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This is to certify that this research Project entitled Design of Single Phase
Automatic Power Change Over Switch was written by Onyebuchi Henry C.
Department of Information Technology, School of Science and Engineering
Technology, under the supervision of Dr Ahaiwe J., and is hereby accepted
by having partially met the requirements for the award of post graduate
Diploma (PGD) Information Technology in National Open University of

………………………….. ……………………

Dr. Ahaiwe J Date

(Project Supervisor)

Name…………………….. Sign……...…………

Program Leader Date………………….

Name …………………………… Sign…………………

Dean of the School Date…………………..


This work is dedicated to God Almighty whose grace has been sufficient for

me throughout this program.


I am deeply grateful to God Almighty for His guidance throughout my study

and this work. I am highly indebted to my supervisor Dr Ahaiwe J. for his

advice and time dedicated to supervise this project, may God bless you.

I am also grateful to Mr/mrs Benjamin Eke, Mrs Helen Nwosu for their

support and encouragement throughout this program. Thank you very much

and may God Almighty continue to bless you and your family in Jesus name,


My profound gratitude goes to my Senior Pastor Mercy Gate Assembly Apst.

Caleb C. Akandu, Pst Godswill, Rev. Pharm/Dr Mrs K.C Uka, Rev.

Stevenson Adedeji for their spiritual support and encouragement towards the

success of this program. More grace to your ministry.

And to those who stood by me all through this period, my Boss Mr. Mike

Ubeh, Ugochukwu Enyinnanya, Maxwell Uboegbu, Samuel Onyewuchi,

Maria Onyewuchi, Mr. Benjamin Iheanacho, Mr. Patrick Nwosu blessed

memory and others numerous to mention. May the good Lord perfect all the

good things he has began in your lives. God bless you all.

Power supply in Nigeria and most developing countries of the world is anything but stable. This

has adverse effects on the consumers of the electricity and the equipments that are operated from

the mains sources of electricity supply in these parts of the world. In this paper, we provide an

automatic switching mechanism that transfers the consumer loads to a power source from a

generator in the case of power failure in the mains supply. It automatically detects when power

has been restored to the mains supply and returns the loads to this source while turning off the

power from the generator set. This mechanism has been tested and we recorded a great result. It

thus holds an important key in the provision of a continuous power supply through a near

seamless switching between the mains supply and an alternative standby source like the

generator set. Keywords: Power Supply; Alternative Power Source; Change-over Switch;



Table of content No of Pages

Title page………………………………………………………………..i





Tables of Contents…………………………………………………….vi


Table of content…………………………………………………….vii-x

List of Tables………………………………………………..................xi

List of Figures………………………………………………………...xii


1.0 Introduction……………………………………………….. …1-2

1.1 Background of the study………………………………...2-3

1.2 Definition of terms………………………………………3-4

1.3 Statement of the problem………………………………….5

1.4 Objective the of Study…………………………………….5

1.5 Significant of the Study…………………………………...6

1.6 Scope and Limitation……………………………………...6


2.0 Review of the related literature…………………………........7-11

2.1 Reliability and continuity of supply…………………..11-12

2.2 Standby power supply system………………………........12

2.3 Engine generating set………………………………........12

2.4 Transfer switch……………………………………...........13

2.5 Manual transfer switch……………………………….......13

2.6 Automatic transfer switch……………………………......13

2.7 Method of electrical transfer…………………….........13-14

2.8 Operation of a transfer switch………………………...15-16

2.9 Component of automatic change over…………..........16-17

2.10 Relays…………………….……………………….......17-21

2.11 Transistor switching circuit………………………............21

2.12 Electrical connector………………………………………21

2.12 Inductive load and diode protection…………………..21-26



3.0 Research methodology………………………………………...27

3.1 Source of data collection…………………………............27

3.2 Method of data collection…………………………….27-28

3.3 System investigation……………………………………..28

3.4 component and material used in design………………….28


4.0 System design……………………………………………….29-30

4.2 Basic design operation……………………………….......31

4.3 Design Calculation……………………………………31-33

4.4 Implementation of the new system……………………….33

4.5 Methods of implementation…………………………..33-34

4.6 Auto change over switch range & operation….............35-37

4.7 System maintenance………………………………..…….37

4.8 Module connector…………………………………...……37

4.9 Module connection access……………………………..…37

4.10 Basic installation principal……………………………37-39

4.11 Operational precaution………………………………..39-40



5.0 Summary………………………………………………………..41

5.1 Result…………………………………………………41-42

5.2 Recommendation…………………………………………42

5.3 Areas of further study ………………………………42-43

5.4 Conclusion………………………………………………..43





Electricity (energy), which plays a major role in economic development of a nation,

forms the basis of this study, with interests in human, infrastructural and economic

development. In most developing and underdeveloped parts of the world like Nigeria, the

supply of electricity for industrial, commercial and domestic use is highly unstable. This

gives rise to the frequent use of alternative sources of power supply to meet up with the

energy demands. The introduction of these alternative sources of supply brings forth the

challenge of switching smoothly and timely between the mains supply and the alternative

sources whenever there is a failure on the mains source. There is also the need to reduce

drudgery from switching between the two sources on the human side. Solving these

challenges forms the focus of this work. The Automatic Change-over switch,

automatically switches over to the alternative source of power supply (generator) when

there is a power outage. It equally switches over to the mains supply when power is

restored and turns off the generator automatically. The automatic power change-over

switch is a device that links the load and mains supply or the alternative supply together.

This enables the use of either the mains supply or an alternative source when there is

outage on the mains source. This can either come in with three phase or single phase.

This device maintains constant power supply to the load by automatically activating the

generator when there is need. Since the user might not always be in need of the generator,

provision has been made to prevent the generator from starting should an outage occur.

