Sample Question Answer Booklet GS II A SSME 2023

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^R^tpi .
Sample Question Answer Booklet



eRT STcR^^itT sf^ ^ -
(1,2,3,4,5,6, 7, 8, 9,0)
^l^srar^r^ ^ fcfii"

Roll No.

■ □ □ □ □ □ □
•■ (5) ® © © © ©
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^ int'm: f^5=^t O 3t^ O

3!Wft ^ aRRiTmr ^ o
^ ^ ^ fJloiw
T^^ncT ft «iT^ ^ p-eciudT :

•ite- arwi'ff 3TT^ ^

3T1^ *rftaiTT Qj-Hift.rf aTRT ^ anr smri

*npra" ^5^1
3i^Rici 'tiitioi ^ !3H<itJ| «ti<^ Ml*ll oTTcTT f eft
^tw^ 'fr^ ^ ^ ^ art Hc^iH
^^Slt^TOT ?Bt :

^ 41w H'TlffFT 3T9ir ^


Please fill up the OMR Sheet ofthis Question-Answer Booklet properly before answering.
(B) IJtfl <sqiqi<H P|oi*J% ^ «t»l ^ fcKSIl^«eftOI% I
Except Hindi Grammar and Hindi Essay question paper, all other question papers can be written either in Hindi or
English language.
(C) I ^^wff%^^ I
oicrfl I
The candidates should not write the answer beyond die prescribed limit of word. Candidates should write the answers
within the given lines. Please do not write in the blank space.
(D) "Sc^3R^ W ^ ftvlRd ^ fci^ 1 ^^"B%f)%31^ *nrr"q^
^1*1,tRH"'R 31^ 45x(i*t 3ifVcrH'^ I %"BW 3?^ tllHiH

Please write answers only in the prescribed space of booklet Do not make any mark of identity inside the booklet
(including rough paper page) like roll number, name, any other name, address or such odier mark. Do not enclose
anything with the answer booldet. The candidature of candidates violating diese instructions would be cancelled
without even giving them any other notices.
(E) STHIM^ ^1 3R^ if ^ii^ tW ^ ^

Candidates are directed that they should not write (answer) outside order line in every page. Answer written
outside the border line will not be checked by the Examiner.
(F) teft TO if M ^^ ^WTPR? it ?ft fNt W aiM ^RRRi ii ^
"^^TFcRRI^^VrT 1 //^
Ifthere is any sort ofambiguity/mistake either ofprintlng^i;o^factualMure then out ofHindi and English version of
the question, the Hindi version will be treated as standt^., ^
The Question-Answer Booldet is provided in a /elope to the candidate.
% > .
(H) ■% 3iqi ^eiH m qilon

Candidate should fill up all oi^this attached OMR Sheet of Question-Answer Booklet with blue/black
ball point pen. Please ensure that ^s^^'iilR^heet is not tom or damaged.
(1) ^ ^rrffif =t>Iu4<i ^ I
This OMR Sheet consists of two parts in which some information is pre-printed; remaining details have to be filled by
the candidates.

If the Question-Answer Booklet is tom or not printed properly, immediately bring it to notice of invigilator and get
changed the Question-Answer Booklet, otherwise the candidate will be liable for that.
^ : SpHieff'gro 3it.WT*3TR. iET^ «TRtt %'^'Sinrtn iEKT

Special Note : If there is any wrong information filled by the candidate or damage done to the OMR then his/her candidature
for the entire examination shall be rejected by the commissibn, for which he/she himself/herself will be liable.

TO-RsT^^ '37'iWT if tolte t llIt«N>7§S^#I^TO|i^RI%a7cPfdp™:37f^?T^jrtk,

'3rlthr'3R"'5R^'^Trq'f 37f^1^^Tp^S 1
The question paper is divided into two parts as *A' and 'B'. There are three questions as very short answer type, short answer
type and long answer type questions In each part, in which there are sub questions-in each question. The maximum marks are
printed in firont of each question.
M-2020/GS-II- A/05
: 1.?5r 3IH 15 I, 371^ 10 I 77^^31?^ 37l^«n4 I I
03(#1) 37^^t I (15x3s45)
Que.: 1. This question contains 15 very short answer type sub-questions. Answer each question in ideal 10 words/one line. All questions are
compulsory. Each question carries 03(three) marks.

