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Population and Employment (unit 12)

By Sir Bilal Sarwar from DMC fsd (03228659670)

Q What is rate of natural increase?

Ans: Birth rate minus death rate is equal to the rate of natural increase.

Q What are the causes of high birth rate?

Ans: (1) Warm and hot climate of Pakistan cause early maturity results in large family. (2) Early
marriages increase productivity span. (3) Desire to have male child result in large family. (4) Poly gammy
also results in large family. (5) Religious beliefs against use of family planning or contraceptives are also
a hurdle. (6) Unawareness about problems of over population and large family. (7) Agriculture society
needs more working hands encourages large families. (😎 Lack of knowledge and availability
contraceptives and family planning facilities. (9) Large family provides support in old age. (10) In Pakistan
majority of people are illiterate. They are not aware of economic distress caused by high birth rate.

Q Explain some measures that could be taken to reduce the birth rate.

Ans: (1) Easy access to use of family planning and contraceptives e.g. green star. (2) Child labor should
be banned. (3) Women education increase marriage age and reduce productivity age.(4) More family
planning clinics should be established. (5) Support of religious scholars should be taken in favor of family
planning. (6) Awareness about benefits of small family should be increased through media. (7) NGO's
like "Chabi ka Nishan" should be encouraged. (😎 Improvement in living standards and literacy rate can
reduce desire for large family.

Q Why death rate has reduced from 1950 to 1970?

Ans: (1) Increased medical facilities live saving drugs, vaccination programmes and increase in the
number of hospitals has decreased death rate. (2) Better transportation system to move doctors and
food where needed. (3) Increase in food production. (4) Improvement in water supply and sanitation has
reduced diseases. (5) More control over disasters like floods and wars.

Q What is life expectancy?

Ans: The average age up to which people of particular area are expected to live.

Population pyramid: Shows structure of population male and female in different age groups. (1)
Youngest age group is at the bottom. (2) Wider base shows a high birth rate. (3) Narrow top shows high
death rate. (4) If age group is 5-9 wider than 0-4 shows decrease in birth rate. (5) Top most age is life
expectancy. (6) Dependent group is from age below 15 years and above 65 years. (7) Productive
population is from 15 years to 65 years.

Future possibilities for Pyramid of Pakistan: Decreased birth rate, more productive population, high life
expectancy so more old people.

Q What are causes of unemployment? (5)

Ans: (1) High birth rate is more than population growth. (2) Due to mechanization less farm labor is
needed. (3) Water logging and salinity has reduced farm land. (4) Miss match in education and
requirements. (5) Rural migration. (6) Use of information technology in offices. (7) Lack of skills or
education. (😎 New residents do not have contacts.

Q What primary occupation means. (2)

Ans: Activities connected with land and nature. Farming, fishing, forestry and mining etc.

Q Why so many people works in agriculture sector?

Ans: (1) Agriculture is traditional occupation of Pakistan. (2) Vast fertile land is available in Indus plain.
(3) Indus river system and network of canals provide water. (4) Suitable summer temperature for Kharif
crops and suitable winter temperature for Rabbi crops. (5) Most of Industry is depend on agriculture for
raw material. (6) Growing food needs of increasing population. (7) Mining, fishing, forestry are not
developed in Pakistan.

Q Why percentage of employment in tertiary sector increasing? (5)

Ans: (1) Progress in industry has also encouraged development of tertiary sector. (2) Improvement in
roads has also developed transport sector. (3) Services sector like health, education and banking has
developed to fulfill needs of growing population created many tertiary jobs. (4) Growth in trade and
commerce sectors is reason. (5) Skilled and educated experts are available due to improvement in
education sector.

Q Why do people move to cities has difficulty in finding jobs? (3) J2010.

Ans: (1) there is lack of jobs due to recession. (2) the most of people move to cities are illiterate,
untrained and unskilled. (3) There may be mismatch in education and demand. (4) Lack of relations in

Q Suggest why real number of unemployed people in rural areas may be higher than figures recorded?

Ans: (1) A large number of people living in rural areas have seasonal employment. (2) More people are
employed in farms than needed. (3) There is difficult to collect figures due to poor infrastructure. (4)
Figures about females are not available. (5) Many people are employed in informal sector.

Q Why there are more jobs for illiterate in urban areas?

Ans: (1) A large number of workers are needed in factories. (2) Illiterate labor is cheaper. (3) Lot of
informal employment is available. (4) Cleaner, servants etc are needed in large number.

Q Why are very few primary jobs available in urban areas? (2)
Ans: Primary activities like crops cultivation, fishing, live stock, fruit farming needs large open tract of
land which is not available in urban areas.

Q What is the main type of employment in the primary sector in rural areas? (1)

Ans: agriculture.

Q Why has the percentage of the workforce working in agriculture declined in recent year? (6)

Ans: (1) Less farm workers are needed due to mechanization. (2) The growth of industry, trade and
commercial activities has attracted large number of people to urban areas with high wages. (3) No more
farm land is available. (4) Large land is spoiled by water logging and salinity. (5) There is little
opportunity in agriculture for educated people.


