Forensic Guidelines by Mbbs Cafeteria-1

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3rd Year MBBS

Guide to Forensics & Toxicology

General Guidelines;
✓ One of the easiest subjects of MBBS for distinction holders it
is the best opportunity to get distinction in this subject.
✓ 200 Marks Subjects (100 Ospe & 100 written).
✓ Forensics is a rough subject you will get exhausted while
doing it because it is scattered in more than 1 book as not a
single book cover it completely.
✓ These guidelines are from NRA, Parikh And Shahbaz.
✓ Books mentioned in every topic cover each and everything
of it.
✓ With these books you have to take your college lectures
attentively and must make notes of your teacher slides too
as viva and MCQs points are covered from that lecture
slides to some extent.
✓ A concise book for Forensics and Toxicology (Handbook for
Forensics) will be available to you in May 2023 for rapid
revision of Forensics.
✓ Information and figure values must be according to your
teacher slides instead of text books because values are
changed in different books.
✓ In Toxicology Lethal period and Lethal dose must be
according to Parikh.

❖ Main Book is NRA
❖ Supplement it with Parikh and Shahbaz
NRA (Chap 12);
• First of all, give it a thorough read for MCQs.
• Do all the tables (Imp for SEQs and MCQs).
• Also do each and every figure of this Chap (Imp for Centralized Ospe
by UHS)
Now things to Remember for SEQs;
• Def of thanatology and death
• Tripod of Life
• Sayings about death Remember the name of Person with what He
said (For MCQs mostly)
• Suspended Animation with causes
• Table 12.1 (SEQ with Examples)
• 3 Criteria of Brain Death (Read)
• Table 12.3 (Memorize it as it is for SEQs)
• Postmortem Phenomena (each everything is imp in this topic all the
• Early Changes (Most Commonly asked in SEQs and MCQs)
• Rigor Mortis and Table 12.4 (imp for SEQ)
• Fig 12.8 (Imp for SEQ)
• Stages of Putrefaction and Causes (Imp for SEQ and MCQs)
• Housefly Infestation (Give it a Read … least Imp)
• Table 12.6 (Too Imp for SEQ and MCQs)
• Maceration
• Mummification and Adipocere Formation (Do each and everything)
• Scavenger Invasion (Read … least Imp … Can be skipped)
• Eye Changes (Read … Terms to be done from Parikh)
• Chemical Changes (SEQ … Memorize Values too)
• Sudden Death (Just Read)
• Certification of cause of death (Read or Can be Skipped)

• Medicolegal System (Read for MCQs and Viva)
• Artifacts (Table 12.9 is very Imp)
Parikh (Chap 11)
1. Only few things to do from this topic which are deficient in other
2. Cooling of Body
3. Changes in Eye (Cattle Trucking Imp)
4. Acids produced during Adipocere Formation
5. Rigor Mortis (Medicolegal Significance + Biochemical Basis)
6. Pressure Effect of Putrefactive Gases Page 152 (Imp SEQ)
Shahbaz (Chap 4)
• Page 75 (Classification of Death)
• Page 85 (Test for Resp And Circulation …. Read)
• Page 88 (Postmortem Caloricity)
• Page 92 (Conditions Simulating Rigor Mortis … SEQ)
• Page 93 and 94 (Do Tables)
• Page 98 (Last Organ to Putrefy)
• Page 101 (Time Since Death … Imp SEQ)
• Page 103 (Presumptions of Survivorship … Read Only)

Must Do Past UQs and MCQs for Better Grip of The Topic from MBBS
Cafeteria practice book.

