Dalpros 4 Stabilitas Sistem Kendali

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Stability Analysis of Feedback System

Dalpros 4
Dynamic Behavior of Closed-Loop Control
mengetahui transfer function Y terhadap D dan Y terhadap Ysp
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Y sebagai control variable

Next, we develop a transfer function for each of the five elements

in the feedback control loop. For the sake of simplicity, flow rate
w1 is assumed to be constant, and the system is initially operating
at the nominal steady rate.
disturbance: konsentrasi masuknya
Process manipulated variablenya W2 atau kecepatan alir arus yg kedua

In section 4.1 the approximate dynamic model of a stirred-tank

blending system was developed:
domain s

 K1   K2 
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X ( s ) =   X1 ( s ) +  W2 ( s ) (11-1)

 τs + 1   τs + 1 
Vρ w1 1− x
= , K1 = , and K2 = (11-2)
w w w
alat yg mengkonversi sinyal yg sebelumnya berupa listrik

Current-to-Pressure (I/P) Transducer

The transducer transfer function merely consists of a steady-state
gain KIP:

Pt( s )
= K IP transfer function, ordenya 0 (11-9)
P ( s )
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Control Valve
As discussed in Section 9.2, control valves are usually designed so
that the flow rate through the valve is a nearly linear function of
the signal to the valve actuator. Therefore, a first-order transfer
function is an adequate model

W2 ( s ) Kv
= (11-10)
Pt( s ) τv s + 1
Composition Sensor-Transmitter (Analyzer)
sensor yg sebenarnya order 1 tapi time constantnya kecil sehingga diabaikan dan ordenya menjadi 0
dan responnya menjadi cepat
We assume that the dynamic behavior of the composition sensor-
transmitter can be approximated by a first-order transfer function,
but τm is small so it can be neglected.
X m ( s )
= Km
X ( s )
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Suppose that an electronic proportional plus integral controller is
used. yang bisa kita setel yaitu Kc dan taw s

P ( s )  1 
= Kc 1 +  (11-4)
E (s)  τ I 

where P ( s ) and E(s) are the Laplace transforms of the controller

output p ( t ) and the error signal e(t). Kc is dimensionless.
Dalpros 4
“Closed-Loop” Transfer Functions
dari sini kita bisa menganalisis respon Y terhadap setiap perubahan baik taw1, W1 dan D

•Indicate dynamic behavior of the controlled process

(i.e., process plus controller, transmitter, valve etc.)
•Set-point Changes (“Servo Problem”) perubahan set point yaitu inputnya Y dan D nah kadang2 Y
nya berubah kadang2 D nya berubah

Assume Ysp  0 and D = 0 (set-point change while disturbance

change is zero)
Dalpros 4

kalau set pointnya berubah, Ysp tdk sama dengan nol


Y (s) K M GC GV GP
 = (11-26)
Ysp( s ) 1 + GC GV GP GM

•Disturbance Changes (“Regulator Problem”) perubahan disturbance, D nya berubah D nya

tdk sama dengan 0

Assume D  0 and Ysp = 0 (constant set-point)

intinya awalnya tetap tapi di tengah2 atau operasional ada gangguan
Y ( s) Gd
 = (11-29)
D( s ) 1 + GC GV GP GM
pabrik ketika beroperasi bisa beroperasi dengan sistem servo dan regulator, servo dilakukan pada shut down, start up, dan trial run

*Note same denominator for Y/D, Y/Ysp.

General Stability Criterion
Most industrial processes are stable without feedback control.
Thus, they are said to be open-loop stable or self-regulating. An
open-loop stable process will return to the original steady state
after a transient disturbance (one that is not sustained) occurs. By
contrast there are a few processes, such as exothermic chemical
Dalpros 4

reactors, that can be open-loop unstable.

Definition of Stability. An unconstrained linear system is said to
be stable if the output response is bounded for all bounded
inputs. Otherwise it is said to be unstable.
Effect of PID Control on a Disturbance Change

For a regulator (disturbance change), we want the

disturbance effects to attenuate when control is applied.
Dalpros 4

Consider the closed-loop transfer function for proportional

control of a third-order system (disturbance change).

