Humanity Essay

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Humanity Essay | Essay on Humanity for

Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

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Humanity Essay: The definition of humanity would be as quality of being
human; the precise nature of man, through which he is differentiated from
other beings. But being human does not necessarily mean that an individual
possesses humanity.
If you want to know the quality of humanity in a person take notice of how they
do for people who give nothing back in return to the favour they have offered.

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technology and many more. Like, see many more facts and matters about
humanity essay in this link, What is humanity essay.

Long and Short Essays on Humanity for Students and

Kids in English
We provide children and students with essay samples on a long essay of 500
words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic “Humanity” for reference.

Long Essay on Humanity 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Humanity is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

When we talk about humanity, there can be various perspectives to look at it.
The most common way to understand humanity is through this simple
definition – the value of kindness and compassion towards other beings.
When we scroll through the pages of history, we come across lots of acts of
cruelty being performed by humans, but at the same time, there are many
acts of humanity that have been done by few great people.

The thoughts of such great humanitarian have reached the hearts of many
people across this planet. To name a few people, such as them are Mother
Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, and Nelson Mandela. These are just a few names
with which most of us are familiar with. By taking Mother Teresa, as an
example of a humanitarian, we see that she had dedicated her entire life to
serving the poor and needy from a nation who she barely had any relation.
She saw the people she served for, as humans, a part of her fraternity.

The great Indian poet, Rabindranath Tagore, expressed his strong beliefs on
humanity and religion in his Nobel prize-winning piece, Gitanjali. He believed
that to have contact with the divine one has to worship humanity. To serve the
needy was equivalent to serving the divine power. Humanity was his soul
religion. Their ways of life have taught us and will be teaching the future
generation what it means to be a human—the act of giving back and coming
to aid the ones in need. Humanity comes from the most selfless act, and the
compassion one has.

But as we are progressing as a human race into the future, the very meaning
of humanity is slowly being corrupted. An act of humanity should not and can
never be performed with thoughts or expectations of any personal gain of any
form; may it be fame, money or power.

Now we live in a world that, although it has been divided by borders, it is

limitless. People have the freedom to travel anywhere, see and experience,
anything and every feeling that ever existed, but we still are not satisfied.
Nations fight now and then to attain pieces of land in the name of religion or
patriotism, while millions of innocent lives are lost, or their homes are
destroyed who are caught in the middle of this meaningless quarrels. The
amount of divisiveness caused by human-made factors such as religion, race,
nationalism, the socio-economic class is causing humanity to disintegrate

Humanitarian crisis such as the ones in Yemen, Myanmar and Syria has cost
the lives of million people. Yet the situation is still far from being resolved. All it
needs to save them is for people all across the globe to come ahead and help
them. Humanity is just not limited to humans. It’s also caring for the
environment, the nature and every living being in this universe. But most
humans are regressing to the point that they don’t even care about their

In this era of technology and capitalism, we are in desperate need to spread

humanity. The global warming, pollution, extinction of species every day could
be controlled if we and the future generation understand the meaning of
humanity rather than just subduing ourselves to the rat race.

Short Essay on Humanity 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Humanity is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Humanity is an integral part of life which tells that to help other living beings,
try to understand others and realize their problems with our perspective and
try to help them. For expressing humanity, you don’t need to be a well-off
person; everyone can show humanity by helping someone or sharing with
them, part of our ration. Every religion in this world tells us about humanity,
peace and love.

But humans have always indulged in acts that defy humanity, but we, as a
generation, have to rise and strive to live in a world where everybody is living
a fair life. And we can attain by acts of humanity. In last I would only say to
any religion you belong to be a human first be a human lover strive for
humanity as every religion teach us humanity and share your life with others
as life is all about living for others and serving humanity that is why “no
religion is higher than Humanity.”

10 Lines on Humanity in English

1. Humanity is a collective term for all human beings.

2. Humanity is also used to describe the value of kindness and compassion
towards other beings.
3. Humanity is one of the characteristics that differentiate us from other
4. Humanity is also a value that binds us together.
5. When humans achieve something of importance, it is generally referred
to as an achievement for humanity or the human race.
6. Humanitarian is a person who wants to promote humanity and human
7. Examples of a few famous Humanitarians are- Mother Teresa, Swami
Vivekananda, Nelson Mandela.
8. The world at present is facing several humanitarian crises.
9. Yemen is the largest humanitarian crisis in the world, with more than 24
million people (some 80% of the population) in need of humanitarian
10. The divided world right now needs the religion of humanity to guide

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