Mustic 2024 Revision 2

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Date: 26th to 28th June 2024
Theme: Science in the Service of Climate Action


Venue: Meru University of Science and Technology

Preamble Submission Guidelines

1. Poster/exhibit write up and abstract with no more than 300 words,
The third Meru University of Science and Technology International Conference
should be submitted online via email
(MUSTIC2024) is scheduled for 26th to 28th June 2024 at the Meru University
2. PROPOSAL abstracts are NOT acceptable. Abstracts should clearly
Main campus in Meru, Kenya. With the theme, "Science in the Service of Climate highlight the subtheme/track, title, objective, problem, methodology,
Action," the conference becomes a hub for exchanging cutting-edge scientific key findings/results, discussion, application, conclusions, recommenda-
knowledge, innovative solutions, and collaborative strategies to address the tions and six keywords.
challenges of climate change. It fosters a collective commitment transcending 3. Each abstract should include the names of the author(s), affiliation(s),
borders and disciplines, uniting us in the imperative mission to harness science's postal, e-mail and telephone contacts.
power for global climate action. MUSTIC2024 marks a journey to explore 4. Each full paper should have maximum 10 pages, single-spaced, font
transformative ideas, promote interdisciplinary collaborations, and contribute to a size 10, Times New Roman and MS Word format.
sustainable future, where science stands as a stalwart ally in safeguarding our 5. All references in the text should be cited appropriately following the
planet. APA style.
6. Authors should indicate whether the paper is already published or
not, below the author’s address byline.
For submission of abstracts and papers, researchers are encouraged to
Objectives use the MUST Conference submission system at
· To facilitate the exchange of cutting-edge scientific knowledge related to h ps://
climate change.
· To explore and discuss innovative solutions and collaborative strategies aimed Exhibition
at mitigating and adapting to the impacts of a changing climate. Exhibitors form the whole spectrum of industry and economy are wel-
· To promote interdisciplinary collaboration by bringing together experts from come to exhibit their products, services and innovations relevant to the
diverse fields. conference theme and subthemes.

Rationale Deadlines to Meet

The rationale for the MUSTIC2024 conference lies in the imperative need to Submission of Abstracts: June 7th 2024
address the pressing challenges posed by climate change on a global scale. As our Submission of full papers: June 14th 2024
Booking of Exhibition Space: June 14th 2024
world grapples with the far-reaching impacts of environmental shifts, there is an
Conference Reg. Deadline: June 14th 2024
increasing recognition that a concerted and interdisciplinary effort is required to
mitigate and adapt to these changes effectively.
Sub Themes/Tracks East African Participants: Kshs 6,000
Agriculture and Food Sciences: Sustainable Agro-ecological practices for climate re- International Participants: USD 150
silience Exhibitors: Kshs 5,000
Business and Economics: Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Business & Economics for MUST Staff: Kshs 4,000
climate resilience; Carbon Credit Markets: Business Strategies for Climate positive MUST Students: Kshs 2,000
impact. Other University Students: Kshs 2,500
Computing and Informatics: Leveraging Computing and informatics Technologies
for Climate adaptation and resilience Payment Details
Education: he role of social science and/ or educational institutions in climate USD
change mitigation; Training for skills and competencies to mitigate climate change Full Name of the Bank: National Bank of Kenya, Meru Branch
in education systems. Bank Address: P.0 BOX 1774-60200, MERU
Engineering & Architecture: Sustainable Infrastructure Solutions for climate resili- Name of Account Holder: Meru University of Science and Technology
ence; Sustainable Sanitation Systems for climate-responsive urban environments. Account Number: 01021040013000
Health Sciences: Climate Change and Public Health; Response and Impact of envi- Bank Branch: Meru
ronmental changes on Health; Branch / Sort Code: 12007 SWIFT Code: NBKEKENXXXX
Pure and Applied Sciences: Climate change prediction for nature-based innovations
on biological conservation and resource management; Climate smart technologies
Full Name of the Bank: National Bank of Kenya, Meru Branch
and innovations on infrastructure development and land-use practices; Climate Bank Address: P.0 BOX 1774-60200, MERU
change resilient human activities and development Name of Account Holder: Meru University of Science and Technology
Nursing: Harnessing Nursing and Health Systems to mitigate the effects of climate Account Number: 01021040013000
change. Bank Branch: Meru
PAYBILL NO: 625625 Acc: 01021040013000

For enquiries/further details,

Call us: +254 712524293 Email: or visit Website:

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