We can’t go on and on to emphasize the importance of power supply to our home and

industries, but it is important to mention that the outage of power supply can bring

discomfort in our homes and loss of revenue due to down time in the industries. Thus

Tony Rudkin, the author of ‘upgraded signal source with improved performance and

reliability’, states that the cost and the depreciation associated with breakdown vary from

one application to the other, and in some cases, the user has little choice but to ensure that

a stand-by unit is available to take over on event of failure of primary system. Also in his

book, he went further to say that the depreciation caused by such instability reduces

efficiency of the organization and leads to a great deal of frustration. Sequel to the rate at

which more sophisticated electrical/electronic gadgets are being procured and installed in

our homes, hospitals and business premises, there is a justifiable need for a faster and

more reliable change-over system in an event of power outage. Therefore, in view of

these considerations, in this project, we aimed at designing and constructing a workable

automatic change-over switch with generator starting/shut down functions. This switch

turns ON the generator automatically in cases of mains power failure and connects the

load to the generator output, alternatively it switches OFF the generator automatically

once power is restored and returns the load to the mains power. Thus, in the cause of

finding solution to switching over to the alternative sources of supply without delay,

undue wear and tear of the man who effects the change to the alternative sources come

the importance of our research work.


From the late nineteenth century, through the middle of nineteenth century, power

change over switch is done manually through a switch gear box and cut over fuses or the

connector fuse. This change over switch box separates the source between the generator

and public supply. In this case, when there is power supply outage from the mains

source, someone has to go and change the line to generator. Thus, when the power is

restored, someone has to put off the generator and change the source line from generator

to public supply. In view of the above manual switch system that involve the man power

by using one energy in starting the generator and switching over from public supply to

generator and vice-versa when the supply is restored.

The importance attached to cases of operation in the hospital, Air port, banks and

production plants in order to save life from generator/power supply as fast as possible

makes it important for the design of automatic power change over switch which solves

the problem manpower and the dangers likely to be encountered during the manual

changer over.

Considering theses fact, thus, prompted the researcher to construct automatic change

over switch to help reduce machine damage, tear and wear of equipments. The

automatic change over comprises of electronic control which monitors the incoming

public supply voltage to detect when it goes off and automatically switches to generator

and then power the load.


Resistor: A resistor is an electrical component that limits or regulates the flow of

electrical current in an electronic circuit. Resistors can also be used to

provide a specific voltage for an active device such as a transistor.

Capacitor: A capacitor is a device that can temporarily store an electric charge.

Diode: A diode is a device that lets current flow in only one direction. A diode has

two terminals, called the anode and the cathode. Current will flow through

the diode only when positive voltage is applied to the anode and negative

voltage to the cathode. If these voltages are reversed, current will not flow.

LED: A light-emitting diode (or LED) is a special type of diode that emits light

when current passes through it.

Transistors: A transistor is a three-terminal device in which a voltage applied to one of

the terminals (called the base) can control current that flows across the

other two terminals (called the collector and the emitter). The transistor is

one of the most important devices in electronics.

Integrated Circuit: An integrated circuit is a special component that contains an entire

electronic circuit, complete with transistors, diodes, and other elements, all

photographically etched onto a tiny piece of silicon. Integrated circuits are

the building blocks of modern electronic devices such as computers and


Switch: Switch is an electrical switch that switches a load between two sources.

Fuse: an electrical safety device consisting of or including a wire or strip of

fusible metal that melts and interrupts the circuit when the current exceeds

a particular amperage.

Current: Current is a flow of electrical charge carriers, usually electrons or

electron-deficient atoms.

Generator: A machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy;


Mains: According to Oxford advance Learner dictionary, Mains is define as a

domestic electrical power supply.


Since the beginning of the world, power has being the major source of basic need for

human being in terms of production and other domestic uses. However, many company,

organization and even homes have short down as a result of failure to meet up demands

due to power outage, fluctuation and inability to restore power as at when needed. Due to

the problem confronting human warefare in ever field, the modern technology has

research and discovered a systematic way of prolonging the life span of

equipment/machine by introducing an Automatic change over technique in line with

generator or an inverter.

Therefore, on the process, progress where made in the field and it became possible to

develop an auto change over which are rated in different sizes.


The aims and objectives of this project is to

1. Design and construction of an automatic changeover switch that will switch load

from the mains power supply (PHCN supply) to a back-up power supply

(generator) with simplicity.

2. Introduction of a circuitry that will sense power outage and at the same time sense

fluctuation in power supplied to the load at any point in time.

3. To increase the battery life span of the generator.


1. This project will provide a lasting solution to the heavy losses incurred by

commercial institutions, industries, hospitals, airports, etc caused by poor power


2. It will also be of use in our households because poor power change-over also

causes damage to our household equipment e.g. electronics like television, radio,

video players and electrical appliances like refrigerators, air conditioners, fans, etc.

3. Poor power change-over can also lead to loss of human life if not properly earthed

and this project will be designed to eliminate these losses.


The main target of this work is to design a simple Auto change over switch that will be

able to carry out an auto switching between generator set and public supply system.


During the research process, a lot of challenges where encountered which is as follows.

 Finance: this was one of the greater challenges the researcher encountered at the

cost of carrying out this project sourcing all information through the internet and

printing the work.

 Time Factor: This is another barer that confronted the project due to insufficient

time to gather information needed for the project, combining studies, writing

exams and some other personal project that demands attentions.

 Distance: This was also part of the barriers that confronted the project, travelling

distance from Enugu to Owerri for supervision of the project.




The purpose of this project is to design and construct this unique equipment that provides

a solution to the erratic power supply problem we are facing in Nigeria today. The

automatic changeover switch can be described as a unique switching system, which can

be used to change from one power supply to another as well as maintaining constancy in

the supply to a particular network or load. This equipment to be designed and constructed

in this project will interface between two different electrical power sources (e.g. the

mains supply and the generator).

The main source of supply to the unit is obtained directly from the public supply

(PHCN). The Relaying & Triggering system serves as an interface between the public

supply and the load; hence the load is not directly coupled to the public supply. The

triggering unit is also coupled with the Generator output to provide a connection between

the generator and the load. When there is power outage from the public supply, the relay

and triggering unit sense the failure in supply and immediately trigger the ignition switch

of the generator.

