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Answer Key with Questions

Homeostasis + a bunch of filler

1) What type of fiber accounts for the strength of various connective tissues?
A) elastic
B) collagen
C) actin
D) reticular

Correct Answer
B) collagen

2) Which of the following systems / organs are incorrectly matched with its role in maintaining
A) Digestive system - provides nutrient molecules to the cells.
B) Respiratory system - transports oxygen and carbon dioxide to the cells
throughout the body.
C) Liver - removes excess glycogen from the blood and stores it as glucose.
D) Pancreas secretes insulin when the body has an elevated blood glucose level.
E) All of the systems / organs listed are correctly matched with their role in
maintaining homeostasis.

Correct Answer
C) Liver - removes excess glycogen from the blood and stores it as glucose.

3) Which of the following skin derivatives is incorectly matched with the organism on which it is
A) mammals - hair and nails
B) amphibians - epidermal scales
C) fishes - bony scales
D) birds - feathers

Correct Answer
B) amphibians - epidermal scales

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Answer Key with Questions
Homeostasis + a bunch of filler

4) The ________ body cavity will contain the heart, lungs and spleen.
A) ventral
B) cranial
C) dorsal
D) abdominal
E) abdominopelvic

Correct Answer
A) ventral

5) Which is most closely associated with negative feedback?

A) As you continue to turn a faucet handle, more water flows out of it.
B) A child cuts his finger and the blood clotting process begins.
C) As the temperature falls in a house, the heater comes on.
D) As a woman goes into labor, hormones are secreted that stimulate the process.

Correct Answer
C) As the temperature falls in a house, the heater comes on.

6) What tissue type is characterized by being a transport medium for nutrients and also includes
blood and adipose tissues?
A) muscle tissue
B) nervous tissue
C) epithelial tissue
D) connective tissue

Correct Answer
D) connective tissue

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Answer Key with Questions
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7) Match the terms with the labeled structures on the diagram.

dendrite A) C
cell body B) D
nucleus C) E
myelin sheath D) A
axon E) B

Correct Answer

dendrite A

cell body B

nucleus C

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myelin sheath D

axon E

8) What type of tissue is striated, contains cells with one nucleus, and is not under voluntary
A) skeletal muscle
B) smooth muscle
C) cardiac muscle
D) nervous tissue

Correct Answer
C) cardiac muscle

9) The correct sequence of increasing organizational complexity is

A) organ, tissue, cell, organ system, organism.
B) cell, organ, organ system, tissue, organism.
C) cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism.
D) organism, tissue, cell, organ system, organ.
E) tissue, cell, organ system, organism, organ.

Correct Answer
C) cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism.

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10) Which of the following is the most complex level of organization?

A) cardiovascular system
B) brain
C) columnar epithelium
D) heart
E) lungs

Correct Answer
A) cardiovascular system

11) The epidermis consists of

A) stratified squamous epithelial cells.
B) collagen fibers.
C) elastic fibers.
D) adipose tissue.

Correct Answer
A) stratified squamous epithelial cells.

12) Which of the following structures begins in the dermis and extends to the surface of the
A) blood vessels
B) nerve fibers
C) hair follicles
D) free nerve endings

Correct Answer
C) hair follicles

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Answer Key with Questions
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13) The production of red blood cells is regulated by a feedback loop involving erythropoietin. In
non-disease states, the production of red blood cells is equal to the destruction of red blood
cells, thus maintaining sufficient red blood cells to deliver adequate oxygen to the body's
tissues. However, when the number of red blood cells decrease and oxygen levels are low,
erythropoietin is produced by the liver and kidneys to increase the production of red blood
cells. Is this a positive or negative feedback loop? Explain your answer.

Correct Answer
Answers may vary.

