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This book is dedicated to my children,

Luke and Brin, with whom I’ve had
many adventures, in Starport and life.

Writer / Creator: Kevin Ferrone

Academic Advisor: Karen Jordan
Editor / Proofreader: Anna Bereza
and Jennifer Povey
Layout / Design: Anna Bereza
Lead Artists: Sa Dui and Luis Peres
Artists: NextMars, Noreefly, Lady-Luck,
Asmedei, Magicleaf, Angkrit, 9’63 Creation,
Berkut, Vectortwins, GraphicsRF,,
Pushkin, Yayayoyo, Azuzi, Semiankova Inha,
Ne2pi, Alexandra Petruk, MatiasDelCarmine,
Atelier Sommerland, Daria Yakovleva, Deymos,
Andrew Derr, Mokool Graphics, Vectors Bang,
Roman3dArt, Ivan_Nikulin

2019 Wider Path, LLC and Wider Path Games.

The Starport game, its logo and characters are
global trademarks of Wider Path, LLC.
Table of
Chapter 1:
Introduction 3

Chapter 2:
Playing the Game 6

Chapter 3:
Character Building 12

Chapter 4:
Starport 26

Chapter 5:
Creatures 43

Chapter 6:
Adventures 55

Chapter 7:
Tokens and
Character Sheet 90

Chapter 1:

Blaze likes to freeze things with his wand, Orion likes to sneak around so nobody can find
him, and Angel is such a smooth-talker that no Creature in Starport can resist becoming
friends with her. What kind of a Character will you be?

Starport is an amazing open world where world where the Player’s characters exist.
anything might happen, where unicorns walk The Players react by describing what their
alongside robots, where a starship might be characters will do.
visiting from an unknown world. Where magic This book provides a guide for building
is real, and adventure is just around the corner. characters and resolving an array of possible
A non-violent game of adventure and actions that might occur during the game.
imagination designed to facilitate growth in Please keep in mind that this book is not
problem-solving, creativity, teamwork, critical intended to provide a comprehensive rule set,
thinking, reading, writing, oral communication, but rather a guide to playing a structured
mathematics, and self-esteem. story-telling game with exciting character
In the Starport tabletop roleplaying game building and customization options. The
designed for children aged 5-12, each Player game is designed to emphasize non-combat
assumes the role of the character they create. encounters and allows characters to use a
A Guide, usually an adult, sets the scene variety of different skills to accomplish tasks
for a story, place, or situation in a fantasy and overcome obstacles.

Chapter 1
What does the Guide do?
What you need to play? The Guide knows the rules of the game,
describes to the Players what their characters
2 to 6 Players: Starport will work
see in a fantasy world, and guides the Players
with just one Player and a Guide,
through the adventure their characters are
but it is better with 2 to 5 Players
experiencing. The Guide plays the role of any
and a Guide.
Creature or other characters the Players meet
A Guide: The Guide is a special along the way.
Player who is in charge of
knowing the rules and guiding
Players through the story. Don’t get bogged down by the rules.
Rules and Adventures: You’ll The most important thing for the
need at least one copy of the Guide to do is to keep the
rules that are included in this game moving and facilitate
book. You can use one of the pre- a fun experience.
made adventures included in this
book or make up your own.
Game Pieces: Each Player
What do the Players do?
will need a twenty-sided Players create their character by choosing
die (called a d20), a Traits and abilities and buying equipment.
printed character sheet They describe all the actions their character
(found at the end of this takes in the game and roll a d20 to see if
book), and something to those actions are successful.
write with. You may also
want to use printed Trait Tokens,
Energy Point tokens, adventure
maps, or character and Creature What is an “Adventure”?
tokens, all of which can be found In Starport, Players take on the
at the end of this book. role of a character living in a
Time: The adventures provided in fantasy world. These characters can
this book are designed to take 30 go anywhere and do anything
to 60 minutes. within that fantasy world. The
Guide prepares an “Adventure”
Other Props: You can use for the Characters which acts
toys, figures, pictures, music or as a storyline for players to
anything else that makes the follow. During an adventure,
game more fun and engaging Players complete tasks and have
for Players. encounters that move them along
the storyline. This book has three
premade adventures for Guides
to use with Players.

One rule to rule them all (such as persuade someone to do something,
climb a wall, or disable a robot with a Freeze
There is one basic rule that is used to resolve Wand), the Guide should assign a difficulty to
all actions in the game. Any time a Player
the action and the Player must roll equal or
wants their character to do something in the
higher than the assigned difficulty on the d20.
game the Player describes the action. The
Guide decides the level of difficulty for any The Guide may also decide that an action is
character action and assigns a number from 1 impossible, such as jumping over a 100-foot-
to 20 to that action. Normal, everyday actions, wide hole or making friends with a mindless
like talking, eating, and traveling around pile of goo. In these cases, no roll is allowed; the
don’t require a roll. If a character attempts Guide would simply tell the Player the action is
to do something that might involve some skill impossible.

Terms Used in the Game

Guide: Typically, an adult or an older kid game are linked to one of three Traits
who knows the rules, reveals the world to the (Smart, Sneaky, or Tough). The Helpful
Players, and controls the flow of the game. Trait is used to help friends with their
Player: A person who plays the role of a actions.
character who exists in the Starport world Ability: A special skill possessed by a Player
and describes the actions of that character. Character.
Player Character (PC): A fictional person Pet: A companion that gives special powers
in Starport controlled by a Player. The to a Player Character.
terms “Player” and “Player Character” can Token: A Player Character starts each
be used interchangeably. adventure with a number of Tokens
Non-Player Character (NPC): All people, associated with each Trait. Tokens are
Creatures and anything else living in primarily used to increase action rolls and
Starport besides the Player Characters. are used and lost throughout an adventure.
Non-Player Characters are controlled by Having zero Tokens in a Trait means the
the Guide. Player can no longer use actions associated
with that Trait which require an action roll.
Creature: A special type of NPC that
Player Characters encounter and Energy Points: Energy Points fully restore
sometimes defeat during adventures. all Tokens in all Traits to their maximum
Turn: In turn-based encounters, all Players
have a designated time when they can Action Roll: Any time a Player rolls a d20
describe a single action their character to see if a described action succeeds.
performs. This is a turn. Difficulty: The lowest number a Player
Round: In turn-based encounters, all needs on a roll for their Player Character to
Players and Creatures have a chance to act be successful at performing an action.
in one round. Coins: Currency used in Starport.
Trait: There are four Traits (Helpful, Smart, Equipment: Items that can be bought and
Sneaky, and Tough). All actions in the found in Starport.

Chapter 2

Chapter 2:
Playing the Game

Throughout an adventure,
there are two main
formats for how the
Players and Guide
interact. These two
formats are called “non-
turn-based encounters”
and “turn-based

Playing the Game

Non-turn-based encounter example

Guide: OK, you collected your reward, and Guide: “Well take a look at the list.
now you’re back in Starport city. What do you Everything here is for sale”.
want to do? The guide hands the equipment list to the
Angel: I want to go to the Equipment Shop Players, and they mull it over for a few
and spend my Coins minutes, looking at the pictures, the cost
of each item and asking the guide for help
Orion: I want to go to the Kid’s Club.
reading the descriptions when needed. Blaze
Remember that boy who told us he likes
and Orion each buy something, adjust their
collecting books? We found some books on our
Coin totals on their character sheets and say
adventure, and I want to bring them to him.
thanks to Bardo.
Blaze: I want to go to the Equipment Shop
Angel: Hi Bardo, I have 19 coins, but I want to
too! buy a Hoverboard, and it costs 20. Can you
Guide: OK, so what will you do? give me a small discount because we’re friends,
Blaze: How about we split up? Orion goes to pleeease!
the Kid’s Club, and we go to the Equipment Guide: Roll a d20, Angel. It’s not a big
Shop. discount, so it’s an average difficulty of 10 to
Orion: I’d rather stay together in case persuade Bardo to give you a discount.
something happens. I’ll go to the Equipment Angel rolls a 14 and succeeds.
Shop first with you. Guide: “Well I guess I can make an exception
Guide: You walk into the Equipment Shop, this time,” says Bardo. “Come again anytime.
and you see the store owner, Bardo, whom Where are you heading next might I ask?”
you’ve met before. “Welcome friends! What Orion: We’re going to the Kid’s Club.
can I do for you today?” Guide: “Oh the Kid’s Club, how wonderful! I
Blaze: Hi Bardo, we have a lot more Coins heard they’re doing an activity about the solar
now, what can we buy? system today. It should be fun!”

Non-turn-based encounters their Player Characters are genuinely in an

open world where they can do anything.
This type of encounter happens any time
the Players are freely exploring the world of
Starport. Players can visit locations in the city, Turn-based encounters
meet people, buy things, plan an escape and
As the name suggests, these encounters have
do many other activities in the open world a set turn order, with every Player having
of Starport. It’s important to encourage all a chance to act. At the beginning of these
Players to participate in these encounters, and encounters, the Guide sets the turn order
not let one Player do all the talking. The time by having every Player roll a d20 and act
between adventures when Players are free in descending order. This encounter type
to explore is an essential part of the game. It’s is used any time the Player Characters
during these times that kids get to feel like are trying to overcome a challenge in

Chapter 2
which the Guide would like to give each
player a turn to act. Turn-based encounters
There are no game boards and no
commonly take place when the Player
tactical movement in Starport, so unless
Characters start an interaction with a Creature
there is a physical obstacle between a
they need to defeat. The Guide triggers a
Player Character and where they want
turn-based encounter by saying, “Everyone,
to go, moving does not use a turn.
roll a d20 to see who goes first.”

Turn-based encounter example

Guide: Your group comes to the end of a Guide: OK, it’s a difficulty of 10 (again, the
hallway and standing in front of a large metal robot is not very smart, so this might just work).
door is a Robot with waiving arms. In a robotic Orion rolls a 1.
voise, it says, “You may not pass”. Everyone, roll
a d20 to see who goes first. Guide: Your roll fails, Orion. You can increase
your roll by +1 for every Smart Token used by
Blaze – 18, Angel – 11, Orion – 7. you or Helpful Token used by your friends.
Blaze: I use my Freeze Wand and try to Freeze it! Orion: I don’t use any Tokens.
Guide: OK, roll a d20, it’s a difficulty of 10. Guide: The robot launches a net at Angel. She
Blaze rolls a 7. loses a Token and misses her next turn because
Guide: Blaze, would you like to use three she’s caught in a net. Angel, you can use one
Sneaky Tokens to increase your roll to a 10? Sneaky Token to avoid losing a turn.
The Sneaky Trait is used for all ranged actions. Angel: I don’t have any Sneaky Tokens left.
Your friends can also use Helpful Tokens to an Blaze: I use my Freeze Wand again.
increase your roll by +1 for every Helpful Token
used. Guide: OK, Blaze, go ahead and roll a d20.
You need a 10.
Blaze: No, I’ll save my Tokens.
Blaze rolls an 8.
Angel: I try to convince the robot there is
danger in the other room and it should go Blaze: I’ll use one Sneaky Token. Can someone
investigate. use a Helpful Token to get me up to a 10?

Guide: OK, roll a d20, it’s a difficulty of 10 (the Angel: I’ll use a Helpful Token!
robot is not very smart, so this might just work). Guide: You finally succeed. A shower of ice
Angel rolls a 2. covers the Robot. All its gears freeze, and it’s
totally disabled.
Guide: Your roll fails, Angel. You can increase
your roll by +1 for every Smart Token you use.
The Smart Trait is used for all actions involving
clever ideas, not physical action. Your friends You can use Tokens to boost action
can also use Helpful Tokens to an increase your rolls – notice the Guide in this example
roll by +1 for every Helpful Token used. You asks the Players if they would like to
need to use 8 Tokens to succeed. use Tokens to boost action rolls. Allow
Players to first see their roll result
Angel: That’s too many! No thanks. and then use Tokens to increase the roll
Orion: I try to make friends with the robot. to a success if they wish to do so.

Playing the Game
Typical actions in Tokens
a single turn Player Characters get Tokens that represent
Players will often describe several actions they their levels in each Trait. The more Tokens
would like to do on their turn. For example, they have in a given Trait, the more they can
“I want to drink my Potion of Flight, fly up increase action rolls associated with that Trait.
the cliff and tell a joke to the Joke Troll.” At the beginning of each adventure Player
It’s up to the Guide to break down the Characters start off with a number of Tokens
Player’s description into actions that can be based on where they chose to place their
accomplished in one turn. Below are examples Tokens during character creation as well as
of typical actions that can be completed in a any additional tokens gained from equipment,
turn. Ultimately the Guide decides what counts pets, or leveling up. During the adventure,
as an action and what can be achieved in a Player Characters use Tokens to increase rolls
single turn. and help succeed on actions.
√ Persuade an NPC If a Player uses all their Tokens in a given Trait,
they automatically fail any future action that
√ Use a wand or throw something
requires a roll associated with that Trait. For
√ Climb, jump, swim or overcome an example, if a Player has used all their Sneaky
obstacle Tokens and they attempt to use their Stink
√ Hide or defend Wand on a group of Creatures (an action that
requires a Sneaky action roll), the Guide would
√ Use a potion
tell them they can’t do it because they have no
√ Use an ability more Sneaky Tokens. If a Player uses all their
Tokens in every Trait, this means they have
gotten tired and can’t use any actions that
Traits require rolls. They must use an energy point to
restore all their Tokens or go home and rest.
There are four Player Character Traits After some rest at home, Player Characters
√ Helpful regain all their Tokens and energy points.
Typically, rest at home happens between
√ Smart
adventures, but it’s possible the Players may
√ Sneaky want to retreat and go home for a rest in
√ Tough the middle of an adventure.
All Player Characters Players lose Tokens during the game
have different levels in for many reasons, such as boosting
each Trait. The number of action rolls or getting affected by
Tokens a Player Character Creature actions. Unless an action
possesses in a Trait or event calls for the loss of a
represents their level in that specific type of Token (such
Trait. If a Player Character as boosting a specific action
has 0 Tokens in a Trait, it roll), Players may choose
means that character may which Tokens their Player
not attempt any action Characters lose when the
rolls associated with that Guide tells them they have
Trait. See the next page lost a Token.
for Typical actions and
associated Traits.

Chapter 2
Typical actions and
The Guide should warn Players if associated Traits
they are ever about to use all their
Tokens in a given trait, leaving them Any time a Player wishes to perform an action,
with zero Tokens in the Trait. If a the Guide decides if an action roll is necessary.
Player uses all their Tokens in a given Every action roll is associated with a Trait. After
Trait, they may not even attempt to making an action roll and seeing the result,
make any action rolls associated with a Player then has the choice of using Tokens
that Trait. If they leave at least one to boost the action roll to a success. To boost
Token in the Trait, they may continue an action roll, a Player must use one or more
making action rolls associated with Tokens from that Trait, gaining +1 on the action
that Trait. roll for every Token they use. The list below can
help the Guide decide what Traits should be
associated with what types of action rolls.