Power change-over switches are of two different mode of operation. Namely:

Manual change-over switch (manual mode of operation)

In this mode of operation when there is any mains failure i.e. PHCN outage, there is need

for a personnel to start the generator manually and wait till the generator attains
synchronous speed. Only after the generator attains synchronous speed can the operator

transfer the load to the generator. In the event that the main supply is restored the operator

has to transfer the load back to the mains supply and turn off the generator. This is done by

manually releasing the changeover breakers. To ensure safety of this operation, the two

breakers of the change-over switch must be interlocked. This involves quite a number of

personnel as this operation is quite cumbersome. Restoration of power is usually a

prolonged process which causes delay. The process may also result in heavy losses and

damage could be done to sensitive loads during this manual process.(3)

Automatic change-over switch (automatic mode of operation)

In this mode of operation when there is any mains failure, there is no need of the

employment of the personnel as the change-over switch will start the generator

automatically upon it sensing power from the mains supply and thereafter switches the

load to the generator supply upon it attaining synchronous speed. Upon restoration of the

mains supply, the switch again senses it and transfers the load back to the mains supply.

The type of automatic changeover switch used which differs from the other

(semiconductor controlled switching type) in terms of the type of load transfer or

switching panel is the pure relay switching type.

The Pure Relay Switching (and contactors)

This design of load transfer panel makes use of mainly relays and contactor combination.

Its operation is based on the hierarchical rank of contactor relays. It consists of some

relays which serves several purposes. These are -

1. Mains contactors- it carries the bulk of the load with the aid of its auxiliary. When the

mains supply (PHCN supply) is ON, the mains contactor responds to the input by closing

its contacts which enables it to get energized causing indicator lamps on the panel to

illuminate. Illumination of these lamps indicates that the mains supply is ON.

2. Mains auxiliary contactor- it is usually present in the generator circuit. When there is

power outage in the mains supply, the contacts of the mains auxiliary contactor which are

in the generator circuit close thereby sending a signal to start the generator.

3. Generator contactor- after starting the generator automatically, the load is then

transferred to the generator via the generator contactor.

(d) Generator auxiliary contactor– it is the generator auxiliary contactor that is responsible

for ensuring that only a power source gets to the load at a point in time. When there is

mains supply failure, it breaks the mains supply line to the load before the generator line

is activated. Upon restoration of the mains power supply, the generator auxiliary again

breaks the generator line before the load is transferred to the mains supply. Because this

design makes use of relay and contactor combination, it is said to have the following


 It can switch alternating currents.

 It can switch high voltages.

 It is useful when high currents are to be used.

 It can switch many contacts at once. This quantity makes them flexible.

It has the following disadvantages:

 Poor sensing ability to fluctuations due to the fact that relays do not function

optimally at low voltages.

 Switching time in the event of mains power supply outage is slow because

switching is done on the basis of energizing and de-energizing of the relay coils.

 Relays generate a lot of heat during switching actions which could cause short

circuits which are very hazardous.

 Relays draw a lot of power from the supply thereby increasing the overall power

consumed by the load.(5)

In times like this, there is really no new invention rather what we have now are just

improvement and innovation on fundamental principles of obtaining the desired results.

Hence, the automatic changeover switch that is designed and constructed is an

improvement on what others have done over the years. A past project was designed such

that is being supplied from just three power sources.

The present design is such that it would take two different sources simultaneously and

also give preference to this power sources with the unique ability to ensure that there is

always power supply to the load at all times.


When a switch is designed to switch significant power, the transitional state of the switch

as well as the ability to withstand continuous operating currents must be considered.

When a switch is in the on state, its resistance is near zero and very little power is

dropped in the contacts; when a switch is in the off state, its resistance is extremely high

and even less power is dropped in the contacts. However, when the switch is flicked, the

resistance must pass through a state where a quarter of the load's rated power (or worse if

the load is not purely resistive) is briefly dropped in the switch.

For this reason, power switches intended to interrupt a load current have spring

mechanisms to make sure the transition between on and off is as short as possible

regardless of the speed at which the user moves the rocker.

Power switches usually come in two types. A momentary on-off switch (such as on

a laser pointer) usually takes the form of a button and only closes the circuit when the

button is depressed. A regular on-off switch (such as on a flashlight) has a constant on-off

feature. Dual-action switches incorporate both of these features.


Reliability is defined as the measure of continue of power supply (i.e how long supply to

the customer is interrupted. In other words, reliability and continuity of supply is the

measure of the availability of supply at the customer’s point of supply. Supply is said to

be reliable, if they are very few or no interruptions in a given period.

An interruption is defined in the Zambian quality of electricity supply standard as a

phenomenon that occurs when one or more phase of a supply to a consumer /group of

consumers are disconnected for a period exceeding three (3) seconds. An interruption can

be of varying duration from fraction of a second to several hours, depending on the cause

and what has to be done to restore supply.

Rao S, (2006: pg 1192), states that the probability of having an interruption is always

there. In most cases, utility will make reasonable provision to supply steady and

continuous power.

Prof. Henry K M and Dr. Antoni K, (2003: pg 3) affirmed that it is the responsibility of

the distribution system to supply power of a specified quality to its customers. He further

stated that most power outage and disturbances can attributed to factors beyond the

control of a utility.

Arrillage J. (2000: pg 1480) State that distribution system anywhere in the world may
not guarantee against fluctuations or interruption. The electrical network systems run by
utilities are exposed to environmental influences and malfunctioning operational
conditions, which can create both power quality and reliability problems. The reliability
of supply to industries is generally high although short interruptions are common. A
highly reliable and continuums power supply can only be achieved by the use of standby
power supply systems and automatic power changeover switch.


Virtually all commercial and industrial users of electricity will have individual loads or
groups of loads that require higher quality of supply or higher reliability of supply than
that available directly from public supply. Often, the power requirements of these loads
are relatively small and can be met easily by the use of auxiliary power supply equipment
and/or un-interruptible power supplies.
There is a wide range of devices as listed below.
I Engine generating sets.
ii Uninterruptible power supply system.
iii Energy storage devices (secondary battery)
iv Solid-state power quality enhancement systems.


Engine generating sets (EGSs) usually consist of one or more internal combustion diesel
engines as the source of mechanical energy, a generator to convert mechanical to
electrical energy, accelerators, control and regulation systems and switchgear.
EGSs can meet most requirements for reserve power sources as well as continuous power

Electrical transfer switches are those switches that cause an electric system to switch
from one power source to another. A transfer switch is an electrical source switch that
reconnects electric power source from its primary source to a stand by source (Wikipedia,
the free encyclopedia). Switches may be manually or automatically operated.


