Sadaba, Samantha
Tibayan, Alliyah Faith

Submitted to:
Ms. Krisa Yssabel Carisma
Subject Teacher, Purposive Communication

December 2023

Table of Contents
Objectives 3
Introduction 3
Statement of the Problem 3
Data Gathered 4
i. College Students 4
ii. Professionals 6
iii. Elder 8
Results and Discussion 10
Venn Diagram 10
Summary 11
Conclusion 12
Appendices 14

I. Objectives:
- To understand how people of all ages utilize technology for communication.
- To compare and contrast their communication experiences with technology.
- To identify the challenges, they experienced using technology as a means of

II. Introduction:
Communication is the process of exchanging information, ideas, or feelings between
individuals or groups via various channels, such as spoken or written words, body language,
and visual elements. It consists of a sender who initiates communication, a message containing
the information, a channel through which the message is transmitted, a receiver who interprets
the message, noise that interferes with communication, and feedback that signifies the
response of the receiver to the given information and indicates communication effectiveness.
Through continuous technological advancements and innovation, communication via
technology has transformed the way individuals and groups connect and exchange information.
Digital platforms, mobile communication, virtual collaboration, and multimedia features have
altered old communication methods, creating a global, efficient, and inventive environment.
Lastly, communication is crucial in personal relationships, social activities, business, and
education, and it plays a critical role in human connection and understanding.
Based on the abovementioned information, it is evident that technology plays an important
role in making the communication process easier, particularly for those people separated by
great distances. Hence, the researchers agreed that the focus of this study was to determine if
the use of technology for communication varies among different ages.

III. Statement of the Problem

The proponents of this group interview entitled "Technology and Its Applications in
Communication" aim to answer the following questions during the study:
1. What are the respondents' reasons for utilizing technology?
2. How do the respondents use the technology for communication?
3. What are the challenges the respondents encountered when communicating through

IV. Data Gathered
i. College Students (18-24 years old)
Interviewee 1: Kirby S. Fidel, 19
1. How do you make use of your technology and gadgets?
- “According to my understanding, the ultimate purpose and function of gadgets is
to improve the quality of life by making complex jobs easier and more
convenient. To be more exact, the functions of the devices can be divided into
three categories: speedier communication, efficient time management to
complete duties, and accessible educational mediums.”
2. How do you use technology for communication?
- “I mostly use technology as a means of communication to easily and efficiently
transmit relevant and useful information, even to our relatives abroad. WhatsApp,
Messenger, Facebook, Telegram, Discord, Viber, Google, etc. are some of the
examples of applications that I use and install on my gadgets to optimize them
effectively to their full potential.”
3. What are some of the difficulties you have encountered when communicating through
- “Indeed, technology is one of the most indispensable tools of today's generation.
However, since the technology is man-made, its overall functionality is prone to
some errors and limitations in terms of connectivity to the internet, electricity,
hardware malfunctions, and other external factors that can hinder the delivery of
the message through technology. Personally, internet connectivity issues and
power interruptions are the most frequent causes of communication delays and
difficulties whenever I communicate through technology.”

Interviewee 2: Jessalyne Millanes, 19 years old

1. How do you make use of your technology and gadgets?
- “I utilize technology by using it for photography, communicating with my friends
and family, and listening to music online.”
2. How do you use technology for communication?

- “Communicating with the people that hold dear to me became possible through
the use of technology and various social media apps, such as Messenger,
Instagram, and Telegram.”
3. What are some of the difficulties you have encountered when communicating through
- “We cannot deny that internet and cellular speeds in the Philippines are
extremely slow. As a result, I experienced multiple problems, including a loss of
connection amidst a group discussion, difficulties understanding the lesson
presented in Google Meet, and important messages not being sent to my

Interviewee 3: Mercy Ramos Bunda, 19

1. How do you make use of your technology and gadgets?
- “I obtain information via my gadgets, like my laptop and smartphone, such as by
looking for information on Facebook, YouTube, and Google. I also use
technology to communicate with my friends and family whenever I have
something important to tell them.”
2. How do you use technology for communication?
- “Messenger was the most popular app on my phone because I used it a lot. I
typically use it for chatting, video calling, and information exchange with my
friends and family.”
3. What are some of the difficulties you have encountered when communicating through
- “When it came to connecting with my family and friends, my normal issue was
the abrupt loss of connection. It occasionally interrupts my discussion when the
connection is unexpectedly lost or when the system crashes.”

Interviewee 4: Marlon Jr Reli, 19

1. How do you make use of your technology and gadgets?

- “As a student, I use my gadgets as a means of communication and interaction
within the social media environment. I also use my gadgets for entertainment
whenever I'm sad and lonely.”
2. How do you use technology for communication?
- “I use technology to communicate with my professors and classmates via
chatting and video calling them on Messenger, Instagram, Discord, and
3. What are some of the difficulties you have encountered when communicating through
- “The biggest cause of communication difficulties when using gadgets is a loss of
internet connection. As a result, I find it difficult to participate in online
discussions, which limits my ability to learn and communicate information online.”