Personal Identity;
Main Book is NRA … Supplement it with Shahbaz and Parikh
NRA (Chap 5)
• Give it a read for MCQs
• Do all the tables (Imp for SEQs and MCQs)
• Figure 5.4, 5.15, 5.17 (Imp for Centralized Ospe by UHS) Just take a
look of rest of them.
Now things to Do for SEQs
• First 2 pages read
• Anthropometry (SEQ)
• Methods for ID (Subjective and Objective)
• Hess’s Rule (Most Imp SEQ)
• 3rd party Method is SEQ
• Age changes and Bone changes are mocks
• Krugman Changes (Imp for Viva, MCQs and SEQs)
• Dental Data (Give it a thorough read for Macq’s mostly)
• Deciduous and Permanent teeth difference
• Neonatal line and Mixed Dentition (Def)
• Importance of teeth bites
• Gustafson’s Criteria (Imp SEQ)
• Miles, Boyd and Stack (Imp for MCQs)
• Determination of Sex (Each and Everything is Imp … Tables are
most imp from SEQ point of View)
Parikh (Chap 3)
• Things to do are:
• Page 1 (Medicolegal Significance of Identity)
• Corpus Delicti (V. imp)
• Nuclear Sexing (Barr Body and Davidson Body)
• Intersex States (Read Only)
• Dactylography (Most Imp Read It Thoroughly)
• Poroscopy (Imp for Viva and SEQ)

• Foot prints (Read)
• Methods to make fingerprints visible
• Tattoo marks and their significance (V. Imp for SEQ)
• How to remove tattoo mark (SEQ)
• Scar and their significance (SEQ)
• Page 61 (Ossification of bone for Viva and MCQs)
(Chap 4)
• Page 81 Superimposition (Def for Viva)
• Page 81 ID of Race (Give it a thorough Read)
• Pages 84 (Age changes in Mandible … V. Imp SEQ)
• Page 85 (Stature Determination … Imp SEQ)

Shahbaz (Chap 3)
• Things to do are:
• Page 50 Medico legal importance of Teeth
• Page 55 (Example of 16 Years Old Girl … Give it a read)
• Medico legal importance of Age (Note the points only)
• How to take finger prints
• How to remove finger prints
You can make Shahbaz as Your Main Book in That Case:
• Things mentioned above you have to do obviously
• Read first 2 pages till Corpus Delicti
• Start from page 41 (ID of Race) till page 47 (ID of Age)
• MLI of teeth
• Krugman Changes
• Then start from page 60 till footprints
• Next Read only
• Do Tattoo Marks and Scar with Significance (V. Imp for SEQs)
NRA is must to do (at least one read is necessary) But things which are
present in both Parikh and Shahbaz … you can do them from any book of
your choice.

Must Do Past UQs and MCQs for Better Grip of The Topic from
Topical Past BOOK!!

Forensic Sexology;
Main Book is Shahbaz and it’s more than enough … only a few tables from

Shahbaz (Chap 9)
• Only Definitions of Impotence and Sterility with Causes
(Chap 10)
• Virginity Complete
• Difference between true and false virginity (Imp)
• Pregnancy (V. Imp)
• Superfetation and Superfecundation (Imp for SEQ)
• Delivery (Only Signs of Recent Delivery Read)
• Difference between nulliparous and parous uterus (Imp)
• Legitimacy (Can be Skipped)
• Abortion (Most Imp Topic To do each and everything)
• Definition, Classification of Abortion
• Izzat e hamaul and Janine (Imp for SEQ
• Cause of Abortion (Imp)
• Therapeutic grounds (Only Names)
• Requirements for termination of pregnancy
• Criminal Abortion (V. Imp)
• Doctor and Criminal Abortion (Can be Skipped)
• Methods of Abortion (Specially Drugs Viv. Imp)
• Classification and Complications of Methods of Abortion (Imp)
• Read table of Natural Versus Criminal Abortion
• Rest of Chap can be skipped
(Chap 11)
• Sexual offenses (Definition Only)
• Legal Considerations (Definition of Legal Sex)
• Rape (Definition, punishment with sec, Age of Consent, Feigned
rape (definition))