These are generally toggle switches or knobs that need to be manually switched on so
that the power source gets transferred from one knob to the other.

The manual transfer switches can be used where power outage happens quite rarely and
loss of power does not cause any loss to the appliances or systems used with the electric
power supply.


These switches automatically transfer the power source from one to the other. Thus, these
are more convenient to use, as one does not have to manually toggle a switch or turn a
knob to switch the power source. Automatic transfer switches are useful where even a
small loss of power can cause lot of losses in the system that is being powered by the
electric supply.
Automatic transfer switches have found useful in several industries and commercial
applications where a constant source of power is necessary in their processes.


There are three methods of electric transfer that are used by the electrical transfer
switches, they are:
i. Break before make (Open transition):
A break before make transfer switch breaks contact with one source of power
before it makes contact with another. It prevents back feeding from an emergency

generator back into the utility line. Some examples of break before make switches
are: Open transition automatic transfer switch (ATS) and manual three positions
circuit breaker. In manual three position circuit breaker, utility power is connected
on one side, generator on the other and OFF in the middle side of the switch,
which requires the user to switch through the full disconnect “OFF” position
before making the next connection.

ii. Make before break (Close transition):

This method ensures that there is not much of a time-based break in the power
supply to the system while it transfers from one power source to another. This is
used in industrial and commercial applications where even a small loss of power
can cause damage to the product or the system used with the electric power
In this system, the generator runs in parallel with the electrical power supply for a
certain period of time. This enables the generator to take up the load while the
power supply remains uninterrupted.

Closed transition transfer switch may also be referred to as a Static Transfer

Switch (STS), as opposed to an Automatic Transfer Switch.

iii. Soft Loading Transfer Switch:

In this method, a closed transition transfer switch method is used. However, the
only difference is that the4 amount of load accepted by the generator is actively
changed with this switching method. This is a more dynamic version of the closed
transfer switch method of transfer of electrical power source.
Thus, electrical transfer switched make life easier for common people like you
and me, along with industrial and commercial organizations to keep their supply
of electric power going on smoothly and in a continuous manner.



An automatic transfer switch (ATS) is not only safety switches in the backup generator as
a temporary source of electric power, it also commands the backup generator to start,
based on certain conditions, it continuously monitors on the primary coil. This transfer
switch isolates the backup4generator from the electric utility, when the generator is ON
and is providing temporary power.
The switch transition mode of transfer switch may be open transition, or closed transition.
For example, in a home equipped with a backup generator and an ATS, when an electric
utility outage occurs, the ATS will tell the backup generator to start. Once the ATS sees
that the generator is ready to provide electric power, the ATS breaks the home’s
connection to the electric utility and connects the generator to the home’s main electrical
panel. The generator supplies power to the home’s electric load, but are not connected to
the electric utility. When utility power returns for a set time, the transfer switch will
transfer the load back to utility power and command the generator to turn off, after
another specified amount of cool down time with no load on the generator.
Most of the electric circuits and devices like automatic change over switch require a dc
source for their operation. Dc source is portable and ripple free. The process of
converting ac voltage into dc voltage is called ratification and is accomplished with the
help of a rectifier, filter and voltage regulator circuit, (theraja and theraja, 2005: 4pg
2130). A typical dc power supply consists of five stages;

TRANSFORMER: A transformer is a static (or stationary) piece of apparatus by

means of which electric power in one circuit is transformed into electric power of the
same frequency in another circuit, (Theraja. B.L and Theraja A. K, 2005: pg 116).

Transformer can raise or lower the voltage in a circuit but with a corresponding decrease
or increase in current. It has the primary coil and the secondary coil. It step up or step
down the ac supply voltage according to the number of turns in the primary coil and the
secondary coil to suit the requirement of the solid-State electronic circuits and devices
fed by the dc power supply.

RECTIFIER: Rectifier is a circuit that uses one or more diodes to convert ac voltage
into pulsating dc voltage, (Theraja 2005: pg 2130).
Rectifier has three types according to the number of diode and the type of transformer
used. They are half wave rectifier, full wave bridge rectifier and full wave centre taped

This is the circuit diagram of the two types of rectifier.

Fig 2.2 half wave rectifier

Fig 2.3 Full wave bridge rectifier

VOLTAGE REGULATOR: This is the process of keeping the terminal voltage of the dc

supply constant. Theraja and Theraja, 2005: pg 357) The AC voltage supplied can
derivate from 220V or the load 4varies, but the terminal voltage of the dc can be kept
constant by using zener diode and transistors,.

VOLTAGE DIVIDER: Its function is to provide different dc voltages needed by

different electronic circuits, (Theraja and Theraja, 2005: pg 19).

2.10 RELAY
A relay is an electrically operated switch. Many relays use an electromagnetic to operate
a switching mechanism mechanically. Relays are used to control a circuit by a low-
power signal (with complete electrical isolation between control and controlled circuits),
or where several circuits must be controlled by one signal (Gurerich, Vladimir, 2005:
pg 7).

Relays can equally be used to handle high power signal, a type of relay that can handle
the high power signal is called a contactor.

Solid-state relays control power circuits with no moving parts, instead using semi-
conductor device to perform switching. Relays with calibrated operating characteristics
and sometimes multiple operating coils are used to protect electrical circuits from
overload or fault and are called protective relays, (Vladimir G, 2010: pg 422).


A simple electromagnetic relay consist of a coil of wire surrounding a soft iron core, an
iron yoke which provides a reluctance path for magnetic flux, a movable iron armature,
and one or more sets of contacts. The armature is hinged to the yoke and mechanically
linked to one or more sets of moving contacts. (Two sets for electromechanical). It is held
in place by a spring so that when the relay is de-energized there is an air gap in the
magnetic circuit. In this condition, one of the two sets of contacts in the relay is closed,
and the other set is open.

The relay has a wire connecting the armature to the yoke. This ensures continuity of the
circuit between the moving contacts on the armature, and the circuit tract on the circuit
board via the yoke, which is soldered to the circuit board, (Gurevich V, 2005: pg 7).

