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Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, iam delighted to mention the successes and achievement we
have made in the past and the recent past. Just to mention them, the achievements


1. Membership

I am happy to announce that the membership increased from the previous 851-999.

2. Satellite office

Sincere gratitude to the head office for setting up a satellite office at Litein Bomori Plaza.

The person in charge is Collins Cheruiyot.(0720557600).

I urge members to change pay point so as to assist them get salary advance in case they are pressed.

3. Child hope foundation.

We no longer sponsor children to University.

They are required to exhaust helb loan then we take over from there.

4. Ushirika day celebration.

Participation in Kericho and awarded a trophy and a certificate.

5. We supported KUPPET Kericho and Bomet; we recruited one member.

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