Energy Points Helpful

This Trait is only used to
In addition to Tokens,
help other Players boost
Player Characters
action rolls. Any time a
have Energy Points.
Player makes an action
Spending 1 energy
roll for any reason, another
point allows a
Player may boost the result by
Player Character to
+1 for every Helpful Token used.
immediately restore
all Tokens.

Action Difficulty Guide

Managing the loss and gain of Player
Tokens is the key to managing a Difficulty 0 (automatic): Walk around
balanced and exciting game. town, talk with people.
If Players never come close to running Difficulty 5 (easy): Balance on a chair, jump
out of Tokens, the Guide should add over a small hole, climb a wall with a rope.
more encounters that will cause them Difficulty 10 (average): Climb a wall with
to lose or use Tokens. no rope; persuade a shop owner to give a
If Players are always running out of small discount.
Tokens and having to return home Difficulty 15 (hard): Break down a door or
for rest, the Guide should give them lock; swim in stormy water.
more equipment or energy points
Difficulty 20 (really hard): Convince
to increase their maximum Token
someone you’re actually an alien; tie up a
number and make their Tokens last
Difficulty 20 Creature so it won’t escape.
Difficulty 25 (nearly impossible): Jump
across a 30-foot hole; Fly through a tornado.

Playing the Game
Smart Tough
This Trait must be used any This Trait must be
time a Player Character used anytime a Player
performs an action related Character performs an
to using their mind or action requiring physical
attempting something clever. strength. Some suggested
Here are some suggested Smart Tough actions:
actions: √ Jumping, swimming, pushing, lifting,
√ Persuading or negotiating climbing
√ Making friends
√ Searching for something
√ Guessing if someone is lying
Degrees of success
√ Noticing something In some cases, an action might be easy to
perform but require skill to perform well, such
√ Fixing something
as tying a rope or playing an instrument. In
these cases, the Guide should have the Player
Sneaky make an action roll without telling them
This Trait must be used any set Difficulty. If they roll low (10 being
anytime a Player average), they simply do a poor job at the
Character performs an action, which might mean the rope they tied
action requiring dexterity comes apart, or the people they’re playing for
or coordination. Some cringe.
suggested Sneaky actions:
√ Throwing something
√ Using a ranged item like a wand
Hiding & Defending
√ Moving fast or performing quick actions Sometimes when facing one or more Creatures
in a turn-based encounter, a Player doesn’t
√ Sneaking, moving silently, or hiding
want to perform an action on their turn that
√ Balancing or performing acrobatic affects a Creature, and they decide to focus on
actions hiding or defending themselves. In these cases,
the Player must make a Sneaky (hide) or
Tough (defend) roll (Difficulty = the Difficulty
of the Creature(s)). If they succeed, the
Creature(s) can’t target them with any abilities
this round. If facing multiple Creatures, they
might succeed in hiding from one Creature, but
not another, depending on their roll result.

Chapter 3

Chapter 3:
Character Building

This section introduces rules and customization options for building Player Characters in
the Starport game. Before starting the Player Character creation process, the Guide should
print out a character sheet for each Player. The character sheet can be found at the end of
this book.

6 Player Character Creation Steps

layers (5 or
For young p in
ip steps 3-6
years old) sk cess
c h a ra c te r building pro 1. Choose a picture and name
the oung
e sc ri b e d b e low. With y
Guide should 2. Choose Tokens
players, the laying
c u s m o re o n the role-p
e game and
less 3. Choose an Ability
aspects of th d
C h a ra c te r building an
o n
n. As long a
s 4. Give Starting Coins
customizatio n
h a v e To kens, they ca
Play e rs tions 5. Buy a Pet
e rf o rm a ll necessary ac
p eir
ters during th
and encoun 6. Buy Equipment

Character Building
1. Choose a picture and name twenty or more Coins, so they have more
purchase options up front. If running multiple
There are several Player adventures, it’s better to start by giving five
Character sample Coins, as Player Characters will earn and find
pictures at the end of this more Coins throughout their adventures.
book, but Guides and
Players should feel free 5. Buy a Pet
to use any image they
want. Each Player should Pets are friendly Creatures that hang out with
come up with a unique the Player Characters, give them advice, and
name for their Character and write it at the keep them on track during adventures. Pets
top of their character sheet. also provide their owners with special benefits
described in the Pets section on page 15. A
2. Choose Tokens Player does not have to buy a pet and may
only have one pet at a time.
Each Player starts the game by choosing
ten Tokens. They can select their ten Tokens 6. Buy Equipment
from any combination of Traits. For example,
they can choose ten Tough Tokens or four Buying equipment is a
Helpful and six Smart Tokens. If using physical, great way to use Coins
printed Tokens, Players can take their Tokens; and improve Player
otherwise, Players should record their Tokens Character power as they
on their character sheets. adventure. Players start
the game by using their
Coins to buy whatever
equipment they’d like
The Guide should inform Players that from the Equipment
if they choose to place zero Tokens in section on page 18.
a Trait, they may not use any actions
associated with that Trait. Player Characters can
carry up to five items at any time. A
backpack or magical backpack allows them to
carry more.
3. Choose an Ability
Players start the game by choosing an ability Buying equipment is a great way to
from the abilities section found later in this introduce Players to Starport and
chapter. Players can also select additional help them understand that their
abilities at later levels (see Experience and Player Characters are in an open
Leveling on page 24). world where they literally can do
anything, go anywhere, and interact
4. Give Starting Coins with anyone. The Starport Equipment
Shop is a great place to shop where
Coins represent currency in Starport, and Players can find all of the items on
Player Characters start the game with at the Equipment List. Give Players their
least five Coins. The exact amount is up to starting Coins and set them loose in
the Guide. If running a one-shot adventure, the city to go shopping!
the Guide should give Player Characters

Chapter 3
Abilities Strong
Player Characters start the game by choosing Get +2 on all Tough action rolls. This ability
one ability found in this section. They can gain does not require you to use a turn. It is always
multiple abilities as they level up (see the active.
experience points and leveling table later in
this chapter). Clever
In most cases, using an ability takes a turn, so
Get +2 on all Smart action rolls. This ability
during turn-based encounters using an ability
does not require you to use a turn. It is always
forgoes a Player’s turn. During non-turn-based
encounters, Players can freely use abilities as
much as they’d like.
X-Ray Vision Get +2 on all Sneaky action rolls. This ability
does not require you to use a turn. It is always
You can see through any wall that is one-foot
thick or less.

Protection Illusion
Make a holographic illusion of anything. The
No Creatures can affect you with any abilities
illusion lasts for one minute.
for one round.

Genie Confusion
You can spend 3 Smart Tokens and cause
A Genie appears. It knows everything and will
any one Creature to be confused. You
truthfully answer one question for every Smart
automatically gain one success towards
Token you use.
defeating the creature and
if it requires more than
Mind Hand one success to defeat, it
Move any non-living object you can see (100 does something crazy or
pounds or less) with your mind. random on its next turn.

Smash Teleport
Break any door, chest, box or another small Immediately
object. transport you and
your friends to any
place in Starport
you have
Change yourself to look like any other NPC of physically
a similar size as you. You don’t gain the abilities visited
of an NPC you change into. before.

Character Building
Pets are companions with special powers Chomper
to help Player Characters. Pets also act as Cost: 1 Coin
helpful allies in the game. They help Players
move through the game when they are stuck
and sometimes give them suggestions for
overcoming problems or making choices. +1 to your
The Guide should roleplay pets. Pets have maximum
their own feelings and desires, so they can Helpful
sometimes disagree with their owners, but Tokens.
usually, pets try their best to help their owners.
A Player Character may only have one pet at
a time. If the Player decides to get a new pet,
the current pet runs away.

Trio Scrappy
Cost: 1 Coin Cost: 1 Coin

+1 to your
+1 to your maximum
maximum Sneaky
Smart Tokens. Tokens.

Mini Bull Crystal Bug

Cost: 1 Coin Cost: 5 Coins

+1 to your
maximum Tough
+1 to your Tokens.
maximum Every time you level
Tough up while Crystal Bug
Tokens. is your pet, it
makes a small
crystal worth 3

Chapter 3

Shifty Scout
Cost: 5 Coins Cost: 6 Coins
+1 to your
+1 to your maximum
maximum Smart
Smart Tokens. Tokens.
Shifty can +1 to your
turn into a maximum
duplicate of Sneaky
you for Tokens.
1 minute. Scout can

Spiky Proto
Cost: 10 Coins Cost: 20 Coins
+1 to your maximum Helpful Tokens.
+1 to your maximum Smart Tokens.
+1 to your maximum
+4 to your Sneaky Tokens.
maximum +1 to your
Helpful maximum
Tough Tokens.
Proto can fly.
You can see and
hear what Proto
sees and hears.

Blank Pet Cards

Part of what makes Starport amazing
is the ability to create a fantasy world
together among the Guide and Players.
The following pet descriptions have been
left blank so the Guide and/or Players
can create their own custom pets.

Character Building

Cost: Coins Cost: Coins

Cost: Coins Cost: Coins

Cost: Coins Cost: Coins

Chapter 3
All of the equipment shown here can be bought
at the Starport equipment shop. Equipment can
also be found in different places while Player
Characters are adventuring. This list is not meant
The items marked
to be an exhaustive list of items that can be found
with a star are
in Starport, so if Players want to buy something
consumable and can
else, it’s up to the Guide to decide if they can find
only be used once
it and how much it costs.
each time they are
Player Characters may have up to five pieces purchased.
of equipment unless they have a Backpack or
Magical Backpack that allows them to carry more.

Flashlight Rope and

Cost: 1 Coin Grappling Hook
Cost: 1 Coin

Used to climb
up walls, cliffs,
buildings, and
other structures.
Lets you see in the dark.

Net Backpack
Cost: 1 Coin Cost: 2 Coins

Used to capture or trap

Creatures from Can hold up to
a distance. 10 pieces of
A net can only equipment.
be used on
1 Creature at
a time.

Character Building

Magical Backpack Magical Paintbrush

Cost: 5 Coins Cost: 10 Coins

Can hold
unlimited pieces You can paint a picture
of equipment. of any non-living thing
on a wall or ground,
and that picture
will become real
for 1 minute.

Potion of Energy Potion of Protection

Cost: 5 Coins Cost: 5 Coins

Pouring this After pouring

potion over this potion over
your head your head, the
restores all next time a
your Tokens. Creature uses
an ability that
affects you, it

Potion of Flight Potion of Invisibility

Cost: 5 Coins Cost: 5 Coins

After pouring After pouring

this potion this potion
over your over your
head, you head, you
can fly are invisible
for one for 1 minute.

Chapter 3

Potion of Power Magic Shovel

Cost: 5 Coins Cost: 3 Coins

After pouring
this potion over If you stick this shovel in
your head, the ground, you can
each Token you magically make a
use gives you 10-foot x 10-foot hole
+2 instead of +1 in front of you.
for 1 minute.

Hoverboard Super Duper Glue

Cost: 20 Coins Cost: 2 Coins
The Hoverboard lets you fly.
Every time you ride
the Hoverboard,
you must succeed Glue any two things
on a Difficulty 5 together permanently.
Sneaky roll or
fall off.

Freeze Wand Shock Wand

Cost: 15 Coins Cost: 15 Coins

You use the Freeze Wand from a You use the Shock Wand from a distance
distance by making a Sneaky roll. by making a Sneaky roll. When you use
If you use the Freeze Wand on a the Shock Wand always add +1 to your
Creature and succeed on your Sneaky Sneaky roll. If you use the Shock Wand
roll, you gain one success towards on a Creature and succeed on your
defeating the Creature, and the Sneaky roll, you gain one success towards
Creature also misses its next turn. defeating the Creature.

Character Building

Helpful Wand Stink Wand

Cost: 10 Coins Cost: 15 Coins

You use the Helpful Wand from a You use the Stink Wand from a distance
distance by making a Sneaky roll. by making a Sneaky roll. You can use
If you use the Helpful Wand on a the Stink Wand on all the Creatures you
Creature and succeed on your Sneaky can see, with one Sneaky roll. If you
roll, you gain one success towards succeed on your Sneaky roll against any
defeating the Creature, and you can Creature, you gain one success towards
restore 1 lost Helpful Token. defeating that Creature.

Earthquake Hammer Helpful Helmet

Cost: 40 Coins Cost: 10 Coins
You slam this hammer on the ground and
create an earthquake that affects all the
Creatures you can see, +2 to your
with one action roll. If maximum
you succeed on your Helpful
action roll against any Tokens.
Creature, you gain
one success towards
defeating that Creature,
and that Creature
misses its next turn.

Smart Helmet Tough Helmet

Cost: 10 Coins Cost: 10 Coins

+2 to your +2 to your
maximum maximum
Smart Tokens. Tough

Chapter 3

Sneaky Ring Luck Ring

Cost: 10 Coins Cost: 50 Coins

Once per
+2 to your round, you
maximum may spend
Sneaky one Smart
Tokens. Token to avoid
the effects of
one Creature’s

Cloak of Hiding
Cost: 10 Coins

If you remain
perfectly still,
you automatically
succeed on action
rolls to hide.

Blank Equipment Cards

Similar to the pet section, the following
Equipment descriptions have been left
blank so the Guide and/or Players can
create their own custom equipment.

Character Building

Cost: Coins Cost: Coins

Cost: Coins Cost: Coins

Cost: Coins Cost: Coins

Chapter 3
Earning Experience Points
and Leveling To keep the game exciting,
it’s best to award enough
As Players complete adventures they gain experience
experience points for Player
points. Experience points allow Player Characters to
Characters to level up after
gain levels, giving them access to more Tokens and
every adventure or every
abilities as described in the following table. As Player
other adventure. If using the
Characters become more powerful, they will be able
optional journaling rule, the
to take on more daring adventures.
Guide should award Players
slightly fewer experience
points than would allow them
The Guide should award experience points to level up and tell them
at the end of adventures. Leveling up in the they will level up once they
middle of the adventure will stall play and can complete journal entries for
throw everyone out of the action. their Player Characters.

