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Examination Control Division
2075 Bhadra Year/Part iI./It

- Basic Electrical (E8451

C^andirtatgl-are required to give their answers in their own words as far
{I Auenpt 4!! questions.
as practicable,

r' Thefgures in the margin indicate Fu!! Marks.

y' As-sume suitable doto ifn""rrrorr.-
l. a) Differentiate between electro motive force and potential difference,
b) The crrrent in the field winding
ofa motor at 20oc is 2A. After running the motor for
6 hours at fu Ioad the current fa[s to 1.754. If vortage appried aimss the
winding is 240V, determine the temperature rise of the-winding. The temperature
coefticient ofresistance ofthe copper winding OoC is 0.0042g/oC.
c) A d.c circuit comprises two resistors, A of value 25 ohms, and B of unknown value,
conrccted in parallel, together with a third resistor c of value 5 ohms
connected in
sries with the parallel group. The polential difference across C is foutd to 90V.
total power in the circuit is 4320 watt. Calculate (a) the value of resistor
B, (b) the
voltage applied to the ends ofthe whole circuit,
1c; G current in each resistor. t6l
2' a) use loop current method to calculate the cunent tluough the 5cr resistance for the
N€two* shown b€low.

b) Fid the cunent through l0 C) resistor using zuperposition theorem.


ao uo ao

| ,", n. (

c) State maximum power transfer theorem and arso derive the condition
at which
maximum power is delivered to the load.
3. a) Determine the value of.l' shown in figure below, by using Norton,s theorem.
b) Derive the equivalent inductanc
connecrion conside;ne ,1,. are connected in series aiding
nlurui ill",lJwoeinductors
c) A generator produces a voltace. t6I
,* j:f TJ,_,f;,$.T::::J%J'i.tL:T:1,:ITffi f l;

ffi;#=*i1iq{dTffiff fr#r*mrrllrrlf{l3jl.Tt
;ffi ."1f j:T**:'rir."'urpo*".-t",l
;h,1:T;"il['i:. ("'
o) jjl. Ji'"*'
I:,*p: ":r. :, i *" *, ",
,,Hi,T,,l*:i ***,i**i', i,:,":l,?'il"1J:"*ff I8l
ffi m:1,*i*";litfult,ft?i,{:ilffi iii

230Y 50 Hz

unbalanced svstem with

' " io; *,".f#wing batanced three phase supply
of 400 v.50
i) the.line currents and neutral cument f8l
iD acfive and reactive power

b) How power factor is improved

in th
1;**r';x";".gt$**{;3-'ifu:Udiffi rne
overalf power factor to glyo-
Examination Control Division
2075 Baishakh

candidates are requhed to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Attempt &questions-
The Jigures in tlre margin indicate fulf![4fu.
Assume suitaue data if necessary.

l. a) Derive a relation between the known resistance Rr at tr "C and the unknown
resistance R2 at t2
oC, when cn is not known. t6]

b) Explain rhe process of source conversion. How is it helpful in solving elechical

networks? t4l
A circui! co*rtaining of three resistances 12 f), 18 O, and 36 C) respectively jointed in
parallel, is connected in series with a fourth resistance. The whole is supplied at 60 V
and it is found rhat the power dissipated in the 12 Q resistance is 36 w. Determine the
value oftle fourth resiitance and the total power dissipated in the group. t6l
2. a) Find the kaneh cu ents in the circuit of given figure below by using nodal analysis? t6]

b) Find current in 8 C) resistor of the network shown in figure below using superposition
theorem. t6l

c) State and explain Thevenin's lheorem with suitable example. i4l

3. a) In the network shown in figure below, find resistance RL connected between terminals
A and B so that maximum power is develop across Rs. What is the maximum power? t6]

b) Derive an expression for the energy stored in the magnetic field ofan inductor. t41
Derive an expression for the current drawn by a pure capacitor when connected across
a voltage. Explain with the help ofa power diagram that the value of average power
drawn by the capacitor during one cycle is zero. l6l
4, a) A resislance of 20 O, an inductance of 0.2 H and a capacitance of 100 pF are
connected in series across a 220 V, 50 Hz supply- Detennine the following (a)
irnpedance (b) Cunent (c) Voltage across R, L and C and (d) Power factor. Also
calculate the total power coirumed by the circuit- t6l
b) A coil resistance 50 O and inductance 0.318 H is corurected in parallel with a circuit
comprising a 75 C) resistor in series with a 159 pF capacitor. The resulting circuit is
connected to 240 V,50 Hz ac supply. Calculate: (a) The supply cunent (b) The
circuit impedance, resistance and reactance (c) Power factor and (d) Total power
consumed by the circuit. t61

c) Describe the method ofmeasuring power in 3-O circuit by using two watt meters. 14l
5. a) A220y,50 llz single phase ac motor draws a power of i0 kW at a power factor of
0.75 lagging. Calculate the change in current taken from the supply and the new
power factor when a 250 pF capacitor is connected in parallel with the motor. If the
motor is supplied tlrough a cable of 0.05 O resistances, calculate the power loss in the
cable before and after connecting the capacitor. t8l
b) A three-phase A-connected load consists ofthree similar coils, eaeh ofresistance 50 O
and inductanc€ 0.3 H. The supply is 415 V,50 Hz. Calculate (i) The line currents (ii)
The power factor (iii) Total active and reactive powers when the load is A-connected.
Draw the phasor diagram. t81
Examination Control Division
2075 Ashwin

#xHSSt:$ff *_Pluo-lri pd"er'.sn9"_""[*gg€{"ol

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Attempt All questions.
TheJigures in the margin indicate Full Martrs.
Assume surtable data if necessary.

1. a) Differentiate between Practical Voltage Source and Practical Curent Source.

b) The field winding of dc motor takes l.l5 A current at 20"C.If current falls to A.26 A
after working for some hours, supply voltage remaining,constant, find the final
working temperature of field winding. Giveru oo = voltage :23ay. t6l
c) Three lapms of rating 220 V and 150 watf 200 watt and 450 watt are connected
across 200 V supply. Calculate the resistance of each lamp and the power consumed
by each lamp at 200 V. t6l
2. a) Solve the given network with mesh analysis to find voltage drop on 5 C) resistors. t6l

2A 10v

12v 30v

b) Use nodal analysis to find the 4Cl resistor for the network shown

c) State and explain superposition theorem with suitable example. t4l

3. a) Using thevenin's theorem find the cunent through the 4CJ for the network shown
below. t6l

: 36V

:*'! ;.*

b) pg.wer dissipaJed in the 8CJ resistor of the given network using star-
delta lnd detta-stai transformaJion. t6l

cl5ilow mutual idrirctrance between two coils depends upon dimensions of core and
+r- eoils. t4l

i1 '



b)*,$ coil of inductance 318.3 mH is connected in series with a 200f1 resistor to a 240 V,
;80 H" supply. Caleulate the current flowing, power factor, active and reactive power
of the circuit. Alss draw the phasor diagram. i6I
c) Zt = (4A - Fl 83 t) and Z, = (SO + ;OZ.S3) are connected in parallel to each other and
a source of 100v, 50 Hz is applied across the overall circuit. Calculate (i) circuit
current (ii) Active, reactive and apparent power. l6l
5- a) Discuss the effect of low power factor. A single phase load of 7Kw operates at a
power factor 0.7 lagging. It is proposed to improve the power factor to 0.9 lagging by
connecting a capacitor the load. Calculate the KVAr rating of the capacitor. [3+5]
b) For the following unbalanced system with balanced three phase supply of 400 V, 50
Hz, calculate: t8l
i) The line currents and neutral current
ii) Active and reactive power abosrbed by the circuit
iii) Draw the phasor diagram.

*!t *

i--i S TITUTE OF E,NGINE.ERN G Level BE Full,Marks 80

E ramination Control Division Programme BAME. BIE. B. Asri"
Fass Marks -):

2074 Chaitra Year / Part TII Time 3 hrs.

- Basic Electrical f,ngineering (EE40li

, Candidates are requirecl to give their answers in their orvn words as far as piacticabie.
, -itrempt All qttestians"
Ttte /igures in the margin indicate Full *Iarks.
" .issutne suitable data if necessurr.

. a I \\tat is source transformation? Erpiain with the help of an example. t4j

r ) A coil of stranded oopper w.ire having a resistance of l2O at 25oC is embedded in the
core of a large transforrner suppiied at 230 V. Atter the transfomer has been in
seryice for several hours, the resistance of the coil is fr-runi to be 13,4 A. What is the
iemperature of the core? Also finri the power ratirig of the resistance. Assurne
temperature coefficient of lvire as 0.00125,/oC at 15oC. t6l
! r Find V*u in the following circuit diagrarn. t6l


Lise loop curent rnethod to calculitte the current through the 2Q resistanee for ther

netrvork shown belorv. l5l


r) Solye the given ner*ork n,ith nodal analysis to find voltage drop otr 8Q resisior. i6t

I O' '' h'u



li i',
6Q: ;( ,},, A

I t

c) statc antl explain Norton's theorern rvith stiitable exampie. [4]

f) resistor using Norlon's theorem t6l
3. a) Find power dissipated in 3

20 i I 4f) 'lr-

20v 5 -{t,"'Z (,110 A


b) Calculate the value of 'R' such that maximum power will be absorbed by it in the

given circuit.
5f) 10C)

inductances in series, wi& mutual

c) Whal is inductance? Derive the expression for two
flux aiding each other.
4. a) Calculate the average (half period) value and
rms value of the naveforrn shoqrt

(314t) volts is applied to a practical coil s'ith

b) An alternating source of emf v =200sin
Determlng (0 expression for
resistance 20o and inductance 0.1 H respectively.
(iij and appaent por*'er of
instantan.ous currefit ura po*", factor active reactive
inductor and (iv) constmct phasor diagram for
circuit (iii) voltage drop on resistor and
above circuit.
the following circuit: l6l
c) Find cu:rent flowing in each branches of
5. a) A 400V, 50 H3, 3 phase induction motor takes 60 KW power from supply mains at
0.8 power factor lagging. Calculate the capacitance per phase and KVAR rating per
phase of capacitor in order to improve the power factor to 0.9 lagging using (i) star
connectedcapacitorbank and (ii) Delta connected capacitorbank. 18]

b) Define phase order and explain its significance. A three phase balanced star corurected
load with (6+j8) ohm per phase is supplied by 400V, 50 W three phase source. Find
the line and phase currents and the total power dissipated in theload. [2+6]

Examination Control Division Proqramme r BcE, BGE, BME Pass Marks : 32

2074 Bhadra Year / Part rlllI Time r 3 hrs.

Subject: - Basic Electrical ?ring (88451)

/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' Aftempt 4questions.
/ The fgures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
{ Assume suitable data ifnecessary.

