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SI units and simple respiratory and

cardiac mechanics
Paul Marval BMedSci BM BS FRCA

Key points Fundamental and derived Table 1 Fundamental SI units

SI units Quantity Name of unit Symbol

SI units were adopted in
medicine in 1977 to The Système International d’Unités (SI) was Length Metre m
harmonize the exchange of Mass Kilogram kg
the culmination of more than a century of Time Second s
scientific information. international effort to develop a universally Electric current Ampere A
Seven base units are used to acceptable system of units of measurement. Thermodynamic temperature Kelvin K
Luminous intensity Candela cd
form a large number of It was developed and subsequently adopted Amount of substance Mole mol
derived units, some with by the Conférence Générale des Poids et
special names. Mesures (CGPM) in 1954 to harmonize
Prefixed units are not SI units the increasing expansion of world trade and
(except kg). exchange of scientific information. The Table 2 Examples of derived units

Work, force and power have Thirtieth World Health Assembly endorsed Quantity Name of derived unit Symbol for unit
precise definitions. the use in medicine of SI units in May 1977.1 Area Square metre m2
Cardiac and respiratory work The SI comprises three types of unit: Volume Cubic metre m3
fundamental, derived and supplementary Speed Metre per second m·s1
may be calculated from Acceleration Metre per second square m·s2
pressure/volume graphs. units. There are two supplementary units:
the unit of plane angle, the radian (symbol:
rad), and the unit of solid angle, the steradian
therefore kg·m·s2; it is otherwise named
(symbol: sr). They can be used to form
newton (symbol: N).
derived units; however, these are not relevant
A further example of particular relevance
to general medical practice and will not be
is the unit of pressure. Pressure is the action
discussed further in this review.
of force on an area or newton per square
metre and has been given the special name
Fundamental units pascal (symbol: Pa). However, the derivation
Seven units have been selected as the basic or of this unit is force (kg·m·s2) divided by
fundamental units on which the system is area (m2) or kg·m·s2·m2, which reduces to
based (Table 1). These units are defined very kg·m1·s2. Eighteen SI derived units have
precisely and over time require further pre- been given special names. Those of relevance
cision with the progress of science. Their to anaesthesia are shown in Table 3. From
definitions are given in Appendix 1.1 the two examples and Table 3, it becomes
apparent that, despite the development of
a diverse collection of derived units and
Derived units
symbols, all are a function of the seven
SI derived units are formed by multiplying fundamental units.
the base unit by itself, or combining two or
more base units by simple multiplication or
SI prefixes
division. There are a large number of units
within this group; some examples are given in Often it is inappropriate to use the SI unit in
Paul Marval BMedSci BM BS FRCA
Table 2. its standard format as this is inconveniently
Consultant Anaesthetist
Department of Anaesthetics A number of derived units have been allo- too large or too small; for example, the use of
Derbyshire Royal Infirmary cated special names, the purpose of which is metre to describe large distances. To over-
London Road to abbreviate potentially inconvenient unit come this difficulty, a series of SI prefixes
DE1 2QY symbols. An example of this is the unit of (Table 4) are used to form decimal multiples
UK force. This is defined as the force that gives and submultiples of the SI unit. However, the
Tel: 01332 347141 a mass of 1 kg an acceleration of 1 m s2 prefixed units formed should not be called
Fax: 01332 254605
E-mail: (the speed of the mass increases each second SI units. The exception is the unit of mass
(for correspondence) by 1 m s1). The derivation of this unit is where kilogram is the SI unit (not gram).

Advance Access publication August 24, 2006 doi:10.1093/bjaceaccp/mkl037

188 Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain | Volume 6 Number 5 2006
ª The Board of Management and Trustees of the British Journal of Anaesthesia [2006].
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SI units and simple respiratory and cardiac mechanics

Table 3 Specially named SI units of relevance to anaesthesia

Quantity Name of Symbol Derivation

derived unit for unit of unit

Frequency Hertz Hz s1

Force Newton N kg·m·s2
Pressure Pascal Pa N·m2
Work; energy; quantity of heat Joule J N·m
Power; radiant flux Watt W J·s1
Electric charge; quantity of electricity Coulomb C A·s
Electric potential; potential difference Volt V W·A1
Capacitance Farad F C·V1
(Electric) Resistance Ohm V V·A1
Magnetic flux Weber Wb V·s
Magnetic flux density Tesla T Wb·m2
Inductance Henry H Wb·A1