Experience Points Level Benefits

0 1 10 Tokens, 1 ability, 1 energy point

3 2 +2 Tokens

9 3 +2 Tokens, +1 ability

27 4 +2 Tokens

65 5 +2 Tokens, +1 ability

140 6 +2 Tokens

230 7 +2 Tokens, +1 ability

340 8 +2 Tokens

480 9 +2 Tokens, +1 ability

640 10 +2 Tokens

Character Building

Journaling (Optional Rule)

Journaling is a great way to get kids excited about writing. After each adventure, the Players can
write journals about what happened to them in Starport from the perspective of their Player
Character. The Guide should award experience points to Players for writing journals. See a sample
journal below.

d ay, m e , B la ze, and Orion
nd in
ouse. Our frie
to explore a h
o rt lo st h e r pets and aske
h e lp fi n d th em. We found
us to
ro b o ts ta kin g the pets,
there were In
ll o w e d o n e into a house.
so we fo
h o u se , th e re were robots th
w e re p e ts to o and also a
thought we g
b o t. T h e re w as also a livin
friend ly ro s.
c h est th at stole our coin
treasu re
u n d g o ld e n letters in the
We fo r.
e d u s o p e n a trapped doo
that help ed
d th e p e ts be hind the trapp
We foun
r. W e w e n t b a ck to Starport
ip m e nt w ith our coins. It
got new eq u
m e ! I lo ve living in Starpo
was aweso
- Angel

Chapter 4

Chapter 4:
Starport is a fantasy world where Characters and
Creatures from all walks of life and all times, past,
present, and future come together to live their lives.
In Starport, anything can happen. One day you
might see a spaceship carrying aliens from a faraway
galaxy, and the next you might see a medieval knight
riding on a friendly dragon.

This section will help the Guide make Starport Each location description includes information
come alive for the Players. It provides about the typical inhabitants of the location as
numerous encounters within Starport for the well as exciting activities or short encounters for
Guide to use. Several places in Starport are the Guide to use when the Player Characters
designed to encourage the Player Characters visit the location. The Guide should use
to return before or after each adventure so these encounters to spice up the game and
they can regularly and freely interact with the make Starport a more interesting place for
people and activities in Starport. Player Characters to explore. Remember,
the encounters are suggestions. Not every
encounter needs to be available to Player
Characters. The Guide should choose what
encounters are available to the Player
Don’t let the descriptions in this book or places Characters on any given day.
labeled on the map limit you. Starport can be
as vast as you make it.

Town Hall Possible Encounters
Town Hall is the biggest building in Starport Town Hall is a great place for random
and is home to Starmere, the Queen of encounters with people in Starport. Each time
Starport. Read the following aloud to the the Player Characters visit Town Hall, the
Players the first time they enter: Guide may want to insert an encounter to
make things interesting. You should have the
Players meet NPC from their adventures here.
Sound echoes off the walls of the The Joke Troll – This is a Creature from the
large main room in this building. You Butterfly Blindness adventure found later in
can barely hear yourself think with this book. He loves telling and hearing jokes
all the commotion. A robot clanks by and is always laughing hysterically.
staring at you with glowing, green,

but friendly eyes, a small Space The Robot – It says it can make anything
Gnome is yelling at its pet, which is found in the Starport Equipment Shop. The
sleeping soundly on the floor, and a Player Characters must still pay Coins for
large troll with pink hair is laughing anything it makes, but they can persuade it to
hysterically in the corner by itself. give a discount.
A beautiful woman in an orange The Space Gnome – This gnome is actually
dress floats down the stairs and stops an intergalactic Cook. He offers to teach the
directly in front of you. “Hello visitors, Players how to bake a cake.
my name is Queen Starmere, the The Guide should role-play
ruler of Starport. Would you like to the gnome (who has a very
try a cookie?” high-pitched voice) and
actually bake a cake
with the Players (in the
real world). Award
Inhabitants Coins to the Players
for successfully
Starmere – The Queen and leader baking a cake.
of Starport. Everyone in Starport
respects Starmere. She is a smart,
kind, and excellent leader. She
always enjoys seeing the Player
Characters and usually invites
them in for cookies.
Other NPCs – Town Hall
is always filled with the
bustling activities of
dozens of NPCs. There
are cooks, cleaners,
craftsmen, and
visitors filling
Town Hall
every day.

Chapter 4
Equipment Shop Inhabitants
The Equipment Shop is the primary place Bardo – The Equipment Shop owner. Bardo is
in Starport where Player Characters can go a big, jolly man who is always wearing a hat,
to buy things that will help them on their even when he’s inside.
adventures. Read the following aloud to the
Players the first time they enter: Possible Encounters
Buy Goods – Player Characters most
Your eyes widen as you walk into this commonly come to the Equipment Shop to
shop and see shelves upon shelves of buy things. The Equipment Shop is always
trinkets, gadgets and magical items. selling everything on the Equipment List, and

Half of them are covered in dust and Player Characters can always try and persuade
make you sneeze as you walk past, Bardo to sell his goods for cheaper than their
the other half are shining like they listed price. Bardo might also have sales from
were just polished. A large man in time to time (such as buy 2 get 1 free).
a straw hat munches on an apple. Sell Goods – Player Characters can sell
He tries to talk with the apple in his equipment to Bardo. He buys equipment for
mouth and pieces fly everywhere, half the price shown on the equipment list
“Hello, friends! Bardo’s the name. (round up). He doesn’t buy any equipment
Welcome to my shop.” that costs 1 Coin.
Basement Slime – Bardo might ask the
Player Characters to clear the slime out of
his basement. There are 3-5 Slimes (see the
Creatures section) in his basement, and he
offers to pay the Player Characters 1 Coin each
to clear them out. He gives them a net to use
in capturing the Slime if they don’t already
have one.


Kids’ Club to go to the Kids Club and read their Player

Character’s journals to gain Experience Points.
The Kids’ Club is a place where many local
Book Donations – The kids here LOVE
kids in Starport gather to hang out every day.
collecting books. They will pay 1 Coin for every
Read the following aloud to the Players the
book a Player Character can bring them. In
first time they enter:
the pre-made Starport adventures, there are
some books lying around that can be collected
and sold here.
You feel like you just entered a
Learn something new – The Player
library. Shelves of books line the
Characters might arrive at the Kids’ Club in the
walls, and the place has a strong,

middle of a class and learn a fun fact.

old book smell. Kids are everywhere
walking around, sitting at tables
reading and chatting. You also see,
through the back window, a few
kids kicking a ball around. A
girl approaches you and says, Sample Fun Facts
“Welcome to the Kids’ Club, The planet Venus spins
do you have anything for backward.
us to read?” Cockroaches can
survive underwater
for up to 15 minutes.
Jellyfish sting even
Inhabitants when they are dead.
About 30 kids from all Dolphins can hear
over Starport hang out here sounds underwater
every day. They spend most of from up to 15 miles
their time reading and learning. away.
The first email was sent
Possible Encounters in 1971.
Read their Journals – If
you allow your Players to
write journals for experience
points, you might require them

Chapter 4
Game Room Math Games
The Game Room is run by a happy gamer The Guide should prepare worksheets with age-
named Jake. He loves to play games and appropriate math problems and/or games for
always has one or more games for the Player the Players to complete, either on their own or
Characters to play and earn Coins. Read the as a group. Award 1 or more Coins to a Player
following aloud to the Players the first time once a worksheet is 100% complete and correct.
they enter:

The Guide should limit the number of

games, and thus the number of Coins,
You see dozens of kids running
a Player Character is allowed to play
around playing all kinds of games
between adventures.
from board games to puzzles to

hoverboard races. You hear a squish

sound under your shoe as you step
on a sticky piece of candy. A girl
wearing a ninja headband rides
by you on a tricycle and tosses you Riddles are great, quick ways to challenge the
a handful of lollipops. A boy flying Players. Below are some sample riddles and
around on a hoverboard stops and answers.
hovers just in front of you. “My name √ I am blazing hot, and I give light. If
is Jake,” he says, “anyone up for a you get too close to me, you will not be
hoverboard race?” happy. (Answer: Fire)
√ I can be white or dark, I am sweet, and
you see me in cakes and cookies. What
am I? (Answer: Chocolate)
√ I am a very hot ball in
Jake – The Game Room Owner – Jake is a the sky. I twinkle and
teenager who LOVES playing all kinds of games. shine. What am I?
He rides around on a hoverboard and is always (Answer: A Star)
excited when the Player Characters arrive, √ I have a face and
asking them what games they want to play. hands but no body
or legs. I have twelve
Possible Encounters numbers.
What am I?
Games – Player Characters can come to the
game room any time to play games and
A Clock)
earn Coins between adventures. There are
many kinds of games in the Game Room, and
Players should find one or more games in the
Game Room every time they visit. The games
in the Game Room change all the time. Below
are sample games, but the Guide should feel
free to add any kind of game. The Game
Room is a great way to spark great interaction
and learning while playing Starport.

1. Which is the odd one out?
Puzzle Answers: ▸1. 13 ▸2. row 1 – 420 row 2 – 310 row 3 – 410, 515 row 4 – 405, 615, 720 ▸3. Square = 5, Heart = 4, Circle = 3

The Puzzles

2 4 13 8 The Guide should prepare age-

appropriate puzzles or brainteasers for
the Player Characters to complete, either
on their own or as a group. Award 1 or
more Coins to a Player Character once a
puzzle is 100% complete and correct.
2. Solve the number pattern and fill in the On tle left, there are some sample puzzles
missing numbers: and answers of different difficulties.

105 210 315 Other Games

205 415 520 Sometimes you don’t have time to prepare

anything and just want to play something fun.
Below are some simple games that can be
305 620 played without any preparation.
“The Guide Says”
510 The Guide states an action and says the phrase
“The Guide says” in front of each action statement.
The Players must perform the action as quickly as
possible. For example, “The Guide says touch your
3. What is the value of each shape?
ears,” and all Players quickly touch their ears. The
Guide repeats this pattern stating several actions
but eventually does not say, “The Guide says”
■ ● ♥♥ = 16 in front of the action. Any Player who moves to
perform an action that does not start with “The
Guide says” is out. Continue playing until one
■ ● ● ● = 14 Player is left and award a Coin to the winner.
“I See the Color”

♥♥ ● ■ = 16 The Guide says, “I see the color…” and then names a

color that can be seen in the room. The Players try to
guess the thing that the Guide is referring to. If they

■ ■ ■ ■ = 20 guess correctly within 20 guesses, they earn 1 Coin.

Hoverboard Race
Jake loves to race on his hoverboard and often
= 19 = 15 = 15 = 17 asks if anyone wants to race. Only a Player
Character with a hoverboard can race. To beat
Jake in a race, a Player must make 5 Sneaky rolls
and roll 15 or higher on at least 3 of the 5 rolls.
As always, the Player can use Sneaky Tokens to
■= ●= ♥= increase a roll up to 15. If a Player wins a race
against Jake, he gives them 1 Coin. A Player can
only race Jake once between adventures.

Chapter 4
Newsroom Possible Encounters
The Newsroom is home to Yooli the magical Help wanted – The Newsroom has a board
Postman. Yooli spends his time here when he is hung on the wall where people in Starport
not delivering messages around Starport. News can post advertisements looking for help. Any
from all over the Starport universe arrives at of the three pre-made adventures found in
the Newsroom so it can be a fascinating place. this book and any of the encounters listed in
Read the following aloud to the Players the the location descriptions of this chapter can be
first time they enter: posted here. Below are some simple tasks that
people need help with around Starport. Don’t
let these limit your imagination as to what
It looks like confetti is falling from the Players might find posted here. The Player
the ceiling of this room, and then you Characters can get in contact with anyone
realize its not confetti. It’s hundreds posting an ad by giving a message to Yooli.
of letters spilling from tubes in the
ceiling. None of the letters ever reach
the ground. A man suddenly appears You should

out of nowhere floating in the air. I n gredient make the
He gathers up a bunch of letters and Baking ded!
nee Players defeat
disappears in a flash of light, only to pecial
ng a s ower
one or more
ba k i
reappear a moment later to gather I am a fl Slime Eaters
up another batch. Once all the letters ke a n d need s in the
ca ow and/or Belchers
nly gr oin
have been gathered a flash of light that o will give 1 C in the swamp
.I ps.
appears right in front of you, and swamp e w ho hel before finding
o n
there he is, a skinny, smiling man, “a to any the flower.
wonderful day to you my neighbors.
I’m Yooli, the only Postman Starport
will ever need. What are you looking
for today? Help
spac build m
eshi y
loo p!
Inhabitants peo
This ad was posted ple king fo
by a funny wizard b uild to h r
m y elp
Yooli – The Postman. I will s m e
give paceshi
who needs
Yooli delivers letters a nyon 1 p
e w Coin t .
help to build
and important news all h o
his spaceship. o he
over Starport. Yooli is lps.
After the Player
a magical postman and Characters meet the
can teleport anywhere he wizard and start working on
wants in Starport to deliver his his spaceship, have them make a
messages and packages. If you series of Smart, Tough, and Sneaky rolls, as it
want to send a letter to someone takes all of these skills to build a ship. Have
in Starport, all you need to do is them each roll 5 times for each Trait. They
say Yooli’s name three times, and must achieve a result of 12 or more 3 times
he appears to take your message. If out of 5 in each trait to earn their Coin. They
you summon him and don’t have a may use Tokens to buff rolls as normal.
letter to send, he gets angry.

Pet Shop Possible Encounters
The Pet Shop is the only place in Starport Buy Pets – The most common reason to visit
where you can buy pets. The Pet Shop is filled the Pet Shop is to buy a pet. Player Characters
with the sounds of many cute pets. The pets can buy any pet on the Pet List.
all love living in the pet shop, so there are no Pet Round Up – Every once in a while, Avi
cages; all the pets are playing everywhere needs to round up her pets so she can put
in and around the shop. Read the following them to bed or clean the store. Rounding up
aloud to the Players the first time they enter: the pets is quite a lot of work and can be fairly
challenging. Avi asks the Player Characters to
help her round up the pets. To round up the
Before you even walk into this shop,
pets, have the Players take turns describing
you can see pets running and flying
how they try and catch the pets, making
around everywhere. Some look like
appropriate action rolls for each. Any time a
alien creatures, and some seem cute
Player rolls higher than a 15, they catch one
and cuddly. There are toys, food,
pet. Do this for however many rounds you’d
and anything else you can imagine
like or until each Player has rounded up at
pets would love. All kinds of strange
least one pet. Avi gives 1 Coin to each Player

smells are whirling in the air, and

Character as long as they round up at least
you don’t even want to know what
one pet.
some of those smells are coming
from. A pink lady-bug-looking pet
with large feathers as eyebrows flies
past you, blowing you back a few
steps. Chasing close behind is a Space
Gnome riding a flying cat. The cat
suddenly stops as it flies in front of
you and hovers in the air. The
Space Gnome takes off her
eye goggles and talks to
you in a super high-
pitched voice. “Hi, hi, hi.
Are you looking for a
pet? My name is Avi.”

Avi – The Pet Shop owner. Avi is a small Space
Gnome who is only about a foot tall. She has
lots of energy and talks really fast, sometimes
too fast to hear. Avi flies around Starport
on her magical flying cat. She loves her pets
dearly and when a Player Character buys one
she asks lots of question about how they will
take care of the pet to make sure the pet will
have a good home.