Interviewee 5: Shan Saima S. Saclolo, 18 years old

1. How do you make use of your technology and gadgets?
- “We can stay in touch on both personal and academic matters because
technology is more accessible and speedier for students. Moreover, individuals
separated by distance would be able to communicate much more easily in this
2. How do you use technology for communication?
- “Messaging apps like Facebook Messenger, Instagram, and Telegram are great
for text-based communication since they allow users to connect directly to
another person's personal communication device.”
3. What are some of the difficulties you have encountered when communicating through
- “One concern that people may encounter when utilizing communication
technology is technical issues such as a faulty internet connection or system
crashes, miscommunication and misinterpretation, the likelihood of
misunderstandings, being diverted from reality, and so on.”

ii. Professional (25-44 years old)

Interviewee 1: Hilario Erna, LPT, 35 years old
1. How do you make use of your technology and gadgets?
- “I mainly use my gadgets for communication, for searching topics, for
downloading or uploading information, and for entertainment purposes.”
2. How do you use technology for communication?
- “I use technology to communicate with my family, friends, and colleagues
through the use of different applications, such as Facebook / Messenger, Email/
Gmail, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Google Meet, calls, and text.”
3. What are some of the difficulties you have encountered when communicating through
- “I ran across several issues, such as a loss of internet access and signal, trouble
comprehending the message intended to be conveyed by the person I was
speaking with, and a cellular load shortage.”

Interviewee 2: MaryJane Tutor, business owner, 39 years old

1. How do you make use of your technology and gadgets?
- “I use technology not only in my personal life but also to successfully run our
small eatery. Furthermore, for communication and marketing purposes with our
customers, I rely on my smartphone and computer. These digital tools also help
me discover new recipes, manage supply orders, and provide amusement and
relaxation at times of leisure.”
2. How do you use technology for communication?
- “I utilize technology to communicate in a variety of ways. It helps me to engage
with customers and suppliers while also staying in touch with my family, friends,
and relatives via phone calls, text messages, and instant messaging apps.”
3. What are some of the difficulties you have encountered when communicating through
- “Some of the challenges I've encountered when communicating through
technology include internet outages, misinterpretations in text-based messages
due to typing errors and my weak eyesight, and background noise during calls
that makes understanding the message difficult.”

Interviewee 3: Shiellien Amparo, IT, 29 years old
1. How do you make use of your technology and gadgets?
- “I use technology for entertainment and leisure purposes, but I also use it to
interact with family who work abroad and to boost my efficiency at work. Furthermore, I
use technology to search for news online to stay up to speed on national and worldwide
2. How do you use technology for communication?
- “To communicate with my relatives, family, and colleagues, I use Messenger,
Telegram, and Zoom for video calls and chats to deliver my important messages
3. What are some of the difficulties you have encountered when communicating through
- “My biggest troubles are usually technical, such as when my internet connection
suddenly stops working. As a result, utilizing my smartphone for internet-related
tasks such as sending emails or watching videos became very challenging.”

Interviewee 4: Gilbert Amparo, IT, 32 years old

1. How do you make use of your technology and gadgets?
- Technology plays several roles in my daily life, but it is mainly used as a tool for
my work and as a way to communicate with my family and coworkers.
2. How do you use technology for communication?
- For family communication, I rely on Messenger, while work-related meetings are
conducted through Zoom.
3. What are some of the difficulties you have encountered when communicating through
- One of the problems I face a lot is when the internet stops working often. It
means I can't do things like go online, use apps, or check emails regularly. It's
annoying, and I have to figure out why it's happening or ask for help to fix it.

iii. Elder (45-above)

Interviewee 1: Lourdes Dula, 79 years old
1. How do you make use of your technology and gadgets?
- “I frequently utilize devices to watch movies to entertain myself whenever I'm
bored and have nothing better to do. I also utilize technological devices to
communicate with my children and grandchildren who live in our province.”
2. How do you use technology for communication?
- “I frequently use Messenger to connect with my grandchildren in our province.
Furthermore, given the recent successive earthquakes that happened in
Mindanao, we use Messenger's video call function to check on their safety.”
3. What are some of the difficulties you have encountered when communicating through
- “I find it difficult to keep up with the technical advancements brought about by
innovation because I am already old. Because of my blurry eyesight, I also have
difficulty reading and understanding the message provided by the person that I'm
talking to. Lastly, because of my diminished hearing skills, I find it hard to hear
vocal messages in phone calls.”