Celsius temperature Degree Celsius C K

Table 4 Common SI unit prefixes

Factor Prefix Symbol Factor Prefix Symbol

for prefix for prefix

109 Giga G 101 Deci d

106 Mega M 102 Centi c
103 Kilo k 103 Milli m
102 Hecto h 106 Micro m
101 Deca da 109 Nano n

Non-SI units Fig. 1 Left ventricular pressure and volume loop for a single
cardiac cycle.
A few non-SI units have also been adopted as they are so widely
used. Of relevance to medical practice is the unit of volume, for
Within the physiological context, mechanical or external
which the ‘cubic decimetre’ has been given the ‘special name’ of
work is only performed if displacement of fluid or gas occurs;
litre, and time, for which the SI unit of second is replaced by
therefore, when applied to muscle contraction, this requires
minute, hour and day.1
shortening or lengthening of that muscle. This can be described
as positive work if the muscle shortens or negative work when
Simple mechanics
the muscle lengthens as a result of a larger, opposite applied
The SI derived units of force, work and power are familiar and force. Contraction without a change in length (isometric con-
commonly used everyday terms. Within the scientific community traction) does not constitute external work. As work performed
however, these terms require precise usage and have limited is force times distance (N · m), this has the same dimensions as
meanings. Within anaesthesia and intensive care, they are often pressure times volume (N/m2 · m3¼N · m); the latter can be
applied to the cardiovascular and respiratory systems where the used to calculate the work of breathing or cardiac work.
terms cardiac work and work of breathing are often referred to.
The precise meaning of these derived units in this situation is Cardiac work
illustrated below.
The unit of force is defined above. The change in volume and pressure of the ventricle can be used
to calculate cardiac work for a single cardiac cycle. Figure 1
Force ¼ m · a
¼N illustrates these changes in the left ventricle and, as work ¼
change in pressure (DP) · change in volume (DV), the area
The unit of work is defined as the product of the force
contained within the P  V loop represents the external work
exerted and distance (d) moved in the direction of the force and
necessary to expel the stroke volume, that is, stroke work.2 The
is named joule (J).
area below this loop during diastolic filling represents the work
Force ¼ f · d performed by the right ventricle and left atrium to fill the left
ventricle (internal work).
The unit of power is defined as the work done per unit time Any increase in mean arterial pressure, with cardiac output
(s) and is named watt (W). maintained, will therefore result in additional energy require-
Power ¼ J s1 ments and oxygen demand. Similarly, a high cardiac output
¼W resulting from, for example, thyrotoxicosis and anaemia will

Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain | Volume 6 Number 5 2006 189
SI units and simple respiratory and cardiac mechanics

SI units and simple mechanics are defined precisely despite being
A D terms often used loosely in everyday language. Appreciation of
Expiration these definitions and derivations is important in medical
practice, particularly in describing work, as this improves
understanding of how oxygen demand changes under different
physiological conditions.

B Volume (ml)
Appendix 1: Definition of SI units
F Metre
Inspiration The metre is the basic unit of length. It is the distance light
travels, in a vacuum, in 1/299792458th of a second.
Pressure (cm H2O)
Fig. 2 Respiratory Pressure-volume loop illustrating work of breathing. The kilogram is the basic unit of mass. It is the mass of an
international prototype in the form of a platinum-iridium
cylinder kept at Sevres in France. It is now the only basic unit
still defined in terms of a material object, and also the only one
also increase cardiac work. Prolonged myocardial exposure to with a prefix[kilo] already in place.
these conditions may subsequently lead to heart failure.
Cardiac work done:
Work ¼ DP · DV
¼ ð14:6 · 103 ÞPa · ð70 · 106 Þm3 The second is the basic unit of time. It is the length of time taken
¼ 1022 · 103 for 9192631770 periods of vibration of the caesium-133 atom to
¼ 1:022 J occur.

(note the conversion of mm Hg to Pascal, an SI unit).

Work of breathing The ampere is the basic unit of electric current. It is that current
which produces a specified force between two parallel wires
During inspiration, movement of gas (the work of breathing) is which are 1 metre apart in a vacuum. It is named after the
usually achieved by diaphragmatic and intercostal muscle French physicist Andre Ampere (1775–1836).
contraction. This overcomes lung and chest wall compliance
(elastic forces), the viscous resistance of movement of gases
down airways, together with the inertia created by both gases Kelvin
and tissues, which is usually very small. During inspiration, The kelvin is the basic unit of temperature. It is 1/273.16th of the
muscle contraction generates a reduction in pressure within thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water. It is
intrapleural space, which is transferred to the alveolus, and gas named after the Scottish mathematician and physicist William
movement takes place. This is demonstrated in the pressure/ Thomson 1st Lord Kelvin (1824-1907).
volume loop in Fig. 2. The work expended in overcoming
airway resistance and compliance during the inspiratory phase is
given by the areas AFCBA and ABCDA, respectively.3 An
increase in airway resistance would cause a greater bowing of The mole is the basic unit of substance. It is the amount of
the line AFC, while a reduced compliance reduces the slope of substance that contains as many elementary units as there are
line ABC. atoms in 0.012 kg of carbon-12.
During expiration, the area ABCEA is the work required to
overcome airway resistance and is usually contained within the
area ABCDA. Therefore, expiration is passive using the stored
elastic energy within the lung and chest tissues. The difference The candela is the basic unit of luminous intensity. It is the
between areas ABCEA and ABCDA is the energy dissipated as intensity of a source of light of a specified frequency, which gives
heat. a specified amount of power in a given direction.

190 Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain | Volume 6 Number 5 2006
SI units and simple respiratory and cardiac mechanics

Key References 2. Davis PD, Parbrook GD, Kenny GNC. Basic Physics and Measurement
in Anaesthesia, 4th Edn. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1995.
1. Système international d’unités. English. SI: The International System of
Units—approved translation of the International Bureau of Weights and 3. Widdicombe J, Davies A. Respiratory Physiology, 2nd Edn. London: Edward
Measures publication. Bell RJ, editor. Le Système International d’Unités (SI). Arnold, 1991.
6th Edn. London, UK: HMSO, 1993. Please see multiple choice questions 12–15.

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