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Introduction of Project:

 A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result.

 Characteristics of projects include:

o Temporary: Projects have a defined beginning and end.

o Unique: Projects are one-of-a-kind endeavors, different from routine operations or repetitive


o Progressive elaboration: Project details become clearer as the project progresses and more

information is gathered.

o Cross-functional: Projects often involve people from different departments or disciplines.

 Types of projects:

o Construction projects: Building infrastructure like bridges, roads, or buildings.

o IT projects: Developing software, implementing systems, or upgrading technology.

o Marketing projects: Launching campaigns, conducting market research, or developing

branding strategies.

o Research projects: Investigating new technologies, conducting scientific studies, or

exploring innovative ideas.

Project Life Cycle:

 The project life cycle represents the phases a project passes through from initiation to closure.

 Common phases include initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and controlling, and closure.

 Each phase has specific deliverables and objectives that contribute to the overall success of the


Concepts of Deliverables:

 Deliverables are tangible or intangible outputs produced as a result of the project.

 Tangible deliverables: Physical products or materials produced by the project, such as a software

application or a construction structure.

 Intangible deliverables: Non-physical outcomes of the project, such as improved processes, increased

customer satisfaction, or enhanced brand reputation.

The Project Management Process:

 The project management process involves initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and

controlling, and closing the project.

 Initiating: Defining the project scope, objectives, and stakeholders.

 Planning: Developing a detailed project plan, including schedules, budgets, and resource allocation.

 Executing: Implementing the project plan and carrying out the work defined in the scope.

 Monitoring and Controlling: Tracking project progress, managing changes, and ensuring that the

project stays on track.

 Closing: Formalizing project completion, obtaining acceptance from stakeholders, and transitioning

the project deliverables to the client or end users.

Roles of Project Team & Project Leader:

 Project Team: Comprised of individuals with specific skills and expertise required to complete the

project tasks.

o Roles may include project manager, subject matter experts, team members, and stakeholders.

 Project Leader: Responsible for guiding the project team, making strategic decisions, managing

resources, and ensuring the project's success.

o The project leader provides direction, motivation, and support to the team members, fosters

collaboration, and resolves conflicts.

Fundamental Components of Project Cost:

 Project cost includes all expenses incurred to complete the project objectives within the defined

scope, schedule, and quality requirements.

 Components of project cost may include:

o Direct costs: Expenses directly attributable to the project, such as labor, materials, and

o Indirect costs: Overhead expenses not directly tied to a specific project but necessary for its

execution, such as administrative costs or utilities.

o Contingency reserves: Funds set aside to address unforeseen risks or changes during the

project execution.

o Management reserves: Additional funds allocated for project management activities, such as

monitoring and controlling, scope changes, or quality assurance.

1. Types of Costs:

o Direct Costs: Costs directly attributable to the production of a specific good or service.

These costs include materials, labor, and other expenses directly related to the production


o Indirect Costs: Costs that are not directly traceable to a specific product or service but are

incurred in the general operation of a business. Examples include utilities, rent, and

administrative salaries.

o Recurring Costs: Costs that occur regularly and are expected to continue over time, such as

monthly rent or salaries.

o Non-Recurring Costs: One-time costs that are not expected to reoccur in the future, such as

equipment purchases or marketing campaigns.

o Fixed Costs: Costs that remain constant regardless of the level of production or sales.

Examples include rent and insurance.

o Variable Costs: Costs that fluctuate in direct proportion to changes in production or sales

levels. Examples include raw materials and hourly wages.

2. Project Financing and Budgeting:

o Sources of Finance: Various avenues through which projects can be financed, including:

 Equity Financing: Raising capital by selling shares of ownership in the company.

 Debt Financing: Acquiring funds by borrowing from lenders, which must be repaid

with interest.

 Government Grants and Subsidies: Financial assistance provided by government

entities to support specific projects or industries.

 Venture Capital: Investment provided by venture capital firms in exchange for

equity stakes in startups or high-growth companies.

o Top-down Budgeting: An approach where senior management sets the overall budget for

the organization or project, and then allocates funds to individual departments or activities

based on predetermined targets or guidelines.

o Bottom-up Budgeting: A process where budgets are developed by lower-level managers or

project teams based on their detailed knowledge of the activities and resource requirements.

These budgets are then aggregated to create the overall budget for the organization or


o Activity Based Costing (ABC): A method of allocating costs to specific activities or

processes based on their use of resources. ABC provides a more accurate understanding of

the costs associated with different activities, enabling better decision-making and cost



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