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121. Order these major taxonomic categories into an increasingly inclusive hierarchy.
A) genus, species, class, order, family, domain, kingdom, phylum B) species, genus, family, order, class, phylum, kingdom, domain
C) domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species D) class, order, family, genus, species, kingdom, phylum, domain
122. Of the three domains in Woese's classification system, which do most biologists recognize?
A) Monera, Archae, and Bacteria B) Fungi, Monera, and Archae C) Archae, Bacteria and Eukarya D) Protista, Fungi, and Eukarya
123. The scientific name of the giant swallowtail is Heraclides cresphontes. Therefore,
A) it belongs to the genus Heraclides. B) it belongs to the species cresphontes. C) the specific epithet is cresphontes. D) A.O.T
124. The northern copperhead is Agkistrodon contortrix contortrix, the southern copperhead is Agkistrodon contortrix mokasen, and the
cottonmouth is Agkistrodon piscivorous. Therefore,
A) all are subspecies of Agkistrodon. B) they are three distinct species.
C) the copperheads are subspecies and the cottonmouth is a separate species. D) they are all the same species.
125. Of these listed, which level of classification is the most specific?
A) Kingdom B) Phylum C) Family D) Domain
126. Which of the following Domains includes the majority of the organisms that were previously classified in Kingdom Monera?
A) Bacteria and Eubacteria B) Protista and Eukarya C) Eukarya and Bacteria D) Archaea and Bacteria
127. Which of these is the best description of a virus?
A) a noncellular living organism B) one of the smallest bacteria known
C) a member of the kingdom Virusae D) chemical complexes of RNA or DNA protected by protein
128. Pasteur chose the Latin root word for "virus" meaning
A) extremely small. B) non-living. C) poison. D) contagious.
129. The evolution of organisms in the three domains and four kingdoms is most accurately described by which sequence?
A) Prokaryotes to Protists to Plants, from Plants separately to both Animals and Fungi B) Prokaryotes to Fungi to Protists to Plants to
C) Prokaryotes to Protists, from Protists separately to Fungi, Plants, and Animals
D) Protists to Prokaryotes to Fungi, from Fungi separately to Plants and Animals.
130. Ivanowsky first recognized that something smaller than a bacterium, called a filterable virus, was able to cause disease in the year
A) 1965. B) 2001. C) 1892. D) 1700.
131. _________ was first used by Dmitri Ivanovsky to examine the infectious tobacco plant leaf extract
A) winterland filter B) chamberland filter C) finland filter D) porcelain filter
132. T phages and X phages are
A) phytophages B) Zoophages C) bacteriophages D) none of these
133. TMV is
A) filamentous B) polyhedral C) helical D) A and C
134. in some viruses envelope is also present with ___ to form its coat
A) head B) coat C) capsid D) tail
135. in helical structure capsomeres are arranged in
A) close coil B) hollow coil C) triangle coil D) none of these
136. the lipoprotein layer of envelope is derived from the ________ of __________ cell.
A) cell surface membrane ; virus C) cell wall ; host C) cell surface membrane; host D) cell wall; virus
137. the inner side of capsid contain another part which is called ____
A) coat B) envelope C) genome D) all of these
138. ______ classified viruses in 1971?
A) Adolf Mayer B) Charles Chamberland C) Dmitri Ivanovsky D) David Baltimore
139. Parvoviruses are
A) dsDNA viruses B) ssDNA viruses C) dsRNA viruses D) ssRNA viruses
140. Herpes are
A) dsDNA viruses B) ssDNA viruses C) dsRNA viruses D) ssRNA viruses
141. Reoviruses are
A) dsDNA viruses B) ssDNA viruses C) dsRNA viruses D) ssRNA viruses
142. when a phage virus attacks bacterium, its DNA synthesizes _____ enzymes to degrade bacterial DNA
A) endonuclease B) exonuclease C) antiviral D) antibiotic
143. Some, but not all, virus capsids are surrounded by _________.
A) a membranous envelope B) both DNA and RNA C) either DNA or RNA D) a protein capsid
144. In order to infect a cell, a virus must
A) inject its protein into the cell while the nucleic acid remains attached to the host cell surface.
B) have a special protein on its surface that can interact with a protein on the surface of the host cell.
C) actively burrow through the cell wall or cell membrane of the host cell to reach the cell's nucleus.