14) Which organ system does not play a role in acquiring materials and energy?
A) cardiovascular
B) skeletal
C) muscular
D) digestive

Correct Answer
A) cardiovascular

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Answer Key with Questions
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15) :L1dendrite
dendrite A) the part of a neuron that sends signals toward the cell
cell body body
nucleus B) a membrane bound organelle within a neuron that
contains chromosomes and controls the structure and
myelin sheath function of the cell.
axon C) white, fatty material that forms a covering over nerve
D) elongated portion of a neuron that conducts nerve
impulses away from the cell body.
E) the part of a neuron that contains the major
concentration of the cytoplasm and the nucleus.

Correct Answer

dendrite the part of a neuron that sends signals toward

the cell body

cell body the part of a neuron that contains the major

concentration of the cytoplasm and the nucleus.

a membrane bound organelle within a neuron

nucleus that contains chromosomes and controls the
structure and function of the cell.

white, fatty material that forms a covering over

myelin sheath nerve fibers.

axon elongated portion of a neuron that conducts

nerve impulses away from the cell body.

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Answer Key with Questions
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16) What type of tissue contracts and accounts for movements of organs or the entire body?
A) muscle tissue
B) nervous tissue
C) epithelial tissue
D) connective tissue

Correct Answer
A) muscle tissue

17) What type of tissue lines body cavities and covers body surfaces?
A) muscle tissue
B) nervous tissue
C) epithelial tissue
D) connective tissue

Correct Answer
C) epithelial tissue

18) What type of tissue is bone and cartilage?

A) muscle tissue
B) nervous tissue
C) epithelial tissue
D) connective tissue

Correct Answer
D) connective tissue

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Answer Key with Questions
Homeostasis + a bunch of filler

19) _______ is responsible for receiving, interpreting, and producing a response to stimuli.
A) Muscle tissue
B) Nervous tissue
C) Epithelial tissue
D) Connective tissue

Correct Answer
B) Nervous tissue

20) Snakes, frogs, squirrels, and humans are all classified as being homeothermic.

Correct Answer

21) Both the neural and endocrine systems play a role in coordinating body activities.

Correct Answer

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Answer Key with Questions
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22) Stratified epithelium is composed of multiple layers of flattened cells that can often be found
in the lining of blood vessels.

Correct Answer

23) In lactation, the more a baby suckles his mother's breast to obtain milk, the more milk is
produced. This is an example of a
A) positive feedback loop.
B) negative feedback loop.
C) neutral feedback loop.
D) stimulating feedback loop.
E) None of these answers is correct.

Correct Answer
A) positive feedback loop.

24) Homeostasis is ultimately controlled by the nervous system.


Correct Answer

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Answer Key with Questions
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25) Name the labeled cavities in the diagram at right and indicate an organ found in each.

Correct Answer
Answers may vary.

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Answer Key with Questions
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26) Which statement is NOT true about cartilage?

A) Cartilage cells are located in small spaces called lacunae.
B) The matrix of cartilage includes calcium salts.
C) The matrix of cartilage is both solid and flexible.
D) The human fetal skeleton is made up of cartilage.
E) Adult bodies possess structures that are made up of cartilage such as the
nose, ear, and pads between the vertebrae in the backbone.

Correct Answer
B) The matrix of cartilage includes calcium salts.

27) List the major life process that each of the following organ systems carries out: urinary,
lymphatic, nervous, and cardiovascular.

Correct Answer
Answers may vary.

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Answer Key with Questions
Homeostasis + a bunch of filler

28) Which is NOT a structure seen in compact bone?

A) cylindrical structural units called osteons (Haversian systems)
B) central canals containing blood vessels and nerves
C) osteocytes located within lacunae
D) bony bars and plates with irregular spaces between them
E) thin extensions of bone cells within canaliculi

Correct Answer
D) bony bars and plates with irregular spaces between them

29) Which statement is NOT true about nervous tissue?

A) Cells in the nervous system that conduct electrical impulses are called
B) Neuroglia support and protect neurons.
C) The dendrites carry electrical impulses away from the cell body of the
D) Nerve fibers are long axons covered by a myelin sheath.
E) Neuroglia provide neurons with nutrients and keep them free of cellular

Correct Answer
C) The dendrites carry electrical impulses away from the cell body of the neuron.