l. a) Define the terms of source transformation with suitable example. t4l

b) The current in the field winding of a motor at 20"C is 2 A. After running the motor for
6 hrs at full load the current falls to 1.75 A. If the voltage applied across the field
winding is 240 V, determine the temperature rise of the winding. The temperatue
coefficient of resistance of the copper winding at 0'C is 4.28x10'r /K t6l
c) A direct current circuit comprises two resistors, A value of25C) and B of unknown in
series with the parallel group. The potential difference across C is found to 90V. Ifthe
total Dower in the circuit is 4320 u Calculate value of unknown resistor. B, the
voltage applied to the ends of the whole circuit and the current in each resistor. t6l
2, a) Find the cunent supply by each source using Kircbhoffs law. t6l

b) Find the cunent in the l0 C) resistor in the circuit below using Superposition theorem. t6]

c) Define capacitance and find the expression for capacitance in t€rms of physical
dimension of capacitor also deduce energy stored in capacitor. t4l
3. a) Use Norton's theorem to find the current through 10 ohm resistor for the network
shown below. t8l

b) State the maximum power transfer theorem and find the value of Rr- to obtain the
maximum in RL power and also find the value of this maximum power for the
network shown below. t8l
5A 8Q +

4. a) Calculate the peak factor and form ofthe waveform sholrm below. 14l


v,",: 100

nl4 i 21 9rl4 8'+

b) A coil and non-inductive resistor are connected in series across a 200 V, 50 Hz
supply. The voltage across the coil and resistor are 120 V and 140 V respectively. If
the supply cunent is 0.5 A, calculate : (i) the resistance and inductance ofthe coil; (ii)
the power dissipated in the coil; (iii) the power factor of the coil; (iv) the factor of the
circuit. t6l
c) Two impedances given by Zr - (10+j5) and Zz = (8+j6) arejoined in parallei across a
voltage of v = (200+j0) volts. Calculate the circuit its phase and the branch cunents,
total power consumed by the circuit. Draw the phasor diagram. t61

5. a) Three phase loads (6+j8)O, (8+j6)O and (a-j3)O are connected in delta to a 3 phase
I l0 V supply. Find the phase currents, line currents and total power consumed. t6l
b) Derive the relation between tan Q and the two wattmeter reading wl and w2 for a
balanced three-phase load having leading power factor. t6l
c) Show, with the aid of a phasor diagram, how the power factor of a load can be improved
by connecting a capacitor in parallel with it. t4l
Examination Comtrol Division Programme
3il?4 Askwim Year / Part

Engineering (EE40t.
candidates are required to give their answers in
their own words as far as practicable.
Attempt 4!! questians.
The figures in the margin indicate
{utt fuIarks.
Assume suitable data if necess&ry.-
1' a) what do you mear by ideal ancl voltage and current source? Explain the
method for converting practical voltage source intl curent source and vice versa.
b) A 60 w-att, 240 v incandescentjl^ lamp is swrtched
on at 20oc. The operating
temperature of the filament is 2000oc. Determine
the current taken by the lamp at the
instant of switching oN. The ternperature coefficient
of resistance of the filament
material is 0.0045o/k.

c) A circuit containing three resistors withresistances lzr2,

lgg and 36f) respectively
joined in parallel is connected in series
with a fourth resistance. The whole circuit is
supplied at 60v and it is found.that power dissipated
is 12CI resistance is 36watt.
Determine the value of fourth resistance and the toll
power disip;;; the group. t5l
2. a) Make comparison kbre between series and parallel circuit.
b) For the circuit shown in belorv figure, determine
the resistance between points A and
B using star / delta transformation theorem.

c) Find all branch currents in the given circuit by

usi'g mesh current method.
3. a) Using Nodal analysis, determine currents in each branch of the network shorm in
below figure. Also find the total power loss in the network. l8l
10C) 20a

b) Find the value af Resistance 'R' to have maximum power tra.nsfer in the circuit as
shown in beiow figure. Als* obtain the amount of maximuri pov/er. l8l

4. a) Two inductances Lr and L2 are connected in parallel. Derive the relation showing the
equivaient inductance of the combination when mutual flux helps the individual flux.
what will be the equivalent inductance of the combination when mutual flux opposes
the individual flux? t4l
b) Tw.o alternating currents represented by the equations i1 = Tsinwt and
i" =10sin[o:t+I I are fed into a cornmon conductor. Find the equation for the
" [ 2)
resultant current and its RMS value. i4l
c) Belorv Figure shows a series parallel circuit. Find: t8l
(i) totai impedance
(ii) curent drawn f,rom the circuit
(iii)voltage across the parallel branches
(iv)cunent flowing ttrough each parallel branch
(v) powel factor
(vi)Active, reactive and apparent power
Also, draw the phasor diagram of the circuit.

R::20() Ci: l00pF

200V. 50 Hz
5. a) A fluorescent lamp takes a current of 0.754
wrren connected across a240y,50H2
suppry' The power consyllcr by a.c
the lamp is 80 wau.
capacitance to be connected in paralrel a;il;" the varue of the
(i) uniry (ii) 0.95 tagging. *iir, trr" lamp to improve the power factor
b) balanced three phase loads are connected l6l
ffi?*ffi':g to a 415 v, three phase, ibur

lil 19q kVA at0.65
0.7 power factor lagging
liil:? IYl"
power, r"ii'ioi
kW at unity power factor
calculate (a) the totar load in kvA (b)
the line current (c) the combined
power factor
c) Prove that sum of the readings
of two watlmerls is equal to the totar
power in rneasurement of powir three phase
or:-phuselircuit by 2 wattmeter method.
Examination Control Division

2073 Shrawan

in their own words as far as practicable'

candidates are required to give their answers
Attempt All questions.
Thefgurrs in the margin indicate Full ll{arhs
Assuwe suitqble data ifnecessary'

1. a)Acoilhasaresistanceofl00ohms,wherrtheternperatureis20"Candll0ohms
whenthetempelatureis45'C.Findtemperaturerisewtrenitsresistanceisl24ohrns' i6l
and surroundilg ternperafLrre is 15o C'

b)FindtheequivalentresistancebetweenAandBforthenetworkshowninfigure i4l

circuit cliagram' t6l

c) Find current frorn the source in the following

using superposition
2. a) Find the cuffent in 5-ohm resistor in the network shown below by
theorem. 0.5


by using nodal analysis' i8l

b) Find the branch cunents in the circuit of figure below
3. a) Find the value of Resistance 'R' such that the load resistance 'R1' which is equal to
4 Q, w'ill deliver maximurn power. Also find that maximum power. tbl


b) Derir r- al equaiiol-l tbr inriuctance L in terms of flux iinkages and current change. i4l
c) Caicuiate the (ii average value and (ii) Rivls value of voliage wave shown in figure
belo*: 14)

4. a) Detetnine the value of current i1, 12 and I and overall fastor ol'the circuit shown in
figire below for series and parailel circuit. Also draw the phasor ciiagrarn and find the
total power consumed by tlie circuit. t8l

Ir 4o z2 b.oz u
6 a 0.01H

Iz 2Q 200 pF

th-v, -50 ilz

b) A coii is connectod in series u,itir a non-inciuctive resistance of 30Q across ?.40V,
50H2, 1-$ supply. T'ite reading of voltmeters across the coii is 180 V and across the
resistancc is 130 V. Calculate. t8l
i) Inductance ofcoil
ii) ResisLuce olcoil
iii) Ircrver absorberl hl,ccil
iv) Porver at:sorbed b;r whole circuit
5. a) Define power l-acror and erplain w-hy in generai it should be kept on high as possiblc
in power supply' system. t8l
b) Three simiiar coils each af resista.nce 7Q and inductarce of 0.03 FI are connected iri
Deita to a 400 V. 3 phasc. 50 I-{z -qupply. Calculate the line current and the total power
consumed. I8l
INSTITUTE OF ENGINFERbiG Level BE tr'ull Marks 80

Examination Control Division Programme BCE, BGE, BME PassMarks 32

2073Magh Year / Part I/II Time 3 hrs.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Attempt All questions.
The figures in the margin indicate Full Msrkr.
Assume suilable dala if necessary.

1. a) Differentiate between electromotive force and potential difference. What do you m€an
by ideal and practical current and voltage sowces? 12+21

b) Two resistors, made of different matedals having temperature coefficients of

resistance cr1 :0.004 / 'C and oz - 0.005 / "C, are connected in parallel and consume
equal power at 15"C. What is the ratio of power consumed in resistance Rz to that in
Rr at70'C? t6l
c) Define the terms power and energy and state their practical units.
What is the total cost of using the following at Rs. 7 per kWh?
(i) A 1200 Watt toaster for 30 minutes.
(ii) Six 50 Watt bulbs for 4 hrs.
(iii) A 400 Watt washing machine for 45 minutes.
-(iv) 4800 Watt electric clothes dryer for 20
2. a) Find Cunent in 1 V source ofthe network shown in figure below, using Superposition
theorem. l-8.|

b) Use nodal analysis to find the current through 6() resistor for the network shown
below. t8l
3. a) Find the value of R1 for which the maximum power is transferred in the load
resistance Rl. Also find the maximurn power that can be transferred ao the load
resistance RL circuit shown in figure below t8l
10 10
8V 2A &

b) Calculate the equivalent capacitanc€ ofthe circuit shown below across the point AB. t4l

c) Define average value and rms value of voltage in I -phase sinusoidal a.c. system. t41
a) An inductive coil with impedance Zl :(8+j4) Cl is cormected in parallel with a
capacitive circuit having an impedance of Z2: (6-j7.5) O, is connecled in series with
an inductive coilZa: (2.8+j6.1) O. Find (i) total impedance, (ii) toral circuit cunent
and branch cunents, (iii) power taken by each impedance and the total potver,
(iv) overall power factor and (v) voltage drop across each impedance. ISI
b) A siryle phase a.c. voltage of 100 s in (3141-30")v is suppllng a circuit consisting of
two parallel branches. Cunent through the parallel brancires are l0sinwt A and
15sin (wt-60')A. determine rms value of current drawn fiom the circuit and conshuct
phasor dia$am of current and voltages. What is the equivalent impedance of the
circuit? F+3+ZI
5. a) Thrce non-inductive loads of 8 kW, 6 kW and 4 kW are connected between the
neuhal and the" red, yellow and blue phase respectively of a 3 phase 4 wire system
with line voltage of 400 V. Find out (i) cunent in.each line and (iil the cunent in
neutral conductor. t8l
b) A single phase 50 Hz motor takes 20 A at 0.75 power factor lagging fiom a 230 V
sinusoidal supply. Calculate the kVar and capacitance of capacitor to be connected in
parallel to raise the power factor\to 0.9 lagging. What is the new supply current? tSl
TRII-1HIJV.I'I.J iiliiV rit SITi' Exam, tli'tii'',:rf l'j;ji;i,;: * ReEiit*r :r,; {::r'. i:. : .' :. :,.i
INSTIT'UTE OF ENGIhIEERN\]. G Level BE i Full Marks 80 I


Examrination Comtrol Division Programrne I}CT. BIE.I]
Pass Marks 5/.

