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SUBMITTED BY YOHANIS AMANTE………………………………………………1309554


1. INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................
1.1. Background.......................................................................................................................1
1.3.Objective of thestudy..........................................................................................................3
1.3.1.General objective.......................................................................................................3
1.3.2Specific objectives......................................................................................................3
1.4.Significance of thestudy......................................................................................................3
1.5.Scope and limitation of thestudy.........................................................................................3
2.1.The Concept of Sustainable Rural Livelihood....................................................................4
2.2.Soil and Water Conservation Practices:overview...............................................................5
2.2.1.Types of soil and wate rconservation measures...............................................................6 and water conservation.................................................6 conservation practices.........................................................................7
2.3.Soil and Waterconservation role towards sustainable Alivelihoods...................................9
2.3.1.Livelihood Assets...................................................................................................10
2.3.3.Transforming StructuresandProcesses....................................................................10
2.3.4.Livelihood strategies...............................................................................................11
2.3.5.Livelihood outcomes...............................................................................................11
2.4.Constraints of SWC measuresimplementation................................................................12
2.4.1.Institutional Factors.................................................................................................12
2.4.2.Technological Factors.............................................................................................12

List of abribati acronomy

CSA Central statistical authority of ethiopia

DFID Department for international development
FAO Food and agricultur organization
FRAF Forest resource assessment
GDP Gross domestic product
HH Household
KII Key informant interview
SWC Soil and water conservation
THH Total household
WACOT World overview of conservation approach and technology

First i would like to thanks to my almighty GOD and next I would like to thanks to my advisor
Mr.Yadesa Wakena

Ethiopia is one of the poorest countres in subsaharan africa .its economy is mainly depend on
rain fed .agriculture in ethiopia is not only an economic activity but also way of life .the overal
objective the study is a to assas the contribution of soil and water conservation practices to
wards sustainable rural livehoods in ethiopia ,the problem that that studies indicates many
farmer participate in swc but did not relate the benefits swc practices to rural livehoods at house
hoolds level.we are wilbe used purpousives sampling a stematic and on sampling technique. in
this study will be use be both priamary and secandary data , the priamary data egain from
prelimary survey.key information interviews kill one and household survey and secondary
source internate and library books,this study will be used to box qualitative and we method,
quantitative data will be analysed by using relevant discriptive statistical finally inerpreted by
using table, graphs and frequence.

KEY WORDS: Contribution, livehood, sustainable,soil and water conservation

1.1 Background
The backbones of the agrarian economy in most developing countries are rain fed agriculture.
The economic development of developing countries depend on performance agricultural sector
and the contribution of sector depends how the narural resources are managed.
Ethiopia is one of the poorest countries sub saharan africa, economy is mainly depend rain fed
agriculture. The agricultural sector is the main source of employment farmers 85% of the
population, contributes to very large proportion of the countries (MOFED 2002)
1.2 Objective of The Study
1.1.1 General Objective
The overall objective of in study is to investigate the role of soil and water conservation practice
to wards sustainable rural livelihoods.
1.2.2 specific objective
To identify common implemented type of soil and water conservation practice in the study area.
To identify challenges to contract soil and water conservation measure in the study area.
To examine farmers perception towards socioeconomic role of soil and water conservation.
1.3 Significance of The Study
The result of the study will be help ful local communities, Pollice makers, and there experts by
forwarding some valuable idea about the role of soil and water conservation measure on the local
community livelihood.
1.4 Scope and Limitation of The Study
The study was focusing the role of soil and water conservation towards sustainable rural
livelihood of the study. The main constraint study’s mean availability of the