31^: (1.1) ^1/^=03

■3tR :

3IH: (1.2) ^=03


OT: (1.3)

■^tR :

31^: (1.4) 'iA'=03

"StR :

3fH: (1.5)

M-2020/GS-II - A/06

15 3# 3q-3R1 f IP?^ % ^3TI^ 51^ iftm 10^/^ 1
STr^tK M!<H 03(tft^) 3T^^^ I (15x3=45)
Que.: 1. This question contains IS very short answer type sub-questions. Answer each question in ideal 10 words/one line. All questions are
compulsory. Each question carries 03(three) marks.

31^: (1.6)

^3tK :

(1.7) T/M°Q3

31^: 1.8) H/M=03

otTC :

31^: (1.9) _3^=03


"SriT :

31^: (1.10) 'LW=03



: 1.W ^ 15 f, 10 I x<*i 3iRqi4 f I

Mt^<h 03(#1)|
^ I (15x3=45)
Que.:I.This question contains 15 very short answer type sub-questions. Ariswer each question in ideal 10 words/one line. All questions are
compulsory. Each question carries 03(three) marks.

TO: (1.11)

51^: (1.12) .'iyM==03

"STfC ;

(1.13) HyM=03

^3^ :

TO: (1.14)

■3tK :


TO: (r.15)

^3^ :


3T^ : 2. W 3R1 ^10 ^ I yc^<»> >i**i % ^ 3IT?5t tflni 50 ^l«^/5 ^ 6 ■?hft 1 3RR3iR«i4^ I
3rf^ IR^ 05 (Tira) 31^ ^ t I (10*5=50)
Que. : 2. This question contains 10 short answer type sub-questions. Answer each question in ideal 50 words/5 to 6 lines. All questions are
compulsory. Each question carries 05 (five) marks.

m (2.1)

"3^ :


3m :


31^ : 2. 10 cig^Jrrtl'T^-^nRl I yf^ IR^% 3tK^3TT^ ^ftqi 50 ^/5^ I^5R^ fI
yi^ 37^ 05(^^)3}^^t I (10x5=50)
Que.: 2. This question contains 10 short answer type sub-questions. Answer each question in Ideal 50 words/5 to 6 lines. All questions are
compulsory. Each question carries 05 (five) marks.

31^: (2.3)

^3tIT : yRTRi

TO: (2.4) H/M=05

■3^ :

: 2. ^ 10 I 1 TIc^ 3rR % 3TT?9f^ 50 ?I^/5 6 ^ I Wft 1I?I3lR<ai4| I
05(^) ^t I (10x5=50)
Que.: 2. This question contains 10 short answer type sub-questions. Answer each question in Ideal 50 words/5 to 6 lines. All questions are
compulsory. Each question carries 05(five) marks.

TO: (2.5)

"3^ :

TO: (2.6)

^3tR :

: 2. "fH ^ 10 ^rrfhi ^ I iir^cn 31]^ 91^ ^Hi 50 ^i«;/5 ^ 6 nRa^Ji ^'D I yft 3R13iR<ii4't I
■SR^ 05 (^) II (10x5=50)
Que. : 2. This question contains 10 short answer type sub-questions. Answer each question in ideal 50 words/5 to 6 lines. All questions are
compulsory. Each question carries 05 (five) marks.
■51^: (2.7)


31^: (2.8)

"3^ : 3rMR5

3RR : 2. ^ 10 3^(1^1 t 1 3Ic^3R^% %g 311^ 50 ^/5 6 mRH^T I 5R^3lfNn$'| I
TR^ 05(^)^ I (10x5=60)
Que.:2. This question contains 10 short answer type sub-questions. Answer each question in ideal 50 words/5 to 6 iines. Aii questions are
compulsory. Each question carries 05 (five) marks.

