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Ajay Deepak
Roll Number:-2023001701
I would like to express my special thanks and gratitude to the teacher
who gave me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on
the topic “pressure on teens”,which also helped me in doing a lot of
research and I came to know about a few solutions to look upon the
topic. I am really thankful to my friends who gave their time to
participate in the survey. Secondly, A big thanks to my fellow
teammates for cooperating with me to complete this report in a
limited time. It really helped my knowledge about the topic .
Cyber security is security as it is applied to information technology.
This includes all technology that stores, manipulates, or moves data,
such as computers, data networks, and all devices connected to or
included in networks, such as routers and switches. All information
technology devices and facilities need to be secured against intrusion,
unauthorized use, and vandalism. Additionally, the users of
information technology should be protected from theft of assets,
extortion, identity theft, loss of privacy and confidentiality of personal
information, malicious mischief, damage to equipment, business
process compromise, and the general activity of cybercriminals. The
public should be protected against acts of cyber terrorism, such as the
compromise or loss of the electric power grid. Cyber security is a
major endeavSecuring information technology is known as cyber
As technology advances, so does the need for cyber security
measures. Cyber security refers to the protection of information
technology, including computers, data networks, routers, and
switches, from unauthorized use, intrusion, vandalism, and
cybercrime. It is important to safeguard all information technology
devices and facilities, as well as the users who rely on them, from
theft, identity theft, loss of privacy and confidentiality, malicious acts,
and damage to equipment. Additionally, cyber security efforts aim to
protect the public from potential cyber terrorism attacks, such as the
compromise of the electric power grid.
The IT industry recognizes the significance of cyber security and
offers professional certifications for training and expertise. Despite
the billions of dollars spent annually on cyber security, no computer
or network can be considered completely secure. The most costly
cyber security exploit to date was the Love Bug email worm of 2000,
estimated to have caused a loss of 10 billion dollars. It is imperative
to continue investing in cyber security measures to stay ahead of
potential threats.
Cyber attacks are becoming more and more frequent and dangerous.
They can target any computer system, network, infrastructure,
personal device, or smartphone. Attackers can be individuals, groups,
organizations, or even sovereign states, and they may have malicious
intentions when trying to access restricted areas of a system or data.
Cyber attacks can be used in cyber warfare or cyber terrorism, and
they can be facilitated by cyber weapons. One well-known example of
a cyber-attack is a distributed denial of service attack (DDoS). These
attacks can result in the theft, alteration, or destruction of a target,
ranging from personal computers to entire national infrastructures.
Legal experts are working to differentiate between cyber-attacks that
cause physical damage and other hacking activities.

The above pie chart shows the biggest cyber security concern Social
engineering has the highest concern which is 27.8% Ransom ware
concern is 27.6%, where as the least concern is about ddos which is
4%. The state-sponsored hackers & malware concern is 14.3%, others
and out of date tools concern are 6.4% &5.7% respectively.
cyber security is a dynamic and critical field that requires continuous
vigilance, adaptation, and investment. As technology evolves, so do
the threats, making it imperative for organizations and individuals to
prioritize cyber security measures to protect their digital assets and

Educating employees about cyber security best practices is essential.
Regular training can help reduce the risk of human error and improve
the overall security posture of an organization.


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