2073 Chaitra Ymr/Part I/I Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Basic Electrical Engineering (EE40I)

Candidates are required to give their answers in their ou.n words as far as practicable.
Attempt AUqwestions.
Thefigures in the margin indicate Full.Marks.
Assume suitqble data if necessary.

t. a) Describe the open circuit, close circuit and short circuit with diagrarn [41

b) Two conductorqfftrc of copper and the r:ther of iron are conflected in paral1el and at
20'C can'y equafiin^ents. What proportion of current will pass through each, if the
temperature is raised to tr00 "C? Assume temperature coefficient of resistance at
20'C for coppel as'0.0042 per oC and for iron as 0"006 per'C. t6j
c) A direct curuent fircuit comprises two resistors A of value 25CJ and B of unknown
value, connected in parallel together vsith a third resistor C ofvatue 5Q connected in
series with the parallel group. The potential difference across C is found to 90\r. If the
total power in the circuit is 4320 watt. Calculate (i) the value of resistor B, (ii) the
voltage applied to the ends of the whole circuit, (iii) the current in each resistor. t6j
2. a) t-tsing mesh analysis, calculate the voltage across the 20 O resistcr shown in the figure
below. t6j

bi Lise tire noriai voltage methr*.d to find the current florving thror-rgh 10Q resistor for the
neirvork sho*:t beiou'. [6]

c) Sta.te and erplain thevenin's theorerr rvith slritable exampie. [4]

3. a) \\&at is the vaiue cf R suctr that rnaximum power is transfen'ed io it? Fit-r{'l the value
r:f this nraxirnun: po\yer fbr th.e eircuit shctq,n below" [5]
b) $tate reciprocity theorem. VeriS' the reciprocity theorem for the network sircwn in
figure below in branch cd. t6l
?Q ?o

,i t' -ln 1n

c) Define capacitance anci derive relation firr connection olcapacitors in series. t4]
4. a) Calculate the form factor and peak factor of the foilowing triangular wavefomr. [4]

100 v

b) A choke coil navilg a resistance of 10Q and inductance of 0.05H i^r cr:mccteci in
series rvitli a conCenser of i00 ;rF. The rvhole circuit has connected to 20tlY,
5A Hz suppi-v. Caicuiate (i) iinpedance (ii) c';rrent (iii) power factor 1ir,) pcvier inpui
(-;) Apparent and reactive power oflcircuit. 16l
c) A 1il cirn resistcr, a 31.8 mH inductor and 3 i 8pF capacitor are connec,t€d in parallel
and supplied .flom a 200v, 50Hz supply source. calculate the supplv current and
power factor a:rd also caiculate current in each branch. id]
5" a) iJefine power factor and explain the disadvantages and causes cf low po\r,€r factor:? t,4]

b) A baianced star-connected icad of (8+ jO)slpm phase is connected to a balanced

3 phase 4C0V, 50Hz suppiy. Finri the iine c:u$ent, phase current and fotal prx.ver
consurneC. Ta-ke RYB phase sequeiice. I6.i
c) With the help cf comection and pliascr diagrarrrs, shor-v that the power of a balanced
tlree phase load can be Cetennined using t\A,'o-watlmerers. [6]
Examination Control Division
2073 Bhadra

@E45 t)

/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words

as far as practicable'
/ Attempl4U questions
r' The fgures in the nargin indicate !g!!$99fo..
/ As,sume suitable dala if necessarlt.

-- l. a) Mrat do you mean by ideal and practical vohage source? Explain the effect of an

intemal resistance of a voltage source on its terminal characieristic' 141

b) Define temperatwe co-efficient of resistance The field winding

of a dc motor
lo*"","d across 230 V supply takes 1.15 A at room temperature of 20"C' After
working for some hours the current falls to 0 96 A, the supply voltage remaining
constanf. Calculate the final working temperature of field winding Resistance
temperatue co-efficient ofcopper at 20'C is 1i254'5' l6l
A direct current circuit comprises two resistors, A of value 25 Q, and B of unknown
value, cormected in parallel, together with a third resistor C of value 5 C2 connected
r"ri"r *ittt the parailel g.oup. Th. potentiai difference across C is found to 90 V' If
the total powsr in the circuit is 4320 w, calculate value of unknown resistor B,

voltage applied to the ends ofthe whole circuit and the current in each resistor. t6j

2. a) calculate the current flowing in the 5f2 branch AC of the circuit shown
in figure
below using nodal analYsis' t8l

,---+ 5n

't0 v (

b) Calculate the value of R to receive maximum power and maximum power received by
it for the circuit shown beiorv. t8l
3. a) Use loop cunent method to calculate the cun'ent through the 4 f) resistance for the
netr'"ork showa belou'. t8l

b) State and explain Norton

'l"heorems with the help of suitableexample. t4l
c) What is a parallel-plate capacitor? Ilow do you define its capacitance? t4l
4. a) Derive the equation for inductance in terms of its physical dimensions. t4l
b) Derive the equation for instantaneous current flowilg tkough a pwe inductor when
excited by AC sinusoidai voltage V = Vm Sinwt. Draw the waveform of voltage,
current and porver. Show analyticaily and graphically that it does not consume real
power. t61

c) A series circuit consists of a resistance equal to 4Q and inductance of 0.01 H. The

applied voltage is v = 283 sin (3001+90") volts. Find t6l
(i) fhe power dissipated in the circuit,
(ii) the expression for i(t)
(iii)power factor
5. a) Define power factor and explain its significance. A single phase load of 5Ku' operates
at a power factor 0.6 iagging. It is proposed to irnpmve the power factor to 0.95
lagging by connecting a capacitor across the load. Calculate the KVAI rating of the
capacitor. [2+61
b) A st connected altemator supplies a delta connected load. The impedance of the
load branch is (8+j6) CJ. The line voltage is 230 volt.Determine I8l
(i) Current in the load branch
(ii) Power consumed by load
(iii) Power factor ofthe load
(iv) Reactive power ofthe load
{.* *
06 TRIBHIJVAN UNIVERSITY Exam. \ err & xtc r

Examination Control Division Programme BCE, BME, BGE Pass lUarks 32

2072Mzgb Year / Part tlIJ Time 3 hrs.

Basic Electrical
/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt All questions.
{ Ihefigwes'in the margin tudicate Full Mar*s.
{ Assume suitable dota if necessary.

I. a) At room temperature of,20oc, the current flowing at the instant of swirching of a 40W
filament lamp with 220V supply is 2A. The filament material has a resistance
temperatue coefficient of 0.005/"C al 20"C. Calculate the working temperature of
filament and current taken by it during norrnal working condition- t6I
b) Derive the formula I = n.A.e.V where the symbols used have their usual meaning. t5l
c) Apply KVL and KCL to determine cunent I; through lC! resistor in the nenuori<
s,hownbelow. za t5l

o -'l

f 8V to

2. a) Define maximum power transfer theorem and derive the csuditioe for maximum
power transfer across the load resistance. t8I
b) Find ttre current in t he branch BD of the circuit givan below by using Thevenin's. t8l

A 3Q
l0 c)

3. a) Derive the equation for instantaneous current flowing through a pure inductor when
excited by an ac sinusoidal voltage v = vm sinwt . Draw the wave form of voltage and
current'hnd also show analytically and.graphically that it does not consume real
power. : l8I
b) Find the value of I, in the circuit shown below by the method of nodal analysis. t8l



4. a) What do you understand by dynamically and statically induced emfs? Hence define
self and mutually induced emf and mapetic coupling between two coils. t4I
+ ..:
b) Deqive an expression,-for the equivalent inductance of two inductors when they are
cormected in series (i) adding combination (ii) Opposing combination t6l
c) A l0 O resistor is connected in series with a l00pF capacitor to a 230 V, 50 Hz
sqpply. find (i) The impedance (ii) Curent (iii) Power factor (iv) Phase angle (v)
Voltage across the resistor and the capacitor. t6I
5: a) Three elements, a resistance of 1.00 C), an inductance of O.lH and a capacitance of 150
pF are connected in parallel to a 230 V, 50 Hz supply. Calculate the : (i) Cunent in
each element (ii) Supply current (iii) Phase angle between the supply voltage and the
supply eurrent with the help of a phasor diagram. t6I
-b) In the circuit shown in figure below, deterrrine the equivalent impedance that appears
across the temrinals AC. t_41



c) For the 3-phase delta connected circuit below. Determine the line currents and total
active, reactive and apparent power.

I 220V
I 15<3oo





' :,
25 Tltl]:liluvAl'r iiliivLiR-!l'1'-\'
ir-r*.r., --- -
lli Sf i'f {,rTI1 O ir }jN GlNi:LItIl\iC i Levet i sr i rutt iuart r i so i
--:" *--:-::'=:--':**-""""'*-:"-"""':-'-l-*-----"'--'-"'-""-'-"'''i
F-xarnim ation Csn fr*:l llivision I program*. p,u, ivrar*s i
i Birl'-1i};,"tti :z

2072 K:rrtik i-Y$r1..rT!._.-i/1 _ .fi*e :J.lir, i

'/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Anempt,4It questions.
,/ Thefigures in the margin indicate F,{tt Mqrks.
{ Assume suitable data if necessary.

i. a) Explain ideal cun'ent and voltage sources.- t4l

b) Define terrperature coefiicient o{'resistarrce. The resistance of a oerlain length of wire
is 4.6f) at ZA.C and 5.880 at 80oC" Deterrnine (a) The temperature coefficient of
resistance of the u,ire at 0' (b) The resistance of the wire at 60"C. lS]
c) State and explain Superposition thecrem with an appropriate example. 141
2. a) Find out the curent through 5 ohm resistor connected across the tenninal c and d in
the network shown below using the Veriin's theorem. tB]

b) Use Nodal Analysis Method to determine the Yu, V6 and V. and caiculate current
through 2.5 fj. t8l

3. a) Find the resistance betu'een the terninals A and B in the circuit scsmeni beiow. [4]


R1 R2
b) TTree capacitors A, B and C have capacitances 10, 50 and 25 pF respectively.
i) Charge on each when corurected in parallel to a 250 V suppl,v
ii) Total capacitance and
iii) p.d. across each when connected in series
c) State Maximum Power Transfer Theorem and also prove "maximurn power will be
dissipated v/hen Ri6"*6 RL": lol
4' a) Derive the expression for electricai current in a pure inductive circuit when input
pov/er is VrSinwt. Draw the wave forrn of voltage and current and phasor diagram of
the eircuit. Show analytically and graphically that it does not consurne real power.
b) In the given e.ircuit, {ind the current through the inductor, w-hat is the equivalent

c) Find the peak f'actor ancl form fact+r of the triangular wave shown in figure beiow. t4l

5' a) Erplain the impofianr:e tl pcrver factcr in ;ur ac circuit, with suitabie example. How
power factor can bc improi,eC'i
b) A ti"*'ee phase star ccnnecied systeni rvith iine voltage 400 V is connecteci tc three
io:rt'is:2.5'10o, 111.-2.a" and ii110" {also eonnectcd in.qtar). Finc! the iine to line
curT ent, t*tai pov,,er and current in the neutral of the
c) Define pl1as* sequence and rxpiain irs significa-npe in tlrree pirase systein. i4]
INS TITLTE f.)}- F;}i G N EE.RI]A{ G Leve! BE Full Marks 80
Examination Control Division Prrgramme BAI\48, tsiE, Pass Mari<-s -12
2fi72 Chaitra Year / I':rr1 llt Time 3 hrs.