Q What are push factors that have led to large number of people leaving rural areas of Pakistan?

Ans: (1) Unemployment due to lack of industry, little opportunity for educated people causes migration
towards urban areas. (2) Due to mechanized farming less workers are needed in farms. (3) Lack of
medical and education facilities in rural areas. (4) Large farm land has spoiled due to water logging and
salinity. (5) Lack of facilities like gas, electricity, telephone and recreation. (6) Sufficient farm land is not
available for increasing population. (7) Lack of security and cultural freedom. (😎 Floods, pest attack,
drought and poor farming methods resulted in low farm production not enough to support families.

Q Describe urban pull factors that cause rural-Urban migration. (6) J2006

Ans: (1) Urban area has more jobs opportunities with better wages due to growing industry and
commercial activities. (2) Better quality of life etc electricity, gas, water supply available in urban areas.
(3) Better recreational facilities like park, cinema, libraries etc. (4) Better educational and medical
facilities.(5) More security and cultural freedom. (6) Reliable food supply.

Q What improvement may be made in rural areas to reduce rural-urban migration? (6)

Ans: (1) Roads should be constructed to rural areas for easier access of consumer goods.(2) Small scale
industry and cottage industry should be established to provide employment.(3) Facilities like gas,
electricity, education and medical should be provided in rural areas.(4) Sanitation and water supply
should be developed.(5) Law and order situation should be improved.

Q What problems are caused in rural areas by migration to urban areas? N2007

Ans: (1) Rural areas remained backward due to migration of education people to urban areas. (2)
Shortage of skilled labor is created in rural areas. (3) Population structure is disturbed due to migration
of male members.

Q What are effects of migration from rural areas on urban areas?

Ans: (1) Unemployment in urban areas increases due to cheap labor from rural areas. (2) Shortage of
houses is created in urban areas give rise to growth of squatters. (3) Air and water pollution increases.
(4) Burden on school, hospitals and power sources increase. (5) Traffic congestion and crime rate

Q Why do some people emigrate to other countries?

Ans: (1) There is lack of opportunities for professional in Pakistan. (2) Lack of security and freedom in
Pakistan. (3) Some people move for higher education and better quality of life. (4) Attractive pay in
developed countries. (5) Opportunities in Canada and Middle East. (6) Wide spread corruption in

Q What problems for Pakistan have resulted due to Afghan refugees? (5) J2002

Ans: (1) Use of drugs increased. (2) Fire arms become common. (3) Smuggling of foreign goods harmed
local industry and reduced tax collection. (4) Unemployment due to low cost or cheap Afghan labor.

Q Name one city in Pakistan affected by Afghan refugees. (1)

Ans: Peshawar.

Q Describe some difficulties for people when they leaves home or wish to return. (6) N99

Ans: When people leave they find difficulty in obtaining valid visa. (2) They face difficulty in finding new
job and social adjustment. (3) Some time they are cheated by unscrupulous agents who provided them
forged documents. (4) When they return face corruption and red tape. (5) Harassed by tax department.
(6) Difficulty in finding job.

(Density of population)

Q State the meaning of the term density of population.

Ans: The number of people living in per unit area.

Q Give the reasons of low population density in Balochistan. (4)

Ans: (1) Large part of Balochistan is covered by hills and mountains are unsuitable for agriculture. (2) Soil
is infertile and irrigation facilities etc. (3) mineral deposits are unexplored and industry is not developed.
(4) Infrastructure like road, railway and electricity is undeveloped due to rugged (rocky) landscape and
scattered population. (5) Lack of employment and facilities discourage people to live in Balochistan.

Q Why Indus delta has low population density? (3)

Ans: (1) Indus delta has low saline soil unsuitable for agriculture. (2) Indus delta is often hit by cyclone
and flooded by sea.(3) Large part is covered by mangrove forests and swamps.(4) Infrastructure is
undeveloped (5) Fishing industry is declining due to water pollution and deforestation of mangrove
forest.(6) There is lack of rainfall.
Q Describe the pattern of population density in Sindh. (5)

Ans: Karachi has highest population density because of seaport, commercial activities, industrial
development, international airport and capital city. Land close to river Indus is irrigated by perennial
canals is thickly populated. Sukkur, Nawabshah and Hyderabad are located in this region. Eastern part is
thinly populated due to Thar and Nara deserts. Kirthar mountain are on west and Indus is south is thinly

Q Explain why there is high population in doabs. (5)

Ans: Doab have alluvial soil and network of perennial canals, climate is suitable for Rabi and Kharif crops.
Good network of roads and railway is available. Have high agricultural production. Industry and
commerce is developed.

Q Why Makran coastal region in thinly populated? (3)

Ans: Makran coast region has low population density because region is agriculturally unproductive. Land
is rugged and infertile. Rainfall is low about 125 mm a year. Only fishing activity cannot support large

Q Why population varies in K.P.K?