• Hadoop Ordinance (All the Sections Very Imp)
• Zina with types and punishment (Can also be done from NRA
table 4.6)
• Difference between rape and Zina (Imp SEQ)
• Fornication (Imp SEQ)
• Examination of a case of rape (Viv. Imp for SEQ, do whole topic till
un-natural sexual offenses)
• Un-natural Sexual Offenses (Sodomy: don’t do history and
• Examination of a case of sodomy (Viv. Imp for SEQ, do till
• Bestiality (Definition and Examination)
• Buccal Coitus (Def and Types)
• Lesbianism (Def and Types)
• Sexual Perversions (Vvvvvv. Imp for mcqs most of the mcqs of this
topic are from them)
• Imp for SEQ are Sadism, Masochism, Sadomasochism, Fetishism,
Voyeurism, Lust Murder, Trollism
• Also read them from NRA table 4.7
• Indecent assault (Def)
• Coitus (Def and Types)
NRA (Chap 9)
• Do all the tables (for just a quick revision after Shahbaz and Mcqs)
• Give a look at all the figures (Imp for Centralized Ospe by UHS)
Must Do Past UQs and MCQs for Better Grip of The Topic from Cafeteria Past

Main book is Shahbaz and it’s enough
Shahbaz (Chap 15)
• Read or Skip first 4 pages, Start from page 315
• Do the difference tables
• Hydrostatic test (Imp for Viva)
• Stomach Bowel Test (Imp)
• Full term Child
• Causes of death of fetus (Page 319)
• Criminal causes (Imp)

• SIDS and Battered Baby (Vvvvv. Imp for SEQ)
• Battered Baby (Must do it from Parikh)

Main book is NRA and it’s enough.
NRA (Chap 2)
• Do all the tables (Imp for SEQs and MCQs)
• Give it a read for mcqs
• Def, sources and types of law
• Shariah Ordinance (Date Only)
• Court of law (Read only)
• Court Evidence (Each and Everything is Imp for SEQs)
• Medical Practitioner’s testimony (Dying Deposition and Declaration,
Hearsay Evidence Imp for SEQs)
• Legal Procedure (Difference between civil and legal court)
• Presumptions and Exception ( Vvvv. Imp)
• McNaughton’s and Durham’s rule (V. Imp for SEQs)
• Pleas of Insanity (Imp for SEQ)
• Table 2.5 read (Imp def are injury, assault, bail, good faith,
(Chap 3)
• Give it a read for MCQs
• Do all the tables and figures for MCQs and SEQ
• First 3 pages reading only
• Start from table 3.2 (Imp SEQ)
• Professional misconduct Or Infamous conduct (Imp SEQ)
• Table 3.3 (Imp SEQ)
• Allopathic system (Read only)
• Consent (Each and Everything Imp for SEQ)
• Mental health act (Read Only)
• Newer Surgical Procedure (Thorough Read)
• Documentation of Consent (Read Only)

• Physician obligations and compensation ( Vvv. Imp)
• Scope of Medical Negligence (Not Imp)
• Burden of Proof (Mcqs)
• Types of Negligence (Imp for SEQ with Examples)
• Professional secrecy (Privileged communication with types Imp for
• Medical Documentation (Not Imp … Read Only)
• Medical Ethics (Def only. Not Imp … Can be Skipped)
(Chap 4)
• Give it a read for MCQs
• Figure 4.1 for Ospe
• Table till 4.9 (Imp for MCQs and SEQs)
• Read first page
• Start Memorizing from Qiyas and Diyat till Marriage Laws
• Table 4.2, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7 (Imp for SEQs)
• Marriage and Occupation Laws (Not Imp … Just Read)
• Do all the sections of Qiyas And Diyat From Your Forensic Manual
Must Do Past UQs and MCQs for Better Grip of The Topic for Cafeteria Past book!

Main Book is NRA and Shahbaz … supplement with Parikh)

NRA (Chap 11)

• Table 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 11.5 (Imp for SEQs)
• Do all the figures for Centralized Ospe by UHS
• Give a read for MCQs
• Forensic Autopsy (Def and Types)
• Autopsy Suite (Imp for Mcqs)
• Forensic Autopsy Protocol (Read)
• Forensic Autopsy Procedure (Imp)
• Table 11.2 (Viv. Imp SEQ)
• Page 119 to 126 (Not Imp Just Read)
• Next give a thorough read till Exhumation
• Table 11.5 (Imp SEQ)
• Exhumation (Do each and Everything … Imp for SEQ)