Syliect, - Bas.ic Electlical Eng_rneering iEE4At)

r' Candidates are required to give their ansrners in their own r,vords as fat as practicabie.
{ Attewpt All questions,
/ Thefigures in the margin indicate Full.Marb;
{ Assume suitable datci if necess*ry.

1. a) A 60 W,24A V incandesceni fiiament larnp is switched on at 20oC. The cperating

temperature of ihe filament is 2000'C. Determine the current taken by the lamp at the
- instant of switching ON. the temperature coefficient of resistance of the f,rlamenl
material is 0.0045/K 16l

b) A battery of unknown emf is connected across resistances, as shown in figure beiow.

The voltage drops across the I Q resistor is 20 V. What wili be the current reading in
the ammeter? What is the emf of the battery? t5l
8n llo

c) What do you mean by ideal and practical and current sources? i5j
2. a) Find the power dissipation in 15 fj resistor shown in figwe beiow using mesh

b) Find current on load resistclr Rr-, if its resistence is 2 CI, using superposition theorsm. t6]

2rr ?fi

c) State and explain Norton's lirecrem with an appropriate example. I4l

3. a) Find the value of R1- 1-cr u.hich rhe maximum power is tr"ansferred
resistance Ft1. Aiso
iri the load
tlnd the rnaximi:m polycr lhat can be translerred 1o the krad
resistance R1.

+ at i ii _,;
a rr.
20 Rg

b) Derive the expression for the inductance of incluctor in

terms of
va its
*u ,,,/*var
c) Caiculate the average and rrns value of fuIl-war/e
rectified sine wave as shown beiow. t4l

4. a) A circuit consisting of a resistance of 30 o in series with

an inductixrce of T5 mH is
ccnnecteC in paraliel with a circuit consisting
of a resistance of 20 fJ in series with a
capacitance of 10{ pF' If the parallei combination
is connected to a 240 V, 5s Hz
single phase supply, calculate
1i; The current in each Urun*t trli; The total current and
power factor and (iii) power consumed. Arso
draw u n"ut ft *ior diagram.
b) For a series path with a resistance cf 8 o, capacitor
of l20pF and an ind,ctance of 0.1
H, a capaeitor i80pF is kept in parallel. Then the
combination is fed by 240v, 50I-Iz,
l-$ supply. calculate branch currents, total current from supply, power
r.vhoie circuit, active power a:rd reactive factor of
power consun:ed by the circuit. Also show
phasor diagram.
-5. a) Develop relation between phase voltage and line voltage in 3-{ star
connecte6 systein. i4l
b) For the circuit shown in figure below, calculate the curuent tkough
the neutral and the
total power consumed in the loari.

4'i5 V

\,) Erplaitr with connection iiiagrarn ihe measureme[t

1 ,?timetfis. of 3-$ power rislng two
T'RIBHLiV Al.i t.rl{IVtTRSiTY Exam. New:Back (2066,& Later Batch)
INSTITLITE OF ENGINEERING i Level i BE ; FuIt Marks : 80 i

Examixration Control Division

nT*:"*I:, Hk,_?.'* lt"'u: i
ni::y':I i3 j
2071 Shawan lf-"lr{.tsl i]{-l rltrs ---rl.lrr, i

Swbject: - Basic Electrical Engineering (8840 1)

Candidates are required to give their answers ln their own words as far as practicable.
/'t Auempt any h-iygquestions.
{ Atl questions carry equal marks.
{ Assume suitable data dnecessary.

a) What is the diff'erence between thc potential difference and electromotive force? t4l
b) Find Ir, Iz and 13 in the circuit shorvn in the figure using Kirchh-off s iaw. t6l


1 r-\

c) \tr4rat is the value of the u-nknorvn re-qistor 'R' in figure belorr,. if ihe voitage drop
across 500f) resistor is 2.5 voits? I6l


2. a") Use the node voltage me.tiiod {'nodal) to find 'rtrre current {lowing thror.rgh l0f) r*sist<-rr
in the rietrvoik figure below. I8l
10Q 2A

L .50 v
b) For the circuit shown in figure below,
calculate the current in the 10 ohm resistance
using Thevenin's theorem.


3' dissipared in 3f,) resitor in the circuit

" il:f#;tr.Jfi
shown in figure berow using


b) An inductor is to be made with copper wire

wound on a circular iron core having
mean length of 40 cm with cross-sectionai
inductance is 500 mH, carcuiate the numb",
;: if the requked value of
area of 50 rq
or turnJ."q"ir"a given that relative
permeabiiity of the core is 1500.
4. a) A 415 v, i8l
3 phase, 5a HZ induction motortakes.50
KW power from suppry mains at
0'72 power factor lagging. A ba,k of capacitorc
i, .o*r.Ld in delta across the line to
improve the overali po*it factor. calcuiate
th" pirur* in order to raise
the power factor to 0.9 lagging. ""p*i;;"]o
b) Three loads (3 r+j5.9.] o, (30-i40)o and (g0+j60)e
are connecred in derta to a 3 phase,
200 v supply. Find the phase cunents,
rine currents and totar power absabed.
5. a) Define cycle, Time period, anguiar verocity, t8i
frequency, everage and rms value
alternating quality" of an
b) A I5l
series circuit consists of resisknce equal
to 4Q antl inductance of 0.0i FL The
applied voltage is 283 sin (300t + g0')v.
carculate the folrowing:
i) Power factor [10]
ii) Expression for i(t)
iii) The power dissiputed in the circuit
iv) Voltage drop across each elements
v) Draw a phasor diagram
Examination Control Division BCE, BGE,
Programme Pass Martrrs
2071Magh Year / Part I ltl Tirne 3 hrs.

- Basic Electrical
r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their owri words as fhr as practicable.
/ Attempt All questions.
/ Thefrgpres in the mmgitt indieate Full llfarks.
{ Assume suitable data if necessary.

L a) A coil connected to a constant DC supply of 100 V drew a current of 13 A at room

temperature of 25"C. After some time, its temperature increased to 70"C and current
fell to 8.5 A. Find the currcnt it will draw when its temperature will further rise to
80oC. Also find the temperature coefficient of resistance of the coil at20"C. l6I
b) Given the information provided in figure, calculate R3, E, I and Iz. Equivalent
resistance of the circuit is 4 O. tsI
+ Iz
2012 Rr

c) Apply superposition theorem to the circuit shown below to find the voltage drop V
across the 5 C) resistor. t5l


2. a) Why does the temrinal voltage of a real voltage source decrease with increase in load
current? Explain how a practical voltage source can be converted into a practical
current source. t6I
b) Using star-delta transformation, find the equivalent r€sistance between terminals 'a'
and'b'. t6I


c) A capacitor with capacitance of 2 pF is connected in series with another capacitor
whose capacitance is C.. If the equivalent capacitance of the combination is l--t pF,
calculate the value of C*. What would he the equivalent capacitance il'they were
connected in paraitel? t4l
3. a) Detennine the value of R in the given network such that 4 O resistor consumes
maximumpower. tsl

l0v 4f)

b) Find the value of'I' through the voltage source using Nodal analysis. t8l

4. a) An altemating current of frequency 50 Hz has a ma:<imum ralue of i20 A. Write

down the equation for its instantaneous value. Find also the instantaneous value after
l/360 sec and the time taken to reach 96 A forthe first time. t6I
b) A coil is connected in seriei with a resistance of 30 O across 240 V, 50 Hz power
supply. The;eading of a volfineter across coil is 180 V and across resistor is 130 V.
Calculate resistance and reactance of coil. Also find pow,er factor of whole circuit. t6l
c) Construct a phasor diagram of eurrents and voltages in a R-L-C series circuit. Assume
R= 10.8Xfi: lxcl. o 14)
5. a) Explain disadvantages and causes of low power factor. t4]
b) A series combination resistor R and inductance L is driven by 25 V" 50 Hz supply.
The power delivered to R and L are 100 W and 75 VAR. Determine the value of
capacitance of a capacitor to be connected in parallel with source to improve its power
factorts 0.9 (lagging). tsl
c) Discuss the advantages ofthree phase ac system over single phase ac system. For the
given unbalinced delta connected load, find the phase currents, line currents and total
power consumed by the load when phase sequence is abc. Construct the phasor
diagram ofcurrents andvoltages inthe load. t2+6+27 ,64
I 80,


it:f *
'iRIIl ill.r V;\i'J Ui{Mlll ij lT V Exarn. leguldr'.i: ' " ""i, t

IIN STITUTE OF ENGINEER}N $ Level Rtr Full Marl,r-q 80

Exarninatinn Control Divisicn Frograrnme BIE. B.Asri. Pass Marks 32

?i]Tl Ctraitra Year / Part Ut Time 3 hrs.

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Auempt All questions.
,/ The figures in the marlin indicate Full-Marks,
y' Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. a) Discuss voltage and current sources in brief. Also justifu the statement "Terminal voltage
goes on decreasing on increasing load current." 16l
b) The field winding of d.c. motor connected across 230 V supply takes 1.15 A at room
temperature of 20"C. After working for some hours the current falls to 0.26 A, the supply
voltage remaining constant. Calculate the final working temperature of field winding.
Resistance temperature coeflicient of copper at2A"C is 11254-5. 16l
c) Discuss roles of Kirchoffs laws in electrical circuit analysis with justification. t4l
2. a) Determine the value of load resistance R; to receive maximum power from the source.
Also find the maximum power delivered to the load in the circuit shown in figure below: t8l

100V* r-\


Dl Use the superposition theorem to determine the current in the branch 'AB'of the net*,ork
shown helor.v: I8l
"' fff?*:i3).anairsis
to calculate power dissipared
by 5a resisror in the circuit
shown in

b) Calculate the curent flowing through i ohm

resistor for network shown
current method. below using loop
4A l8l


-! 6V
4. a) Derive the equation for instantaneous
current flou]ng through pure
a capacitor when
ff :,H? ,lJ, DrIw ir," l.*]"r",m or vorrage
i;_,:ffi:[*L':i,tT ;;_ilr'',r,,t
ow analytically anti graphically and
not consume ,.ul fo*i.. ,rrrt ?r:,i#
rm ,Tj

*) the equivarenr capacirance

3:ffi;r"J',fr'Ji:;r:"r of 4 sroup of capacirors when
5' a) AseriesR-L-ccircuit.havingR= 14l
V, 50 Hz
I00e,L:0.r2I-rand0= 2g.27 pFisfed froma r00
suppil, Find the
rms values of r'orrage across ""u""nr^no**gu"tirr* ioi"i"r"u"riu. power, --, power rc
rv r.vr factor,
*u"n *l*r,irnts. AIso dd;
b) Each phase of a 3-1hase,
derta-connected road consists
of an impeda nce
i;;l0'rii. co*r1,. rir-;;il consumedz:20
The line 440 L6o. ohm.
anj the totar powei." wr,,, wiri by each nhase
lH;J,::; m ;h-; ;#;s. of the rwo
c) Derive the expression for
inductance of a coir in terms 16l
of its dimensions.
*d<* t4l


05 TRIBHWAI{TJNIVERSITY Exam. llegullr'/ llucli

Examination Control Division BCE, BME,
Pass Illarks 32

20?l Bhadra Year / Part ttfi Time 3 hrs.