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Answer Key with Questions
Homeostasis + a bunch of filler

30) What is most likely to occur when an individual is exposed to UV radiation?

A) The melanocytes will produce melanin, the melanin is distributed into
epidermal cells, a steroid is converted into vitamin D and stem cells can
mutate leading to cancer.
B) The melanin will produce melanocytes, the melanocytes are then distributed
into epidermal cells, a steroid is converted into vitamin D and stem cells can
mutate leading to cancer.
C) The melanocytes will produce melanin, the melanin is distributed into dermal
cells, a steroid is converted into vitamin D and stem cells can mutate leading
to cancer.
D) The melanocytes will produce melanin, the melanin is distributed into
epidermal cells, vitamin D is converted into a steroid and stem cells can
mutate leading to cancer.

Correct Answer
A) The melanocytes will produce melanin, the melanin is distributed into epidermal cells, a
steroid is converted into vitamin D and stem cells can mutate leading to cancer.

31) Which organs are located in the ventral cavity of the body?
A) stomach, liver, heart and bladder
B) stomach, liver, heart and spinal cord
C) small intestine, brain, lungs and kidneys
D) All of the choices are correct.
E) None of the choices are correct.

Correct Answer
A) stomach, liver, heart and bladder

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32) Which type of tissues would be damaged if someone was in a car accident and they had their
kidney ruptured due to the force of the impact?
A) squamous epithelium, cuboidal epithelium, smooth muscle and neural
B) pseudostratified ciliated epithelium, cuboidal epithelium, smooth muscle and
neural tissues
C) squamous epithelium, cuboidal epithelium, skeletal muscle and neural
D) squamous epithelium, cuboidal epithelium, fibrocartilage and neural tissues

Correct Answer
A) squamous epithelium, cuboidal epithelium, smooth muscle and neural tissues

33) ______ make up more than half the volume of the brain.
A) Neurons
B) Neuroglia
C) Nerves
D) Intercalated disks
E) Hyaline cartilage

Correct Answer
B) Neuroglia

34) Which of the following is a function of the skin?

A) protecting underlying body parts from physical trauma
B) preventing water loss
C) thermoregulation
D) monitor touch, pressure, temperature, and pain
E) All of the answer choices are functions of the skin

Correct Answer
E) All of the answer choices are functions of the skin

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Answer Key with Questions
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35) What are the main features of melanocytes?

A) Melanocytes are found in the dermis and they produce melanin when
exposed to UV light. The melanin is then distributed to epidermal cells.
B) Melanocytes are found in the epidermis and they produce melanin when
exposed to UV light. The melanin is then distributed to epidermal cells.
C) Melanocytes are found in the epidermis and they produce melanin when
exposed to UV light. The melanin is then distributed to dermal cells.
D) Melanocytes are found in the hypodermis and they produce melanin when
exposed to UV light. The melanin is then distributed to epidermal cells.

Correct Answer
B) Melanocytes are found in the epidermis and they produce melanin when exposed to
UV light. The melanin is then distributed to epidermal cells.

36) What is the body's response to a rise in temperature above 37.0 degrees C?
A) Blood vessels in the skin begin to dilate which increases blood flow to the
surface of the skin. Environmental variables will help decrease the
temperature of the blood. The nervous system also activates the sweat
glands which help decrease temperature.
B) Blood vessels in the skin begin to constrict which increases blood flow to the
surface of the skin. Environmental variables will help decrease the
temperature of the blood. The nervous system also activates the sweat
glands which help decrease temperature.
C) Blood vessels in the skin begin to dilate which increases blood flow to the
surface of the skin. Environmental variables will help decrease the
temperature of the blood. The heart rate decreases in an attempt to slow
down blood flow.
D) Blood vessels in the skin begin to dilate which decreases blood flow to the
surface of the skin. Environmental variables will help decrease the
temperature of the blood. The heart rate increases in an attempt to slow
down blood flow.
E) Blood vessels in the skin begin to dilate which increases blood flow to the
surface of the skin. Environmental variables will help decrease the
temperature of the blood. The nervous system will deactivate the sweat
glands to help decrease body temperature.