Shahbaz (Chap 2)
• Do page 5 to 9 till Fundamental procedures in medicolegal autopsy (Imp for
• Prerequisites of Autopsy (Imp SEQ)
• Objectives of Medical and Medicolegal Autopsies (Imp for SEQ)
• Autopsy Incision (Imp SEQ)
• Page 14 to 16 (Specimen to be taken and Autopsy Protocol … Imp)
• Page 26 (Autopsy is a Dialogue)
• Limitations of Exhumation (Imp SEQ)
• Artifacts (Read)
Parikh (Chap 5)
• Table 5.1 (Difference between medical and Medico legal autopsy)
• Page 103 (Autopsy of Pulmonary Emboli and Pneumothorax)
(Chap 6)
• Autopsy of Bones (Imp for SEQ as autopsy of Bones and mutilated

(Chap 9)

• Exhumation (Have an idea of procedure)

Must Do Past UQs and MCQs for Better Grip of The Topic Cafeteria Practice
MCQs & SEQs book!!

Examination of Biological Specimens (Trace

Main Book is Shahbaz … Or You can do it from Forensic Manual
Shahbaz (Section 3)
• Give a thorough read to the whole section
• Memorize name of tests and procedures
• Lockard’s Exchange Principle (Imp)
• Confirmatory and Screening Tests for Blood (Imp)
• Confirmatory and Screening Tests for Semen (Imp)
• Difference between animal and Human Hair
Must Do Past UQs and MCQs for Better Grip of The Topic!!

General Traumatology
Main Book is Parikh … Supplement it with Shahbaz and NRA
Parikh (Chap 16)
• Start from Abrasions (Each and Everything is Imp Age, classification
and medicolegal significance)
• Hilt abrasion (Search for it … V. Imp)
• Bruises (Types, age and medico legal significance)
• Terms to Search for (Tramline bruise, Ready Bruise, Six penny
bruise, Racoon Eye, Ecchymosis … Viv. Imp)
• Laceration and Incised Wounds (Classification and Imp Terms)
• Stab Wound (Types and Imp Terms)
• Table 16.1 (Viv. Imp)
• Defense Wound
• Rest of the Chap (Just give a read)
Shahbaz (Chap 5)
• Do Imp Def (Ppc Hurt and Injury)
• Classification of Injuries (Page 108)
• Legal classification (Can be Skipped)
• Page 112 (Difference tables … Viv. Imp)
• Page 119 (Difference table … V. Imp)
• Page 119 (Age of Incised Wound)
NRA (Chap 6)
• Page 85 (Eying postulate … Imp SEQ)
• Do all the tables (Give a read for quick revision after Shahbaz and
• Do all the figures for Centralized Ospe by UHS

Must Do Past UQs and MCQs for Better Grip of The Topic from
Cafeteria Past MCQs and SEQs book!!

Special Traumatology

Firearm Injuries
Main book is Shahbaz … Supplement it with Parikh and NRA
Shahbaz (Chap 6)
• Page 127 (Values regarding velocity and distance are Imp)
• Start from introduction (Def are V. Imp)
• From types firearm to page 129 (Imp for Viva and MCQs)
• Ballistics (Page 129 to 138) Read it thoroughly (Def, Barrel and
chocking, Rifling, Dum dump bullets, primer, gun powder, tail wag,
cavitation, shock wave, firearm wound complex, characteristics of
entry wound … Are Imp for SEQs and MCQs)
• Characteristics of firearm wound (Page 139 to 143)
• Events that happen at every distance (Viv. Imp)
• Beveling (Imp SEQ)
• Puppis rule (Imp SEQ)
• Difference between entry and exit wound (Imp SEQ)
• Rat hole phenomenon (Imp SEQ)
• Determination of direction and distance of firearm (Imp SEQ)
• Ricocheted of Bullet (Imp SEQ)
• Billiard Ball Phenomenon (Imp SEQ)
• Gutter firearm wound (Imp SEQ)
• Unusual Situations Page 149 (Imp for SEQs, MCQs and Viva)
• Autopsy Findings Page 151 (Imp for SEQs)
• Kennedy Phenomenon (Imp SEQ)
• Table at the end of Chap
Parikh (Chap 17)
• Page 232 to 243

