Lab 1 Documentation

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From Simulink Library- a DC machine block. Preset Model 01:5HP 240V 1750 RPM Field: 300V
Mechanical Type input: Torque TL

A DC voltage source is supplied in parallel with armature and field to create a DC shunt motor
connection. DC Voltage Source Amplitude: 240 V

Connecting the ramp block to loa d torque (TL) of DC machine block with slope of 2.

Connecting the Bus Selector Block to measurements signals (m). Selecting the Armature Current 𝐼𝑎
(A), Electrical Torque 𝑇𝑒 (N.m), Speed 𝜔𝑚 (rad/sec), Field Current 𝐼𝑓 (A) for selected signals.
Inserting scope Block and increasing the number of ports to 5. The Bus Selector block is connected to
Scope Block. The last entity is connected to the ramp block.

A powergui block is inserted. Simulation and observation of each signal from the scope block.

Connecting Sample and Hold block between Bus Selector and Scope for Armature current and
Electrical Torque.

Connecting the Step Triggering Input to both Sample and Hold blocks with step time of 0.5
Inserting Gain Block to Speed between Bus Selector block and Scope block. Gain 60/(2*pi) is used
to convert rps to rpm.

Simulation and observation of the signals.

Plotting the graph using xy graph block

Armature current (x) vs speed (y)

A armature current (x) vs electrical torque (y)

electrical torque (x) vs speed (y)

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