- Basic Electrical
r' Candidates are required to give their answen in their own words as far as practicable-
r' Auempt All questions.
/ Theligwes inthe margintndicate Fall Marhs.
{ Assytne suitable data if rccessary.
l. a/ Define ideal current souroe. Showthat if crr is tlrc resiitance temperature coefficient
\/ of a.conductor at temperature tl oC then resistance temperature coefficient at t2 oC is
" l+cr,(t, -t,) tsI

A coil has a resistance of 18 Q when its msan temp€rature is 20"C and of 20 fl wtren
its mean temperature is 50oC. Find its mean temperature rise when its resistance is 2l
CJ and the ambient temperature is 15"C. tsI
c) Find Vxy in the figure. t5I l

x v I

5V o 3fi 5fi !

5V i
z. a)z{t* equivalent resistance of the given network. t5l

l0v 10c,

b) Determine the value of R for ma:rimum power to R and calculate the power delivercd
under this condition. t4l


c) Calculate the voltage drop across 3 Cl resistor using Superposition Theorem in the
circuitgivenbelow I6I

zuper node and needs with suitable example. t4l

\,{ I

capacitance and inductance. Also classi$ the capacitors on the basis of

shapes. t41

c) the Rms value and Average value of the voltage wave given below and
hence compute tbe form factor. t8l

3 tirrtg.j

4. a)..Explain the operation of purcly capacitive circuit excited by a sinusoidal source and
,/ hence prove that average power consumed by such circuit is zero- Draw necessary
" waveforms. t6l
$fftne circuit given below, calculate the current I. Draw the phasor diagrmr of the
J circuit. t6I

3rt 8f,!
V = 10020"
40 6c)

., gYh" supply system is 230 V, 3-phase, 50 Hz Determine ths r€adings of, wattmeters
Wr and Wz. Phase sequenee is AB-BC-CA. i7l
,_ !-
,' Wl

B 25<90"

( I
- t

5. a) Derive the equation for the instantaneous curent when A.C. voltage is supplied to a
series R-L circuit. Draw phasor diagrams and analyze power in the circuit. t6I
the amount oJ curent through the neutral of a balanced 3-phase star
connected circuit. Also veri$ with the phasor diagram. t3I
clp electric circuit is being supplied by an ac. source of 100 V rms. The circuit has a
r-l resistance of 10 O, inductor of 12 Cl reactanc€ and capacitance of 8 O reactance
connected in series. Compute the active power and power factor of the circuit. t6I
05 TRIBHUVAN I.JNIVERSITY Exam. Neu' Back (2066 & Later Batch)
Examination Control Division BCE, BGE,
Programme Pass Marks 32
2070 Magh Year / Part Ilil Time 3 hrs.

./ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
'r Attempt 4!!questions.
{ Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
/ Assume saitable data if necessary.

1. t)r)lfuat are ideal current and voltage sorrrces and explain how do they differ from the
rz pragSnal ones? 141
qy' piece of resistance wire, 15.6 m long of cross-sectional arca 12 mm2 at a
J temperature of 0"C, passes a cunent of .9 A when connected to DC supply at 240 Y
7 .

Calculate (i) resistivity of the wire (ii) the current when the temperature rises to 55"C.
The coefficient of the wire is 0.000 29 QlC t6l
c) the current flowing from the l0 V source using KVL. t6l

lo lo


lo l0v
2. and explain superposition theorem with an example. t4l.
can a tielta connected network of resistors be converted to star connection?
with necessary circuits and equations. 16l

c) Norton's theorem to find the current through 100 O resistor of the circuit below- t6l

t2o- A
100 c)
3.rrtrnd the voltage across the 3 Q resistor in the following network by nodal analysis. t8l
f 20 10r,

hi;{Atalrr-the equivalent inductance when two inductors are connected in parailqt both in
\./ (a) Opposition (b) Aiding nodes. t8I
the rms and average values of the waveform given in figure below. t4l


0 T


b) capacitance and capacitor. Explain the process ofcharging and discharging of

with neat sketch. t4I
flr '' J-
the current, overall power active, reactive and power in aL
&vb t8l
5. a) voltage e(tp1g6 sin 314 t is applied across series circuit consisting of l0 C)
resistance, 0.0318 H inductance and a capacitor of 63.6 pF. Calculate expression for
i(t), phase difference betyee+ voltage and current, power fagor, apparent power and
active power. \./ -/ t8]
b) For the delta connected load, find the phase currents, line currents, power (active,
reactive and apparent) in each phases. Also determine the total active power
consumed. t8]

440 V i30 o
Y i40cl
50c) -j30Ct

25 TFJBHUVAN{JNIVERSITY Exam. ;,=1 j :':.;;=ri"r.iTi.:. ;iRiEular],'..i -;{;;:"f ,;;1:ji


rarnination Control Division
Exarnination Programrne ]l.Asri.
Pass Marks 32
\ l\ Time 3 hrs.
2070 Chaitra Year / Part tt L

Subi ect ; - Basic Eiectrical Engi1ee518- (EE+ {) ! ;

a;did;itt ;i; Edi.ei itgive their answers in their ontt viords as far as practicalrle.
Atternpt A!! que stirtns.
The,figures in the margin indicote Full Marks.
Assttmc suitab!e data if necessary.

1. a) W6at do you unCerstatd by terms 'resislance' and 'resistivity'? On u'hat tactors the
resistance offered by a conductor depends? [4]

b) Two resisiors made of different materials having temperature coefficienis of

resistance clr = 0.004i"C and crz 0.005/C" are connected in para1le1 and consume
equal pcwer at 15'C. What is the rate of power consumed in resistance Rz to that in
R1 at 70 c"? t6l
c) Caiculate the value of unknovn resistance R in the circuit shou'n beloq' and the
current flowing tfuough it u,hen the current in the branch oc is zero. t6l


2. a) Calculate the output voitage, Vo for the circuit shown in figure below using Kirchoff s
laws. tsl


i,-lD,o Vo
Duo )z

b) Determine the power dissiPated bY 5Q resistor in the circuit shoun in figure below by
applying nodal voltage analYsis. t6l

c) state and explain zuperposition Theorem with an appropriate example. lsl

3. a) Por the circuit shou,n in frgure below, what rvill be the value cf R1 to get the
maximuin pow'er? i&hat is tie rnaxinium por,,.er delivereri to the ioad? t8l

b) Determine the current in 20f) resistor of the network shown in figure below using Star
Delta Transformation i4l

c) State the definition of the capacitance and from it write an equation for the charge
stored in a capacitor. t4l
4. a) Derive the equation for instantaneous current flowing through a pure capacitor when
excited by AC sinusoidal voltage V V* Sinot. Draw the waveform of voltage and
current and phasor diagram ofthe circuit. Show analytically and graphically that it
does not consume real power. t4]
b) A coil takes 1.3 kVA nd 1.2 kVAR when connected to a 240 Y, 50 Hz sinusoidal
supply. Calculate: (i) Po*'er dissipated (ii) Current and (c) lnductance of the coil. t4l
c) A Circuit consisting of a resistance of 30Q in series with an inductance of 75mH is
connected in paratlel with a circuit consisting of a resistance of 20Q in series with a
capacitance of 100pF, if the parallel combination is connecte.d to a24AY,5AHz,
single-phase supply. Calculate (0 The total current (ii) Power factor (iii) Active and
reastive power. Also draw a neat phasor diagram. t8]
5. a) What are the two ways of connecting a 3-phase system? Draw their phasor diagrams
and write down the relationship between phase and line voltages and phase and line
aurrent for these system. t4]
b) A220 V, 3-phase voltage is applied to a balanced delta connected 3-phase load of
(15+j20)4. Calculate:
phase impedance t8l
i) The phase voltages
ii) The phasor current in each line
iii) The power consumed per phase
iv) Draw the phasor diagram
v) What is the phasor sum of three line currents? Why does it have ttris value?
c) Explain 2-wattmeter method for the measurement of power in a balaoced three phase
load. t4l



rNsrlrurebr ENGTNEERING Ievel BE FuIl Marks 80'

Examin ation-Coitrol Division BCE, BME,

Programme Pass Marks 32
2071Bhidra =Ycar / Part Uil Time 3 hrs. - I

Subject: - Basic Electrical
--__-:---- Erigineering @8451) I

Candidaps are req-uired to give their answers in-their own words as far as practicable. i

Attempt All questibns.

{ Thefigures inthe-margin indicate Futt lllark. ' _
.Assumeilitabl€ datq if necessary.- '!-
I. a) Distinguishbetvveen series and parallel codliection of resistances. Derive the equation
for finding iquivalent resistance of three resistances co.nnected in (i) series (ii)
.Parallel. t4I
b) Find all branch currents using mesh analysis method in the following circuits. t6l


@fira the'circuit current andcurrent through each brarich using branch.current method.' t6I ,

240V I


2. a) Find the Norton's equivalent rtsistance between ttre terminals A and B in thb given

circuit.' I4I I

B 50V

Use mesh analysis to find the curent flowing through 2f,1 rcsistor and the potential"
acnoss the 4C) resistor. I6l
.i- al

c) Find the valuesof Vl, V2 and the current florning through the 4Q resistor- I6l
r '€

:.. :,

2A I


3. a) Using guperposition theorem, determine currents in all the resistors of the following' I

-bircuit. t6I I



b) The resistance of the various anns of a wheat stone bridge are shown in figure below.
The battery has an emf of 2V. Using The-venin's thQorem,.determine the _value and
.direction ofthe currentir-l fte 40Clresistor. ' {6I

expression for eriergy stored in an inductive coil.
ffo*r"the t4I
4. a) Two currents ii and iz are given' as, ir = 10 sin(314t + xll4) A and
iz:8 sin(3l3t-'rll3)A. Find (i) ir +i2 and (ii) iFi2. Write enswer in sinusoidal form.
Also drhw phasor diagrams of the pnocesses. 14+41

b) Two impedances Zl = (lGrj5) and Zz= (S-+j6) are joined in parallel across a voltage
of V : 200 + j0. Calculate mapitudes and phases of circuir current and branch
curren8. Draw phasor diagrarn- '-a t8I
5: a) An inductive load of 4 KW at a lagging power factor of 0.8 is connected across a
50tlz supply. Calculate the value of the capacitance to be connected in parallel
with the load to bring the resultant power factor to 0.95 laggrng. t4I
b) Tkee impedances of (10+jl0)O, (12+rt2)fJ and (2+j2)O are corrected in delta to a
3-phase system witl line voltage 400V. Calculate all the phirse crrrlents, Iine curreit$
active poweni, reactive polryerc and apparent powers. l

I Explain trno watbneter method for a balanced star connected load. How gar-r this


25 TR,IBHWAN LNIVERSIT}' F.rrn. Neu Back {:066.t Later Batcht

Examination Control Division BEI- BEX. BCT,
Pass Mrrls
2070 Ashad Year/Part Ut Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Basic Electrical Engineering @EalI)

-/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt AII questions-
/ Thefigures tn tle margin indicate Full Mark.
/ Asswne suttable data if necessary.

