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Bob and Paul have to wash the car
Amy has to make lunch
You and I have to go shopping
I have to do my homework
You have to clean the kitchen

have to turn
have to turn

have to go

have to go

have to turn right

have to go over

have to go straight on

have to turn left

I had to turn right at the bank
I had to go over the bridge
I had to go straight on at the traffic lights
I had to turn left at the roundabout

Turn left at the roundabout

Go back to the city centre
Turn right at the traffic lights
Go over the railway line
Go straight on at the roundabout


Why is English so green?

Why do you drive so fast?

Why is Harriet crying?

Why did we get lost?

Why does Frank score a lot of goals?

Why do you and Jason enjoy camping?

Why did Penny and Tina arrive late at the concert?

Why is Cara always tired?

Because it rains a lot there
Because I'm in a hurry
Because she's sad
Because we went the wrong way
Because he's a good player
Because we like being outside
Because they didn't leave home on time
Because she goes to bed late


don't have to

have to

don't have to

have to

EXERCISE 1: Write have to/ don’t have to

don't have to go to school

have to wash up

has to bring a towel

EXERCISE 1: Write sentences using the correct form of have to.

1 He/ help in the house tomorrow. ()
He has to help in the house tomorrow
2 They / go to London at the weekend. (✓)
They have to go to London at the weekend
3 We / go to dinner tomorrow. (✓)
We have to go to dinner tomorrow
4 She / take the dog out now. (✓)
She has to take the dog out now
5 You / talk to him this evening! ()
You have to talk to him this evening
6 1/work this evening! ()
I have to work this evening

EXERCISE 1: Read the information and complete the sentences with the correct forms of have to or
don’t have to

Bianca - please do the shopping on Monday and Tuesday

Marcos - please do the shopping and cook dinner on Wednesday and Thursday
Arthur and Diego - cook dinner on Monday and Tuesday
And remember to do your homework, everyone!

Ví dụ: Arthur and Diego don't have to cook dinner on Wednesday.

has to
1 Bianca __________________ do the shopping on Monday.
2 Marcos __________________
doesn't have to do the shopping on Tuesday.
3 Bianca __________________
doesn't have to have to
cook dinner, but the others __________________ cook
4 Arthur and Diego __________________
don't have to cook dinner on Thursday.
5 Everyone has __to __________ do their homework.

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