Imp topics to do:
• Parts of Cartridge
• Types of Gun Powder
• Propellant
• Baton Round
• Blank Cartridge
• Gauge
• Stud Gun
• Paradox Gun
• Air Guns
• Contents of Cartridge
• Paraffin Test
NRA (Chap 7)
• Do all the tables (Imp for SEQs and MCQs)
• Do all the figures (Imp for Centralized Ospe by UHS)
Must Do Past UQs and MCQs for Better Grip of The Topic from
Cafeteria Past SEQs & MCQs book.

Transportation Injuries
Main Book is Parikh … Supplement it with Shahbaz and NRA
Parikh (Chap 21)
• Start from beginning till Autopsy
• Each and Everything is Imp for SEQs and MCQs
• From Autopsy till Motorcycle (Read Only for MCQs)
• Motorcycle Injuries till End (Not Imp … Can be skipped)
Shahbaz (Chap 16)
• Page 326 (Reaction Time is Imp)
• Rear seat occupants
• How to identify driver and passenger (Page 329)
• Factors favoring suicide by crash (Imp … Page 330)

• Coup and Counter Coup Injury (Imp)
• Whiplash Injury/ Clasp knife Injury (Viv. Imp … Page 332)
NRA (Chap 8)
• Do all the tables (Imp for SEQs and MCQs)
• Do all the figures (For Centralized Ospe by UHS)

Must Do Past UQs and MCQs for Better Grip of The Cafeteria Topical
SEQS & MCQs book!!

Main book is Shahbaz … You may consult Parikh
Shahbaz (Chap 8)
Things to do are:
• Def
• Typical and Atypical
• Mechanisms of death in freshwater and seawater with fatal period
• Mechanism of death in atypical drowning
• Secondary Drowning (Imp)
• Stages of Drowning (Give a thorough Read)
• Postmortem Appearances (Cutis Anserine, Washerwoman Hand
• Diatoms Test (V. Imp for SEQ)
• Biochemical Changes (Viv. Imp especially Getter’s Test)
• Positive Signs of Antemortem Drowning
Must Do Past UQs and MCQs for Better Grip of The Cafeteria Topical
SEQs & MCQs book!!

Main Book is NRA and it’s Enough

NRA (Chap 13)
• Give a thorough read for MCQs
• Do all the tables (Imp for SEQs and MCQs)
• Do all the figures (Imp for Centralized Ospe by UHS)
Things to do are:
• Def (Imp)
• Phases, Biochemistry and physiology
• Table 13.1
• Types (Imp)
• Mechanical Asphyxia (Smothering, gaging and Medicolegal
• Hanging (Imp … Types, Mechanism of Death, Ligature Mark)
• Strangulation and Garroting (Imp)
• Mugging
• Irreversible and Reversible Cerebral Anoxia
• Choking
• Traumatic Asphyxia
Additional things:
• Lynching (people illegally overpowering and hanging someone)
• Bandola (Neck compression between two sticks)
• Café Coronary (Accidental choking, food bolus producing complete
obstruction of larynx)
Must Do Past UQs and MCQs for Better Grip of The Topic from
Cafeteria Past Book!!

Thermal Injuries, Electrocution & Lightening;

Main Book is Shahbaz … You may consult Parikh or NRA
NRA (Chap 6)
• All the tables related to the topic (Imp)
• Do all the figures related to the topic (Imp for Centralized Ospe by