1. a) What is the factor responsible for the deviation of the practical sources from their
ideal behavior? Explain the effect of this factor on the terminal characteristics of &e
voltage source. t6I
b) \L'rite down the steps to calculate Norton's equivalent rqsistance in the circuit wi& a
zuitable example. l4l
c) A conductor material has a free eleciron dersity of l02a electrons per m3. When a
voltrge is applied a constant drifl velocity of l.5xl0-2 nrls is anained by the electrons.
Ii the cross sectional area of the material is I cm2, calcularte tlre magnihrde of tbe
cl.Irlent. f5l
2. a) Explain with neal diagram md write the equations for Deita-Star Conversios md for
Star-Delta Conversion- t4j
b) Find the equivalent resistance across the terminals A and B. RE t6]
3 Ohm

a ohm a Ohrn 10 O}''l

A OiED ! Ohm 2 Ohrn

c) 'Thevenin's theorem and Norton's theorem are dual of each other'. Justifu the
=, statement with suitable example. t6l
3. a) Use Superposition theorem to find the current 11 through 2Q resistors in figure
below. l8l
10c, 0v

5A 2Q



Find the current passing tbrougb 10 Cl resistor using loop currEnl method-
6 o]ro

,2 ohm

- tov l0 Ohm

in parallel with a 100 MH inductor to

no mutual inductance between the two. t4l
c)-.Two impedances (3aj) and (8+6j) are connected in parallel across an ac voltage
'/ sourc€. If the total current drawn from the source in 25 A, find the total active povl'er l

consumed by the impedances. i4l

-- -isl
4- a) Find the average value, rms value of the voltage waveforrt given below.

2 1 6 t l0r

b) An Industrial loadconsists ofthe following: t8I t


i) A load of 200 KVA @ 0.8 power factor lagging I


ii) A load of 50 KW @ power factor


"itypowef, factor leading

iii) A load of 48 KW @0.6

Calculate the total KW, Total KVA& Total KVA and the overall power factor.

5. a) A 100 KW toad at 0.8 lagging power factor isleing supplied by a220 Y,5A !
souce. Calculate the reactive power drawn from the source. lf a capacitor connected I

parallel to the load improves its power faclor to 0.9. Find the capacitance of the
capacitor. Also calculate the current drawn from &e source before and after
connectin! the capacitor.
b) With the help of necessary Phasor diagram and circuit diagram. explain the two :"
wattmeter method of Active Power Measurement in Three Phase AC system? What is
the variation of wattmeter readings Ioad Power Factor? t8l

:ur: - _-._l Jiii pr!rc"966_B_rrs}. "*jt *)
-Lgl:91-. ,iBE ; ruiitr;kr-Tso
Erlmi nation Conrol Division nrr oEF-
. uL.L! JLj\!

Frogrlrnme : BCT, BIE, , l'ass Uarks j J:

' R r,*i ,

2068 Shrau au
_..!:_ __-

if.sri.i r l.t_

.-_-*_- Swbject. -pasic Elecfical:ng

*__*l _

Ca::,.1iCates are required to give their ans*.ers in tireir

own t'ords as iar as practicabie.
.l;iensi an.'., Five cuestiotts.
The jlztires in the m;;.gin indicate Full ]ta.;.ks.
.L:j::in€ s:t:t;tble Ca:;t if necessar,..

z') rt,-ia: is the iit-f;rence bet..r.een tl:e por:n:ial c1:fieren;e and electromoiir': for;e?
L, ;i-ire resistanc e an,l r:sistivil.,..
': r ll-'--..;-: .t--
.,-.= ..,.1
r.rr.J€ ol :he ui.:lr;ori-n rr'sis:or 'R.' ir rh: ci;cuit belc',r, i. ti:e voitag:
.iicp a:rcss jt-]CO ;:sistoi rs 2.5 r,oi;s.

5iu1e I ;:cr i




Usii:f su::rposit:on il;:orem, ria.i il.- curiiii in EC resisror ol tire n:t.-r'ork

\ sho*:r
Og,O'rr.'. '

Jo\l I



b.t Lsing N:dal .{naiysis methoc to finc the curr:nt in incividual resi:;tors
of the circuit
sho,.'"'n bciorv.

:3A ('n
3. a) Find the value of R1 in the netw,ork shown belorv to obtain maximum por,,,er in i'.
Also find the maximum porver in R1.

b) Derive the relationship betw'een the voltage ancl crin'ent for a purel,,.ind,..:::..-: crclrit
excited by ac voltage scurce. Also shor.v that the average por".i consurnetl br a prireiy,
inductive circuit is zero.
c) of indr-rctance of 4 and 5 Henry are comected in parallel. If their mutual
Tr'r'o coiis
inductance is 3 Henrl', calculate the equivalent inductance of the cc.;rt,ination if
mutual indrrcirnce: l)1
L- )

i) Supports the self inciuctance, antl ii) oppose the sellinductance

4. a) The impressed r-oltage a,-'cl thc curent flo*-ing through a circuit are: i8l
r' = -i00 sin (-100t + ;r,'3) and i = 5 srn (,100t
- n/6). Determine the
i) nns and average value ofv and i,
ii) Radian through *,hich it's \recror has gone r.vhen t:0.001 sec.
iii) Phase difference, and
iv) Pou,er consumed in the circuit.
b) A voltage of 200/j3'is applied across impedances in para1lel. The.,,al,re oi
impedances are (12 + J16)() and (10-J20)Q. Determine the kw, k\"'.\ and k\r^{R in
each branch and the po\\'er factor of the r,vhole circuit.
5. a) Define power lactor and explain the disad'antages of lo*. p f. u'ith eranrles.
b) Compare the star and delta 3 phase con_nection.
c) For the circuit show'n belorv, calculate the current tl.,rough the neutral and. total power
of the circuit.

balanced source

6. a) A star connected altemator supplies a delta connected load. The impedance of the
load branch is (8 + J6)e. The line voltage is 230 volt. Determine:
i) Current in the load branch ii) Power consumed by load
iii) Power factor of the load iv) Reactive power of the load
b) Describe the measurement of power in a unbalanced three phase Ioad by trvo
25 TRIBHUVAN TiNIVERSITY Exam. Itt'gul;rr'
Examination Control Division Programme Pare ldrrkr 32

2069 Chaitra Year / Part Ut Time hrs.

Subject: - Basic Electrical Engineering (EE401)

{ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
./ Attempt any Five questions.
'/ Thefigures in the margtn indicate Full Marks.
{ Assume suitable data tf necessary.

.4 "a) Explain the methods for converting practical current source in to practical voltage
source. t4I
Calculate the power which would be dissipated rn a 75 C) resistor connected across
.9 XY in the network shown below. t41

20o- 20o-
200v l0o
80C, 75rl"

2012 20C)

lqtfi"athe currents 11, 12, 13 using Kirchhoffs Law and also find the power output of
' each voltage source of figure below? t8
Ir lz

?o 3A
tov Ir


Fig: t.2

The resistivity of a metal alloy is 50x10-88-m. A sheet of material 15 cm long, 6 cm

-Z t) wide and 0.014 cm thick. Calculate the resistance in the direction: (a) along the length
and (b) along the thickness. Ir
Use Norton's theorem to calculate the value of R that will absorb maximum power
from the circuit shown in the figure below. AIso calculate the maximum power drawn
bY it' t


'"J. f" the network shown below, find the value of resistance R and the current through it
-/ wbenthe current through branch DA is zero. t4l


,,a, ,.,1\. Find the current through the l0 C) resistor using loop-current method? I8I
4ft eo 5n

l0v 6n


Fig! 3.1

b) Find the current I in the circuit of figure below by applying nodal voltage method. t8l

6C) 6C,


l8v 6c, tzv

f a) Explain generation of sinusoidal emf with diagram and define angular velocity.
b) A sinusoidal voltage is applied to three parallel branches yielding branch currents,

irl4.l4 Sin(ort-45"), i218.3 Cos(rot-60o) and it1.07 Sin(rrrt+60") (i) Find the
complete time expression for the source curent (iD Draw the phasor diagram in terms
of effective values. Use the voltage as reference. t6I
c) Define inductance and derive relation for connection of inductors connected in
parallel connection. t4I


5-_) Far the parallel circuit shown below', calculate: t8l

(r) RMS value for current, power factors and active power of path l.
(ii) RMS value of current, power factor and reactive power of path 2.
(iii) RMS value of current and power factor of the whole circuit.
Rr=l L;:50 mH

14= I00 mH
6 Rz=l0C) C2:150 pF

v-125 sn377t
- b) A three phase induction motor takes 50KW at 415V, 50Hz and a power factor of 0.72
lagging. Determine the KVAR rating of capacitor bank to improve the power factor to
0.9 lagging. What capacitance per phase is required if the capacitor bar:k is connected
in star connection? What is the advantage of power factor correction from the source '[6+21
point of view and from the point of view of motor itself?
6._A-lnthenetwork shown in figure below, determine: t8I
i) Total impedance
ii) Total current
ii) The current in each branch
lfl tt" overall power factor
v) Volt amperes, Active Power and Reactive Power



--bl In a 3-phase, 4 wire Wye connected system the phase roitug,: Vph:200V, and its
freqirency is 60H2. The load impedance components are Rr I00fl, Rz = 100O,
.Cz = 66.3 pF, R: : 100C1, Ll : 159.2mH. Calculate the three line currents and the
neutal current. t8I

O5 TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY. Exam. Ilesular (206(r& t.ater lletch)
Examination Control Division. Programme BCE, BME Pass lllarks 32

rt 2069 Bhadra Year / Part I/il Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Basic Electrical Engineering (88451)

/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' Attempt anyAll questions.
r' TheJigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
/ Assume suilable data if necessary.

. a) What do you mean by ideal and practical voltage source? Explain the effect of an
internal resistance of a voltage source on its terminal characteristic. t4I
b) A 230V metal filament lamp has its filament 50cm long with cross-sectional area of
3xl0{ cm2. Specific resistance of the filament metal at 20oC is 4xl0tlcm. If the
working temperature of the filament is 2000oC, find the wattage of the lamp.
Temperature coefficien{. of resistance of the filament material at 20"C is 0.0055 per
degree centrigrade. t6l
c) Fin{ the equivalent resistance in the figure below, and power dissipated in the 10O
resistor. t6l

2. a) Determine the value of current in l0 Ohm resistor in the network shown in figure
, below using Star/Delta conversions. t6l

sQ (! 17


180 V

b) USe Thevenin's theorem to find the current flowing through t5C) resistor of the
network of figure below. t6I




c) State Norton's theorem and list the steps for Nortonizing a circuit. t4]
3. a) Find the value of R such that maximum power transfer Akes place from the current
sources to the Ioad R in figure below. Obtain the amount of power transfer. t8l

sl 2Q
A +

b) Use rnesh current method to calculate the current through the l5O resistor in the
figure shown below. a
8() I


4. a) Two capacitors, A and B are connected in series acrross a 200V d.c. supply. The p.d.
,rcross A is 120V. This p.d. is increased to 140V, when a 3pF capacitor is connected
in parallel with B. Calculate the capacitances of A and B. t
b) Describe phasor representation and addition of two sinusoids i3 = i1 * iz. Illushate: t6I
i) Position of the phasors for t = 0
iil Sinusoidal waveform for increasing time.
c) ln a certain circuit, supplied from 50Hz mains, the'potential difference has a
nra:<imum of 500V, and the current has a ma:rimum value of 10A. At t = 0, the
instantaneous values of p.d., and current are 400V, and 4A respectively, both
increasing positively. Assuming sinusoidal variation, obtain the e;ipression for p.d.,
and current. Calculate the instantaneous values of the sarne at t =.0.015s, and find the
phase difference between them. t6J
5. a) Three impedances of (100 + j0)O, (100 - j40)O and (100 + j60)O are connected
in st4r to a 3-phase, 4 wire system for which the phase voltage is l00V and its
frequency is 60H2. Calculate the three line currents, active, reactive and apparent
power per phase. Also find the current through the neutral wire. t8l
b) A voltage of 200153.8 is applied across two impedances in parallel. The values of
impedances arc (12 + jl6) Ohm and (10 - j20) Ohm. Detemrine: (i) Total impedance
(ii) total current drawn from the circuit (iii) Current flowing thryugh each parallel
branch (iv) Power factor of the wtrole circuit (v) Active, reactive and apparent power.
phasor diagram. t8l

k) -
Back(2066 & Later Batch)
FulI Marks QN
Examination Control Division. BEL, BEX,
Frograxnme T}CT, BIE, Pass Llarks )/.
2S69 Ashad Year / Part M
Time 3 hrs.

