BT 26 February

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1. Local production is not an option because the facilities are too poor, this could risk
product quality.

2. Emma thinks Go Global should decide because they are investing their money and
they know the product chain in detail, Claudio said they are the experts.

3. Because of suiting the EN Tek team culture. Sanjit would like to be involved, to be part
of the discussion, to see collaboration happening.

4. The wrong decision on location will cause the project to fail.

5. He want Emma to think carefully about how to handle the meeting with EN Tek.

BT3 Option A

1. She said her role is to give the best advice on finance and quality.

2. Team’s suggestion is to coach and train the people working locally as well as enhance
their skills.

3. No, she isn’t. Because she said she didn’t think that make sense.

4. At the end of meeting, she feel very happy because of her expected result.

BT3 Option B

1. He said that they have had very good experiences with the local producers in
Bangladesh and he has lots of trust in their abilities.

2. Emma reminds three objects. They are efficient production, good product quality and a
successful project.

3. Sanjit suggest letting his local guys try to use more detail requirements, let them do a
production and do the same with China to see if both can be successful, and decide based
on the results.
4. Yes, she is. Because she said “Sounds fair”, “So shall we try that”, “Do we all agree
with the idea …

5. Emma is angry. She thinks that the idea is total waste of time and China will go on top.


1. In option A, Emma give her ideas strongly. She talk Sanjit and Pawel that her role is to
give advice on finance and quality. She says that China is the only option. In the end of
video, while Emma smiles, Sanjit isn’t persuaded and the team is divided.

In option B, Emma collaborate with her team members, which leads to the decision to
establish two pilots. Emma is not funny about the consequence. Then, Claudio figures out
that the outcome is good from a team point of view.

2. In my opinion, I think if a member in a team has a different opinion from others and
they would like to all of members following by their opinion will not have a good result. I
think the best choice to have a great outcome is option B. Although the result of project
will not wonderful, but through this discussion from all of members in the team, that is
the biggest success.


1. His objective is to digitalise the training and learning we do in the company as well as
moving away from traditional classroom training.

2. His proposal is quickly to go around the table first, hear everyone one by one, and then

3. Sam wants to talk about the budget but Takeshi want to come a little later after hearing
the country presentations.

4. He wants everyone to speak up, give ideas and get involved. He also want they to share
the facilitation.

1. He would like further explanation on what soft skills training entails.

2. He told Steve feel free about that because it will help they more creative.

3. He talks her to give her opinion drawing on her expertise.

4. He supposed that the opinion of Paula is crucial. Then, he explain what has been said,
find where people agree, and suggests a discussion around the risks of e-learning.


1. It is not enough time for conversation and he would like to do next phase.

2. Takeshi suggests that Sam and Steve work together on this for the next few weeks and
come up with a plan on how they move forward.

3. He says that he thinks his team have made good progress. He also thanks the group for
being proactive and sharing the facilitation.

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