Shahbaz (Chap 7)
Thermal Injuries
• Def
• Characteristics of Burns (Imp)
• Dupuytren’s Classification (Imp SEQ)
• Wilson’s Classification (SEQ)
• According to extent, therapeutic Classification
• Table (Read)
• Wallace Rule of 9 (Viv. Imp for SEQ and MCQs)
• Factors (Read)
• Age of Burn (Imp)
• Red line of Inflammation (Imp)
• Cause of Death (Viv. Imp SEQ)
• Fatal Period (Imp)
• Nature of Thermal Injuries (Read)
• Postmortem Appearances (Internal and External … Both Imp for
• Curling Ulcers (Viv. Imp for SEQ)
• Pugilistic attitude (Imp)
• Difference between postmortem and ante mortem burns (Vvv.Imp for
• Difference between Dry and Wet Burns (Imp)

• At least read it thoroughly
• Arcing Lesion (Viv. Imp)
• Effects of Electrocution (Read Only)
• Electrical Injuries (V. Imp for SEQ)
• Crocodile Skin Effect (V. Imp)
• Joule Burn Effect (V. Imp)
• Mode of Death due to Electrocution (Viv. Imp for SEQ And MCQs)
• Postmortem Appearance (Viv. Imp for SEQ and MCQs)

• Read it thoroughly (Rest of the topic)
Must Do Past UQs and MCQs for Better Grip of The Topic from
Cafeteria Book!!

General Toxicology
Main Book is Parikh (It’s quite good) … You can Use Shahbaz too!!
Parikh (Chap 36)
Things to do are:
• Def of Toxicology and Poison
• Qualities of Ideal Homicidal Poisons
• Common homicidal, stupefying and accidental poisons (Names
• Classification of Poisons
• Routes of administration and effects
• Def of idiosyncrasy, automatism, tolerance, synergism and chronic
• Different forms of poisons
• Duties of doctor in case of patient of suspected poisoning
• Treatment of acute poisoning
• Rationale of Gastric Lavage
• Contraindications of Gastric Lavage and Emesis
• Antidotes with classification and examples
• Universal Antidote
• Activated Charcoal (How it is prepared)
Things to do are:
• Types of Toxicology
• Diagnosis of Poisoning in Living (Page 363)
NRA (Chap 14)

• Do all the tables
• Do all the figures
• Give a Read at least Once
Must Do Past UQs and MCQs for Better Grip of The Topic cafeteria

Special Toxicology
Main Book for this Portion is Parikh (I did from it and it’s good) but
you can make Shahbaz your main book too (Only some points are
deficient in it so you can compare both while reading and note them
on Shahbaz) Rest of the material is almost Same … Supplement with
NRA (Chap 15 and 16)
• Do all the tables (Imp for SEQs and MCQs)
• Do all the figures (Imp for Centralized Ospe by UHS)
Things Imp for Centralized Ospe are:
• First of all, identification of poisons (figures of NRA)
• Fatal doses and fatal periods
• Mechanisms of actions
• Effects
• Some specific findings of a certain poison in chronic poisoning (Like
SLUD in organophosphate poisoning etc.)
Most Imp Poisons:
• Oxalic Acid
• Sulphur Acid
• Phosphorus
• Arsenic
• Lead
• Mercury
• Strychnine

• Opium
• Cocaine
• Datura
• Cannabis
• Alcohol
• Barbiturates
• Digitalis
• Nicotine
• Cyanide
• CO
• Snake Poisons
• Abreus
• Paracetamol
• Organophosphate Poisoning

A Brief Guide About Each Poison

• Better do it from Shahbaz because Parikh ne individually poisons
• Start from page 383
• Vitriol age (V. Imp)
• Sulphur Acid (Do each and everything … Postmortem appearance
and vitriol age are imp for SEQ)
• Nitric Acid / Aqua Fortis (Read thoroughly … Xanthoproteic
Reaction Imp)
• HCL (Read not imp but you should have an idea about it)
• Organic Acids (V. Imp topic … You can do it either from Parikh or
• Oxalic Acid (it’s like sugar crystals)
• Local and remote actions, coffee ground vomiting, hypocalcemia,
fatal dose, fatal period, treatment, postmortem Appearances,
specimens to be preserved, Christion’s saying … Imp SEQs)
• Carbolic Acid (General characteristics imp for MCQs)