Fig 2.4 Relay circuit diagram

When an electric current is passed through the coil, it generates a magnetic field that
attracts the armature, and the consequent movement of the moveable contact(s) either
makes or breaks a connection with a fixed contact. If the set contacts were closed when

the relay was de-energized, then the movement opens the contacts and breaks the
connection, and vice versa if the contacts were open. When the current to the coil is
switched off, a force approximately half as strong as the magnetic force returns the
armature to its relaxed position. (Gurerich, Vladimir, 2005: pg 7).

Electromechanical relay
Reed relay
Latching relay
Mercury-wetted relay
Polarized relay
Machine tool relay
Ratchet relay
Contactor relay
Solid-state relay
Solid state contactor relay
Buchholz relay
Forced-guided contacts relay
Overload protection relay
Since relays are switches, the terminology applied to switches is also applied to relays. A
relay will switch one or more poles, each of whose contacts can be thrown by energizing
the coil in one of the three ways:


Normally open (NO) contacts connect the circuit when the relay is activated and
disconnected when the relay is inactive. Normally open is also called Form A contact or
“make” contact. NO contacts can also be distinguished as “early-make” or NOEM, which
means that the contacts will close before the button or switch is fully engaged.


Normally closed (NC) contacts disconnect the circuit when the relay is activated and the
circuit is connected when the relay is inactive. NC is also called Form B contact or
“break” contact. NC contacts can also be distinguished as “late-break” or NCLB, which
means that the contacts will stay closed until the button or switch is fully disengaged.


Change-over (CO), or double-throw (DT), contacts control two circuits: one normally
open contact and one normally closed contact with a common terminal. It is also called a
Form C contact or “transfer” contact (break before make). It change-over contact utilizes
a “make before break” functionality, and then it is called a Form D contact (Terrell and
Wilford, 2008: pg 2-9).

The set back thermostats that turn down the heat at night, and turn it back up an half hour
before one wakes up, use the small ac power that can be extracted from the relay circuit
without making the relay close. Solar lights are seen to automatically tuned on in the
night and off in the morning make use of the relay circuit. In automatic change-over
system, relays are used to switch ON and OFF the starter/motor of the generator and in
the handling of change-over operation between public power supply and the auxiliary
power source to a particular load.
Typical mechanical control relays draw 100mA or more at the coil rating of 24 volts ac
and can be relied on to stay open at 10% of the normal coil current. So one can have
10mA or so at nearly 24 volts ac to power the automatic change-over system, (Horowitz
and Winfield H, 2002: pg 937).

Fig 2.5


Most at times, transistors are used as switches to turn a given load ON or OFF. When
transistor (BJT) is used as a switch, two levels of control signal are employed. The first
level, Transistor operates in the cut-off region (Open), and the second level, it operates in
the saturation region and acts as a short circuit. The switching transistor switches the
relay, which selects between the generator and the public supply. The transistor as a
switch operates in class A mode’ (Theraja and, Theraja: 2005: pg 2285).


An electrical connector is an electro-mechanical device for joining electrical circuits as
an interface using a mechanical assembly. The connection may be temporary, as for
portable equipment, require a tool for assembly and removal, or serve as a permanent
electrical joint between two wires or devices.


Diode (Diode Snubbers)
A snubber is a device used to suppress voltage transients in electrical systems, pressure
transients in fluid systems, or excess force or rapid movement in mechanical systems.
Snubbers are frequently used in electrical systems with an inductive load where the
sudden interruption of current flow often leads to a sharp rise in voltage across the device
creating the interruption. This sharp rise in voltage s a transient and can damage and lead
to failure of the controlling device. A spark is likely to be generated (arcing), which can
cause electromagnetic interference in other circuits. The snubber prevents this undesired
voltage by conducting transient current around the device, (Horowitz P and Winfield H,
2002: pg 55).

A simple snubber uses a small resistor (R) in series with a small capacitor (C). This
combination can be used to suppress the rapid rise in voltage across a thyristor,
preventing the erroneous turn-on of the thyristor; it does this by limiting the rate of rise in
voltage (dV/dt) across the thyristor to a value that will not trigger it. Snubbers are also
often used to prevent arcing across the contacts of relays and switches and the electrical
interference and welding/sticking of the contacts that can occur. An appropriately
designed RC snubber can be used with either DC or AC loads. This sort of snubber is
commonly used with inductive loads such as electric motors. The voltage across a
capacitor cannot change instantaneously, so a decreasing transient current will flow
through it for a small fraction of a second, allowing the voltage across the switch to
increase more slowly when the switch is opened. While the values can be optimized for
the application, a 100 ohm non-inductive resistor in series with a 100 nanofarad, or
larger, capacitor of appropriate voltage rating is usually effective. Determination of
voltage rating can be difficult owing to the nature of transient waveforms; the actual
rating can be determined only by measuring temperature rise of the capacitor. This type
of snubber is often manufactured as a single component.
When the current flowing is DC, a simple rectifier diode is often employed as another
form of snubber. The snubber diode is wired in parallel with an inductive load (such as a
relay coil or electric motor). The diode is installed so that it does not conduct under
normal conditions. When current to the inductive load is rapidly interrupted, a large
voltage spike would be produced in the reverse direction (as the inductor attempts to keep
current flowing in the circuit). This spike is known as an “inductive kick”, (Boylestad,
2006: pg 106).

Placing the snubber diode in inverse parallel with the inductive load allows the current
from the inductor to flow through the diode rather than through the switching element,
dissipating the energy stored in the inductive load over the series resistance of the

inductor and the resistance of the diode. One disadvantage of using a simple rectifier
diode as a snubber is that he diode allows current to continue flowing, which may cause
the relay to remain actuated for slightly longer; some circuit designs must account for this
delay in the dropping-out of the relay. This delay often leads to greatly decreased life of
the relay contacts due to arcing (Horowitz and hill, 1989: pg 53-54). Inductors store
energy in a magnetic field. They also oppose a change in the current through them.