Chapter 4
Port of Stars
Starport wouldn’t be any sort of port without
the Port of Stars. This is the place where all
of Starport’s visitors and shipments come and
go. On any given day you might see a hot
air balloon, a magical flying boat, or even a
spaceship. Read the following aloud to the
Players the first time they visit:

A massive spaceship slowly floats

over your head as hundreds of aliens
crawl over its surface preparing to
unload supplies. An armored knight
is feeding his dragon in preparation Possible Encounters
to take off. The dragon is covered
Help repair my flying machine – A teenage
with straps and bags holding all
boy with bright red hair and baggy orange
kinds of food and equipment from
pants needs help repairing his flying machine.
Starport. It looks at you and lets

Have Players take turns making Smart

out a grumbling roar before turning
or Tough rolls (Difficulty 15). If the Players
back to its food. A woman on a
achieve five successes they succeed in fixing the
flying broomstick is pulling a hot
spaceship and the boy gives them each 1 Coin.
air balloon by a rope towards its
If they fail five rolls before they achieve five
landing site. She ties the balloon to
successes, the boy gets frustrated with all their
the railing and yells at the riders, “Set
mistakes and asks them to leave. Of course,
her down here!” She flies towards
Players can use Tokens to buff rolls as usual.
you on her broom. “Welcome to
the Port of Stars!” she yells to Garbage Collection – The Starport garbage
you over the commotion and robot parks its garbage collector (which is
activity happening all around. basically a flying garbage truck) in the Port
“I’m quite busy, but please feel of Stars. Today the garbage robot needs
free to look around and some time to repair its circuits, and it
ask me if you need asks the Player Characters to make
anything!” a garbage collection run. There are
10 stops on the garbage run. At each
stop, the Characters must make one
Smart Action Roll, one Sneaky Action
Inhabitants Roll, and one Tough Action Roll (all
Difficulty 15). They must decide who
Malinda – The Port attempts each Action Roll at each
Master. Malinda is always stop. If they miss two out of the
busy. She flies around the Port three rolls at any given stop, they
of Stars on her magical flying accidentally spill the garbage.
broom, yelling directions to The garbage robot will give
ship captains and workers. She is the group one Coin for every
always very serious and never has garbage pickup stop where
much time to talk. they spilled no trash.

Laboratory the sand, and you should have the Players
discuss their ideas allowing them to try whatever
The Laboratory is run by a group of kid they want, assigning appropriate action rolls to
geniuses. They spend all day, every day whatever they decide. If a Player Character tries
working on chemistry projects. Read the to hold their breath for a long time and swim
following aloud to the Players the first time against the strong river current to get the sand,
they enter: it will be difficult. To get the Sun Sand in this
way a Player must succeed on three consecutive
Tough rolls (Difficulty 15). The scientists will give
Your eyes water, your nose tingles, the Player Characters each one Coin if they
and your hair stands on end as you successfully bring them the Sun Sand.
walk into a laboratory filled with Potion Test – The kid scientists have been

bubbling bottles. Several kids in experimenting with some new potions, but they
white lab coats rush past you, spilling mixed up the potions and don’t know which
some gooey slim on your shirt. The one is which. The only way for them to find out
massive structure of glass tubes and which potion is which is to pour each one on
bottles looks like it could break at someone’s head and see what they do. They are
any moment, spilling its colorful too nervous to try themselves and offer to pay
liquid contents everywhere. One very the Player Characters one Coin for every potion
serious looking boy walks over to you they try. Below are some options for what some
and says, “can I help you?” potions do. Of course, you should feel free to
create your own funny potion descriptions.
√ Blue Potion: Permanently turn your skin
Inhabitants blue.
At any given time, 5-10 kid scientists are √ Pink Potion: You turn into floating fairy
working on a complex chemistry project. dust for 1 minute.
√ Green Potion: Your legs turn into frog
Possible Encounters legs for 1 minute, and you can jump twice
as far.
Buy Potions – Have the players all roll a
d20. For every result of 15 or more, they see √ Purple Potion: You can turn into a
1 random potion from the equipment list puddle of water for 1 minute.
(Energy, Protection, Flight, Invisibility, or √ Black Potion: You immediately lose 5
Power) lying around the lab. If the Player Tokens.
Characters ask about the potion(s), they can
√ Red Potion: You immediately restore all
get them for 1 Coin less than at the Equipment
tokens (just like an Energy Potion).
Shop if they succeed on a DC 10 Smart roll to
persuade the scientists to sell them.
Find Chemistry Ingredients – The
kid scientists need a special kind of
sand (called Sun Sand) for their next
project. The sand can only be found at
the bottom of the Starport River. They
give the Player Characters a bottle and
ask them if they can fill it with the Sun
Sand. There are many ways to retrieve

Chapter 4
Starville Possible Encounters
Starville is the largest residential area of Running Errands – Jessie, one of their friends,
Starport. It’s almost like a small town within asks the Player Characters to go to the store
Starport. Here you will find many residents in Starville and buy a list of items for his apple
living happily in a close-knit community. It also pies. He gives them 15 coins and says they can
may be where the Player Characters Live. On keep whatever Coins they don’t use. To save
any given day you will see children playing, money, the Players must succeed on Smart
merchants selling and trading goods, farmers rolls to bargain with the shop owners. The
working, and neighbors helping each other. chart below shows the items on Jessie’s list, the
Read the following aloud to the Players the initial cost of each piece as well as the Smart
first time they visit: rolls they need to achieve to lower the price
accordingly. Allow each Player to make a
Smart roll to bargain for each item taking the
An elderly woman is wagging her highest result. As always, Smart and Helpful
finger at a man standing behind Tokens can be used to buff rolls.
a vegetable stand, bargaining

Community Planning – The residents of

for a lower price on his Starville are always doing things to build joy
carrots. Crowds of people in the community, and today they are doing
walk back and forth past a planning activity in which the community
her as they go about their residents can design a new building, park, or
daily business, shopping monument for Starville. Give your Players craft
at the open market in items and have them design anything they’d
Starville square under a like to add to Starville. It doesn’t necessarily
sunny sky. Homes surround have to be anything elaborate – a pencil and
the busy central market, and paper will also work. This is a great activity to
you see residents sitting on get your Players involved in creating their own
their porches chatting with visions of Starport. The Community planner
neighbors as they walk by. awards each Player Character one Coin for
their help in the project.

Difficulty 15 Difficulty 18 Difficulty 21

Item Initial Cost
Smart Roll Smart Roll Smart Roll

100 Apples 6 Coins 5 Coins 4 Coins 3 Coins

10 Pie Crusts 3 Coins No discount 2 Coins 1 Coin

5 Bags of Sugar 2 Coins No discount 1 Coin Free

2 Pie Tins 2 Coins No discount 1 Coin Free

2 Bags of Cinnamon 2 Coins No discount 1 Coin Free


Swamp Possible Encounters

The Starport Swamp is a dreary and wet The Lost Dinosaur – The Player Characters
place where creepy crawly things like to live. run into a talking dinosaur. It is friendly and
If Players decide to wander around in the got lost playing in the swamp. It is looking
Swamp, you should have them encounter for its cave. The Players can find its cave by
random Creatures from the Creatures chapter. taking turns making Smart Action Rolls. Every
Read the following aloud to the Players the time they roll a 15 or more, they find a clue to
first time they visit: getting the dinosaur home (maybe a footprint
or a familiar tree). They need 5 successes to
find the dinosaur’s home. They can continue
Your feet sink down into the squishy, taking turns rolling as long as it takes. As a

soggy moss on the ground of the reward, the dinosaur gives them bones and
swamp. Stinky smells come from meat. Unfortunately, it doesn’t have any Coins.
giant mushrooms covered with bugs. Find a Pet – The Players run into a wild pet
All kinds of beautiful and scary (one of the pets from the pet list). If they tame
looking plants cover the ground, and the pet, they can keep it. To Tame the pet, a
you can’t tell if you should eat them Player must succeed on a Smart roll (Difficulty
or if they will eat you. 20). This will be a difficult task. Only let each
Player roll once before the pet runs away.
Randomly choose the order the Players can roll.

Chapter 4
Forest successfully pull down the elf. But there are also
1 or more Alien Bugs crawling around in the
The Forest is a place of mysterious magic web. The Player Characters can see the bugs.
and beautiful scenery. If Players decide to If they also succeed on a Sneaky roll (Difficulty
wander around in the Forest, you should have 10), they can get down the elf without the
them encounter random Creatures from the bug(s) seeing; otherwise, the bug(s) come to
Creatures chapter. Read the following aloud to try and capture the Player Characters too, and
the Players the first time they visit: they will need to defeat the bug(s).
Find a Pet – The Players run into a wild pet
(one of the pets from the pet list). If they tame

Butterflies flutter past your face the pet, they can keep it. To tame the pet, a
and beams of sunlight illuminate Players must succeed on a Smart roll (Difficulty
sparkling dust floating down from 20). This will be a difficult task. Only let each
the treetops. Bright red flowers burst Player roll once before the pet runs away.
from behind leafy green trees, and Randomly choose the order the Players can roll.
you can smell the sweet flower nectar
mixed with the lush green leaves.

Possible Encounters
Bug Web Rescue – The Player Characters
come across a small elf caught in a giant
web. The web was made by some Alien Bugs.
The Elf begs the Player Characters to help
him escape. A Tough roll (Difficulty 10) can

Mountains metal down it turns into a small hut complete
with a bedroom, fireplace, and kitchen. You
The Starport Mountains are barren and rocky. can sometimes see Hem’s home hanging off the
If Players decide to wander around in the side of a cliff, on top of a mountain, or in a low
Mountains, you should have them encounter valley. He is always moving around. The Player
random Creatures from the Creatures Characters can run into Hem in the Mountains.
chapter. Before going to the Mountains Player If they do, here are some possible encounters
Characters should be prepared with ropes, with him.
grappling hooks and lots of Tough Tokens.
Hem asks the Player Characters to help carry
You should have players regularly make
some supplies to his home, which is high up a
Tough rolls of varying difficulties as they climb
cliff. The Players need to collectively succeed
the mountains. If they don’t have ropes and
on 10 Tough rolls (Difficulty 10) to get the
grappling hooks, it will be difficult for them
supplies to his house.
to succeed on many of these rolls. Read the
following aloud to the Players the first time The Player Characters meet Hem walking in
they visit: the mountains. He is about to place his home
down, but he needs to clear out space first.
The characters can help him clear an area
and then see him place his magical home and

Dust swirls up around you and

makes you sneeze. You can’t see any watch it grow. No skill rolls are necessary.
plants, only rocks, pebbles, and dirt Hem asks the Player Characters to capture a
as you climb over a large boulder. Bultar for him. He gives them a bag with 10 nets.
The largest peak in the mountains The characters must climb up to the top of a
is glowing with red hot lava and mountain and defeat a Bultar using the nets to
threatens to spill at any moment. capture it and bring back to Hem. He awards
them each with one Coin if they succeed.
Volcano Eruption – This is an escape
encounter. The volcano in the mountains
Possible Encounters starts to erupt, and the lava is flowing quickly
towards the Player Characters. They must
Hem’s Moving Home make Sneaky and Tough rolls to quickly
– The Mountains are navigate down the mountains to safety. Have
home to a strange the Players begin taking turns making rolls. On
dwarf named each turn, they roll both a Sneaky and Tough
Hem. Hem is a roll (Difficulty 8). If they miss either roll, they
nomadic dwarf get burned by some lava or flying hot rocks.
that rarely leaves Have them all roll three to five times giving
the Mountains. vivid descriptions of the burning lava to add
Hem carries a suspense and danger to the encounter.
giant chunk of
Find a Pet – The Players run into a wild pet
metal on his
(one of the pets from the pet list). If they tame
back. This is not
the pet, they can keep it. To tame the pet, a
any standard
Player Character must succeed on a Smart roll
metal, it is
(Difficulty 20). This will be a difficult task. Only
actually his
let each Player roll once before the pet runs
home. When
away. Randomly choose the order the Players
he puts the
can roll.

Chapter 4
River them a lift anywhere along the river and in
return asks them to bring him some food from
The Starport River is used by all residents and the Starville market.
visitors for swimming, fishing, boating, and
Whirlpool – If the Players go for a swim in the
cleaning. Some parts of the river have strong,
river they get caught in a sudden whirlpool. If
rough flowing water while other parts are
this happens, they will each need to succeed on
calm. Read the following aloud to the Players
three Tough rolls (Difficulty 10) to escape. If they
the first time they visit:
roll lower than 10, then they keep swirling in the
Whirlpool, but they never drown. Have them
continue rolling until they successfully make

The water is crystal clear and

sparkling blue. Several people three rolls that are 10 or higher to escape.
are floating in boats on the river, Sunken Treasure – The Player Characters
leisurely fishing as the current pulls spot a treasure chest at the bottom of the
them downstream. Frogs, bugs, and river. There are many ways to retrieve the
fish can be seen everywhere in and chest, and you should have the Players discuss
around the river. their ideas, allowing them to try whatever
they want and assigning appropriate action
rolls to whatever they decide. If a Player
Possible Encounters Character tries to hold their breath for a long
time and swim down to get the chest it will be
Manny Manta Meeting – Manny Manta is a difficult. To get the chest, in this way a Player
large, friendly Manta that lives in the Starport must succeed on three consecutive Tough rolls
River. The Player Characters run into Manny if (Difficulty 15). The chest contains a Potion of
they are in or near the river. He offers to give Invisibility and two to five Coins.


Chapter 5:

Throughout the Player’s adventures, they come in contact with a variety of Non-Player
Characters (NPCs). Creatures are a special type of NPC that Player Characters encounter
and sometimes need to defeat during adventures.

