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Sr. No. of Question Paper 5870A

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Indian Economy
Name of the Course
B.A.(Hons.) Business Economics 2022,
Semester VI

Duration 3 Hours

Maximum Marks 75

Instructions for Candidates

. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt ofthis question paper.

2. Attempt any five question.

3. All question carry equal marks.

UHindu Rate of growth, a presumably broad description of the period prior to the
iberalisation of the Indian Economy." In light of this statement, comment on the economic
strategy in India at that time. (15 marks).
o2 he service sector has outperformed other sectors of the economy. Discuss the increasing
tmportance of the service sector vis-à-vis other sectors in integrating Indian Economy with
the world economy. (15 marks)

dia's employment structure has witnessed large scale withdrawal ofthe

women from

h e labour force'. Comment on the above statement keeping in mind the prescnt scenario. s
there evidence of trend-reversal? (15 marks)
Q42xamine the trends in the agricultural productivity in the last two decades. Briely
Explain the "Turning Point" in agriculture. (15 marks)
O.5 Discuss the relationship between economic growth and demographic- dividend. Do you
4hink that India wili reap the benefits of the transition of the age structure in the coming
years? (15 marks)

5870A 2

Q6Briefly analyse thee evolution of Government Policy towards Foreign Direct Investment
an Indian Context. Does FDI promote growth? (15 marks)
Q7 Write Short notes on (Any two)
a Privatisation
b. Psotectionism verses Free Trade Agreements
c. Direction of India's E>xports that drive the next wave of growth


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