This opposition can cause the inductor voltage to become enormous if there is a big
change in the current called “inductive kick”.
To see this explicitly, consider this sample circuit below

To open circuit source voltage is

The input voltage Vin can be predicted by analyzing the circuit above.
i. At “A” Vs has reached steady state so that I(t) is nearly constant and
approximately equal to Vm (Rs + RL), where RL is the resistance of the inductor.
The work done by the source voltage against the magnetic force produce energy
stored in the magnetic field as

ii. From “B” to “C” the source Vs is switching from Vm to — Vm volts. Since VL =
LdI/dt, current (I) cannot change instantly, but it can change rapidly, (Hugh D.Y.
and Roger A.F, 2008: pg 996-1002).

iii. From Faraday’s Law of Induction

where ym = magnetic flux = B(t)* N* A, where N = number of identical turns of wire and
A is the cross-sectional area.

Recall that as Vs goes from Vm to - Vm, there will be rapid decrease in I(t). It’s not
an instantaneous change from Vm/(Rs + RL) to Vm /(Rs + RL) because of L, but a
rapid change.

However, B(t)a I(t) which implies there will be a rapid decrease in B(t) and,

hence, ym (t).

iv. Therefore, the emf = -dym/dt will be large and positive. This emf (a net “push” on
the charges) keeps current moving in the same direction and thus opposing
v. Using the equivalent lumped circuit above, we see that

This rapid change in current in an indicator can produce enormous V in (= VL). Sometimes
this is useful, as in an automobile spark ignition.
Similarly, this “inductive kick” can produce arcing in switches when they turn off motors.

In sensitive electronic circuits, such inductive kick can be catastrophic and burn our

When the switch is open, there would be a very large and negative voltage V L, if D were
not present. This large voltage appears across A. if this voltage is too large, then the
switch could be damaged. With the snubber diode D, this reverse voltage on inductor is
(limited to the forward voltage drop of D. Thereby protecting the circuit from damage.



Research methodology is a technique of investigating a particular work using structured
collection of analysis and interpretation of data. It deals with method of data collection, the nature
of analysis and interpretation. According to Oxford dictionary, research methodology is defined
as a structural approach to a particular job such as system analysis and design. This research
methodology is structured approach to arriving at dependable systematic solution to problem.


Source of data is referred to the various ways in which information to a problem is
obtained in order to find solution towards it. There are two source of data collection.

• Primary source

• Secondary source

Primary source: this is referred to the source through which first hand information is
being discussed about a topic or a problem. Under this source, information is obtained in
its original form through personal observation, direct interview process, issuing of
questionnaire and even experimental process.

Secondary source: this referred to already existing work or information that has been put
together on paper which serves as references for research work. In this source, text books,
journals, articles, encyclopedia and other written document serve as source of data
through which information could be obtained. In this project work, both sources were
used to bring out the in- depth knowledge and demand of the topic to ensure that topic is
well impounded and explored to its utmost level for proper understanding.


Collection of data is referred to the process of gathering information that helps in the
proper understanding of a research topic an d aid in solving of problem that has being
nosed by a research topic. Hence, interview method is used in this project.

Interview method: This is a method of data collection in which the researcher has a face
to face interaction, ask question on vital areas regarding the problem the researcher will
ask while the respondent gives answer to the question. Interview method is used in this
project to get information about topic of discussion where several question were asked
based on different areas of this work.


The system was carefully investigation and analyses were made in order to have a good
and construction of Auto changes over. Like in the area of switching, a RELAY was use
in order to change the supply from one point to another. The project emphasizes on

diagrams and description of RELAYS. The circuit is design the available electronic
component which plays a vital role in the construction of the device. The RELAY has a
greater role to perform in connection with Resistors. Note during fixing of relays on the
circuit, it has to be properly handled in order to ensure continuity or proper flow of


1 Cutter
2 Pliers
3 Screw driver
4 Screws, bouts and nuts
5 Digital multimeter
6 12 V, 60 A Relay
7 12 V, 30 A Relay
8 Two 10 V, 30 A Relay
9 Connector
10 Ceramic casing
11 100W Bulbs
12 Super glue
13 Drawing papers
14 Pencils and eraser



System design is concerned with the development of a new system and modification of
existing one. It is the evaluation of and specification of detailed structure of auto change
over electronics. The goal of the stage of the system design is to build technical plan of
how the proposed system work. Design refers to plan work and organized action
intending to bring predetermined outcome. It is a conscious activity, guided by aims and
objectives. It usually displays expertise, knowledge, creativity and thoroughness.

The purpose of designing stage is to develop specifications for each of the component of
the system (hardware) component and procedure for each function).



Whenever public power supply is available, transformer 1 supplies a 220 AC voltage that
is stepped down to 15v AC. The 15V AC is rectified using the rectifier circuit and then
filtered by the capacitor. The DC voltage energizes the Relay A, and C and terminals A 1
and A3, C1 and C3 are connected together respectively and the load powered by the public
power supply. Whenever the public power supply is cut off from the transformer, with the
gang switch closed, terminal A2 and A3, C2 and C3, D2 and D3, E2 and E3 were connected
together respectively and the power circuit is then powered through the 12V battery.
When the public power is restored,
Terminals C1 and C3 are connected together thereby putting OFF the generator and A 1, A3
are connected back to the public supply then load is powered.


Transformer 1 rating is 220V/15V/0.2A
Transformer 2 rating is 220V/12V/0.2A
The mains voltage is 220V/ 50Hz.
The transformer 1 output voltage is 15V 1.5V.
The output minimum (Vmin) and maximum voltage (V2max) is 13.5V and 16.5V
respectively. ΔV= change in voltage
Change in voltage (ΔV) = Vmax — Vmin
ΔV = 16.5 - 13.5=3V
VD diode voltage for silicon diode is 0.7V
The transformer secondary maximum voltage is given by the formal:
Vmaz = Vmax + 2VD
= 16.5 + 2 (0.7V)
= 16.5 + 1.4 = 17.9V
The secondary effective voltage (Veff) is
Veff - Vmax


= 17.9

2 = 12.7V which can trigger the 12V Relay


Capacitor calculation

t= - (i)

f= - (ii) (frequency & period relationship)

T= (iii)
Substituting equation (iii) into equation (i)

t= (iv)

IDC = - (v)
ΔQ = IDC x t - (vi)
Substituting equation (iv) into equation (vi)

ΔQ = IDC x - (vii)
Capacitance C,

C = - (viii)
Q = C ΔV - (ix)
Comparing equation vii and equation ix

CΔV = IDC x - (x)

C = - (xi)
Substituting values into equation (xi)
C = capacitor=? Frequency = 50Hz
IDC = Direct Current = 0.2A
ΔV = Change in voltage = 3V

C =

C = = 6.667x10-4 farad 300

= 666.7 x I0-6 farad
= 666.7µ farad
1000µf was used in the circuit because it is the near value capacitor in the market.