1|P a g e
information during our study such as shortage of information about description of the study and
less accurecy of information that we get.
2.1 the concept of sustainable rural livelihood
These have been the most far- reaching in their speed of speared of new technologies and the
nature of their inpacts social, economic and ecological system. Two guiding themes have
dominated these agricultural transformations. One has been the need for increased food
production to meet the needs of growing population. The other has been the desiere to prevent
the degradation of natural resource. Perceived to be largely caused by growing numbers of
people and their bad practices. Governements have encouraged the adoption of awide range of
conservation practices and technologies. Including soil and water conservation to control soil
erosion (pretty and shah,1997).
Them term sustaniable livelihoods to relates awide set of issues which encompass such of the
broader about relationship between povert and environment.
2.2 Soil and Water Conservation Practices: Overview
2.2.1. Types Of Soil and Water Conservation Major in Ethiopia
A watershed treatment approach was adopted for the program and fhe following two major
conservation activites were undertaken a .physical conservation or structural measures on
farmlands which included dridges .soil or stone bunds and various types of tracces b.soil
conservation on grasing land which combined area closure and re vegetation whith soil
conservation on forlands which encombassed (Akililu 2OO6 )
Soil and water conservation is maintaining goods soil health by various practices. The aim of soil
conservation stop revent soil erosion. Prevent is soil and prevents soil contamination from the
chemical. Physical (Mechanical) Soil and Water Conservation
Mechanical measures expensive and consuming the deserve careful through and planning.
Because of mechanical measure works are expensive and manmade earth works. It play survey
role in controlling and preventing it includes the following methods.

A. STONE BUND: is the an embankment built across slop a long the contour. Soil bund is made
of soil or mud. On moderatily sloping area the farmer construct the soil bund for erosion control.

B. CONTOUR PLOUGHIN: is a practice of tilling the land a long the contour soft slop inorder
to reduce the run off on a stape slop land.
C. CUT OFF DRAINS: is one of the physical stracture constructed by digging the soil deepinerd
to diver the run off before reaching the farm land. The farmer constructed such as structures to
prevent loss of seeds. Fertilizer and soil due to excess run off coming from up lands and disposs
the excess water for the field( Herwegand Ludi 1999).
D. DRAINAGE DITCHES: is one practices of the widely used soil conservation practices
tradition ditches. Agronomic Conservation Practices
Agronomic measures are practices of growing vegetation land to cover and contour erosion. It
includes the following methods;
A. Follow Land Traditional practices of leaving the crop land uncultivated more years the
purpose of recovering soil fertility and minimizing soils loss.
B. CROP ROTATION: is the simplest way to grow diffirent crop the land from year to year by
in crop rotation.
C. APPLICATION OF MANU:is used by many farmer in forder to improve the fertility of soil
manner constructing of the from organic fertilizer. Physical Soil and Water Conservation Measures
Physical measures is the control erosion the through vegetation method or biological method
includes, strip planting, agro forestry, heed grows shelter belt and wind break etc.
2.3. Soil And Water Conservation Role Towards Sustainable a Live hoods
The livelihoods approach starts with analysis of people’s livelihoods and how they have been
changing over time.
2.3.3. Transforming Structures And Processes
Most soil and water conservation projects have continue local people in food for the
participation. But this clearly the defeating. According to Reijetal(1996) practices show that
where people repiad for soil water conservation the project all most invariable the construction.
2.3.4. Livelihoods Outcomes
Livelihood outcome are the results of the diffirent combination of livelihood stratages that
people choose follow. It is impossible to say any thing for outside to judge what constitutes a

positive or negative outcomes. Beceuse of the outcomes peaple aspire to will vary with in
2.4. Constraints of SWC Measures Implementation
Studies conducted in different part of the country come up with different factors. Explain the
low level of success of conservation.
2.4.1. Institutional Factors
During planning soil and water conservation intervention top-down approach was pursued where
by government of facility association in Ethiopia. What to That approach gave local people little
opportunities for discussion an participation on the imitation.
2.4.2 Technological Factors
Conservation activities that have been mainly focused on physical conservation measures. Other
conservation measures is such as biological and agronomic conservation practices that could
have potential to provide incentive for adoption have been over looked.
SWC measures in Ethiopia crop production households income and leave of input has been
conducted in Ethiopia. The hypothesis have guide the survey has a result to survey analysis
results have indicated. That here staticaly significant diffirence between SWC practiced and an
practiced households.


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