Ans: Large part of K.P.K is covered with mountain ranges like Hindukush, Safad Koh, Swat hills and
Waziristan hills and thinly populated due to steep slopes, rugged land scape, poor communication and
permanent layer of snow. Gilgit agency, Chitral and tribal areas are also thinly populated. Population is
concentrated in small valleys. Some small fertile plains are located in K.P.K like Peshawar, Mardan, Kohat
and Dera Ismail plains have developed agriculture due to fertile soil and canal network have thick
population. There is concentration of industry in Nowshera, Risalpur, Mardan and Haripur and densely
populated. Some areas have moderate population in Swat, Abottabad, and Balakot due to tourism.
Pastoral activities support people on mountainous areas.

Q Explain the reasons of high population density in Karachi.

Ans: High birth rate, migration from rural areas, opportunities for employment and trade. Better services
e.g. education, health, sanitation. Better infrastructure e.g. road, railway, gas, water and airport. Good
housing and moderate climate. Karachi is Provincial capital, refugee from Afghanistan and migration
after partition in 1947. Fishing activities, industry and seaport attract many.

Q Reasons for high population density.

Ans: (1) Developed agriculture.(2) Industrial development.(3) Job opportunities.(4) Educational factor.(5)
good irrigation system.(6) Security and freedom.(7) Better communication net work and infrastructure.
(😎 Availability of minerals.

Q What is meant by distribution of population?

Ans: The spread of people in an area.

Q Explain what is meant by overpopulation. (2)

Ans: Over population means that the natural resources of a country and technical ability of people
cannot support the population comfortably.

Q How can you tell a rural area is overpopulated?

Ans: A rural area is overpopulated if there are small farmers who practice subsistence farming. Farms
are so small that they barely produce enough for family. Houses are small and made of mud. Diet is


Explain how each of the three factors above contributes to a high density of population.

RELIEF: Flat and undulating land is good for cultivation, use of machinery, establishment of roads and
railway is easy. Contribute to high population.

RAINFALL: Plenty of rain is suitable for agriculture in barani areas also provide water for domestic uses
and industry.

RIVERS: Indus and its tributaries provide water and bring silt to increase fertility of land encourage fish
production and provide water for irrigation.


Q Why female illiteracy is more than male? (2)

Ans: Female education is not given importance in rural areas; girls leave home after marriage so parents
consider female dropout from schools is high. There is shortage of girl schools and teachers in rural

Q Why percentage of literate people is larger in urban areas than in rural areas?

Ans: There are more jobs for literate people with higher pays in urban areas. More facilities for female
education are available in urban areas. Transportation to schools is easy; people of urban areas can
afford education. Traditional farm workers are not needed in urban areas.

Q How may improvement in literacy and education helps to lower the rate of population growth?

Ans: (1) Education creates awareness about benefits of small family. Fewer children can be nourished
and educated properly.(2) Educated people have proper knowledge of contraceptives and family
planning methods.(3) Educated men and women marry late which reduce their productive span result in
small families.(4) Illiterate families are usually poor needs more working hands to increase their earning.
They feel pride in large families.
Q Explain why a sales man should have a good education.

Ans: Through education salesman can became good communicator and polite in manners. He can speak
English and can do calculations. He can use computer and can write letters to clients. He can attain
better knowledge of what he is selling. He is open to new ideas.


From the above state one example of

A: Primary employment- Quarrying and crushing.

B: Secondary employment- Packing and crushing.

C: Tertiary employment- Driver, salesman and office workers.

Q what is meant by self- help schemes?

Ans: Self-help schemes are launched by government under which members of local community are
encouraged to improve their living standard, create self-employment or make their own shelter. The
members of community contribute their labor or material while government provides land and

Q What are advantages and problems of self-help schemes?

Ans: advantages: Self-help schemes can provide shelter to low income people, clean water supply and
sewerage projects under self-help schemes can reduce diseases, parks and play grounds can be built up
on empty lands which will leads in healthy growth of children and elders, NGO's can setup school which
will increase literacy rate, people can start small business with small loans provided by government on
easy installments.

Disadvantages: It is difficult for low income people to contribute funds in self-help schemes,
construction material is very costly so completion of such projects is very difficult, corruption and
mismanagement is very common in such projects, change in government can affect negatively.

Q What is sustainable population growth?

Ans: A size of population that can be supported by resources of a country.


URBAN: means city areas and RURAL means villages.

SLUMS: are congested old houses with fewer facilities.

SQUATTERS: area are those where huts are build on somebody else place.

POLY GAMY means to have more than one wife.

LIFE EXPECTANCY: means average age limits of a person.

CENSUS: is an official counting of population.

DEPENDENCY RATIO: refer to the number of people aged under 15 and above 65 who are not
considered to be part of workforce.

BIRTH RATE: The number of live births per thousand per year.

DEATH RATE: The number of death per thousand per year.

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