Encounters where Players need to defeat on action rolls a number of times indicated on
Creatures usually are turn-based encounters. the Creature description.
This chapter provides descriptions and abilities
for many Creatures the Player Characters
might encounter during their adventures in Actions that indirectly
Starport. No Creatures are necessarily evil,
and some are even quite friendly, but all
affect a Creature
Creatures do have motivations that could Sometimes Players try and defeat Creatures
conflict with the Player Characters, requiring by doing things that indirectly affect the
them to “defeat” the Creatures. In the Creature, such as creating an illusion to scare it
Starport game, there are no sharp weapons away or using a magic shovel to create a hole
and no dying so Players must think of clever under a Creature. These things can still count
ways to defeat Creatures or use their abilities as successes towards defeating Creatures. If
and equipment to do so. To do so Player this happens, the Guide should first decide how
Characters must describe what they are doing many Creatures are affected by the action,
to try and defeat the Creature, and succeed and then the Player should make a relevant

Chapter 5
action roll for each Creature affected. In the Creature. Maybe two of their three successful
case of the magic shovel, the Player would action rolls to defeat the Creature were
make a Sneaky roll (difficulty = the Creature’s trying to make friends with it, so the Creature
difficulty). On a success, the Creature falls in becomes friendly. Maybe the characters used
the hole, and the Player gains one success a Freeze Wand for their final success, and
towards defeating the Creature. On a Failure, the Creature is permanently frozen in place.
the Creature doesn’t fall. In the case of the Maybe they succeeded on several attempts
Illusion, all Creatures that can see the illusion to capture the Creature with nets, and the
would be affected, and the Player makes a Creature becomes immobilized. It’s all up to
Smart roll for each. On a success, the Creature the Guide based on the encounter.
is somehow affected by the illusion (decided by
the Guide), and the Player gains one success
towards defeating the Creature. On a failure,
the Creature is not affected by the illusion. The Guide should feel free to
adjust action rolls made against a
Creature based on the situation. For
example, if the Player Characters
Actions that don’t affect are facing off against a Ghost in a
or interact with a Creature dark cave, don’t have a flashlight,
and can’t see the Creature, they
Actions that don’t interact with a Creature
should have some disadvantage
such as hiding from it don’t count as a success
in their action rolls against the
towards defeating a Creature.
After defeating a Creature, the Guide decides
what happens as a result of defeating the


Turn-based encounter example

Guide: You open the door and see a Zombie Angel: I try and convince it that we mean no
moaning and walking towards you. It’s wearing harm, and he shouldn’t bother us.
a pirate hat, has a zombie bird on its shoulder, Guide: OK, the difficulty is 14.
and mumbling about coins. Everyone, roll a
d20 to see who goes first. Angel rolls a 6.
Blaze – 2, Angel – 10, Orion – 14 Guide: Your roll fails, Angel. You can increase
your roll by +1 for every Smart Token you use.
Orion: I try and scare away its bird, I bet the Your friends can also use Helpful Tokens to an
bird is making it a zombie. increase your roll by +1 for every Helpful Token
Guide: How do you try? Do you wave your used. You need to use 8 Tokens for a success.
hands? Throw something at it? How? Angel: No, thanks. I’ll save my Tokens.
Orion: I wave my hands and yell, “Zombie Guide: The Pirate Zombie continues to reach
want a cracker?” out for you.
Guide: OK, roll a d20. The Blaze: I also try and persuade
Difficulty is 14 (because the him that we are not here to
Pirate Zombie’s difficulty harm him and hand him one
is 14). Coin. I have the Clever ability,
Orion rolls a 13. so I get a +2.
Guide: Your roll fails, Orion. Guide: OK, go ahead and roll a
You can increase your roll d20. You need a 14.
by +1 for every Smart Token Blade rolls a 13, he gets +2 for
you use. Your friends can his Clever ability, so his result is
also use Helpful Tokens to 15. A second success! The Guide
an increase your roll by +1 considers for a moment how
for every Helpful Token the Creature was defeated,
used. You only need to use scaring away his bird and
1 Token for a success. persuasion, and then tells the
Orion: OK, I use one Smart Players how the Creature
Token and make my roll a reacts after being defeated.
14, so I can succeed! Guide: The Pirate Zombie
Guide: The zombie bird suddenly calms down and says,
flies away, and the Pirate “I guess you not bad. I like
Zombie moans, “heeeeey.” money. I forgive you for scaring
The Pirate Zombie requires my bird. I leave you alone”.
2 successes to defeat, so it’s The Zombie takes your Coin
still moving for you and and slowly moans as it walks
moaning about coins. away.

Chapter 5
Creature Descriptions
Each Creature has six main parts in their description:
1. Name: The Creature’s name.
2. Description: Description of the Creature.
3. Difficulty: The Difficulty number to succeed on any action roll that directly
impacts the Creature.
4. Successes Needed to Defeat: The number of action roll successes needed
to defeat the Creature.
5. Abilities: Every Creature has one or more abilities. A Creature can only use one ability on their
turn. Creature abilities automatically take effect unless the description specifically calls for an
Action Roll to avoid the ability.
6. Special: Sometimes Creatures have special features such as immunities, vulnerabilities or other
quirks that are described in this section.

Alien Bug
Description: Alien Bugs can live in the water and on land so you
can find them anywhere. They are gross bugs that like to eat
anything, including garbage.
Difficulty: 9
Successes Needed to Defeat: 1
√ Poisonous Bite: The Alien Bug bites 1 Player Character. The Character makes a Tough
roll and loses 3 Tokens if the roll is less than 5, 2 Tokens if the roll is less than 10, 1 Token if
the rolls is less than 15, and 0 Tokens if the roll is 15 or greater.
Special: An Alien Bug can easily be distracted by giving it something to eat. If you give it
enough, it might even start to like you.

Description: Belchers are large gross, very smelly Creatures.
They are not smart and often cowardly.
Difficulty: 15
Successes Needed to Defeat: 1
√ Poison Cloud: The Belcher burps a huge, stinky cloud.
All Player Characters can’t use any Tokens for 1 minute.
√ Slimeball: 1 character loses 1 Token.
Special: none


Description: Bultars are strong, grumpy Creatures
that live in the mountains.
Difficulty: 14
Successes Needed to Defeat: 3
√ Charge: The Bultar charges at 1 character
with its horns. The character loses 2 Tokens.
Special: none

Description: Flickers love to sleep and not be bothered.
They are great as guardians because they are huge,
don’t like to move, and will “flick” away anything that
bothers them so they can go back to sleep.
Difficulty: 17
Successes Needed to Defeat: 5
√ Flick: The Flicker can “flick” up to 6 Player Characters away from it. Any Character
who is “flicked” is pushed far away from the Flicker and loses 1 Token.
Special: none

Description: The spirit of a once-living Creature or character,
ghosts can be friendly or unfriendly
Difficulty: 12
Successes Needed to Defeat: 1
√ Fright: Makes one Player Character run away in fear.
The character loses 1 Token and misses their next turn if
they miss a Tough action roll (Difficulty 12).
Special: A Ghost can fly, move through walls, and see in the

Chapter 5

Joke Troll
Description: Joke Trolls are highly emotional, and are always
telling jokes and laughing at something. Sometimes they start
crying if they think of something sad, but a joke always makes
them happy again.
Difficulty: 12
Successes Needed to Defeat: 3
√ Tickle: The Troll tickles one Player Character, making
them laugh uncontrollably and lose 2 Tough Tokens
Special: none

Living Plant
Description: Living plants look like normal plants, but when you get close they try and eat you.
Difficulty: 8
Successes Needed to Defeat: 1
√ Bite: The Living Plant bites a single
Player Character. The Character loses 1
Special: A Living Plant is a magical Creature that can only be defeated by pulling it out of
the ground. No other effects can defeat the Living Plant.

Description: Mantas are large fish that live in the water.
They can sometimes be friendly or mean. If you make
friends with a Manta, you can use it as a boat.
Difficulty: 16
Successes Needed to Defeat: 2
√ Shock: The Manta shocks one Player Character with its electric
tentacles. The Character loses 1 Token and misses a turn. A
shocked Character can use 2 Tough Tokens to avoid losing a turn.
Special: none.


Net Bot
Description: Net Bots are simple robots programmed
to capture things with their nets and return to their
Difficulty: 10
Successes Needed to Defeat: 1
√ Net: One Player Character loses one Token
and misses their next turn. A Character caught in a
net can use 1 Sneaky Token to avoid losing a turn.
Special: none

Pirate Zombie
Description: Pirate Zombies can only speak in groans. For some reason,
they love biting people’s ears. They also love collecting Coins.
Difficulty: 14
Successes Needed to Defeat: 2
√ Ear Bite: The Pirate Zombie bites 1 Player Character’s ear. The
Character loses 2 Smart Tokens.
Special: A Pirate Zombie is obsessed with collecting Coins. It can easily be
bribed with Coins or anything valuable.

Description: Screamers are Creatures with huge
mouths that love to scream all the time.
Difficulty: 10
Successes Needed to Defeat: 3
√ Scream: The Scream is so loud it blows all the
Player Characters far away, and they each
lose 1 Token.
Special: none.

Chapter 5

Description: A Slime is a small green blob that is very
cowardly. It always tries to run away when it sees others. It
uses its Squirt ability if it is cornered
Difficulty: 6
Successes Needed to Defeat: 1
√ Squirt: The Slime squirts out green goo causing 1 Player
Character to lose 1 Token if they miss a Sneaky action
roll (Difficulty 10).
Special: none

Slime Eater
Description: A large Creature that loves to eat Slimes
Difficulty: 13
Successes Needed to Defeat: 3
√ Blob of Slime: A Slime Eater can spit a huge blob
of slime at 1 Player Character. The Character loses 3
Tokens and misses a turn if they miss a Sneaky action
roll (Difficulty 13)
Special: If you give it a Slime it will be your friend, but only
for a minute while it enjoys eating the slime

Swamp Giant
Description: The Swamp Giant is a jolly,
green, giant who never likes to fight.
Difficulty: 12
Successes Needed to Defeat: 5
√ Blow: If someone is bothering the
Giant he will blow them away with a
strong blast of wind from its mouth. A
blown Player Character loses 3 Tokens
Special: none


Treasure Eater
Description: The Treasure Eater looks exactly like a regular treasure
chest and likes to surprise people who try and open it. It loves to
steal Coins and add to its collection, which is in its mouth!
Difficulty: 10
Successes Needed to Defeat: 1
√ Grab Coins: The Treasure Eater has quick, magical, floating
hands. It can steal 10 coins from any Player Character nearby.
√ Invisibility: The Treasure Eater can turn invisible for 1 minute
Special: Normally, Player Characters always act first in encounters,
but if they’re surprised by a Treasure Eater it will have its turn before them.

Blank Creature Cards

The following Creature descriptions have been left blank so the Guide and/or Players can create
their own custom Creatures.


Successes Needed to Defeat:


Chapter 5


Successes Needed to Defeat:



Successes Needed to Defeat:



Successes Needed to Defeat:




Successes Needed to Defeat:



Successes Needed to Defeat:



Successes Needed to Defeat:


Chapter 5


Successes Needed to Defeat:



Successes Needed to Defeat:



Successes Needed to Defeat:



Chapter 6:
An adventure is a pre-planned series of encounters that lead Players through a journey
to complete a task. The Guide comes up with a task and the encounters that will lead the
Players through the adventure to complete the task.
Adventures typically have the following basic structure. Remember, the game is about
having fun, overcoming challenges, and exploring so feel free to create adventures with
any structure that works for you.

1. Present the Hook 3. Overcome the Problem

This is what gets your Players drawn into the The Player Characters have many options
adventure. For example, their friend asks them to for locating the pets. They could confront the
help find her missing pets. Her pets went to play robots and try to get information from them,
at the abandoned house and never came back. they could sneak around the house and try to
She is worried and wants them to find her pets remain unseen, or they could explore the house
and bring them back home. She will give them in search of the pets.
each five coins if they bring back her pets safely.
4. Conclusion
2. Reveal the Problem
The Player Characters return the pets to their
The Player Characters discover that there are friend and collect their reward. Maybe they
robots around the abandoned house. They see can negotiate with their friend to let them
a robot capturing a pet and carrying it inside. keep one of her pets.

Chapter 6

Tips for the Guide

The Guide is responsible for describing the world if they are the brave kids he heard about going
that surrounds the Player Characters and to investigate the abandoned house.
how everything in that world interacts with
them. The Guide does not have a Character Share the Difficulty
but rather controls all the NPCs in the world.
To control that world well, and keep the Before Players make action rolls, it’s best to
adventure moving along in a fun way you’ll share the difficulty with them so they can make
want to keep some important tips in mind. informed decisions about using their Tokens. It
also adds excitement to each roll when Players
know the goal.
Because the Guide is responsible for controlling Offer Choices to the Players
so much of the environment, it’s important to
prepare well. You should have an idea about Sometimes Players don’t know how to respond
what NPCs, Creatures, and obstacles you when you ask, “What do you want to do next?”
will put in front of the Player Characters and You might need to give them choices such as,
“Do you want to try and sneak by the Creature,
anticipate how the adventure might go. For
talk to it, or something else?”
example, if the Player Characters need to find
a magical plant in the bottom of the lake, they
might try and swim down to get the plant. You Give the Players Help
might tell them it’s too deep, and they need to If the Players get too distracted, are way off the
figure out a way to breath while underwater, storyline, or can’t figure out a puzzle you’ll need
or you might put a water Creature in the lake to give them help. Pets are an easy way to do
for them to defeat. Either way, you should plan this. You can also have another NPC in Starport
out the scenario ahead of time so you’re able to come and help point them in the right direction
smoothly manage the adventure and anticipate to complete the adventure.
the actions your Players might take.
Reward Creativity
Roll with the Punches
It’s essential to remind Players they are in a world
The key to being a good guide is to keep the where they can do anything. If a Player describes
game moving in a fun and engaging way. an action that is totally off the wall or unique,
Sometimes Player Characters don’t follow your try your best to always say, “yes” and allow the
hook or storyline. For example, let’s say their action to happen with the appropriate action
friend asks them to help find her missing pets in roll. For example, a Player might come up with
a nearby abandoned house. Instead of going a creative way of tricking or luring a Creature
to find the pets, the Player Characters decide it without even entering a turn-based encounter.
would be fun to go shopping and try to make Try your best to allow Players to overcome
some friends in Starport. It’s OK if this happens. obstacles with their creative ideas. If a Player says
Go with it; role-play the shop owner and maybe they want to attempt something impossible or
some encounters with new friends before you something that would be fatal, such as jumping
guide them back to the storyline. Perhaps one off a 100-ft cliff, you sometimes just have to say,
of their new friends or the shop owner asks them “Sorry, you can’t do that.”

Scaling Adventures know this as well. Exploring Starport is an
excellent way to warm up before starting an
There are three adventures in this book which adventure. See the Chapter on Starport earlier
should each take about 30-60 minutes to in this book for detailed descriptions of the
complete. The adventures can be played in locations and inhabitants.
any order but they are designed to be played
in the order they appear in this book.
Missing Pets is appropriate for three 1st level
Player Characters, Butterfly Blindness is
suitable for three 2nd level Player Characters,
and Gather the Slime – for three 3rd level
Player Characters.
All the adventures are built with a lot of
flexibility in mind, so you should be fine
running the adventure with anywhere from
2-5 Players. Three is the sweet spot. Higher
level adventures are more challenging and
assume Player Characters have accumulated
some equipment and abilities beyond what
they get at the first level.
If you are playing the adventures out of
order or have less than 3 Players, you
should make the adventure a bit easier
for the Players. The best and quickest way
of doing this is to remove Creatures from
encounters or change the Creatures
into weaker ones.