Interviewee 2: Angeline Samonte, 56 years old

1. How do you make use of your technology and gadgets?
- “Communication with my husband in another country and my second child, who
works in Manila, has become possible thanks to technological advances.
Moreover, technology made online banking possible, allowing me to remit the
money sent by them with ease.”
2. How do you use technology for communication?
- “Because my spouse and children work from afar, we only communicate through
Messenger via calling and chatting.”
3. What are some of the difficulties you have encountered when communicating through
- “All I know how to use are Facebook, Messenger, and YouTube. I'm not sure
how to use the other apps. I also lack patience for things like that. As a result,
when there is an emergency and my cell phone suddenly malfunctions, I don't

know the password or converge loses an internet connection, I frequently can't
answer my child's or husband's calls.”

Interviewee 3: George Allison, 69 years old

1. How do you make use of your technology and gadgets?
- “I primarily use technology for communication. I also use it to get information
online and to entertain myself when I don't have any responsibilities or jobs that
need to be completed right away.”
2. How do you use technology for communication?
- “I commonly use Messenger and Facebook, mostly to communicate with family
and friends. I can also catch up with the latest news and events by scrolling
through Facebook and other social media apps or websites.”
3. What are some of the difficulties you have encountered when communicating through
- “Through the continuous growth of the internet, it became difficult for me to adapt
to its changes. The gadgets before, in our time, only had keypads that were
easier to use and control. Now, gadgets are mostly touchscreens with fewer
buttons, which makes it harder for me to identify which button to use.”

V. Results and Discussion

The study's emphasis on a range of experiences and viewpoints highlights the
relationship between technology, communication practices, and the particular
challenges that each person has while interacting with technology. The findings from the
group interview reveal that the respondents share both similarities and differences in
their utilization of technology. These elements are evident in how they employ
technology for communication purposes and the challenges they encounter in the
As a result, this suggests that the adoption and use of technology vary across
different age groups in terms of how it contributes to facilitating the everyday lives of
individuals, most importantly in communication.

VI. Summary

The researchers of this study sought to know if the use of technology for
communication varies among different ages. As the study progresses and is completed,

the researchers conclude that respondents in the student category mostly utilize
technology for communication, entertainment, and educational purposes. Additionally,
students demonstrate proficiency in utilizing a variety of social media applications and
websites to effectively convey messages to their intended recipients, regardless of the
distance. This demonstrates how versatile technology is in students' lives, as it can be
used for entertainment and education, as well as communication, regardless of where
they are in the world.

In the category of professionals, on the other hand, respondents demonstrate

proficiency in utilizing technology to maintain connections with friends and family.
Additionally, these individuals efficiently incorporate technology into their work-related
tasks. This strategic use of technology not only facilitates easier communication but also
contributes to increased productivity in their professional lives. As a result, this provides
them with extra time to rest and entertain themselves when they have nothing else to

Lastly, in the elderly category, respondents faced challenges using technology for
communication. Their struggle arises from a limited familiarity with current innovations,
making tasks like sending and receiving messages through gadgets difficult for them.
This highlights the difficulties some older individuals may experience in adapting to
modern communication technologies.

To conclude, the study reveals distinct patterns in the use of technology for
communication across different age groups. Students exhibit their reliance on
technology for communication, entertainment, and education, showcasing its versatility
in their lives. Professionals, on the other hand, demonstrate adept utilization of
technology for both personal and work-related purposes, leading to enhanced
productivity and creating leisure time opportunities. Conversely, the elderly face
challenges adapting to modern communication technologies due to their limited
familiarity with current innovations. This study underscores the varying degrees of

proficiency and challenges of using technology for communication in different age

VII. Conclusion

After conducting the group interview, the researchers discovered the following:
1. All of the respondents utilize technology for a variety of purposes, including
communication, entertainment, work-related tasks, and keeping up with current
events around the world.
2. Respondents utilize technology to communicate by using social media apps and
other applications present on their devices.
3. When using technology for communication, respondents reported multiple
challenges, including slow internet or cellular connectivity, difficulty
understanding the message given by the sender, and difficulty hearing the
spoken message said by the person they were talking to.
4. There is a relationship between communication and technology.
5. Technology makes the communication process a lot easier.
6. The usage of and proficiency with technology varies across all ages.
7. The respondents under the category of "45 and above" find it difficult to cope with
current technological advancements, making them face several challenges in
properly utilizing technology.

VIII. Appendices
A. College Students
Interviewee 1: Kirby S. Fidel Interviewee 4: Marlon Jr Reli

Interviewee 2: Jessalyne Millanes Interviewee 5: Shan Saima S. Saclolo

Interviewee 3: Mercy Ramos Bunda

B. Professional

Interviewee 1: Hilaro Erna Interviewee 3: Shielien Amparo

Interviewee 2: MaryJane Tutor Interviewee 4: Gilbert Amparo

C. Elder
Interviewee 1: Lourdes Dula

Interviewee 2: Angeline Samonte

Interviewee 3: George Allison


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