Y (s) = 3 D( s) D (s ) is unspecified
s + 6s + 12s + 8 + 8K C

GV = 1 GM = 1 GP = Gd =
( s + 2)

Kc is the controller function, i.e., G C (s) = K C .

Let ( s) = s 3 + 6s 2 + 12s + 8 + 8K C

If Kc = 1,

( ) ( )(
( s) = (s + 4) s 2 + 2s + 4 = (s + 4) s + 1 + 3 j s + 1 − 3 j )
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 1 
Since all of the factors are positive,  = e −at  ,
s+a 
the step response will be the sum of negative
exponentials, but will exhibit oscillation.
variasi periodik

If Kc = 8,
(s) = s3 + 6s 2 + 12s + 72 = (s + 6)(s 2 + 12)
Corresponds to sine wave (undamped), so this case is
marginally stable.
If Kc = 27

(s) = s 3 + 6s 2 + 12s + 224 = (s + 8) s 2 − 2s + 28 )
( )(
= (s + 8) s − 1 + 3 3 j s − 1 − 3 3 j )
Since the sign of the real part of the root is negative, we
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obtain a positive exponential for the response. Inverse

transformation shows how the controller gain affects the
roots of the system.
Offset with proportional control (disturbance step-
response; D(s) =1/s )
8 1
Y ( s) = 
s 3 + 6 s 2 + 12 s + 8 + 8 K C s
8 1
y (t → ) = lim sY ( s ) = =
s →0 8 + 8K C 1 + K C
bawah pecahan tu penyebut

PI Control:
 1 
G C (s) = K C 1 + 
  Is 
8s 1
Y(s) =  lim sY (s) = 0
s(s + 2) 3 + C + 8K Cs s
s →0 no offset
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adjust Kc and I to obtain satisfactory response (roots of

equation which is 4th order).
PID Control: (pure PID)
 1 
G C (s) = K C 1 + + Ds 
  Is 
No offset, adjust Kc, I , D to obtain satisfactory result
(requires solving for roots of 4th order characteristic
 Analysis of roots of characteristic equation is one way to
analyze controller behavior 1 + G CG V G P G M = 0
Rule of Thumb:
Closed-loop response becomes less oscillatory and more stable by
decreasing Kc or increasing I .

General Stability Criterion

Consider the “characteristic equation,”
1 + G CG V G P G M = 0
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Note that the left-hand side is merely the denominator of the

closed-loop transfer function.
The roots (poles) of the characteristic equation (s - pi) determine
the type of response that occurs:
Complex roots  oscillatory response
All real roots  no oscillations
***All roots in left half of complex plane = stable system

akar2nya bagian riilnya negatif jadi stabil

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Stability Considerations

Roots of 1 + GcGvGpGm
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(Note complex roots always occur in pairs)

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GOL ( s ) =
( s + 1)( s + 2)( s + 3)
Routh Stability Criterion

Characteristic equation
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an s n + an −1s n −1 +  + a1s + a0 = 0 (11-21)

Where an >0 . According to the Routh criterion, if any of

the coefficients a0, a1, …, an-1 are negative or zero, then
at least one root of the characteristic equation lies in the
RHP, and thus the system is unstable. On the other
hand, if all of the coefficients are positive, then one
must construct the Routh Array shown below:
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For stability, all elements in the first column must be

The first two rows of the Routh Array are comprised of the
coefficients in the characteristic equation. The elements in the
remaining rows are calculated from coefficients by using the

a n-1a n-2 − a n a n-3

b1 = (11-94)
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a n-1
a n −1a n − 4 − a n a n −5
b2 = (11-95)
a n −1
b1a n −3 − a n −1b 2
c1 = (11-96)
b1a n −5 − a n −1b 3
c2 = (11-97)

(n+1 rows must be constructed; n = order of the characteristic eqn.)

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