Before You Start

You should give the Players a map of
Starport and let them know this is the
world where their Player Characters live.
You should also describe the different
places and the inhabitants. Let
the Player Characters explore a
little to demonstrate that they can
literally do anything in Starport and
make any decisions. Some of the
inhabitants will pay the Player
Characters for things they find
on their adventures or for
helping them accomplish
tasks around the city so
you should let your Players

Chapter 6

Adventure 1:
Missing Pets
This adventure is built for three 1st level Player Characters. If you don’t have three 1st level
Player Characters, see the section above about scaling adventures.
This adventure is designed for new Players and Guides. It’s a great place to start if you’re
new to playing Starport. Because it’s an introductory adventure, there is a lot of very
detailed guidance about how to resolve scenarios.

Adventure Overview 1. Present the Hook

Missing Pets takes the Player Characters to an
abandoned home on the outskirts of Starport.
Their friend Avi, a Space Gnome who is also You wake up in your beds, and it’s

the owner of the Starport Pet Shop, is worried another beautiful, sunny day in
about three of her pets that ran off during Starport. Birds are chirping, and
play time. She saw them go towards the people are busily walking around in
abandoned house and is afraid they’re lost. the city as they always do. You hear
a sudden knocking at your door,
The pets were actually captured by robots and knock, knock, knock and a cheerful
put into cages somewhere in the abandoned voice says, “Special delivery for [insert
house. The Player Characters must search the Player Character’s names].
house, avoid or defeat the robots, find the pets
and return them safely to Avi.
The Guide should read through the entire It’s Yooli, the Starport Postman. He hands
adventure before running it with Players. them a letter, says, “Have a nice day!” and
disappears. If the Player Characters have not
yet met Yooli, take some time to describe
For First Time Players him. Yooli is a magical postman who teleports
to deliver mail and news. Tell the Players if
If this is your first time they want to send a message to someone in
playing Starport or Starport, their Player Characters can say Yooli’s
you have a newcomer name three times, and he will appear to collect
to the group take their mail.
some time to let
the Players describe Hand the Players a copy of the Letter From
their Characters Avi found in the Player Handouts section on
(looks, personality, page 81. This is the letter Yooli gave them. If
equipment, pets, your Players struggle to read the message,
anything). you’ll need to read it for them.

After reading the letter ask the Players, “What
would you like to do?” The letter should lead the
You arrive at the abandoned
Player Characters to the Starport Pet Shop, but
house and notice it’s actually a
if they don’t catch on you may need to have Avi
floating house! In front of you is a
come find them to keep the story going.
cliff that goes 50 feet down to a
Once the Player Characters make their way to river. The house is floating in the

the Pet Shop, read the following aloud. air 50 feet away from the edge of
the cliff. There is a bridge made of
floating stones that connect the cliff
Avi is a colorful, jolly, little gnome to the house, but the stones look
who rides around Starport on her very unstable. You see one of Avi’s
flying cat. She loves pets and has pets playing in front of the house.
been running the Starport Pet Shop Suddenly, a robot with four claw-
her whole life. Although Avi’s only like arms runs up behind the pet,

about one-foot tall, her voice is launches a net from its body to
loud and high-pitched. She says, “Hi capture the pet, and runs inside the
friends, I’m in need of help. Three of house with the net and the pet.
my pets have gone missing. They ran
off during recess yesterday and did
not come home. I’m terribly worried. Show the Players a picture of the Net Bot
They like to play in the abandoned from the Creatures chapter (page 49). This is
house near the edge of Starport, so I the robot that took the pet.
think they are probably there. If you
can return my pets safely, I’ll give you
each five coins. Please help me!”

Show the Players a picture of Avi from the

Starport locations chapter of this book (page 35.)
If the Players decide to continue talking with
Avi, you’ll need to keep playing her role. Try
to think and talk like Avi and engage
the Players as long as they’d like.

2. Reveal the Problem

Next, the Player Characters should
make their way to the abandoned
house. Continue with this section
after the Players say they
will go to the abandoned house.
Show the Players the picture of
the abandoned house from the
Player Handouts section of this
chapter (page 82).

Chapter 6
3. Overcome the Problem Potion of Flight – Drinking a potion of
flight would allow a Player Character to
Now that the Players know at least one pet automatically get across the chasm with no
has been taken inside by a robot, they have action roll. If a Player
an idea about why the pets are missing. Now Character tries to fly
they must figure out how to get them back. while carrying another
Whether they decide to talk with the robots, person it requires a
search around the house, or go in, they will first Tough roll (Difficulty 10).
need to cross the chasm and get to the house. The difficulty increases by
five for each additional
Getting Across the Chasm Player Character carried.
Ask the Players, “What do you do next?” Or If a Player misses an action roll to cross the
if your Players need a bit more direction, you chasm, they fall down into the river with a splash
might ask, “How will you cross the chasm?” If and lose 2 Tokens. From the river, the Player
they need even more direction you might say, Character finds a rope ladder that leads up to
“They are many ways to get to the house, for the abandoned house. Climbing this ladder is
example, you could simply walk across the easy and does not require any action roll.
floating stones directly, or you could try and As you can see, many possible scenarios could
use your rope and grappling hook (if a Player result in the Player Characters getting across
Character has one) to hook on the other side the chasm. Anytime you present an obstacle,
and try and help yourselves across.” let the Players discuss plans about how they
If the Player Characters don’t have any might overcome the obstacle and do your best
equipment to help them get across the chasm to entertain all their ideas.
(like a rope and grappling hook or a potion
of flight), they will need to walk across the Exploring the Abandoned House
unstable floating stones.
Show the Players the Abandoned House Map
from the Player Handouts section at the end of
Floating Stones this chapter (page 83). The map next page with
Crossing the floating stone bridge requires numbered rooms is for the Guide’s reference.
a Difficulty 10 Sneaky roll, which means the
Player will need to roll a d20 and achieve a Abandoned House Overview
result of 10 or more. Let the Players know they In this part of the adventure, the characters
can increase the result of their d20 Sneaky roll will explore the abandoned house and locate
by +1 for every sneaky Token they use. the pets. They will have several encounters in
Rope and Grappling Hook – the house that are described below.
throwing the grappling Throughout the house, the Player Characters
hook across the chasm and will find four golden letters that spell the word
connecting to something “OPEN.” They will need to use these letters to
on the other side requires open the door to a room where the pets are
a Difficulty 12 Sneaky roll. located.
If they succeed and use
the rope as a stabilizer to If you’re playing with older kids and the word
help them cross the floating “OPEN” is too simple for them you can change
stones, the Difficulty for the word into a longer, more complex one, and
doing it goes down to 5. hide the appropriate golden letters throughout
the house.


sneaking around (Sneaky) or for breaking or

climbing things (Tough). Also, be sure to read
You’re standing in front of an old
ahead in the adventure so you know what
house that is falling apart. The front
the Player Characters might see if they look

door is broken and half open, some

through a window. Each of the six rooms in
windows are broken, and there are
the house is described in detail below to help
dust and dirt all around the house.
you work through all the different encounters
You can see the footprints of more
that might take place as the Player Characters
than one robot going into the house.
search the house.
You can also hear the very faint
yelping sound of a Starport pet:
1. Entryway
“Yelp!, yelp!”

You open the creaky door and

Ask the Players, “What do you do next?” Or standing in the small room is a robot
if your Players need a bit more direction, you with four claw-like arms just like the
might ask, “Do you want to walk in the front one you saw earlier. It says “More
door or search around the house?” pets” in a robotic voice and walks
However the Players decide to explore the towards you, snapping its claws.
house, assign the appropriate action rolls for

Chapter 6
The Net Bot will leave the Player Characters
alone if they can convince it they are not
actually pets. The Player Characters could
also somehow break the robot (Tough). Or
maybe one Character tries to distract the robot
(Smart) while another tries to sneak behind
the robot (Sneaky) and reprogram it (Smart)
to leave them alone. In the latter scenario, it
would be enough to defeat the Net Bot by
simply distracting it (because only one success
is needed to defeat a Net Bot). The Players
could stop there, and the robot might get
confused from the distraction and leave them
alone. For the sake of fun, the Guide should
Show the Players a picture of the Net Bot play out the entire scenario to attempt to
from the Creatures chapter (page 49). reprogram the robot. How exciting it would
You have now entered a turn-based be to succeed at that! In any case, the Player
encounter. You might want to read the turn- Characters will need to somehow “defeat” the
based encounter example earlier in this book Net Bot. Whatever the Players decide to do,
if you haven’t already. Decide on a turn order remember to reward creativity and roll with
and let the Player Characters act. the punches.

2. Livingroom suddenly feel something moving around in
their pocket. It’s the hand, and it’s grabbing
their Coins! The hand steals up to five Coins,

In this room, you see a desk covered disappears with the Coins, reappears on the
with old books, a round table Treasure Eater and it throws the Coins in its
covered with garbage, a rectangle mouth.
table with a large, golden “N” sitting If the Player Characters are not able to
on top, and a treasure chest in somehow defeat the Treasure Eater by
another corner of the room. succeeding on an action roll against it, the
Treasure Eater uses its Invisibility ability and
tries to run away. If the Treasure Eater is able
The Golden Letters: There are four Golden to turn invisible, it gets away with the Coins.
Letters in the house (an “O” a “P” an “E” and
an “N”). They are used to open the gate to 3. Well Room
the room with the pets by spelling the word
“OPEN” on the table in front of the gate.
Players will discover the use of these letters at This room has broken boxes,
some point during their exploration of

containers, and garbage all over.
the house. There is a well in the middle of the
The Books: There are 5 books on this desk. room, and standing in front of the
They can be sold at the Starport Kids’ Club. well are three robots, each with four
The Treasure Chest: This is actually a Treasure snapping claw arms. When you enter
Eater (see the Creatures chapter on page 51). the room, they all say, “More pets” in
If the Player Characters examine the chest robotic voices and rush towards you
before opening it, have them make a Smart with their claws wide open.
roll (difficulty 8). If they succeed, they notice
the chest is moving on its own. The moment
they try to open or otherwise engage with the Show the Players a picture of the Net Bot from
Treasure Eater it springs to life and tries to steal the Creatures chapter if they’d like to see it
their coins. again.
The moment the Treasure You’re now in a turn-based encounter.
Eater springs to life the Decide on a turn order and let all the Player
game enters into a turn- Characters act.
based encounter.
After the Player Characters defeat the three
If the Player Net Bots, they all hear a strange voice.
Characters were
surprised by the

Treasure Eater,
it gets to go first
You hear a strange, echoing voice
and uses its Grab
say, “Feed me!”. The voice sounds like
Coins ability. One of
it’s coming from the well.
its floating hands
disappears, and
one of the Player

Chapter 6
The Well: If a Player throws at least one Coin What the Net Bot can tell the Player
into the well the bucket in the well comes up Characters:
by itself and the strange, echoing voice says, √ The pets are located in another room in
“Drink my water and gain energy.” If they the house.
drink the water, they will restore all their lost
Tokens. √ The room with the pets is locked with a
bar door.
If the Players don’t catch on, give them some
hints. The voice might need to say, “Feed me √ The bar door can be opened by placing
and gain energy” or “Feed me Coins.” golden letters on the table in front of the
entrance to spell a word.

The Net Bot gives the Players the two golden

Use the well as a way to balance letters (the “P” and the “O”) if they have not
the game. If the Player Characters already taken them from the table.
are doing well and haven’t lost
many Tokens only allow them to There is a hole in the corner of this room the
restore one Token if they drink the Player Characters might investigate. If they do,
water, and only allow each Player read the following aloud:
Character to gain the benefit once

on the first time they drink.
You look down into the hole and see
it goes about 20 feet down into the
The Broken Crates and Garbage: If the ground. At the bottom of the hole,
Player Characters search through the mess you can see a small pile of coins.
they find an old backpack. It is exactly the
same as the backpack from the equipment
There are 6 coins at the bottom of the hole.
Climbing down the hole with no rope requires
4. Back Room
a Tough roll (difficulty 15). With a rope, it
requires a Tough roll (difficulty 10). If a Player
This room has a square hole in the Character misses their Tough roll to climb down
they fall and lose 2 Tokens.

ground in one back corner and a

table with two golden letters sitting
on it. The letters are “P” and “O.” As 5. Hallway
soon as you enter this room, you hear
a voice coming from the far corner of
the room behind the table. The voice You enter a long hallway. On one

says, “Please don’t hurt me. I can side of it is a table with a golden “E”
help you.” sitting on top. On the other side is
another table, with four small, square
holes on top of the table. Beside this
table is a door made with metal
The voice is coming from a Net Bot. This Net
bars. You can hear pets yelping from
Bot is different than the others. It does not
behind the bar door.
think the Player Characters are pets and it is
nice to them.


The Player Characters can see through the bars Trap: If the four letters are placed in the wrong
on the door. Read the following aloud if they order it triggers a trap! The trap is a huge gust
look through the bars: of wind that comes from around the door
and blows all the Player Characters down the
hallway to the other end. Everyone standing
When you look through the bars of in the hallway loses 1 Token when the trap is

the door, you see the three pets, each triggered.

in a cage. They are the pets you’re After the Players correctly spell the word the bar
looking for! On the ground in the door opens and they may enter the Cage Room.
room, you also see some piles of hay,
a rope and grappling hook, and a
treasure chest. The door is locked. You 6. Cage Room
need to figure out how to open it.
The Cages: They are unlocked and can easily
be opened.
The Pets: The pets are happy to see the Player
Opening the bar door: To open the door, the
Characters and gladly jump into their bags or
Player Characters must place the four letters
follow them home.
in the four holes on the table beside the door.
If put in the correct order to spell the word The Chest and Rope and Grappling Hook:
“OPEN” the bar door will open. The rope and grappling hook on the ground
are exactly the same as the one sold in the
Starport Equipment Shop. The chest is a
If the Players have a difficult time normal chest, but it’s locked
figuring out what to do or figuring with a rusty old lock. A Player
out the word “OPEN”, have the Character can open the chest
friendly robot come to give them by picking the lock (difficulty
the answer, or have one of the 10 Smart roll) or breaking
Player Characters’ pets help them. the lock (difficulty 10
Tough roll). Inside the
chest is a Potion of Flight.

