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1- MHC class I expressed on :

A- all nucleated cell B- virion C- dendritic cell D- macrophage E- none of above

2- All of the following pathway of complement system activated without antigen/antibody reaction except:
A- Alternative Pathway B- Classical Pathway C- MBL Pathway D- casoni pathway E- all of above
3- The rapidly multiplying crescentic cells that initiate acute manifestation of toxoplasmosis
A- sporozoite B- trophozoite C- tachyzoite D- bradyzoite E- none of above
4- Example on superantigens able to bind to MHC molecules outside the peptide-binding cleft
A-microbiota of mucus membrane B- toxic shock syndrome toxin C- blood RBC D- hair E- skin fibroblast
5- Regarding Properties of naked viruses that it
A- Can sustain in dry environment B- Can infect the GI tract and survive the acid and bile C- Released by lysis of host cells
D- All of above
6- Associated peptide antigens are recognized by CD4- positive helper T cells.
A- MHC class I B- MHC class II C- Viruses D- Cytotoxic T cell E- tumer cell
7- The viral genome in a lysogenic cycle known as:
A-capsid B-Provirus C-Bacteriophage D-Virions E-Envelop
8- exogenous antigens (e.g bacteria) endocytosed, processed presented on ……………
A-MHC class I B-MHC class II C-Viruses D-heart cell E-all of above
9- In classical pathway C4b2a plus C3b produce.
A- C5 convertase B- C3 convertase C- Membrane Attach complex MAC D- C4a
10- Function of Complement include .
A- Opsonization B- Triggering specific cell function like inflammation C- Lysis of cells, bacteria and viruses D- all of them
11- Which of the following cells is involved in cell-mediated immunity?
A- T.cells B- B.cells C-Mast cells D-Both T and B cells E-none of above
12- In order for T cells to respond to the antigen for which they are specific, they need to recognize which of the following?
A- B cells B- the antigenic epitope displayed by MHC molecules C- immunoglobulin. D- cytokines
13- is responsible for mucosal immunity and it is found in secretions of the respiratory, intestinal, and genital tracts:
A- IgE B- IgG C-IgA D-Cytokine E-trypsin
14- Tuberculin-type reaction is
A- delayed hypersensitivity reactions B- immediate hypersensitivity reactions C- type III hypersensitivity D- congenital
immunodeficiency E- none of above
15- non-specific organ (systemic) autoimmune disease
A- SLE B- asthma C- Grave’s disease D- Type I DM E-Type II DM
16- All the following characteristic of the innate immune response, EXCEPT?
A-Physical barriers B-Chemical barriers C-Specific T – lymphocytes D-Inflammatory mediators

Q2/ Match the correct answer

17. What is a characteristic of the adaptive immune response and not of the innate A- IgM
response? B
18. Secondary Lymphoid Organs G B- Clonal expansion of effector
19. Which of the following antibodies are found in plasma and are able to cross C- B-cells and T-cells
from the placenta to the fetus? A
20 which of the following are part of Humoral immune response ? H D- Cancerous tumors
21 The interaction of a pathogen molecule with its specific TLR directly results in E- Interferon-γ
which of the following? F
22 Which of the following cytokines activates cells to express MHC class II antigens F- Cell activation and production
and protects cells from virus replication ? E of cytokines and chemokines
23 Which of the following are consist Primary defense against extracellular G- Lymph node
pathogen? C
24 All the following is true about Complications of altered immune responses, H- IgE mediated immediate
EXCEPT D reaction
25 Inflammatory response include C A= Anaphylaxis
26 A healthy immune system distinguish between the body's cells (Self)and foreign cells B= IgM
by E
27 an inactive immune response include A C - Swelling
28 D
29 Which major antibody molecule has the ability to cross the E- self-markermolecules
placenta? B
30 IgE-mediated histamine release is classified as what type ofhypersensitivity reaction? F= C3b
31 Antigen–antibody complexes are phagocytosed more effectively in the presence of G= Type 1
which complement component? F

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