Final Examination in ECE 110

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Final Examination in ECE 110

Assessment of Children’s Development

Name: _____________________________ Date: ________________ Score: _________

Directions: Answer the following questions carefully. Write your answers in the space provided based on the
instructions given in each test sections. Competencies are taken from the Kindergarten Curriculum Guide.

A. Make a specific test based on each on the given competency. (10 points each)

1. Learning Competency: Match numerals to a set of concrete objects from 0 to 10.

2. Learning Competency: Identify the positions of the objects using "in," "on," "over," "under," "top," and
B. Formulate at least two performance-based learning competencies based on each given learning
competency in a particular subject. Then give students’ performance task/s based on the learning
objectives. Discuss, as well, the procedures on how students will carry out the task. Then, prepare a
rubric (holistic or analytic) for each performance task. (20 points)

3. Learning Competency: Name the five senses and their corresponding body parts
Learning Objectives:

Performance Task:



C. Multiple-Choice. Underline the letter of the correct/best answer.

4. What is a portfolio assessment?
A. A collection of photographs
B. A systematic and purposeful collection of student work
C. A compilation of academic articles
D. A series of quizzes and exams
5. Which of the following is NOT a type of portfolio?
A. Showcase Portfolio
B. Reflective Portfolio
C. Standardized Portfolio
D. Working Portfolio
6. What is the primary purpose of a showcase portfolio?
A. To demonstrate a student's growth over time
B. To highlight a student's best work for a specific purpose
C. To assess a student's knowledge through standardized tests
D. To store random pieces of student work
7. Which statement best defines the advantages of using portfolio assessments?
A. Portfolios provide a one-time snapshot of a student's abilities.
B. Portfolios allow for a holistic view of a student's progress and achievements.
C. Portfolios are time-consuming and impractical for assessment purposes.
D. Portfolios are limited to assessing only theoretical knowledge.
8. What is a disadvantage of using portfolios as an assessment tool?
A. They are highly objective and lack subjectivity.
B. They require significant time and effort for both students and teachers.
C. They can only showcase final products, not the process.
D. They are suitable only for assessing objective knowledge.
9. Which of the following is a key element of evaluating portfolios?
A. Assigning a single numerical grade
B. Ignoring the reflection component
C. Focusing solely on the quantity of work
D. Considering both the product and the process
10. Why is reflection important in portfolio assessment?
A. It adds unnecessary length to the portfolio.
B. It allows students to express their thoughts and self-assess their learning.
C. It is only required in specific subjects.
D. It slows down the assessment process.
11. In a working portfolio, what type of items might be included?
A. Only final polished products
B. Items that demonstrate the student’s process and progress
C. Items that are irrelevant to the learning objectives
D. Only standardized test scores
12. What is the primary purpose of formative assessment in portfolio development?
A. To provide a final grade for the portfolio
B. To guide ongoing teaching and learning
C. To showcase only the best student work
D. To limit student reflection
13. Which type of portfolio is typically used for job applications or college admissions?
A. Working Portfolio
B. Reflective Portfolio
C. Showcase Portfolio
D. Growth Portfolio

D. Enumeration: List what is needed in the following items.

14. Write 3 ways to report grades to parents or guardians.

15. Write 3 tips for an effective parent-teacher conference.

16. Write 4 keys to being a successful teacher.


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