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As aquatic activities become increasingly popular, it is important for people
to understand how to rescue someone who is in trouble in the water.
• Water rescue techniques are essential skills that can save lives.
• In any rescue situation, it is essential to prioritize personal safety.
• If the rescuer is not confident in their ability to rescue the victim without
putting themselves in danger, they should seek help from a more
experienced swimmer or a lifeguard.
• It is important to remember that attempting to rescue someone while
putting oneself in danger is not only ineffective but could also result in
multiple casualties.
 The Reach method involves trying to reach the victim with your arm or leg. If
you are unable to reach them, try using a pole or sturdy stick to pull them
to safety. The rescuer must be careful not to hit the victim with the object
used to reach them.
 The Throw method involves throwing something to the victim that will help
them stay afloat while waiting to be rescued.
 This could be a throw bag or a rescue ring, both of which are commonly
used by experienced rescuers. If these items are not available, you can
throw anything that floats, such as a cooler or a life jacket. It’s crucial to
avoid throwing anything that could harm the victim, such as heavy objects
or sharp-edged items.
 The Row method involves getting a boat out to the victim. The boat should
be manned by two people, one to handle the boat and the other to help the
 It’s important to wear Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs) while performing
this rescue technique. The rescuer must be careful not to capsize the boat
while helping the victim.
 The Go method involves swimming out to the victim to rescue them. This
technique is the last resort and should only be attempted by trained
individuals who have strong swimming and lifesaving skills

1. TIRED SWIMMER A tired swimmer may quickly become tired so immediate

rescue is required. They are generally in an inclined position in the water
using arms and legs for support. They may be facing a point of safety and
attempting to attract attention. They may be able to take clear instructions.
The use of an aid in an accompanied or non-contact rescue is suitable.

2. PANICKED SWIMMER An panicked swimmer could be in an awkward

position caused by grasping of injured limb or area. They may be in a great
deal of pain, crying out and panicking and not respond immediately to
The use of an aid is preferable in a rescue. The rescuer should avoid
aggravation of injury during rescue.

3. NON – SWIMMER A non-swimmer is in immediate danger as they may

quickly become unconscious. They are often in a vertical position using
desperate grabbing and climbing arm and leg action, as their only concern is
breathing. They are unlikely to respond to instructions and may attempt to
grasp the rescuer.
Rescuers should avoid making contact and use an aid when rescuing a non-

4. UNCONSCIOUS SWIMMER An unconscious person may be found in any

position in the water; on the surface, below or at the bottom and could be
face-up or face-down. They will be completely limp and immediate rescue is
required. They will not be able to cooperate or respond to instruction.
A contact tow is required.


Accident prevention
 The strategies, preparatory methods, and the measures instituted to prevent
 It refers to the plans, techniques, and safety measures implemented to
prevent accidents.

 action taken to decrease the chance of getting a disease or condition.
 the action of stopping something from happening or arising.

1. Slippery surfaces- The area surrounding the pool is often wet and slippery.
2. Water Clarity Cloudy or murky water is typically a sign of the lack of pool
3. Drain Entrapment Drain covers and suction outlets have caused a variety
of injuries to swimmers in the past, especially to children.
4. Design or Building violations Dangerously designed pools may have blind
areas, rock faces, or waterfalls that create an unnecessarily perilous area for
5. Gates or Fences Drownings often occur when a child enters a pool area
without supervision.
Qualified Supervision
 All swimming activity must be supervised by a mature and conscientious
adult age 21 or older who understands and knowingly accepts responsibility
for the well-being and safety of those in their care.
Physical Fitness the ability of your body systems to work together efficiently to
allow you to be healthy and perform activities of daily living.
Health – related Fitness It involves skills that enable one to become stay
physically healthy.
The Health-Related Components of Physical Fitness include:
 Body Composition
 Muscular Strength
 Muscular Endurance
 Cardiorespiratory Endurance
 Flexibility

Skill – related Fitness Involves skills that will enhance one's performance in
athletic or sports events.

The Skill Related Components of Physical Fitness include:

 Agility
 Balance
 Coordination
 Power
 Reaction time
 Speed

Swim Area Safety

 Water Depth
 Underwater Hazards
 Water quality, clarity, and temperature
 Moving water
 Ocean currents
 Life jacket use
Lifeguard - A lifeguard is a trained professional who is responsible for ensuring
the safety of individuals in or around bodies of water, such as swimming pools,
lakes, or beaches.

Lookouts - In swimming, a lookout refers to a designated person who is

responsible for keeping watch over swimmers in the water to ensure their safety

Ability Group - ability group refers to a grouping of swimmers based on their skill
level or ability. Swimmers are placed in ability groups to allow them to train and
compete with other swimmers who are at a similar level, which can help them
develop their skills and improve their performance.

Buddy System-The buddy system is a safety practice commonly used in

swimming, particularly in open water or deep-water environments, where two
swimmers stay together and keep an eye on each other during their swim. This
practice is essential for ensuring the safety of swimmers, as it provides an extra
layer of protection in case one of the swimmers experiences a problem while in the

Good Discipline - Good discipline is essential in swimming as it helps swimmers

develop the focus, determination, and self-control necessary to succeed in the

Self-Prevention - Swimming is a great way to stay active and have fun, but it's
important to practice self-prevention to ensure your safety in the water. Here are
some tips for self-prevention in swimming:

 Learn to swim: If you don't know how to swim, the first step in self-
prevention is to learn how to swim properly. Take swimming lessons from a
qualified instructor to learn the basics and improve your technique.
 Wear appropriate swimwear: Wear appropriate swimwear that fits well and
is comfortable. Avoid loose-fitting clothing, as it can impede your movements
and cause drag in the water.
 Always swim with a buddy: Swimming alone is not recommended, even for
experienced swimmers. Always swim with a buddy or in a group, and never
leave children unattended near water.

Training to assist other - If you want to assist others in swimming, such as

teaching beginners or helping with a swim team, there are several things you can
do to prepare for this role. Here are some tips for training to assist others in
 Get certified: Consider obtaining certification as a lifeguard, swim
instructor, or coach. These certifications will provide you with the necessary
knowledge and skills to assist others in the water safely and effectively.
 Develop your own swimming skills: To assist others in swimming, it's
important to have strong swimming skills yourself. Practice regularly and
work on improving your technique, speed, and endurance.

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