Correct Answer
A) Blood vessels in the skin begin to dilate which increases blood flow to the surface of
the skin. Environmental variables will help decrease the temperature of the blood. The
nervous system also activates the sweat glands which help decrease temperature.

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Answer Key with Questions
Homeostasis + a bunch of filler

37) If you wash your skin and hair several times a day, you will soon have dry skin that easily
cracks and bleeds because the oils you have removed are necessary to keep the skin supple.
This oil is
A) pili secreted by arrectors.
B) lymph secreted by lymphatic ducts.
C) sebum secreted by sweat glands.
D) sebum secreted by sebaceous glands.
E) salty sweat secreted by sweat glands.

Correct Answer
D) sebum secreted by sebaceous glands.

38) Which of the following functions performed by the skin would be lost or seriously
compromised if someone suffered a severe burn over most of the body?
A) prevention of heat and water loss
B) prevention of massive and continuous infection from invasion by external
bacteria, viruses, and parasites
C) production of sweat that evaporates and cools the body when it is
D) conversion, in the presence of ultraviolet light, of precursor molecules to
vitamin D
E) All of these are vital functions of the skin and would be compromised.

Correct Answer
E) All of these are vital functions of the skin and would be compromised.

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Answer Key with Questions
Homeostasis + a bunch of filler

39) Homeostasis is the

A) negative feedback loop that stimulates a response similar to the stimulus.
B) dynamic interplay between events that tend to change the external
environment and events that tend to keep it the same.
C) the acquisition, transformation and use of energy.
D) maintenance of normal internal conditions by means of self-regulating

Correct Answer
D) maintenance of normal internal conditions by means of self-regulating mechanisms.

40) Skeletal muscle

A) is made of extremely small cells with one nucleus.
B) is not under voluntary control.
C) is found in the walls of the intestines and stomach.
D) has bands of actin and myosin filaments perpendicular to the length of the
cell that produce contractions.

Correct Answer
D) has bands of actin and myosin filaments perpendicular to the length of the cell that
produce contractions.

41) A thin layer of protein, within epithelial tissue, that anchors the epithelium to the extracellular
matrix is the
A) basement membrane.
B) plasma membrane.
C) compact bone.
D) hyaline cartilage.
E) neuroglia.

Correct Answer
A) basement membrane.

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Answer Key with Questions
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42) Which of the following statements about epithelial tissue is NOT true?
A) Squamous epithelium is composed of flattened cells.
B) Columnar epithelium is cube-shaped with the nucleus near the upper surface
of the cells.
C) Simple epithelia have only a single layer of cells.
D) Pseudostratified epithelium looks like it has multiple layers, but all the cells
are attached to the basement membrane.
E) Epithelium lining the respiratory tract contains cilia that move particles along
its surface.

Correct Answer
B) Columnar epithelium is cube-shaped with the nucleus near the upper surface of the

43) All of the following are functions of connective tissue EXCEPT to

A) line body cavities and cover surfaces.
B) bind and support body parts.
C) store energy as fat.
D) fill spaces.
E) produce blood cells.

Correct Answer
A) line body cavities and cover surfaces.

44) An average person has about _____ neurons.

A) 100,000
B) 1 trillion
C) 2 million
D) 1 billion

Correct Answer
B) 1 trillion

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45) Describe the problems that are associated with the loss of the epidermal layer of skin due to a

Correct Answer
Answers may vary.

46) White blood cells fight infection by

A) transporting large amounts of oxygen to the infected area.
B) engulfing infectious pathogens and making antibodies.
C) increasing platelet production and forming a plug to seal off the area.
D) producing antibiotics that will kill bacteria and fungi.

