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The history of Egypt is a tapestry woven with the

threads of civilization, culture, conquest, and

innovation, stretching back over five millennia. Here's
a detailed overview
Ancient Egypt (c. 3100 BCE - 332 BCE)
Prehistoric Egypt: Human settlement in the Nile
Valley dates back to the Paleolithic period, with
evidence of hunter-gatherer communities along
the riverbanks
Predynastic Period (c. 6000 BCE - 3100 BCE):
The first organized communities emerged in the
Nile Valley. These early settlements laid the
groundwork for the later dynastic civilization
Early Dynastic Period (c. 3100 BCE - 2686 BCE):
Unified under King Menes, Egypt's first pharaoh,
the country entered a period o
The history of Egypt is one of the richest and
most fascinating in the world, spanning over five
millennia. Here's a detailed overview
Ancient Egypt (c. 3100 BCE - 332 BCE)
Predynastic Period: This era saw the
emergence of organized societies along
the Nile River, characterized by agriculture,
animal domestication, and pottery
Early Dynastic Period: Around 3100 BCE,
Upper and Lower Egypt were unified by
King Narmer, marking the beginning of the
Dynastic era. This period saw the
establishment of the capital city of
Memphis and the construction of the first
pyramids at Saqqara.

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