To implement means to effect or bring to function a particular activity or event. This
stage involves implementing the entire system / device that will be carry out in its given
function and be able to respond to user’s specification. To achieve this implementation
exercise; the manufacturer and the user should have a common objective thereby limiting
the problems of user’s frustration. Note that users must be trained / guide on how to
operate the device. When the manufacturing of the device is completely done, to many
works are not required from the user, the owner will be given a user’s manual or
instructed on the principle of the operation so as to run the device without damaging the
entire work. For a fast switching speed of voltage output, it is essential that safety
capacitance associated with the transistor output stage is rapidly charged or discharge. By
using a pair of power RELAY (A1, A2, A3 and A4) acting as a very efficient electronic


This project work (Automatic Change over switch) is divided into two circuits: the ac
control circuit and the generator control circuit.
(a) Procedure 1
AC control circuit
a. The face (silver side) of the Vero-board was sand papered.
b. The rectifier circuit was mounted on the Vero board and then soldered.
c. The 16V, l000uf capacitor was also mounted on the Vero-board as was soldered.
d. With the 6mm cutix copper wire, two 30A relays were connected in series to make
60A so that the change over switch can be used in any standard three —four bedroom
e. 220v indicator bulb was connected to the primary wires of the transformer to dictate
the incoming light from public utility.
f. Relay C was connected parallel to relay A as shown in fig 3a and then soldered.

g. The live (RED) wire of the public utility (PHCN) was connected to the Normally
Open of the Relay A.
h. The live (RED) wire of the auxiliary power supply (Generator) was connected to the
normally closed of the Relay A.
i. The load (Bulb) was connected to the common terminal of the Relay A.
j. The generator earthen wire was connected to the normally open of the relay C.
k. Normally close of the relay E was looped to the common of Relay C.
(b) Procedure 2
Generator Control Circuit
a. The rectifier circuit was mounted on the Vero broad then soldered.
b. The 16V, l000uf capacitor was mounted on the Vero-board then soldered.
c. The 6.8K resistor led indicator was mounted and then soldered.
d. Relays D and E were connected parallel to each other with a protective diode
connected across each of the relays then soldered.
e. The positive terminal of the 12V battery was conned on the common of Relay D.
f. A Gang switch was connected across the starter cool to isolate it whenever the user is
not around.
g. The other terminal (x) of the gang switch was connected to the normally closed of the
Relay D.
h. Terminal (y) of the gang switch was looped to the normally close of the Relay D.
Consequently, this operation repeated occurs with the switching segment of A3 and
A4 thereby allowing the on and off of the device to steadily reflect automatically.

The 60A single-phase automatic change over switch designed will function perfectly well
in standard four bedrooms flat, Bungalow or any of sorts building.
A standard bungalow can have the following electrical appliances;
Stove (oven)
Floor polisher/vacuum cleaner
Hair dryer
Personal computer
Deep freezer
Sewing Machine
Swimming pool pump/bore-hole
Television set
Radio set
DVD/VCD player



(WATT) (A)
Lamps (bulb) 100 0.45
Bulbs 200 0.90
Estimate of 10 bulbs 60 2.7
Bulbs 40 0.18
Stove (oven) 1000 4.5
Dish washer 1000 4.5
Fan 70 0.32
Floor polisher/vacuum cleaner 1000 4.5
Hair dryer 50 0.23
Iron 1000 4.5
Microwave 800 3.64
Personal computer 50 0.23
Deep freezer 1000 4.5
Refrigerator 500 2.27
Swimming pool pump (bore-hole) 1000 4.5
Television set 300 1.36
Washing machine 500 2.37
Radio set 40 0.18
Digital video display (DVD) 20 0.09
Printer 100 0.45
Other appliances 2000 9.00
TOTAL 51.59A

From the table above, a total of 51.59A can be consumed in a standard bungalow,
so the 60A single phase automatic change over switch can work perfectly well in a


The ability to properly diagnose fault in a system will lead to a successful and effective
maintenance. The device designed should be properly taken care of so that absolute
precaution will be taken to ensure a good functionality.

System maintenance can be said to mean the process of taken necessary precautionary
and corrective measures to prevent a system breakdown and make it continues
functionality. Maintenance of this has to continue to stand above what our road side
technicians “handles” Nonetheless, knowledge gain from them in maintenance practices
is very useful. It is proper to make friend with them if one want to improve very faster in


Module connectors that are concealed at the time of installation must be able to resist the
environment, be polarized, and be able to handle the short circuit current. They shall also
be of a latching design with the terminal guarded. The equipment grounding member, if
used, shall make first and breakfast and it’s also requires that the connectors for positive
and negative should not interchanged.


All junction boxes and other location where module wiring may allow accessibility, the
modules should not be permanently fixed (welded) to mounted frames, and solid wires
that could break when modules are used to service the junction boxes should be used
sparingly. Open space behind the modules would allow access to the junction boxes.


Before you start the installation, you must have basic idea of electrical installation in
other to achieve smooth operation after the installation to avoid hazardous situation. It is
important to note that suitable loads are advised to be wired to the generator or better still
switch off high voltage appliances/equipment that may damage the generator or
destabilize the connections. Such as external battery charger, air conditioners, electric
heater, water heater, and full size electric ranges. These gadgets can also be operational
depending on the size of the generator.

Note: These exceptional gadgets are stated for precautionary measures were the capacity
of the generator is not suitable enough to power the appliances.


Step 1: determine the loads that you want to run from the inverter. These are typically AC
outlets, microwaves, washing machines, lights, refrigerators, ice makers, TV/VCR,
stereos and blenders etc.