Chapter 6

4. Conclusion Awarding Experience Points

After the Player Characters find the pets, Award each Player Character three Experience
they need to return to the Starport Pet Shop. Points for successfully completing their mission
If one of them has the Teleport ability, you and have them record these experience points
can remind them to use it and return them on their character sheet. If the Players are on
immediately to the Pet Shop; otherwise, the first level, three Experience Points will allow
they need to cross the chasm again before them to reach level two. Show the Players the
returning. Experience and Leveling Table earlier in this
book and allow them to choose where they
want to add their extra Tokens received for

When Avi sees her pets she jumps for reaching level two.
joy, “Thank you, thank you, thank If you’re using the optional journaling rule.
you!” she screams. “I’m so happy to you should award the Players two Experience
see my lovely pets!” Here are the Points for completing the mission and tell
Coins I promised you.” Avi gives you them they will get an additional Experience
each 5 Coins. Point once they write a journal for their Player
Character, recapping the adventure.
What happens next is up to the Players and
the Guide. The Players might want to explore
Starport some more, talk with the inhabitants,
use their Coins to buy things, or jump into the
next adventure!


Adventure 2:
Butterfly Blindness
This adventure is built for three 2nd level Player Characters. If you have less than three 2nd
level Player Characters, see the section above about scaling adventures.

Adventure Overview There is a sudden flash of light in front

of you, and when the light fades,

Starmere, the Queen and leader of Starport
you see Yooli standing there. He has
has gone blind! It happened when she was
a worried look on his face, and you
playing with the butterflies in the forest, and
know something must be wrong.
she knows the only person who can help her is
“Come quickly,” he says, “it’s Queen
the Butterfly Fairy. The Player Characters must
Starmere, she has gone blind and
explore the Starport Forest to find the Butterfly
needs your help! Meet me at Town
Fairy and ask for a cure.
Hall.” Yooli disappears in a flash of
Once they find the Butterfly Fairy, she tells the light just as quickly as he appeared.
Player Characters a cure can be found in the
magical book of healing. A spell in the book
can cure butterfly blindness. The volume is
protected in a treehouse in the forest. They 2. Reveal the Problem
must go into the treehouse, find the book, and
read the spell in front of Queen Starmere. Once the Player Characters make their way to
Town Hall, Yooli is waiting in front. He greets
the Player Characters and leads them to
Starmere’s bedroom where several people are
1. Present the gathered, looking worried.
Run any encounters or
activities in Starport with As soon as you enter the room, you

the Player Characters see Starmere sitting up in her bed

as needed or desired with a blindfold covering her eyes.
to set the scene for a It seems like she notices when you
regular day in a city enter the room and she says, “Is that
of mystery and [insert Player Characters’ names’]?
fantasy. Thank goodness you’re here. Please
come close so I can tell you what

Chapter 6
Show the Players the picture of Queen After they describe what they are doing, ask
Starmere from the Starport locations section of the Players to make action rolls based on the
this book. descriptions (for example, a Tough roll if they
climb a tree or a Smart roll if they search for
tracks). They must succeed on six action rolls
When you get close, Starmere tells (Difficulty 10) before they find the Butterfly
you what happened, “I went blind Fairy.
when I was going on a walk in the After their first one or two successes, but before
forest. I found a large group of they reach six successes the Player Characters
beautiful butterflies and started encounter a Belcher in the forest.
playing with them. The butterflies

surrounded me and were tickling

me all over when suddenly I couldn’t As you search the forest for the

see. I eventually found my way Butterfly Fairy, you suddenly hear
home, thank goodness. I am certain something. It sounds like burping.
it was the butterflies that made me Then you see something come out
blind, and I know who can help me from behind a tree. It’s a chubby,
get better. Please go into the forest blue Creature with two horns and a
and find the Butterfly Fairy. She is large, red nose. It waddles towards
the queen of the butterflies and will you and looks like it wants to throw
know how to cure my blindness. If up all over you.
you can cure my blindness, I’ll reward
you with 10 Coins each!

Show the Players a picture of the Belcher

from the Creatures section of this book.
3. Overcome the Problem You have now entered a turn-based
In fact, it was indeed the butterflies that made encounter. Roll to see who goes first.
Starmere blind, and the Butterfly Fairy does The Belcher first uses its poison cloud ability
know how to find a cure. Nobody in Starport, and then uses its slime ability if it has the
including Starmere, knows exactly where
the Butterfly Fairy lives, so if the Players ask
around the city, they come up empty-handed.
They must explore the Forest to find her.

Searching the Forest

The next step is for the Player Characters
to explore the forest. When the Player
Characters enter the forest have them take
turns describing how they are searching and
what they are doing. Maybe they are looking
for tracks, or maybe they are yelling “Hello
Butterfly Fairy,” or maybe they are climbing
a tree to see more of the forest. This is a good
place to add some role-play elements.

chance. The Player Characters must somehow
defeat or overcome the Belcher.
If they defeat the Belcher quickly without
using any Tokens, have them encounter
another Creature before finding the Fairy. You
can also use the potential forest encounters
from the Starport locations section of this book.
After their forest encounters have the Players,
continue taking turns describing how they
search the forest and making action rolls.
Once they achieve six successes, they find the
Butterfly Fairy.
Show the Players the picture of the Butterfly
Fairy from the Player Handouts section of this
chapter (page 84).

After lots of searching you eventually

find the Butterfly Fairy. She is sitting
on a rock playing with all sorts of
beautiful butterflies. She also sees
you and says, “Welcome friends, why
have you come to visit me on this
beautiful day?”

Roleplay a conversation with the Fairy. She

is very friendly and wants to help the Player
Characters after they describe what happened
to Queen Starmere. She tells them there is a If the Players decide to open the door, use their
book with a spell to cure butterfly blindness, x-ray vision ability, or somehow make it inside
but the book is hidden in a magical treehouse. show them the Magical Treehouse Map from
She offers to lead them to the treehouse, which the Player Handouts section at the end of this
is nearby. chapter (page 86) and go to the Read Aloud
text under Level 1: The Joke Troll. The map
below with numbered rooms is for the Guide’s
The Magical Treehouse reference.

Magical Treehouse Overview


The magical treehouse doesn’t look

like a house at all. It just looks like The map on the next page shows three levels
a tree. But when you get closer, of the magical treehouse. Level 1 is the lowest
you notice a door forms on the tree. level where Players encounter a Joke Troll, level
You also hear something coming 2 is where the Players encounter a Flicker, and
from behind the door. It sounds like level 3 is where the Players find the Book they
someone laughing. are looking for. Wooden staircases lead from
one level to the next.

Chapter 6
Level 1: The Joke Troll

When you open the door, you see

a round room that looks like a
bedroom. There is a desk with what
looks like a chemistry set, a set of

shelves with odd knick-knacks, and

a bed. There is a set of stairs at the
back of the room with a metal bar
door blocking the entrance to the
stairs that lead up to the second level
of the treehouse. Standing in the
center of the room is a large, colorful
troll with bright pink hair. The troll is
laughing uncontrollably. It sees you
and says, “Did you hear the joke
about the chicken and the road?”

Show the Players the picture of the Joke Troll

from the Creatures section of this book.
The Joke Troll is laughing about a joke (how
did the chicken cross the road?... to get to the
other side).
Roleplay an encounter between the Player
Characters and the Joke Troll. It lives here in The Joke Troll loves telling and hearing jokes.
the magical treehouse, and this is its room. Below are a few of the jokes it might tell the
The Joke Troll is not evil and Player Characters:
will not attack or fight the Knock-knock – Who’s there? – Justin – Justin
Player who? – Justin time for dinner.
Characters. Why did the police officer flush the toilet?
If the Because it was his doody.
Players try
to fight, What kind of dinosaur loves to sleep? A
it will run steg-a-snore-us.
away and The Joke Troll has a key to the bar door
come back blocking the stairs. It will open the door for the
later. Player Characters only if they tell it a joke and
make it laugh.

The Joke Troll is a great roleplaying opportunity. Make the Joke Troll
lively and excited to hysterically laugh at anything the Players say.

Level 2: The Flicker After reading the text and showing the Players
the picture, you should begin a turn-based
encounter by having the Players choose a turn
When you get to the top of the stairs, order and start describing their actions turn by
you see a room that is completely turn. Remember, the Player Characters always
filled with tree branches forming get to go before the Creatures.
what looks like a large bird’s nest. To get up to the third level of the treehouse,

On the other side of the room, the Player Characters must defeat the Flicker.
completely blocked by branches If a Player tries to use their turn to run or
you see another staircase leading up sneak around the Flicker to get up the stairs
to the third level of the treehouse. tell them it will require them at least 10
Sitting in the nest is a huge, purple minutes to clear all the branches from in front
Creature with six legs and three of the staircase so it will be several
eyes, all staring directly at you. The turns before they can go up
Creature is angry that you disturbed the stairs. They will need
its sleep. It stands up and tries to flick to deal with the Flicker
you away from its nest. before are
be able to
spend time
Show the Players the picture of the Flicker clearing the
from the Creatures section of this book. branches.

Chapter 6
Level 3: The Book
Flickers are quite powerful, and this
encounter is designed to challenge

the Players. It’s likely that it will take This room is filled with many shelves
several rounds before they are able of old, crumbling books. There is a
to defeat the Flicker. large table directly in front of you
with a giant, green, glowing book
sitting on top. This is definitely the
book you’re looking for!
On the Flicker’s turn, it uses its “Flick” ability
to flick all the Player Characters out of the
many windows found on the second level of
the treehouse, causing them all to lose a Token. Shelves with crumbling books: Most of these
If you have 4+ Players, you should have the books are totally useless, but if the Player
Player Characters lose an additional Token for Characters search the shelves, they find three
falling out of the tree. The Flicker never tries books that are in good condition that they can
to hurt the Player Characters. It merely wants sell at the Kids Club in Starport.
them to leave, so it just keeps flicking them Opening the green, glowing book: This book
out of the treehouse every time they are in its is the book the Player Characters are looking
room, and it has a turn. for. It contains the cure for Butterfly Blindness.
Each time the Player Characters get flicked When a Player Character attempts to open
out of the treehouse, unless they can fly back the book, it flashes with a bright light, and
to the second level of the treehouse with a on the cover of the book, a puzzle suddenly
Potion of Flight or other ability, they need to appears.
enter the treehouse again by going through Give the Players a print out of the Magical
the Joke Troll’s room. Each time a Player Treehouse Book Puzzle found in the Player
Character needs to go through the Joke Troll’s Handouts section (page 85).
room, they need to tell it another joke (which
makes it laugh hysterically) before it unlocks
the door for them.
Remember, every time the Player Characters
re-enter the Flicker’s room they get to act first
■ ●
before the Flicker flicks them out again.
Eventually, the Players Characters should
overcome the Flicker. Maybe they freeze it, ♥ ■
knock it out, or overcome it with kindness
persuading it to be friends. Whatever the case,
once they defeat the Flicker, they can then
spend the time to clear the branches from the ● ■
staircase and make their way to level 3.
Treasure: While Players are clearing
out branches in front of the
staircase they discover a Potion
●  ♥
of Invisibility. If you have 4+,
Players you should increase this
to two potions. ■●♥♥
Players must solve the puzzle before they are Inside the Book:
able to open the book.

Inside the book, you find lots of cures
You may want to print and cut the for different diseases such as laughing
missing puzzle pieces to make it sickness (when you can’t stop
easier for Players to play with the laughing) and frog legs (when your
puzzle and figure out where the legs turn into frog legs). You also see
pieces go. the cure for “Butterfly Blindness.”

Puzzle Hints: Hand the Players the Butterfly Blindness

Depending on the age of your Players you (or Cure from the Player Handouts section of this
the Player Character’s pets) may need to give chapter (page 85).
them hints. Try simply giving them the puzzle
at first, telling them this is a puzzle they must
solve to open the book.
To cure Butterfly Blindness, stand
If they struggle, tell them they need to fill each in front of the person you want to
row with 1 of each shape. heal and read the text below…
If they still struggle, you can have them try “Butterflies are kind. If they
each shape in each spot and tell them if it is make you blind, just read this
right or wrong until they get all the correct cure and leave it behind.”
shapes in the correct places.
Book Puzzle Solution:

4. Conclusion
■ ● ♥  The Player Characters should eventually make
it back to Queen Starmere and read the cure.
Her blindness is cured, she thanks them and

♥  ■ ● pays them each 10 Coins.

Award Experience Points

 ♥ ● ■ Give the Player Characters enough experience

points to level up, or give them slightly less and
require them to write a journal before leveling.
Remember to consult the Experience and
● ■  ♥ Leveling table earlier in the book to see what
benefits the Player Characters gain from their
new level.

Chapter 6

Adventure 3:
Gather the Slime
This adventure is built for three 3rd level Player Characters. If you have less than three 3rd
level Players Characters, see the section above about scaling adventures.

Adventure Overview Show the Players Bardo’s Letter from the

Player Handouts section (page 81).
Bardo, the Equipment shop owner, received
an order for dozens of magical wands from a
robot that arrived in Starport yesterday on a 2. Reveal the Problem
spaceship. To make the wands Bardo needs
The Player Characters should eventually make
Slimes from the swamp. A Slime is a Creature
their way to the Equipment Shop. When they
in Starport (see the Creatures chapter on
do, read the following:
page 50). The robot is leaving tomorrow,
and Bardo needs the Slimes as soon as
You walk into the Equipment shop
Bardo employs the Player Characters to and see Bardo talking with a robot.
adventure into the Swamp and collect as many Bardo sees you enter the shop and
Slimes as possible. He gives them a map of the gives you a warm welcome, “Great
Slime Grove where most of the Slimes live. to see you, friends! I’m so happy
The Player Characters must adventure into the you’re here. My new “robo-friend”
swamp and collect Slimes where they will run here wants to buy as many magical
into Swamp Giants, Living Plants and other wands and potions as I can make.

Creatures. The problem is, I don’t have enough
supplies. I can get most of the stuff,
but I need your help with one very
important item. I need you to go to
1. Present the Hook the Swamp and gather up as
many Slimes as you can. I
can pay you 1 Coin for every
There is a sudden flash of light in

Slime you bring back. I need

front of you, and when the light
you to hurry, the
fades, you see Yooli standing
robot is leaving
there. “Special delivery,” he
tomorrow! Here,
says in his cheerful voice as he
I made a map
hands you a letter. Then Poof, he
for you. It’s a map of the
disappears, off to deliver his next
Slime Grove, the area of the
Swamp with the most Slimes.

Show the Players a picture of Bardo from the chapter
on Starport Locations if they haven’t met him yet.
Show the Players a picture of the robot on the right.
Show the Players a picture of a Slime from the
Creatures chapter.
Show the Players the Slime Grove Map from the
Player Handouts section of this chapter (page 87). The
map below with numbered areas is for the Guide’s

3. Overcome the Problem

Before the Player Characters rush off to the Swamp
have Bardo ask them, “What do you plan on using to
carry the Slimes?” If a Player Character has a Magical
Backpack, they can carry unlimited Slimes in there,
but if not, they will need something else. Bardo can
give them several large sacks.