- Basic Electrical (Efr 40J)

Candidates are required tc give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Attempt any {ive {luestions.
The figures in tlze margin indicate Full Marks.
Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. a) Define the temperature coefficient of rcsistance and explain the effect of temperature
on resistance ofa substance-
b) A lead wire and al iron wire are connected in parallel. Their specific resistances are in
the ratio 49:24. The former carries 807o more current than the lauer and the latter is
4TYolanger than the former. Detentrine the ratio of their cross-sectional areas.
c) Using series-parallel combination of resistances find the current delivered by the
source in the following circuit.

2. a) A lkm length of wire having a diameter of 1l.7mm and a resistance 0.03ifj is drawn
so that its diameter becomes 5mm. what does its resistance become? J.:tl
b) Use Kirchhoffls laws to detemrine the magnitude of source cun.ent and polarity of the
source S, if the current flowing through branch BD is 0.2A from D to B in the circuit
_*__-v_ shown below.

c) state superposition theorem" Find the current in 0.5e resistor in the follcwing
3. e) Derive an expression for the equivalent inductance of two inCuctors when they are
connectec in parallel (i) Aiding coml:ination {ii) opposing combinatica
b) Applying Thevenin's thtorem, calculate the magnitude arrd <lirection of current in the
135f resistcr in the circuit shown in the following figure.



4. a) What is power factor in ac circuit? Explain the disadvantages of low power factor. i4l
b) When a voitage v- 10sin(50ft-60")v is applied to a series ac circuit, the current is
i=6sin(5001-10'). Find (i) Power factor (ii) Circuit parameters (iii) Apparent, active
and reactive power (iv) Also indicate wkther the circuit is capacitive or inductive and
c) Derive the expressions between phase and line voltages and phase and line eurrents
for a baianced star and delta connected lmds.
a) Following figwe shows a series parallel circuit. Find: (i) Total impedance (ii) Current
drar*a from the circuit (iii) Voltage across the parallel branches (iv) Cryrent flowing
through each parallel branch (v) Power factor (vi) Active, reactive and appareri
power. Draw phasor diagram showing V, 11, 12 and 13.

I4CI- 2{l r

b) what do you mean by complex power? Explain it with the help of an R-L series
circuit and power triangle.
c) An adustable resistor R in series rvith a capacitance of 25pF draws a cl]I"rent cf 0.8A,
when connected across 50Hz supply. Calculate:
i) The value of resistor so that the voitage across the capacitor is 'half of the supply
ii) Power consumed a:id
iii) The power factor

5. a) Three impedances of,(6rjs)o, (s+j6)o, (3+j4)9, are connecred in star to a 3-phase,

4 wire system for which the line voltage is 400Y. Find the line currents, and ictive,
reactive and apparent power per phase. Abo find the current through neutral wire.
b) Prove that surn of, the readings of tvro Wattcmeters is equal to the total three phase
power in measurement of power of 3-phase circuit by two wattmeter method.

lc TRIBHUV;\N I-INIVERSiTY hlxarn. ,eiiifl*S,t,..,;. Iir,,, lli..;,,i:, 1'1,;
NSTITUTE OF ENGINEERIh] G Level BPi Full Marks 8ij
Exarnination Control Division BEL,BEX, i

Prograrnme BCT, BIE, B. i

Pass Marks i 32
2{168 {-haitr.r Ut 'l-ime 3 hrs,

'/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
'/ Attempt any Fiygquestions.
'/,/ The figures in the margin indicste Futl Markq.
Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. a) Explain emf, potential difference and current with a circuit diagram, i'
b) The temperature rise of the machine field winding was determined by the
measurement of the winding resistance at 20"C the field winding resistance was
160 Ohm(CI). After running the machine for some hours at full load the resistance is
185 C). If the temperature coefficient of resistance of the copper winding is
4.3 x l04l C at 0"C. Determine the temperature rise of the machine.
c) Find the equivaient resistance in the figure shown, and power dissipated in the 5CJ

2. a', -alcular__ re value of R that will absorb 'llilm

mr \r.
pr_,r from the circuit (sho*n in
-ftre figure). Also calculate the maxirnum powEf drawn by it.


b) State Norton's description theorem and list the steps for Nortonizing a circuit.
Compare the Norton's equivalent circuit to the Thevenin's equivalent circuit.
c) what is the total cost of using the following at Rs 7 per killowatt hour?
i) A 1200 W toaster for 30 min
ii) Six 50 W bulbs for 4 hours
a iii) A 400 W nashing machine for 45 min.

3. a) Use Nodai analysis method to calculate the current tfuough ttre 15fj resistor in the
figure shor+n below. Loj
8(} 10()

b) Find the current I as shown in figure below using star - deita transformaticn.

c) An air cored coil is 2.5cm long and has an average cross-sectional area of 2cm2.
Determine the number of turns if the coil has an inductance of 100 pH.
4. a) Calculate the average value, rms value, form factor and peak factor of the saw tooth
wave as shown in figure below.


b) What do you rnean by reactive power in AC circuit? Explain it by ccnstructing phasor

diagram for real power, reactive power and apparent power. i5]
c) Describe and illustrate the phasor relatiorship that exist between the voltage that
appears across the tenninais of a pure capacitor and the current that flows through it
in steady state when the capacitor is excited by a sinusoidal source. t5]
5. a) A voltage *f Zaallo v is applied across impedances in parallel. The value of
impedances are (12 + j16)a and (10-j20)e. Derermine rhe Kw, KvA and KVAR in
each branch and the power factor of the whole circuit.
b) A delta connected load of Zan = 52245"{2, ZBC = 522-3A"e and ke = I0l0o(-l are
connected to a 380V,3 phase ac source. Find the magnitude of the line currents and
total power.absored by loads, when phase sequence is ABC.
b) t41

c) t6l


p-xam. Reeular
Level BE FuiI Marks 80

Programme BCE; BME Pass Marks 32

2068 Bhadra Year / Part r/II Time 3 hrs.

Basic Electrical
'/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt any Five questions.
Thefigures in the margin tndicate Fu.ll Marks.
Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. a) What do you mean by ideal and practical voltage source? Explain the effect of an internal
resistance of a voltage source on its terminal characteristics. [2+3]
b) The coil ofa relay takes a current of0.l2A when it is at the room temperature of l5oC and
connected across a 60-V supply. If the minimum operating culrent of the relay is 0.1A,
calculate the temperature above which the relay will fail to operate when connected to the
same supply. Resistance-temperahue coefficient of the coil material is 0.0043 per "C at 6"C. t6l
c) Find the current through 4C) tesistance. tsl
1.6 fi

1.6 (}


2. a) State and explain Kirchoffs laws. Determine tlie current supplied by the battery in the circuit
shown in figure below. 12+4)

1000 100(l

+ 300 a
100 v

b) Obtain the voltages at eachnodes by applying nodal voltage analysis. t6l

0.5 v

20 2A

2 A

c) Qtate and explain }.Iortorils theorem with an appropriate example.

:.3..a) State superp.osition theorern. Apply superposition theorem to the circui; shoyn below to'find
the voltage dropV across the 5C) resistor.

2A o

b) Find the value of R1 such that maximum power will be transferred to Rs. Find the vaiue of the
maximunr power. t8l
n z


4. a) Derive the equation for instantaneous current flowing through a pure capacitor when excited
by AC sinusoidal voltage y: V. sinrot. Draw the waveform of voltage and current and phasor
diagram of the circuit. Show anplytically and graphically that it does not consume real power. t4l
b) Calculate the RMS and average values of the rectified sine wave of 50H2. t6l


c) Two coils A and B are connected in series across a 240Y,50}J2 supply. The resistance of A is
5C) and the inductance of B is 0.015H. If the input from the supply is 3 kW and 2 kVAR, frnd
the inductance sf A and the resistance of B. Calculate the voltage across each coil. t6l
s. a) Two impedances consists of (resistance of l5O and series connected.inductance of 0.04II)
and (resistance of 10O, inductance of 0.1 H and a capacitance of 100 pF, all in series) are
connected in series and are connected to a 230V, 50Hz a.c. source. Find: (i) current drawn,
(ii) voltage acro3s each impedance, (iii) total power factor and (iv) draw the phasor diagram. t6l
b) What are the two ways of connecting a 3-phase systern? Draw their phasor diagrams and
write down the relationship between phase and line voltages and crurents for these systems. t4]
c) Define power factor and explain the disadvantages and causes of low power lactor? t6l
6. a) List out the advantages of3 phase system over single phase system t4]
How are the readings of the two watuneters affected, when the load power factors is very low '[6i]. , , ,
A Z:?A\1,3-phase voltage.-is applied to ba-lanced delta: connectedi3-phase:lltidd'' 6f:-hase .,rir,r;l:'

impedance (15 + j20)O. Calculate: . , :. [6]

i) The phase voltages
ii) The power each line
iii) The power consumed per phase
iv) Draw the phasor diagram
v) What is the phaSor sum of three line currents? Why does.ithaveLthiswalue?r :"' : '. rt:-r:.r:

-25 TRtEi{1.:"f.,\N TJNIVERSIIv Ert$, -
Il'rgula:'i Back
INSfilrJ i r' r i' r::rij'..rt:o(li{(r r.. vel r-I. :' .. rr ,r'll'-iS

Examination'Control Division BEL, BEX, Bgt, Pass Marks

Programme 32
2068 Baishakh Year / Part Ul Time 3 trs.