D) produce a special extension of its cytoplasm when it comes into contact with the appropriate host cell.
145. The cycle of viral infection of a bacterial cell that will cause its death most rapidly is called the _______ cycle.
A) lysogenic B) lysozyme C) lytic D) Lysol
146. The cycle of viral infection in which the viral DNA is integrated into the host's DNA is called the _______ cycle.
A) lysogenic B) lysozyme C) lytic D) Lysol
147. Which statement is NOT true about a retrovirus?
A) It may cause cancer or AIDS. B) It contains reverse transcriptase.
C) It remains in the host cell genome, but is not replicated when host DNA is replicated. D) all of these
148. An enveloped virus enters a host cell by
A) injecting its DNA or RNA into the host cell. B. fusion of its envelope with the host cell's plasma envelope.
C) endocytosis. D) endocytosis
149. What is the correct sequence of events in the lytic cycle of a bacteriophage infection?
A) Attachment, Viral DNA penetration into host cell, Integration of viral DNA into host cell DNA, Biosythesis, Maturation, Release
B) Endocytosis of virion, Uncoating, Maturation, and Release
C) Attachment, Fusion of envelope and host cell membrane, Biosynthesis, Maturation, and Release
D) Attachment, Viral DNA penetration, Biosynthesis, Maturation and Release
150. Viruses are categorized according to all of the following EXCEPT
A) size and shape. B) their type of nucleic acid.
C) the presence of absence of an envelope. D) their method of reproduction, whether asexual or sexual.
151. Base plates is surrounded by ____ retractile ____ at the base
A) lipids; head B) carbohydrate; pins C) proteinceous; pins D) none of these
152. each capsomere of TMV contains about ____ amino acids and arranged in about ____ turns per rod.
A) 158; 130 B) 200; 130 C) 130; 158 D) 158; 20
153. During maturation phase of lytic phase new phage DNA are created called
A) phage B) virus C) viroins D) prions
154. in lysogenic cycle phage genome is incorporated with host DNA and called
A) prophage B) virus C) viroins D) prions
155. HIV size is about ___ times lesser than an ____
A) 50;WBC B) 60; RBC C) 40; hepatocyte D) 60; leucocyte
156. HIV is an enveloped virus which is made up of ___ layers of _____
A) 3; carbohydrates B) 2; lipids C) 3; proteins D) 2; nucleic acids
157. which enzyme of HIV helps the viral genome remain intact inside the host cell.
A) reverse transcriptase B) integrase C) helicase D) all of these
158. ____ creates the copies of HIV genomic material as mRNA
A) RNA polymerase B) DNA polymerase C) A & B D) none of these
159. The drugs Rukobia, Decovy and Truvada are found remarkable against
A) TB B) dementia C) septicemia D) HIV
160. ___ virus is transmitted through white fly pest
A) Hepatitis virus B) Begomovirus C) Herpes simplex virus D) polio virus
161. The prokaryotes may have evolved from
A) symbionts ancestor B) protobiont ancestor C) endobionts ancestor D) exobiont ancestor
162. on average, about one in every 200 bacteria is likely to have a
A) mutation B) reverse transcription C) pigmentation D) none of these
163. Archeabacteria have some affinity with eukaryotes like they have genes that produce enzymes particularly _____
A) helicase B) integrase C) reverse transcriptase D) polymerase
164. Cenarcheaum symbiosum lives within
A) algae B) plant C) sponge D) all of these
165. Deep in the ocean environment is total dark and both temperature and pressure are very high, bacteria living in these areas survive by
A) oxidizing sulfur B) reducing sulfur C) oxidizing methane D) oxidizing Fe
166. Carl Woese studied the differences in ____ in different organisms and established the evolutionary relationships among species.