Correct Answer
B) engulfing infectious pathogens and making antibodies.

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Answer Key with Questions
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47) List the four primary tissue types found in the human body and indicate their main function(s).

Correct Answer
Answers may vary.

48) Which of the following features would be found in the epidermis layer of the skin?
A) stratified squamous epithelium, cells produce keratin, contain melanocytes,
offers a layer of protection against bacteria
B) stratified cuboidal epithelium, cells produce keratin, contain melanocytes,
offers a layer of protection against bacteria
C) stratified squamous epithelium, cells produce keratin, contains a large
amount of adipose tissue, offers a layer of protection against bacteria
D) composed of collagen fibers, cells produce keratin, contain melanocytes,
offers a layer of protection against bacteria
E) stratified squamous epithelium, contains specialized nerve endings, offers a
layer of protection against injury

Correct Answer
A) stratified squamous epithelium, cells produce keratin, contain melanocytes, offers a
layer of protection against bacteria

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Answer Key with Questions
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49) Which statement about connective tissue is NOT true?

A) Loose connective tissue contains fibroblasts, different types of fiber, and a
nonliving matrix.
B) Fibrous connective tissue includes bone and cartilage.
C) Blood is a connective tissue that contains a fluid matrix.
D) Adipose tissue provides insulation and padding in organs such as the skin.

Correct Answer
B) Fibrous connective tissue includes bone and cartilage.

50) The level of carbon dioxide in the blood is monitored by nerve tissue. If you exercise
strenuously, the increase in cellular respiration consumes oxygen from the blood and produces
surplus carbon dioxide removed in the blood. Since this physical exertion requires faster
breathing to replenish oxygen supplies and carry away carbon dioxide, the carbon dioxide
sensors result in signals from the brain to increase breathing rate. After you have rested, and
carbon dioxide levels are back to normal, your breathing rate decreases too. This is an
example of
A) a response to a sensory impulse that causes a muscle or gland to react.
B) a negative feedback loop that stimulates a response similar to the stimulus.
C) a positive feedback loop that stimulates a response opposite to the stimulus.
D) the dynamic interplay between events that tend to change the internal
environment and events that tend to keep it the same.
E) the dynamic interplay between events that tend to change the internal
environment and events that tend to increase the changes.

Correct Answer
D) the dynamic interplay between events that tend to change the internal environment
and events that tend to keep it the same.

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Answer Key with Questions
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51) Exocrine glands that secrete products onto the surface of the skin through ducts are classified
as _____ tissue.
A) epithelial
B) connective
C) muscle
D) nervous

Correct Answer
A) epithelial

52) Which of the following statements concerning homeostasis in body temperature is NOT true?
The body reacts to
A) heat by stimulating the sweat glands.
B) cold by contracting skeletal muscles in shivering.
C) cold by rerouting blood away from the skin.
D) heat by constricting the blood vessels in the skin.
E) All of the statements are not true.

Correct Answer
D) heat by constricting the blood vessels in the skin.

53) During fertilization in humans, sperm reach the egg by traveling through the vagina, uterus,
and fallopian tubes. In which body cavity does the sperm locate the egg ?
A) abdominal cavity
B) pleural cavity
C) pelvic cavity
D) pericardial cavity
E) dorsal body cavity (cerebral-spinal)

Correct Answer
C) pelvic cavity

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54) At one time it was thought to be impossible to operate within the body cavities. Then the
Canadian doctor, William Beaumont, operated on a patient with a gunshot wound to the
stomach. A few decades later came breakthroughs in heart operations and transplants. The
1990's was called the decade of the brain because of the extensive research being done on how
the brain functions. Name the body cavities associated with these breakthroughs in order.
A) abdominal-thoracic-dorsal.
B) abdominal-dorsal-thoracic.
C) dorsal-thoracic-abdominal.
D) thoracic-abdominal-dorsal.
E) thoracic-dorsal-abdominal.

Correct Answer
A) abdominal-thoracic-dorsal.

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