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Thesis Evaluation Template

Candidate's Name: DEBEBE AYELE



Date of Evaluation:20/07/2016

Criteria for Evaluation:

1. Originality and Contribution:

 novelty and uniqueness of the research topic, approach, or findings;

3/5; by comparing it with other works in the field, the conduct an exhaustive literature search
finds out the topic of the research has been dealt with previous research. but the research
question, methodology, and results were better than other studies.

 Determine whether the thesis offers new insights, perspectives, or solutions to existing
problems in the field.

4/5; The findings of this research add value to the relevant body of knowledge regarding the
effect of a physical workplace environment, supervisor support, incentive, and training and
development on employees' performance. the research provides supplementary input for policy
makers and policy actors. Planers, project workers and reference for employers in related area for
future. the research provides information about the relationship between the working
environment and employee performance.

2. Research Question and Objectives:

 Evaluate the clarity, relevance, and significance of the research question(s) addressed in
the thesis.

4/5, An effective research question should meet four main criteria: clarity, focus, relevance, and
answerability. Clarity means that the question is specific, precise, and unambiguous. Focus
means that the question is narrow enough to be manageable within the time and resources
available. Relevance means that the question is meaningful, interesting, and significant for the
field of study. Answerability means that the question is feasible, ethical, and researchable using
appropriate methods and sources. Accordingly, the research question was done in detail.
According to the fourth criteria the questions are feasible, ethical and researchable using
appropriate methods and sources.

 Determine whether the objectives are well-defined and aligned with the research

5/5; the research problem or gap is the main issue/challenge the research project aims to address
or fill. In this research both the research questions and objectives are derived from the research
problem or gap. thus, objectives are well-defined and aligned with the research question(s).

3. Literature Review:

 Examine the comprehensiveness and critical analysis of the literature relevant to the
research topic.

4/5, the literature review is comprehensive; - the researcher addresses the scope and criteria of
the research by specifying the time frame, geographic region, population, discipline; the
researcher use multiple and diverse sources; the research is well Organized and documented.

 Evaluate the synthesis of previous research, identification of gaps, and justification of the
study's importance.

4/5, The researcher integrates support from more than one source for the idea/argument of
employee and work environment while also identifying how sources are related to each other and
to the main idea, the researcher doesn’t identify the seven core research gaps separately: (a)
Evidence Gap; (b) Knowledge Gap; (c) Practical-Knowledge Conflict Gap; (d) Methodological
Gap; (e) Empirical Gap; and (f) Theoretical Gap; (g) Population Gap. In addition, the researcher
has established the relevance and value of the research in the broader context of the field.

4. Methodology:

 Evaluate the appropriateness and rigor of the research design, methods, and techniques
used to collect and analyze data.
4/5, The data for this study was gathered from both primary and secondary data sources. Primary
data were collected through a well-structured questionnaire. It includes close-ended questions.
The secondary data was collected from the administration work processes, reports, policies,
procedures, forms, other documents and also from different literatures in the area.

 Consider factors such as sampling techniques, data collection instruments, data analysis
procedures, and ethical considerations.

5/5, the researcher address description of the research design and approach, population of the
study is briefly describing about the research methodology and it deals with the sampling design,
the data sources, methods of data collection, and methods of data analysis, sampling techniques
and ethical consideration of data collection instruments questioner distribution included.

5. Data Analysis and Results:

 Assess the clarity, accuracy, and interpretation of the data analysis.

3/5, data is presented and discus through textual for table, graph, and percentage, in an organized
manner. Besides, the findings are presented, analyzed, interpreted and discussed.

Determine whether the results are presented logically, supported by evidence, and directly
address the research question(s).

5/5, the results are presented logically, supported by evidence, and directly address the research
question(s) and the specific objectives of the study. the researcher collected data through
different research instruments (questionnaires, focus group discussion and interviews); open and
close ended questionnaires.

6. Discussion and Interpretation:

 Evaluate the depth and critical analysis of the results in relation to the research
question(s) and objectives.

4/5, The research aims, objectives and research questions (the golden thread) define the focus
and scope (the delimitations) of the research project.

 Assess the coherence of the discussion, interpretation of findings, and integration with
existing literature.
4/5, the research defines clear but not specific research question to guides the inquiry. literature
review is not just a summary of previous studies, but a critical analysis and synthesis of the
strengths, weaknesses, and gaps in the current knowledge. The researcher didn’t put the this in

7. Conclusions and Implications:

 Examine the clarity, completeness, and relevance of the conclusions drawn from the

5/5, This study has tried to examine the effect of working environment dimensions on employee
performance in INSA general service department. Since employees‟ performance is a key factor
in the success of these works, studying the effect of working environment variables such as
physical work environment, incentive aspects of the work, supervisor support and training and
development opportunities on employees‟ performance has paramount importance. Consider the
implications of the findings for theory, practice, policy, or further research.

5/5, The findings and results that will be reported in this study will provide good information
about the feeling and level of employee performance from the services delivered by the

8. Writing Style and Presentation:

 Evaluate the clarity, organization, and coherence of the writing.

4/5, the study was well organized and the writing style is very good but there are some mistakes
done in the separation of word from word.

 Assess the use of language, structure of chapters, and adherence to academic conventions
(e.g., citation style, formatting).

4/5, there is no mistake in language and formatting but the citation style not automatic standard.

9. References and Citations:

 Check the accuracy and appropriateness of the references cited throughout the thesis.

5/5, the researcher used appropriate no of references in all progresses of the study.
 Ensure that all sources are properly acknowledged and cited according to the required
citation style.

5/5, all sources are properly acknowledged and cited according to the required citation style
(APA style)

10. Critical Thinking and Analysis:

 Assess the candidate's ability to critically evaluate and analyze information, draw logical
conclusions, and demonstrate intellectual independence in their approach to the research.

5/5, the study carefully evaluates information and determine how to interpret it in order to make
a sound judgment. In any stages of the research involving conceptualization, data collection and
data analysis, for the purpose of breadth and depth of understanding and corroboration, in a
single study, or in a series of studies that investigate the same underlying phenomenon.

11. Overall Contribution to Knowledge:

 Consider the overall impact and contribution of the thesis to advancing knowledge,
understanding, or practice in the relevant field of study.

4/5, This research might open the door for other researchers who want to study further in this
area or other similar issues. Furthermore, the study would be used as a literature review. Overall
Evaluation: the findings of this study show that working environment variables such as physical
work environment, incentives, and supervisor support, and training and development INSA
general service department have a strong positive relationship with employee performance,
indicating that when good and suitable working conditions are created for employees in the
department, their performance will increase.

Comments and Recommendations: [Offer specific comments on each criterion and provide
recommendations for further enhancement, if applicable.]

Evaluator's Name: Million Gebretsadik

Total:90 /100

Evaluator's Signature:

Date: 20/07/2016

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