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Preference Discussions
Extreme Choices

Would you prefer to live in Would you rather be a

a world without internet famous celebrity with no
and modern technology or privacy or an ordinary
a world without any person with a fulfilling life
natural landscapes? and close friends??
Would you rather be able Would you rather have a
to fly or be invisible? dog or a cat?
Would you rather be the Would you rather live in a
funniest person in the beautiful beach house or a
room or the most cozy cabin in the
intelligent? mountains?
Would you rather have the Would you rather live in a
ability to stop yourself house with a beautiful
from feeling any pain or to view but limited amenities
erase any unpleasant or a luxurious mansion in a
memories? less scenic location?
Would you rather have the Would you rather never
ability to read minds or have to sleep again or
see the future? never have to eat again?

©Starry ESL
Would you rather never Would you rather have the
have to sleep again or power to time travel to the
never have to eat again? past or the future?
Would you rather have the Would you rather explore
ability to control fire or a new city or relax in the
water? countryside?
Would you rather have the Would you rather
ability to instantly learn experience the excitement
any skill but forget it after of discovering a hidden
a week, or learn skills at a treasure or the joy of
regular pace but retain creating a masterpiece of
them forever? art?
Would you rather have the Would you rather always
power to change your have to wear your
physical appearance or to favourite colour or a
change your personality colour that matches your
traits? mood?
Would you rather have the Would you rather have the
power to control the opportunity to explore
weather or control other outer space or the depths
people's emotions? of the ocean?
Would you rather be Would you rather
famous for something you experience the ability to
did not do or never be pause time whenever you
recognized for something want or to fast-forward
incredible that you through any boring parts
accomplished? of your life?

©Starry ESL
Would you rather have a Would you rather be an
photographic memory or expert in solving mysteries
the ability to never feel or have the ability to
fear? predict the future?
Would you rather live in a Would you rather be able
beautiful beach house or a to eat only sweet foods for
cozy cabin in the the rest of your life or only
mountains? savoury foods?
Would you rather have the Would you rather spend a
power to control the year traveling the world
weather or be able to alone or stay in one place
understand and with your closest friends
communicate with plants? and family?
Would you rather have the Would you rather have the
ability to speak all ability to heal any injury or
languages fluently or play illness instantly or have the
every musical instrument power to bring back
proficiently? extinct species?
Would you prefer to adopt Would you rather spend
a minimalist lifestyle or be quality time with a few
surrounded by an close friends or at a large,
abundance of luxurious vibrant and lively social
possessions? gathering?
Would you rather live in a Would you rather be
world where it's always stranded on a deserted
daytime or always island alone or with
nighttime? someone you can't stand?

©Starry ESL
Would you rather always Would you rather have the
speak your mind or never power to heal others'
be able to speak about physical injuries or heal
your true feelings? their emotional pain?
Would you rather be an Would you rather be
amazing dancer but famous for something you
terrible at singing, or an didn’t do or never be
incredible singer but a recognised for something
terrible dancer? incredible that you did?
Would you rather spend a Would you rather have a
day at the beach or a day job you love with a lower
exploring a beautiful salary or a job you dislike
mountain range? with a higher salary?
Would you rather be stuck Would you rather have a
in a room full of spiders or rewind button for your life
a room full of snakes? or a pause button?
Would you rather never be Would you rather be
stuck in traffic jams or known for your artistic
always be able to find the creativity or your analytical
perfect parking spot? problem-solving skills?
Would you rather have an Would you rather be a
unlimited supply of your celebrity known for your
favourite snack or your talent or a respected
favourite beverage? expert in your field?
Would you rather have the Would you rather have a
ability to teleport big party or a small
anywhere instantly or have gathering with close
unlimited money? friends?

©Starry ESL
Would you rather listen to Would you rather receive a
music while you work or surprise gift or plan a
enjoy silence? surprise for someone else?
Would you rather be able Would you rather have
to talk to your past self or endless summer or eternal
your future self? winter?
Would you rather have the Would you rather have the
power to instantly heal any ability to experience every
physical injury or have the emotion deeply and
power to soothe anyone's intensely or have a
emotional pain and consistently calm and
suffering? steady emotional state?
Would you rather always Would you rather
know the right thing to say experience the thrill of a
in any situation or have high-speed adventure
the ability to make anyone sport or the tranquility of a
laugh? serene meditation retreat?
Would you rather have the Would you rather have a
ability to change your day of unlimited shopping
appearance at will or or a day of unlimited
change your personality dining at your favourite
traits? restaurants?
Would you rather have the Would you rather have a
power to eliminate all wars spontaneous adventure or
or end all hunger? a carefully planned outing?
Would you rather watch a Would you rather have a
comedy movie or an morning workout or an
action movie? evening stroll?

©Starry ESL
Would you rather always Would you rather visit a
have to speak loudly or historical site or an
always have to whisper? amusement park?
Would you rather have the Would you rather live in a
power of super strength or world with no internet or a
super intelligence? world with no television?
Would you rather have the Would you rather always
power to control your have to tell the truth or
dreams or to never need always be able to lie
sleep? convincingly?
Would you rather live in a Would you rather spend a
world without music or a rainy day indoors with a
world without movies and book or outside splashing
television? in puddles?
Would you rather have a Would you rather have a
quiet night in or a fun day full of laughter or a
night out with friends? day full of relaxation?
Would you rather be a Would you rather be the
famous artist known for best player on a losing
your work or a famous team or the worst player
scientist known for your on a championship-
discoveries? winning team?
Would you rather be a Would you rather be a
fairy or a witch? werewolf of a vampire?
Would you rather have a Would you rather go for a
cup of coffee or a cup of walk in the park or have a
tea in the morning? picnic by the lake?

©Starry ESL
Would you rather go for a Would you rather always
hike or a bike ride? be cold or always be hot?
Would you rather stay in Would you rather eat at
or go out on the weekend? home or in the restaurant?
Would you rather go Would you rather have a
bungee jumping or personal chef or a personal
skydiving? trainer?
Would you rather have the Would you rather be the
ability to erase specific main character in a real-
memories from your mind life adventure or a
or relive any past supporting character in
experience as if it were someone else's remarkable
happening again? journey?
Would you rather visit a Would you rather have ice
museum or go to a cream or chocolate for
concert? dessert?
Would you rather have a Would you rather read a
relaxing spa day or an book or watch a movie on
adventurous day of hiking? a cozy evening?

©Starry ESL

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