Step2: add an auxiliary breaker panel (sub-panel) to the main panel. It needs only to have
enough circuit to isolate the load identified in step 1.

Step 3: move the desired circuit from the main panel to the auxiliary breaker panel.

Step 4: use an appropriate sized circuit breaker in the main AC panel to deliver AC to the
generator AC input.

Step 5: wire the generator AC output to the auxiliary breaker panel output.

Step 6: Set your generator battery in a well ventilated with stabilizer for regulation of the
current flow, run your cables neatly to identify negative and positive wires.

Step 7: switch on the generator/NEPA and power your appliances.

a. The circuit is earthen in other to dictate malfunction on the circuit.
b. Gang switch was connected to prevent the starter starting ‘the generator when the user is
not at home.
c. Indicator bulbs were connected to dictate the power supply that is generating electricity
to the load.
d. Preventive diodes were connected across the relays to prevent inductive kick.
e. The Vero board silvered face was properly sandpapered to ensure proper soldering and
f. 6mm cutix copper wires were used to avoid burning and overheating.

g. The circuit was first implemented using a temporal board (bread board) before
permanently implementing it on a Vero-board.
h. Different colors of wire were used to ensure proper polarity connections.
i. 60A Relay was used to avoid failure.
j. Ceramic casing was used to avoid electric shock.
k. The normal open and normal close of the relays was identified with the aid of a digital
meter to avoid wrong connections of the relay contacts.


For Automatic changer over switch:
a. An emergency stop button that is easily accessible should be provided for the
generating set, this emergency stop button should stop and prevent the generating
set from starting when it is open.
b. There should be remote emergency stop button (utility control). The remote
emergency stop button should be installed next to the main incoming utility
supply with a label identity for switching off the utility (in case of fire etc) for
safety reasons.
c. Preventive diodes must be connected across the relays to prevent inductive kick.
d. The circuit (switch) should not be installed where the rain will affect it (i.e.
installation shall take place within the boundaries of the approved application).


a. The installation shall take place within the boundaries of the approved
b. The owner/tenant shall comply with the relevant noise and pollution legislation.
c. The generator should not be used in enclosed or partially enclosed spaces.
Generators can produce high levels of CO (Carbon monoxide) very quickly and is
harmful to health.

d. The generator should only be operated outdoors in a well ventilated, dry area,
away from air intakes to the home, and protected from direct exposure to rain,
preferably under a canopy, open shed, or carport.
e. Flammable materials should be kept away from the generator.
f. The generator should always be fueled in a well-ventilated area. Fuel vapors are
flammable and may ignite after the engine is started.
g. Fuel spillage should be cleaned up before re-starting of the generator.
h. Fuel leaks should always be checked.
i. The generator should be turned off and allowed to cool down before re-fueling.
Fuel spilled on hot engine parts many ignite.
j. The total rated capacity of the generator should never be exceeded.
k. Cables and cords should be kept out of the way so as to avoid the danger of
tripping over them.
l. The generator’s terminal voltage rating should match with the load equipment
(typically 230v ±10%).
m. The generator should not be left unattended; that is the battery terminals, oil level
and other things should be looked into.




An Automatic change over switch is used to switch an electric load back and front
between a primary source a Utility, and a secondary source a Generator. The transfer
switch is also used to switch the load to and fro, between public utility and inverter or
uninterrupted public supply (UPS) if properly connected. The attached circuit diagram in
fig 4.1 is clear representation of Auto switch mode.

Mode of Component
The components used in designing the circuit were carefully soldered on the veroboard,
LED and jumper wires for making terminals.
Components used are as follows
1: 12V, 60Amp Relay
2: 12V, 30Amp Relay
3: Connectors
4: 60W bulb
Materials used are as follows
1: Cutters
2: pliers
3: Screw driver, bolt and nut
4: Digital multimeter
5: Ceramic casing

Haven’t performed careful installation of the component on the veroboard, the resultant
effect is the project topic Automatic change over switch which performs the function of

transferring power verse vis PHCN to generator or solar panel to inverter. Above
construction have been tested and proved certified.


The automatic changeover switch is needed in every home because of the following

1. its reliability
2. its durability
3. it is affordable
4. It has the ability to provide immediate automatic switching from the public power
source to other sources.

It is recommended that further work be done on this changeover switch on a larger scale,
for instance an automatic change-over switch that can cater for an estate.


Due to time constraint on the researcher side, some important areas were left uncovered.
The researcher therefore, recommends that more research should be carried out in the

following areas.

a) Programmable Timer Switch: switches that provide accurate timing for either daily or
weekly programs via captive trippers. Many popular applications include; traffic or sign
lights, security/alarm systems, heaters, filters, pumps, indoor and outdoor lighting, fans,
blowers, air conditioning, feeders etc.
b) Automatic Timer Switch: This is a device used to automatically switch ON and OFF
any electrical appliance or lights etc. at preset times.
c) Current Limiting Device — (CLD): is a device in electrical or electronic circuits of
imposing an upper limit on the current that may be delivered to a load with the purpose of
protecting the circuit generating or transmitting the current from harmful effects due to a
short-circuit or similar problem in the load. This term is also used to describe the ability
of an over current protective device (fuse or circuit breaker) to reduce the peak current in
a circuit.
d) Starter Motor: is an electric motor for rotating an internal-combustion engine so as to
initiate the engine’s operation under its own power. Electrical starters can use solid-state
devices to control the current flow and therefore the voltage applied to the motor.


The automatic changeover switch has immense advantage in every area where power is
required. It is a fact that there is hardly any aspect of human life where electrical power is
not required, at homes, offices, hospitals, etc.

It finds a wide application scope wherever the reliability of electrical supply from the low
and is used wherever continuity of supply is necessary, for switching to an alternative
source from main supply and vice versa.


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Gurevich Vladmir (2005). Electrical Relays. Principles and Application. CRC press, New

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Horowitz, P and Winfield H (2002). The Art of Electronics, 2nd Ed.. Cambridge University

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Hugh D. Young and Roger A. F. (2008). University Physics with modern physics, 12th Ed.

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