TTH: (2.9)

5R^: (2.10)


: 3. 05^ t %> 3^^ 371^ 200^t I^ I
11 I (5x11=55)
Que.: 3. This question contains 05 long answer type sub-questions. Answer each question in ideal 200 words. All questions are compulsory.
Each question carries 11 (eleven) marks.


IrlT :

31?^ : 3. 05 tI ^^3T1^ |
200 I^3rFI3lR<dl4| I
11 ('qn?) I (5x11=55)
Que.:3. This question contains 05 long answer type sub-questions. Answer each question in Ideal 200 words. All questions are compulsory.
Each question carries 11 (eleven) marks.
:(3.1) continued (^Jtrfl)

31^ : 3. "5^? 05 t l3tr^3R^ % STT^^^ftiTT 200 I I^3R^3iR<«4| I
3If^3Rq 11 C^IR?) I (5x11=55)
Que.:3. This question contains 05 long answer type sub-questions. Answer each question in Ideal 200 words. All questions are compulsory.
Each question carries 11 (eleven) marks.

31^: (3.2)

■3tR :

31^ : 3. 31^ ^ 05^^dOil ^-3[^ t 1 3Ir^ 31^ %^ 311^ 200 ■! 1 3r?^ I
3Ic^3R5I 11 (''in?) I (5x11=55)
Que. : 3. This question contains 05 long answer type sub-questions. Answer each question in ideal 200 words. All questions are compulsory.
Each question carries 11 (eleven) marks.
31^ : (3.2) continued (wfl)


: 3. 05 ^ I yc^«h^R^ %'>jtk 3TT^ ?!«<; tUni 200 $ I ^Rft 551 1

5f^551 11 I (5x11=55)
Que.: 3. This question contains 05 long answer type sub-questions. Answer each question In Ideal 200 words. All questions are compulsory.
Each question carries 11 (eleven) marks.

31^: (3.3)

r I\/I-2020/GS-II-A/18
1 SECTION-A/^gns-37
: 3. 05^ 3q-3W I I JR^%3^^ 3r??i^ 200 ^ I TRft TW 3lftgRiI I
11 (^^IR?) 3T^ I (5x11=55)
Que.:3. This question contains 05 long answer type sub-questions. Answer each question in ideal 200 words. All questions are compulsory.
Each question carries 11 (eleven) marks.
"SR^ :(3.3) continued (^sirft)



TW : 3. 05^ t ^ 515^^200^t I^ 1
at^3IH 11('^)31^^! 1 (5x11s55)
Que.:3. This question contains 05 long answer type sub-questions. Answer each question in ideal 200 words. All questions are compulsory.
Each question carries 11 (eleven) marks.

3IH: (3.4)


"3^ :


M-2020/GS-II -< A/20
31^ : 3. 31^ ^ 05^ 3q-3[^ t I3R^ 31?^%:3tR tg 3T1^^^200^I 1 ^3Rq3lftgrf| I
3R^3IH11 I (5x11=55)
Que.: 3. This question contains 05 long answer type sub-questions. Answer each question in ideal 200 words. All questions are compulsory.
Each question carries 11 (eleven) marks.
3R^ :(3.4) continued(^)

: 3. Tt 05^^rrtt'T I 1TR^'5RH%^%3 3T1^ 200^t I^5R^3lReJ|4f 1
11 (T'lR?) I (5x11=55)
Que.:3. This question contains 05 long answer type sub-questions. Answer each question in ideal 200 words. All questions are compulsory.
Each question carries 11 (eleven) marks.

51^: (3.5)


^3^ :

r I\/I-2020/GS-ll - A/22
j 31?^ : 3. ^ 05^ ^ I yt^c»> 3R^ % ^371^ 51^ 200 51^ t I 3R^ f1
3Ir^3RH 11 I (5x11=55)
Que.:3. This question contains 05 long answer type sub-questions. Answer each question in ideal 200 words. All questions are compulsory.
Each question carries 11 (eleven) marte.
■JR^ : (3.5) continued (^nfl)


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