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Aishna Goel 23PGDMHR01

Anishka Jain 23PGDMHR07

Siva Arulselvan 23PGDMHR55


Q1. Select a dataset.

Q2. Import the dataset in Tableau.

Q3. Draw at least 12 charts in Tableau. Make sure in each chart appropriate KPIs had been

Q4. Present a dashboard. Apply the filter on the dashboards. Upload the dashboard on tableau

Q5. Prepare the stories from the charts and dashboard made above.

Q6. Illustrate how your dashboard will facilitate you as a manager?


ANSWER 1. We have selected the IBM HR Analytics Employee Attrition & Performance dataset
for analysis.

ANSWER 2. Dataset imported.

ANSWER 3. 12 charts with their KPIs.

KPI: Attrition rate by business travel and average monthly income

KPI: Employee satisfaction levels by job role

KPI: Employee distribution by department and education field with average distance from home
KPI: Working hours distribution by gender and marital status

KPI: Work-Life Balance & Job Satisfaction

KPI: Income Distribution across job roles

KPI: sum of training times last year with number of companies worked
KPI: Job roles with years in current role

KPI: Job role with average of years at company

KPI: Education level and job level

KPI: Job involvement with age

ANSWER 4: Dashboard

ANSWER 5: Stories
ANSWER 6: Dashboard helpful to a manager

As a manager, this dashboard would facilitate me in several ways:

● Identifying departments or job roles with high attrition rates, allowing for targeted
interventions to improve retention.
● Understanding the relationship between employee demographics, job satisfaction, and
performance, aiding in talent management strategies.
● Monitoring changes in attrition rates over time and assessing the effectiveness of
implemented measures.
● Benchmarking performance ratings and job satisfaction levels against industry standards
to gauge employee engagement and motivation.
● Analyzing the impact of factors like education level and marital status on various KPIs,
enabling more personalized HR strategies.


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