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Individual Task: Every student must submit the Assignment by the due date.

Late Penalty: 10% per day penalty for delayed submissions. Work submitted more than 10 days
late will not be marked.

Description of the assessment:

In this assignment, you will be required to detect anomaly(s) in a dataset using any machine learning
technique. It is recommended that you use Python programming language using any suitable IDE you

Deliverables and rubrics:

Code [20 marks]: Submit the code and necessary dependency files. Make sure you organize your code
in such a way that the marker can execute your code smoothly.

Some of the guidelines for the task:

• Dataset: Find a dataset related to anomaly detection from Kaggle. Marks [2]
• Pre-processing: Acquired dataset might not be ready to be used in a ML algorithm. Make
sure you perform necessary pre-processing on the dataset. Marks [3]
• ML algorithm: You have to decide which ML algorithm (any 3) you would use for your task
[Marks 6]
• Accuracy Find accuracy for each algorithm to check which perform best on your dataset.
[Marks 3]:
• Visualization: You can use any method of visualization to present the outcome. You have to
visualize your findings. Marks [6]

Report [5 marks]: Submit the PDF file for report .

The report includes a cover page with personal details and the assignment name, an executive
summary explaining the assignment's objectives, a dataset familiarization section detailing the
dataset's content, collection date, number of records, features, and sample snapshots, a pre-
processing section explaining the pre-processing steps with justifications, a machine learning algorithm
section describing the chosen algorithm with justifications and the specific library or implementation
used, an accuracy section discussing the algorithm's accuracy, a visualization and conclusion section
presenting findings and any relevant visualizations, and a code explanation section briefly explaining
how to execute the code.

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