• Signs, symptoms, local and remote actions (Imp SEQs)
• No vomiting, Acholuria, Ochronotic (Imp)
• Fatal dose, period and treatment (Imp for SEQs)
• Postmortem Appearance (Imp SEQ)
• Hydrocyanic Acid
• General features
• Mechanism of action, signs and symptoms
• Fatal dose and period
• Treatment
• Postmortem Appearance
• Antidote
• Medicolegal Significance
Vegetable Poisons
• Imp for Viva and Ospe
• Read it thoroughly from Parikh or NRA … Imp Points Are:
• Ricinus Communes
• 2x as toxic as venom
• Shape of seeds
• Active Principle and its nature
• Fatal dose
• Medicolegal Aspects
• Croton Seeds
• Active Principle
• Medicolegal Aspects
• Abreus
• Active Principle
• Sign and Symptoms
• Sui
• Medicolegal Aspects
• Colocynth
• Read Only
• Ergot
• Scientific name
• Chronic poisoning called Saint Anthony’s Fire
• Active Principles
• Sign and Symptoms
• Treatment and Medicolegal Significance
• Capsicum
• Active Principle
• Difference between capsicum and Datura seeds
• Semi carpus
• Active Principle
• Sign and Symptoms
• Difference between its and true bruise
• Medicolegal Aspects
• Calotropis
• Active Principle
• Medicolegal Aspects
• Plumbago
• Read only not Imp
Animal Poisons
• Snake poisons are most Imp
• Do it from Parikh … Imp points Are:
• Snake Poisons
• Classification of snakes with examples
• Difference between poisonous and non-poisonous
• Main characteristics and individual snakes (Not Imp… Can be
• Snake Venom and its composition (Viv Imp)
• Differences in signs and Symptoms and mechanism of actions (Imp
• Fatal dose and period
• Treatment and management of snake poisoning (Imp SEQ)
• Postmortem Appearance (Read)
• Cantharides
• Read Only
• Fatal dose and period
• Treatment (Just Read)
• Scorpion
• Not Imp Just Read
• Can be skipped in proof
• CO
• It is mot imp … Do each and everything of it
• CO2
• Read for MCQs
• War Gases
• Read thoroughly
• H2S
• Postmortem Appearance (Imp)
• Read Thoroughly
• Aspirin
• It is mot Imp … Do each and everything of it
• Paracetamol
• Sign and Symptoms
• Treatment
• Fatal dose and period
Agriculture Poisons
• Organophosphate
• It is most Imp … Do each and everything of it
• Read it thoroughly
• Paraquat
• Read it thoroughly
Cardiac Poisons
• Digitalis
• Learn everything about it
• Signs and Symptoms are SEQs
• Fatal dose and period
• Treatment
• Postmortem Appearance (Read)
• Oleander
• Yellow and White Oleanders
• Their active Principles with mechanism of actions
• Give a thorough read
• Aconite
• Signs and Symptoms
• Mechanism of action
• Treatment
• Postmortem Appearance (Read)
• Hippos
• Medicolegal Aspects
• Nicotine
• Very Imp … learn each and everything about it
• Sign and Symptoms
• Fatal dose and period
• Mechanism of action
• Treatment
• Postmortem Appearance (Read)
• Medicolegal Significance
• Cerebra idolum
• Read Only

Non-Metallic Irritants
• Phosphorus is Imp
• Phosphorus
• Two forms
• Sources
• Mechanism of action
• Signs and Symptoms (Acute Poisoning with stages)
• Chronic Poisoning (Phossy Jaw … Imp)
• Fatal dose and period

• Treatment
• Medicolegal Significance
• Iodine
• Read Only
• Idolism
• Fatal dose and period
• Treatment
• Medicolegal Aspects

Metallic Irritants
• All are Imp
• Do each and everything of all
• Arsenic
• Difference between arsenic and cholera poisoning
• Stages of chronic poisoning
• Nettle rash, ME’s Lines, Rain drop pigmentation, Hyperkeratosis (Viv.
• Treatment
• Fatal dose and period
• Mechanism of action
• Medicolegal Aspects
• Mercury
• Mechanism of action
• Signs and Symptoms
• Fatal dose and period
• Other names
• Postmortem Appearance (Read)
• Chronic Poisoning (Viv. Imp)
• Gum’s lining, Mercuria Lentos, Erethism, Hatter’s shake, Nephritis
• Treatment
• Postmortem Appearance (Read)
• Medicolegal Significance (Imp)
• Lead