A) DNA sequences B) RNA sequences C) cell membrane composition D) none of these
167. cyanobacteria are found in aquatic environment and established around
A) 3.5 billion years ago B) 2.5 billion years ago C) 4.5 billion years ago D) 5.5 billion years ago
168. cyanobacteria contributed in providing ____ to our atmosphere
A) sulfur B) nitrogen C) carbon dioxide D) oxygen
169. cyanobacteria can survive in _____ environment
A) low CO2 B) high O2 C) high CO2 D) none of these
170. resemblance of cyanobacteria with plants having
A) O2 usage B) CO2 usage C) RUBISCO enzyme D) cell membrane composition
171. some cyanobacteria can cause
A) encephalitis B) tetnus C) gastroenteritis D) all of these
172. structurally bacteria have ____ regions
A) 3 distinct B) 3 together C) 2 distinct regions D) 2 together
173. bacterial plasmid used in
A) transformation B) transduction C) conjugation D) none of these
174. Mostly capsules of bacteria are
A) thermophilic B) acidophilic C) amphipathic D) hydrophilic
175. another function of glycocalyx is to promote adhesion with each other and form
A) heterocyst B) biofilm C) cell membrane D) all of these
176. Murein is a mixture of
A) lipoglycan and techoic acid B) lipoglycan and peptidoglycan C) alcohol and lipids D) all of these
177. Thiobacillus are
A) sulfur bacteria B) hydrogen bacteria C) iron bacteria D) methanomonas
178. Bacillus oligocarbophillous are
A) sulfur bacteria B) hydrogen bacteria C) iron bacteria D) carbon bacteria
179. Pseudomonas are
A) sulfur bacteria B) hydrogen bacteria C) iron bacteria D) methanomonas
180. Azobacter are
A) saprotrophic bacteria B) parasitic bacteria C) mutualistic bacteria D) none of these
181. Vibrio cholera are
A) saprotrophic bacteria B) parasitic bacteria C) mutualistic bacteria D) none of these
182. Exposure to flame or destroy bacteria by burning is called
A) Autoclave B) incineration C) boiling D) lyophilization
183. Gas gangrene is treated by which physical method?
A) Autoclave B) incineration C) hyperbaric oxygen therapy D) lyophilization
184. one of the first chemical to be used for disinfection was
A) chlorine B) iodine C) formaldehyde D) phenol
185. soap and detergents decrease the ________ between micro-organisms and surfaces
A) surface tension B) viscosity of medium C) sterilization D) none of these
186. Which statement is true about prokaryotes?
A) They contain a nucleus. B) They lack ribosomes. C) They usually lack a cell wall. D) They do not divide by mitosis.
187. When conditions are unfavorable, some Gram positive bacteria form
A) pili. B) endospores. C) galls. D) capsules.
188. All of the following are true of methanogens EXCEPT
A) they produce methane from CO2 and H2. B) they live in the intestinal tracts of cows, humans, and termites.
C) they live in swamps and marshes. D) they are harmful human pathogens.
189. Which of the following is a mismatch?
A.) thermophiles - live in extremely cold temperatures B) methanogens - prefer anaerobic environments
C) halophiles - live in high salt environments D) thermoacidophiles - live in high temperatures and acidic environments
190. Which of the following characteristics about saprotrophs is NOT true?
A) They are viruses that infect plant and fungal cells. B) They are bacteria that decompose large organic molecules.
C) Saprotrophs are also called decomposers. D) They are ecologically important in recycling matter.
191. Which of the following bacterial genera is known for its ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen?
A) Escherichia B) Bacillus C) Rhizobium D) Streptococcus
192. Which bacterial structure is responsible for motility in many bacteria?
A) Capsule B) Flagellum C) Pilus D) Plasmid
193. Which bacterial genus is responsible for causing tuberculosis in humans?
A) Escherichia B) Staphylococcus C) Mycobacterium D) Salmonella
194. Which bacterial shape is characterized by a spiral or corkscrew morphology?
A) Cocci B) Bacilli C) Vibrio D) Streptobacilli
195. Which of the following is NOT a mode of bacterial genetic exchange?
A) Transformation B) Conjugation C) Fission D) Transduction
196. Which bacterial structure contains the genetic material of the cell?
A) Ribosome B) Nucleus C) Plasmid D) Nucleoid
197. Which bacterial group includes species that produce methane as a metabolic byproduct?
A) Cyanobacteria B) Proteobacteria C) Actinobacteria D) Archaea
198. Which bacterial genus includes species that are commonly found in soil and are important for decomposition?
A) Pseudomonas B) Bacillus C) Clostridium D) Lactobacillus
199. Which bacterial shape is characterized by a rod-like morphology?
A) Cocci B) Bacilli C) Vibrio D) Spirochetes
200. Which bacterial genus includes species that are commonly found in the intestines of mammals and birds?
A) Escherichia B) Mycobacterium C) Streptococcus D) Clostridium

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