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Group 1

Wrecked: The company reputation was wrecked by the scandal.

Venture Capitalist: The venture capitalist invested in the new start up company.
Neglected: The old house was neglected and falling apart.
Incredibly: He is incredibly intelligent and talented.
Court: The court is in session.

Group 2

Banktrupcy: A start up could become banktrupcy.

Shares: The company’s shares are currently trading at a low price.
Deceased: The deceased man was found in his apartment.
Retires: The man retires after a long time.
Spouse: The spouse is entitled to half of the estate.

Group 3

Departing: The departing year was a year of great change.

Marketability: The company’s new product has high marketability.
Proposionate: The company’s product profits were not proposionate to it’s size.
Force: I will not force you, so you may choose what you want.
Defined: The company’s mission is clearly defined.

Group 4

Shotgun Clause: Shotgun clause are often used to protect the financial interests of the parties
Welthier: The country has become wealthier in recent years.
Stipulate: The contract stipulates that the payment must be made within 30 days.
Eunded: The event was funded by donations from local business.
Favor: The sector has been left with significant overcapacity, reports from consulting
firms say, meaning the battle for the favors of clients can only intensify.

Group 5

Require: This was quickly abandoned as the company’s financial problems require resources to
be focused on the 500.
Refusal: This refusal to apologize for this actions made me lose respect for him.
Existing: The company is looking for ways to improve it’s existing products.
Debious: The woman debious her abilities.
Shields: The polarity of each charge is rotating so quickly, the shields cannot compensate.

Topic Sentence paragraph 1: This year was a year of great change, not just for me, but for many

The departing year was a year of great change, not just for me, but for many. The country has
become wealthier in recent years, but many sectors have been left struggling with overcapacity,
reports from consulting firms say, meaning the battle for the favors of clients can only intensify.
This has led to fierce competition, like a court in session, with companies battling for clients.
One such company was looking for ways to improve its existing products. Their profits were not
proportionate to their size, and their shares were trading at a low price. A venture capitalist,
known for his incredibly intelligence, saw potential. He believed the company's mission was
clearly defined and their new product had high marketability. However, the company's reputation
was wrecked by a recent scandal. This debious refusal to apologize, like a shotgun clause in a
contract, made many lose respect. They required a sincere apology to regain trust. Meanwhile, a
young, talented entrepreneur was working on a new startup company. The venture capitalist,
impressed by his abilities, decided to invest. However, startups are risky ventures, and there was
a chance the company could become bankruptcy. The entrepreneur, undeterred, was determined
to succeed. He was determined to build a storng brand that would shields the company from
future problems.

Topic Sentence paragraph 2: In another part of town, a court case was underway

In another part of town, a court case was underway. A deceased man was found in his
apartment, and his spouse was entitled to half of the estate. The contract stipulate a specific
timeframe for the payment, but legal battles can be lengthy. His wife left home and lived on a
nursing home funded by the old house she left behind, the old house she left behind, neglected
and falling apart, was a stark contrast to the new wealth circulating in the country. A police
officer who was investigating the cause of the man's death found various letters written by the
man. one of the letters contained regarding “As for me, after 30 years of hard work, I plan to
retire next year. I will not force myself to stay any longer. The event I attended last week, funded
by local businesses, was a reminder of the importance of community. It was a welcome change
from the fierce competition dominating the business world.”

Translate to Indonesian paragraph 1 :

Tahun yang akan segera berakhir ini adalah tahun penuh perubahan besar, tidak hanya bagi saya,
tetapi juga bagi banyak orang. Laporan dari perusahaan konsultan menyebutkan bahwa negara
ini memang semakin kaya dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, namun banyak sektor yang masih
kesulitan karena kelebihan kapasitas. Ini artinya persaingan untuk mendapatkan klien akan
semakin ketat. Akibatnya, persaingan bisnis menjadi sengit, layaknya ruang pengadilan tempat
perusahaan-perusahaan saling berebut klien. Salah satu perusahaan tersebut sedang mencari cara
untuk meningkatkan produk yang sudah ada. Keuntungan mereka tidak sebanding dengan ukuran
perusahaan, dan harga saham mereka pun sedang rendah. Namun, seorang pemodal ventura yang
terkenal sangat cerdas melihat adanya potensi. Ia percaya bahwa misi perusahaan tersebut jelas
dan produk baru mereka memiliki daya jual yang tinggi. Namun, reputasi perusahaan tersebut
hancur karena skandal baru-baru ini. Penolakan permintaan maaf yang tidak jujur tersebut,
seperti klausul shotgun dalam kontrak, membuat banyak pihak kehilangan rasa hormat. Untuk
mendapatkan kembali kepercayaan, mereka membutuhkan permintaan maaf yang tulus.
Sementara itu, seorang pengusaha muda berbakat sedang mengerjakan perusahaan rintisan
(startup) baru. Sang pemodal ventura, terkesan dengan kemampuannya, memutuskan untuk
berinvestasi. Namun, startup adalah usaha yang berisiko tinggi, dan ada kemungkinan
perusahaan tersebut bisa bangkrut. Sang pengusaha muda, pantang menyerah, dan bertekad
untuk berhasil. Ia bertekad membangun merek yang kuat yang akan melindungi perusahaannya
dari masalah di masa depan.

Translate to Indonesian paragraph 2 :

Di bagian lain kota, sedang berlangsung kasus pengadilan. Seorang pria yang sudah meninggal
ditemukan di apartemennya, dan istrinya berhak atas setengah harta warisan. Kontrak tersebut
menetapkan jangka waktu tertentu untuk pembayaran, tetapi pertarungan hukum bisa memakan
waktu lama. Istrinya meninggalkan rumah dan tinggal di panti jompo yang didanai oleh rumah
tua yang ditinggalkannya, rumah tua yang ditinggalkannya terbengkalai dan rusak parah, sangat
kontras dengan kekayaan baru yang beredar di negara ini. Seorang petugas polisi yang sedang
menyelidiki penyebab kematian pria itu menemukan berbagai surat yang ditulis oleh pria
tersebut. Salah satu surat itu berisi tentang "Bagi saya, setelah 30 tahun bekerja keras, saya
berencana untuk pensiun tahun depan. Saya tidak akan memaksa diri saya untuk tinggal lebih
lama lagi. Acara yang saya hadiri minggu lalu, yang didanai oleh bisnis lokal, adalah pengingat
pentingnya komunitas. Itu adalah perubahan yang disambut baik dari persaingan ketat yang
mendominasi dunia bisnis."

“buy-sell” agreements within a company, with a focus on “drag-along” and “tag-along”

provisions. This provision determines how the minority group will be affected when the majority
group decides to sell the company. Drag-along forces the minority to sell alongside the majority,
while tag-along allows them to join in the sale at the same price. Lawyers emphasize the
importance of this provision to a company's marketability. The agreement should also include a
method for valuing the shares to ensure a fair price for all parties involved.

perjanjian “beli-jual” dalam suatu perusahaan, dengan fokus pada ketentuan “drag-along” dan
“tag-along”. Ketentuan ini menentukan bagaimana kelompok minoritas akan terkena dampak
ketika kelompok mayoritas memutuskan untuk menjual perusahaan. Drag-along memaksa
minoritas untuk menjual bersama mayoritas, sementara tag-along memungkinkan mereka untuk
bergabung dalam penjualan dengan harga yang sama. Pengacara menekankan pentingnya
ketentuan ini bagi daya jual perusahaan. Perjanjian tersebut juga harus mencakup metode
penilaian saham untuk memastikan harga yang adil bagi semua pihak yang terlibat.

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