• Other names
• Mechanism of Action
• Signs and Symptoms
• Fatal dose and period
• Postmortem Appearance (Read)
• Chronic Poisoning (Imp)
• Facial Pallor, Anemia, Lead lines, Obstinate Constipation, Paralysis,
• Treatment
• Medicolegal Significance (Imp)
• Copper
• Other names
• Mechanism of action
• Signs and Symptoms
• Fatal dose and period
• Postmortem Appearance (Read)
• Chronic Poisoning (Imp)
• Medicolegal Significance (Imp)
• Thallium
• Two forms
• Signs and Symptoms
• Chronic Poisoning (Imp)
• Diagnosis
• Treatment
• Fatal dose and period
• Postmortem Appearance (Read)
• Medicolegal Significance (Imp)
• Do it from Parikh
• Alcohol
• Acute Poisoning … Imp points are
• Stages
• Fatal dose and period
• Table 50.1 (Read)
• Treatment
• Postmortem Appearance
• Medicolegal Significance (Imp)
• Chronic Poisoning… Imp points are
• Delirium tremens with treatment
• Korsakoff psychosis
• Acute hallucinosis
• Treatment
• From drunkenness skip the rest till methanol
• Methyl Alcohol (Macq’s and Viva)
• Sources
• Signs and Symptoms
• Treatment
• Isopropyl
• Not Imp … used for infants
• Ethylene glycol (Viva and Macq’s)
• Sources
• Signs and Symptoms
• Treatment
Sedative Hypnotics
• Chloral Hydrate
• Read only… Not Imp
• Barbiturates
• Classification with example
• Signs and Symptoms
• Barbiturate blisters
• Barbiturate Automatism (V. Imp)
• Treatment
• Medicolegal Significance (Imp)
Kerosene Poisoning
• Mechanism of action
• Signs and symptoms
• Fatal dose and period
• Postmortem Appearance
• Medicolegal Significance (Imp)
• Cocaine
• Most Imp… learn each and everything of it
• Cocaine bugs (Imp)
• Datura
• Most Imp … Do each and everything of it
• Cannabis
• Common forms
• Signs and Symptoms
• Fatal dose and period
• Run Amok (Imp SEQ)
• Medicolegal Significance (Imp)
• Hossam’s
• Not Imp … Just Read
Spinal Poisons
• Strychnine
• Learn each and everything including
• Signs and Symptoms
• Opisthotonos, prosthions, pleurosthotonus, rises sardonicus
• Differential diagnosis
• Fatal dose and period
• Treatment (Imp SEQ)
Peripheral Poisons
• Not Imp … Read Only
• Remember names Curare and Hemlock
Somniferous Poisons
• Opium and Morphine

• Introduction and Classification
• Properties (MCQS and Viva)
• Signs and Symptoms
• Stages (Imp SEQ)
• Fatal dose and period
• How to diagnose (Imp SEQ)
• Differential diagnosis (Names are enough)
• Treatment (Imp)
• Postmortem Appearance (Imp)
• Specimens collected for testing poisoning (Imp)
• Medicolegal Aspects (Viv. Imp)
• Chronic Poisoning
• Heroin
• Read Only
• Know its street names (booting, doping and shooting gallery)
• Rest of Opioids
• Read Only… Not Imp
Drug Dependence (Parikh Chap 49)
• Do the following for Viva
• First Page (Addictive drugs till tolerance)
• Second last page (Solvent abuse, glue sniffing, body packer

“For Past UQs and MCQs, MBBS Cafeteria MCQs and
Topical Past Papers' Book Is Recommended”
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distinction holders of KEMU, AIMC, NMU & SIMS.
To Join MBBS Cafeteria Guidelines group of 3 rd Year MBBS
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