Chapter 6
Exploring the Swamp

You hear someone singing in a very
The map of the Slime Grove on the previous
deep, gurgling voice, “The Slime is
page is the specific area of the Swamp that
mine, and it wipes the grime!!!”
has the most Slimes. Using Bardo’s directions,
the Player Characters know precisely how
to find the Slime Grove so you can start by
immediately going to the Exploring the Map Point to area 1 on the map to indicate to the
below. If you’d like to make the adventure Players where the singing is coming from.
more challenging, add one or more Creature
encounters in the Swamp before the Players Area 1: The Swamp Giant
arrive at the Slime Grove.
Behind a set of trees in this area is a pool of
murky water with a Swamp Giant taking a
bath. If the Player Characters look behind the
In this adventure, the Player trees, read the following:
Characters are exploring an open
area. This means it’s possible they
could fly or climb to area 5 before In the corner of this area is a pool of
area 1. Don’t worry if they do dirty, grimy, swampy water. Sitting in
this, each area on the map can

the water is a gigantic, green-skinned
be explored independently. It’s person. He is happily singing and
important to read through all the scrubbing his back with a giant bath
area descriptions before brush. Every few seconds he dips the
running the adventure brush into a giant bucket. Each time
so you’re prepared to he pulls the brush out there are 1 or
respond to whatever the 2 Slimes attached to the bristles and
Players might do. rubs them all over his body. He’s using
the Slimes to take a bath!

There are a total of 30 possible Slimes

to capture in the area descriptions Show the Players a picture of the Swamp
below, which is a total possible Giant from the Creatures chapter.
reward of 30 Coins for the group. This The Swamp Giant is friendly and does not fight
adventure is designed for 3 Players. the Player Characters even if they try and fight
If you have 4 or 5 Players, you may him. He has a total of 6 Slimes in his bucket and
want to increase the total number of is using them to take a bath. He does not want
Slimes to 40 or 50 respectively. to give up his Slimes, and if he spots someone
trying to steal or otherwise get his Slimes, he uses
his Blow ability to get them away.
Below are some possible ways the Player
Exploring the Map
Characters might get the Giant’s Slimes.
The Player Characters start at the lower right Remember, Starport is a game where you
entrance located close to area 1 on the map. can do anything, so allow the Players to
Tell them where they are on the map and read do whatever they want and reward their
the following aloud: creativity.


Steal the Slime – They might try to sneak up Persuade the Giant – The Giant can be
on the giant and steal his Slimes. Any Player persuaded to give up his Slime. This would be
Character trying to steal the Slimes would a great roleplay opportunity and an excellent
need to succeed on three consecutive Sneaky chance for the Players to thinking of creative
rolls (Difficulty 12); one to get close, another to ideas to try and convince the Giant. As the
steal the Slimes and another to get away. If Players try different persuasion tactics, have
they succeed, they get all the Slimes without them make Smart rolls (Difficulty 12). Successes
needing to defeat them. If they miss a roll, the mean the Giant will give away 1 or more Slimes.
Giant spots them and uses its Blow ability.
Attack the Giant – If they attack the Giant,
he gets scared and throws the bucket of Slimes The Giant loves to eat the Living
at the Player Characters if he gets a turn. Plants from area 4 and will gladly
If this happens, the Slimes come flying out. give up 1 Slime for each Living Plant
Immediately use the Squirt Ability for all 5 they bring him. If the Giant gives
Slimes. The Players Characters then need to away a Slime, the Player Characters
capture the Slimes separately. See the section do not need to defeat the Slime.
on Capturing a Slime below.

Chapter 6
Capturing a Slime Slime Trap
To capture a Slime, a Player Character must If the characters buy a trap and set it in the
first defeat the Slime by succeeding on an woods, they have a chance of catching up to
Action Roll (Difficulty 6). The type of Action 10 Slimes. No Slimes will go near the trap if the
Roll depends on how they attempt to capture Player Characters are nearby, so they must go
the Slime: a Tough roll if they try and grab it, to another area of the map or leave entirely for
a Sneaky roll if they decide to throw a net at the trap to work. Once they set the trap and
it, etc. After defeating a Slime, it gets knocked leave it alone, have them make 10 Smart rolls
out, confused or otherwise incapacitated (Difficulty 8). They can divide the rolls how they
and can easily be scooped up. If a Slime has want among the Players and can use Smart
an opportunity to act, it might use its Squirt and Helpful Tokens as ususal to buff their rolls.
ability or run away. They capture one Slime for each success.

Make sure Players track the number Area 3: The Chasm

of Slimes they capture.

There is a giant hole in the ground
here. It is about 20 feet across and
20 feet down. You see 3 Slimes at the
Area 2: The Trapper
bottom of the Chasm trying to climb
out. They must have fallen in.

Through the trees, you see a small

hut with a fire burning on the ground
outside. Sitting on a log by the fire is Getting in, out, and across the chasm
a small gnome trying to fix a strange
looking metal device. Fly – easiest way across
Use a rope – Getting in and out of the chasm
using a rope and grappling hook requires
a Tough roll (Difficulty 5). Climbing without
The gnome’s name is Jippy. He is friendly and
a rope requires a Tough roll (Difficulty 10).
will happily talk with the Player Characters.
Throwing the grappling hook to try and
He knows all about the swamp, and the metal
secure it to something requires a Sneaky roll
device he is fixing is a Slime trap. He has a few
(Difficulty 10).
traps and is willing to sell one to the Player
Characters for 6 Coins. The trap sits on top of Jump – This is difficult. To jump across the
a cage. It attracts the Slimes with a special chasm, a Player Characters must succeed on a
salt that Slimes like to eat. When they lick Tough roll (Difficulty 20)
the salt, the hatch opens, and they fall in the If a Player misses an attempt to climb or jump
cage. He says that one trap can catch as many in, out or across the chasm they lose a Token
as 10 Slimes but they need to leave the trap and can try again.
somewhere in the swamp for at least one hour,
and they can’t go near it.
Jippy has a lot of work to do so he is not willing
to help the Player Characters or do anything
other than talk with them and sell them a trap.

Area 4: Living Plant Pond
There is a total of ten stones and ten
Living Plants (one on each stone).
The pond in front of you is filled with To cross the pond by jumping on the
stones and plants. The stones are close stones a Player Character must jump

enough together to easily jump from on at least five stones.

one to another and safely cross the Only one Player Character can fit on
pond. The problem is that each stone one stone at a time.
has a Living Plant growing on it. The
Living Plants are all wildly snapping You should tell the Players that
and biting, waiting for something to Living Plants can only be defeated
come near. On the other side of the by pulling them out of the ground. If
pond, you see many Slimes jumping they try to use a wand or otherwise
around in the dead trees. defeat the Living Plants from a
distance, their attempts will not work.

Area 5: The Slime Well

As soon as you get close to the other

The Slimes on the other side of the side of the pond the Slimes all quickly
pond can’t be affected by ranged

jump inside the well. When you
actions (such as wands or other approach the well to see it is glowing.
actions that affect any Creature in There seems to be a magical force
sight) because they are too far away field covering the top of the well.
and blocked by the trees. You can see through the force field
down into the well. About 10 Slimes
are sitting in a large bucket 20 feet
down, but the bucket is not attached
Crossing the Pond
to any rope to pull them up. You also
Fly – Again, the easiest way of crossing the notice something engraved in the
pond is to fly across stone on the side of the well.
Swim – To swim across the pond a Player
Character must succeed on three consecutive
Tough rolls (Difficulty 5). If they miss a roll, Show the Players the Slime Well Engraving
they swallow gross swamp water and lose one from the Player Handouts section of this
Token. chapter.
Jump across the stones – As soon as a Player
Character jumps on a stone or otherwise goes
near a stone, they must succeed on a Tough If a Player Character tries to fly or
roll (Difficulty 8) to successfully pull the Living climb down the well to get the slimes,
Plant out of the ground. If they fail, the Living the magical force field blocks them
Plant will bite them. from going down.

Chapter 6
To raise the bucket and get the Slimes, the If the puzzle is too easy for the Players, simply
Players must create words from the scrambled require them to create more words. The
letters. engraving says the bucket will raise if they
Rules for the puzzle make five words. There are more than 10
words that can be made in this puzzle.
You will likely need to explain the rules to the
Players as the directions on the well engraving If the puzzle is too difficult, you can require the
are very simple and do not include all the rules Players to make only one or two words. Or you
below. can give them five words that they must find
and spell out. As always, the Player Characters’
√ The letters in words must be connected in Pets can also help them solve the puzzle if
order in the grid. needed.
√ The letters can be connected by an edge Once the Players solve the puzzle, the bucket
or a corner. rises, and they can easily collect the 10 Slimes
√ The word doesn’t have to appear in a without needing to defeat them.
straight line. It can be tangled around.
√ Each letter in the word must uniquely
appear in the grid. For example, if the 4. Conclusion
word is ERASE, the letter E must appear
twice in the grid. The word can’t just loop After exploring all parts of the map, the
back and re-use the same E. Players should eventually make their way out
of the Swamp and back to the Equipment
√ Words must be at least 3 letters long
Shop. Bardo is there waiting for them. He gives
√ Words cannot be a proper noun, such as them one Coin for each Slime they captured,
a name or place. as promised.
Award Experience Points

Award enough experience points for
the Player Characters to level up, or
give them slightly less and require them
to write a journal before leveling.



Player Handouts
F ri e nds, i ss i n g, and
Dear ne m see
t s h ave go lease come ll
My pe ur help. P and I’ll te
yo p,
need he Pet Sho .
t ed
me at at happen
w h

Hi F
Did y s,
from Av ou se
Letter toda
y e the
mad ? There w spacesh
e ip
colle a big or as a robo that arr
cting der a t iv
Com supp t my on the s ed in Sta
e see li E p r
Bard me a es fast, a quipme aceship, port
o t the E nd nt S an d
quip I can pay hop. I ne it
men a e
t Sho lot of C d help
p rig
ht aw oins!

o’s L
e tter

Picture of the abandoned house
Abandoned house map
Chapter 6

Butterfly Fairy picture

To cure Butterfly Blindness, stand
in front of the person you want to
heal and read the text below…
“Butterflies are kind. If they
make you blind, just read this
cure and leave it behind.”

Butterfly Blindness Cure

■ ● ●
♥ ■ ♥

● ■ 

●  ♥

Magical Treehouse Book Puzzle
Magical Treehouse Map
Slime Grove Map
Chapter 6

Use the letters to make words that are 3 letters or more.

Make 5 words, and the bucket will raise.

Slime Well Engraving


Other Adventure
Hook Ideas
Now it’s your turn to create fun, engaging adventures for your Players. In case you need
some inspiration, below are some adventure hook ideas to get you going.

Runaway Robot
A huge machine used for making robots in Starport malfunctions and is driving around Starport
trampling everything in its path. The owner of the machine thinks there is something wrong
with the remote control. The remote only works when you’re within 100 feet of the machine.
The Player Characters must find the machine and figure out how the remote works to stop its
rampage. The Players get a handout with an image of the control. Through trial and error, they
can figure out how to work the broken control and get the machine back home.

Hoverboard Racers
The Player Characters meet someone at a racing
competition. He is trying to win the race because
the winner gets a magical potion that cures a rare
disease. His daughter is sick with the disease, and he
needs the medicine, but he is a terrible hoverboard
racer. The Player Characters can enter the race and
win the potion.

Save Starport
Starport is starting to wither away because
the magical staff of power that holds Starport
together is becoming weak. Queen Starmere
must cast a powerful magical spell to restore its
power for another 100 years. She needs three key
ingredients to cast the spell, and she asks the
Player Characters to retrieve them. One is
a flower found in the Swamp, another is a
magical plant that grows at the bottom of
the River, and the last is a stone found in
the Volcano.

Chapter 7

Chapter 7:
Tokens and
Character Sheet

This chapter includes the

tokens that can be copied
and cut out to help players
during the game.
It also includes a Character
Sheet that every player
needs to play.
An express permission is
given to copy pages 91-96
for personal use.

Tokens and Character Sheet
Creature Tokens
If you are using printed maps in your adventures, it can be convenient to print and cut out these
Tokens to represent where Creatures are located on the map.

Chapter 7
Player Character Tokens
These Tokens can be used to represent what Player Characters look like. If you are using printed
maps in your adventures, it can be convenient to print and cut out these Tokens to represent
where Player Characters are located on the map. Remember, Player Characters can look like
anything, so your Players don’t need to be limited to these pictures.

Energy Point Tokens

These Tokens can be used to represent the number of energy points Player Characters have.

Tokens and Character Sheet
Trait Tokens
For younger Players, it’s easier to keep track of Tokens gained and lost during the game by using
physical Tokens, instead of calculating Tokens by adding and subtracting numbers on the character
sheet. If you’d like to use physical Tokens in your game, you can copy this page and cut out the Tokens.

Chapter 7

Tokens and Character Sheet

Player Name

Character Name Level Experience Points

Maximum Energy
Trait Points
Tokens Tokens

Pet Name


Tough Description

Ability Name Description



Chapter 7

Gather the Slime 74 Player Characters 5, 13
Genie 14 Player Handouts 81
Ghost 47 Port of Stars 36
Guide 4-5 Protection 14
Helpful 9-10 Riddles 32
Abilities 5, 13-14 Hem 41
River 42
Action Roll 5, 44 Hiding 11
Round 5
Actions 9-10, 44 Hoverboard Racers 89
Rules 5
Adventures 4, 55-57 Illusion 14
Jake 31 Runaway Robot 89
Agile 14
Joke Troll 48 Save Starport 89
Alien Bug 46
Avi 35 Journaling 26 Screamer 49
Bardo 30 Kids’ Club 31 Slime 50
Belcher 46 Laboratory 37 Slime Eater 50
Bultar 47 Leveling 24 Smart 9, 11
Butterfly Blindness 67 Living Plant 48 Smash 14
Clever 14 Malinda 35 Sneaky 9, 11
Confusion 14 Manny Manta 42 Starmere 27
Coins 5, 13 Manta 48
Starville 38
Creatures 5, 43-44 Math Games 32
Strong 14
D20 4 Mind Hand 14
Swamp 39
Defending 11 Missing Pets 58
Swamp Giant 50
Degrees of success 11 Mountains 41
Net Bot 49 Teleport 14
Difficulty 5, 10
Newsroom 34 Treasure Eater 51
Disguise 14
Non-Player Characters 5 Tokens 5, 9, 13, 91-94
Energy Point 5, 10
Non-turn-based Tough 9, 11
Equipment 5, 13, 18
Encounters 7 Town Hall 27
Equipment Shop 30 NPC, see Non-Player
Experience Points 24 Characters Traits 5, 9
Flicker 47 Pet Shop 35 Turn 5
Forest 40 Pets 5, 13, 15 Turn-based Encounters 7-8
Game Room 32 Pirate Zombie 49 X-Ray Vision 14
Game Terms 5 Players 5 Yooli 34


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