Subiect: - Basic Electrical Engineering

'/ Candidares.are required to give their answers in their ow4 words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt any Five questions.
'/ Thefigures in the margtn indicate Full MarkS,
/ Assur\e suitable data if necessary.

a) The temperature rise of a nlc field winding was determined by the measuiement of
the winding resisLance. At 20"C the field resistilrce was 1500. After running the rn/c
- for 6'hours at full load, the resistance was t75Q. The temperature coefficient of
resistance of the copper winding is 4.3 x 10-3/k aEPC. Determine the temperature rise
of the m/c. t6l
b) Find Ir, Iz, and Ir, in the circuit shown in the figure u"sing KirchhofFs law. [10]

'-- r'liifil.:,. -

-lz 4C} 13 '6h

tzv 5c) 20v


8O 10v
2. a) U9e Superposition theorem to.find the curre,nt flowing through th6 lOO resistrir shorftr
in the figue. i t8l


2A r0c)

b) State Thevenin's theorem. and give the procedure for Thevenizing a circuit. Explain
the major advantages offered by use of this theorem. t8l l
3. a) Use the node voltage method (Nodal) to find the current flowing through 10Cl resistoi
in the network sho.wn below. t8l

5Ct 4e) 50v
::,..1., i

b) Determine the poy/er dissipated in :O resistor in the circuit shown below using
t' Norton's thco,em. [i:

2{2 1C)
l0v 10A

4., a) Anrms voltageof 10020" is applied tothe series combinationof Zr andZz where
Zr =2Ol3Oo. The effective voltage drop across Zz is known tobe 40/-30'V. Find
_ the reactive componen t of Zz . l8l
b) For the parallel circuit shown below, calculate: " t8l
i) RMS value of current, power factor, active and reactive power of path 1
ii) RMS value of current, power fact6r, active and reactive power of path 2
iii) RMS value of current, power factoi, active and reactive power of the whole circuit

Rr = l5O Lr = 50mH
Path 1


Path 2 Iz
Lz: l00mH ,
Rz: l0Cl Cu: l5OlrF

v :325 sin 377.1 i -


5.* a) Define cycle, Time period, angular Velocrty, frequency,,average and rms value of 'an
aiternating quantity, t6I

b) A series circuit consists of resistance ffi a

4C: and inductance of 0.0trH. Ttre
, applied voltage is 283. sin (300t + 90')V. Calculate the followings: li 0l
i) Power factor
ii) Expression for i(t)
iii) The power dissipated in the circuit
iv) Voltage drop across each elements and .

v) Draw a phasor diagram

6. a) A 415V,3.phase,50Hz induction motor takes 50kW power from supply mains at
0.72 power factor lagging. Capacitprs are connected in delta acr.o$s the line to
improve the overall po!iler factor. Calculate the capacitance per phase in order to raise
the power factor to 0.9 lagging. t8l
b) Three load.s (31 + j59)O, (30 - j40)0 and (80 + j6O)O are con4ected in delta to a
3 phase, 200V supply. Find the phase currents, line currents and total power absorbed. t8l
' {<'l'{'
T^-iS TIT UTE OF ENGh;EERI\iG Level i BE Full l[arks 80

Examination Control Division Programme BCE, BME Pass Marks 32

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:U b -j -r,,a-__.g_:.,.t_-: Yr.ix .l i :,r r I /1T 3 i-rs._-
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Subject: - Basic Electical Enginsering

./ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt any Five questions-
J Thefigures in the margin indiffie Full Marfts.
/ Assume suitable data if necessary.
1. a) What do you understand by an ideal crurent sourci:? flow can it be made a practical current
soluces and why should we do that? t6l
b) What is the difference of potential between X and Y in the network shown in figure below. tsl

2V 3C)

c) A coil is connected across a constant dc source of 120V. It a eurient of 12 Arrp at room
temperaturebf 25oC, After 5 hours of operition, its temperature rises to 65cC aud currert
1ed.UcestoSarrry.Ciil"yl-utEr, ,
t ,
-c.*.nf*'irlrritsterirperatuiet"sinir-"-"seato1ido6'- :-- ":':':''-- i :- 1"'- : 'i'i''-- -'-j "
ii) Temperature coefficient of resistance at:30"C

2. a) Find the cunent I ia the circuit of figure given beiow by applying nodal voltage ,rxrlysis. t6l


,u, a
i. -ifi B' . :. - !) : GaleulaJe ilie*;.tlg" galvanometer ip the bri-dge u 'ff'zuie eiven
" 9ire..+lr+S ;|g;4 ":.1-:::q.:i,g-tp-g.1p:a.*f6l,r-

+ :

t: !

ii l5o
+ 10r)
- t. B


3 a) State reciprocity theorem. Veriff the theorem in the network given below i1l

V: i2V 4Cl

b) Calculate the cwrent ih the 6Q resistor in the network showu below using Norton's theoreill. t8]


+ tCI
9V '
c) Why do wg express an.ry _voltagg <ir curent by its RMS value? Discuss. 14l-
4. a)-ln a

b) Determine the.ayirage an{ r.rnq. values of voltage for,sinrr.soidhl voli5ge waveforur as.shown
ID t6l

d).l V*:100V'
0 rll4 TE 2rc 9rll4 3rt 6 r
c) ExplaiB with diagrars u4rat{o youunderstandby i4l

' .,,.,,j),',,Su,Pse
ii) Lagging and
i1. '.rj,.., .l
,, . .

iii) Leadjng quantities applied to sinusoidal ac system.

). a) An emf, eo :
!41.4 sin (3771 + 30") is impre5sed on the irapedance coil having a resistance of
4() and an inductive reactance of 1.250 measured * 25Hi. What is the equation of the
current?Also find the equation for the resistive drop and inductive drop e1. i61
b) Define power factor. Erplain the requAement and the method of its correction. i6l
c) List out the advantages of 3-S system over single phase system. - l i4j
a) A,lalanced star connecred Ioad with impedance (i0+j5)O per phase is fed from a balanced i
.,.-phaself}.yoitrupnl';calculltei'.,,-..'..-,'r-l ...-... -:,...;:.l'..,.- ir.j'
: ...
i) The phase voltages
ii) The line currents
iii) The power absor-bed and

c)- Explain 2-wattl'neter rnefiod tbr the measurement of pciu,er in a balanced three phase load
How are the readiiigs of the tri,o q,attmeters affecred, rvhen the loaci
is pureiy resistive? i8l

,LA I RlllHUtrrAN- Utllvlll SlTf i- Exam.
r. ,_.. : j,-
oI E',GL\I:.IIRL;6. _.'_ Nery Bacll (205,: BarLhi
TN:STIJ UTE .EE:"' r :l

FulFIVlhrki*'i 80,-.,. -.' ,

-Exainin:ition Controi Dir,is ion BJL, BEX, .
Pio$ramme BCT,,BIS, r*iMuir" l:z
2067 Ashwin ,,Yter/&lt I I{_l Tiqe . 3hrs.

to give rheir rnsrvers in their own words as far as practicabte.
t Attempt
./ 9:l1l*:::are.required
any Five questioni

/ Assume suitab/,e clata if nec"srory.*---- :

1. a) What are ideal voltage and current sources?

b) You are'uglng a heater 2ZOV/IKW macie material of^:conductivity:'16666_6i ,

mho/cm. The wire has- thickness _oj_a

-_:_-_-^-' of 0.5mm.
gtven wrre used in buiiding heating elernent?
c) Find. the equivalent resistance in between point AandB
in figure below. The
corresponding resistance values are indicatedtin
figure. All the resistances are in

I . rl .

-1 :'

a) Using nodal analysis find the current through the 5 ohm

and 3 obm resistors of,,the ..
following circuit. ' t: '


o) Find the
f?wer dissipated in 10 ohm resistor using Thevnin rheorem of the following
vu. a.rL_
' tg]
J- a) Ernd the power.dissipated bir 5 oi:m:-esistor oI rhe following circuir using Norton's
. ':'theorqm. '

b) .Detenline equivalent inductance of induclances Ll and L2. when they are connected
parallel tat
.in tot

4. a) What is the average power consumed by a circuit containing an inductaace only,

.when]suppIiedbyanaCsource? ra"t
b) At 127 Hz frequency, an emf source ol 6V sends a current oi i00mA through an
inductive coil. If the frequency changes to 456H2, the current drawn by the c]rcuit
becomes 50mA. calculate the inductance and resistance of coil.
' c) D-etermine total power consumed by the following circuit. Also draw the phasor

265.15 rrr


200v, 31.8 mH
50 Hz ,

5. a) 41rLinductive load of 6 kW at power factor of 0.6 is connected across aZZOi,5OHz I

supply. Calculate the value of capacitance to be connected
.r-.- in paraliel with the load to
bring trr-e resultant power factor of 0,95 lagging. . . : . l4l
b) Justifiz the use of two wattmeter to calculate the power of 3 $ road.
c) For the deila connected load as below, determine (i) phase currents (ii) total power l

consumed (iii) line currenrs.


T'- r'

6. Describe briefly: . ,[axa]

-,. : a) ,Maximum power transfer theorem. I :!li -.::.'_
b) Disadvantage of low power factor . . :' l.-::i.,!'
c) Reciprocity Tireorenr
d) Current-and supply frequency relationshrp oi a R-LC seies circuit
Examination Control Division Programme BCT, BIE, Pass Marks 32
2067 Ashadh Year /Part Ul Time 3 trs.

Subject: - Basic Electrical Engineering

/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt any Five questions.
./ 4).ll questions carry equal marla.
/ Assume suitable data if necessary,

i. a) The temperature rise of the machine freld winding was deteimined by the
measurement of the winding resistance. At 209C the field resistance was 150 ohm.
After running the m/c for 6 hours at full load, the resistance was found to be 175 ohm.
If the temperature coefEcients of resistance of.the copper winding is 1.57x!.0-5/oC at
OoC, detemrine the temperature rise uf the machine.
.b) Whef are ideal and prhctical voltage and currelrt sources? E:rplain. "

2. a) Calculate the curre,rt in the 15Q resistor in the network shown in figrue below using
zuperposition theorem.

15C, _- - 10v

b) Determine the current Is throug! 15O resistor in the network by Norton's theorem.
.. ,:


3. a) Use nodal method to find the current through L0C) resistor for circuit shown below.



b) Calculate the value of R to receive maximum power arnd the maximum power :

received by it for the circuit shown below.

72Y R

4- a) A series circuit consists of a resistance equal to 4C} and inductance of 0.01H. The
applied voltage is v:283 sin (300t + 90") volts. Find
i) The power dissipated in the circuit - i

ii) The expression for (0

iii) Power factor and
iv) Draw a phasor diagram
b) For the circuit below, calculate
i) Magnitude and phase.angles of current in each of the branches,
ii) Acti--;;, reactive and apparentpower.a+d polrer factor of the circuiq and I

iii) Draw the vector diagam indicating branch cunents and supply voltage

400 sin 3001


eD Describe the advantages of three phase AC system over singie-phase AC system.

lr) Tbree phase balaaced load consists of three similar coils, each of resistance 50O and
inductance of 0.3H. The snpply voltage is 415V, 5OIlz. Calculate (i) The line cunent
(ii) The power factor (iii) lotal power esnsrmed and (1, Draw the.plas,9r diagram. -:::!
,.: "

6. a) Define power factor and. explain the disadvantages and causes of low power factor?

b) A single-phase 50Hz motor takes 20A at 0.65 power factgr laggng from a 23OY
sinusoidal supply. Calculate the KVar rating and capacitance to be connected in
parallel to raise the power factor to 0.9 lagging. What is the new supply current?
,F,t *

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