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D. SAI TEJA - 1064-21-538-007
K. DEVARAJ - 1064-21-538-048
T. SREE CHARAN - 1064-21-538-013
G. ABHIRAJ - 1064-21-538-046

Under the Guidance of

Assistant Professor of Commerce

Project submitted in fulfillment of the award of the Degree of

Bachelor of Commerce (Business Analytics)

Osmania University
Department of Commerce
Badruka College of Commerce and Arts
Kachiguda, Hyderabad.

We, D.SAITEJA (Roll No. 1064-21-538-007), K.DEVARAJ (Roll No. 1064-21-538-048),

T. SREE CHARAN (Roll No. 1064-21-538-013), G. ABHIRAJ (Roll No. 1064-21-538-
046), pursuing B.Com (BUSINESS ANALYTICS) Final Year from BADRUKA COLLEGE
OF COMMERCE AND ARTS, hereby declare that this project work entitled
Commerce, Osmania University in fulfillment of B.Com(BUSIN) course requirements, is a
record of original work done by us.

The information and data submitted in the project are authentic to the best of my knowledge

and belief. The project has not been submitted to any other university or institution for the

award of any degree, diploma, or fellowship or published any time before.

Date: D. SAI TEJA :


We express our gratitude to Dr.M.Janakiram, Vice Principal (Academic), Badruka

College of Commerce and Arts, for allowing me to do the project.

We are immensely grateful to our project guide, Ms. Shruti Kayal , Assistant
Professor of Commerce, for her constant support and guidance throughout the

We also express my sincere thanks to Dr. B.Mohan Kumar , Principal, Badruka

College of Commerce and Arts, Hyderabad and all other college staff for their
valuable support towards completing this work.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all my friends for their insightful
comments and constructive suggestions to improve the quality of this project work.

Last, but certainly not the least, We are indebted to my parents, without their
blessings we wouldn’t have finished this project under stipulated time and with
focused vision.

Badruka College of Commerce and Arts
Kachiguda Hyderabad
Department of Commerce


This is to certify that the project title “CONSUMER ACCEPTANCE AND ADOPTION OF
bonafide student work done by D.SAI TEJA (Roll No. 1064-21-538-007), K. DEVARAJ
(Roll No. 1064-21-538-048), T. SREE CHARAN (Roll No. 1064-21-538-013), G. ABHIRAJ
(Roll No. 1064-21-538-046), pursuing B.Com (BUSINESS ANALYTICS) Final Year from
BADRUKA COLLEGE OF COMMERCE AND ARTS, Kachiguda, Hyderabad under supervision
of Ms. SHRUTI KAYAL , Assistant Professor of Commerce.

Signature of External Examiner Signature of Internal Examiner &Guide




1.1 Introduction

1.2 Meaning

1.3 Objectives of the Study

CHAPTER 1 1.4 Need of study

1.5 Scope of the study

1.6 Research Methodology

1.7 Limitations of the Study

1.8 Structure of study

Review of Literature

2.1 Brief History of EVs

CHAPTER 2 2.2 About Electric Vehicles

2.3 Advantages of Electric Vehicles

2.4 Disadvantages of Electric Vehicles

CHAPTER 3 Theoretical framework

3.1 Importance of EV

3.2 Benefits of EV

3.3 Drawbacks of EV

3.4 Service provided by EV

3.5 Challenges faced by EV consumers

3.6 Marketing Strategies of EV

3.7 How EV replaces Petrol vehicle

CHAPTER - 4 Data Analysis

Data analysis and interpretation of the questions asked in a survey


5.1 Findings

5.2 Suggestions

CHAPTER - 5 5.3 Conclusion

5.4 Scope for the further study

5.5 Bibliography

5.6 Annexure

The concept of understanding consumer behavior towards electric vehicle is the primary motive of

this project. This study explains the opinions of the people who are quite aware of electric vehicles

which depicts the various reasons why electric vehicles is beneficial and where it lack. This study is

helpful for people who are in the dilemma of purchasing an electric vehicle. This study depicts the

average range, accelerations, top speed, energy consumption and battery use of the electric vehicles.

The survey explains the point of view of the consumers who are aware of the EV. Key determinants

such as perceived benefits, concerns, socio-demographic factors, environmental attitudes and policy

initiatives are examined to elucidate their impacts on consumer attitudes and behaviors toward EVs.

Moreover, challenges such as range anxiety, charging infrastructure availability, vehicle cost, and

misinformation are identified, along with proposed strategies to mitigate these barriers. From the

survey, we will get to know whether “consumers are accepting and adopting Electric Vehicles”.


Electric vehicles (EVs) have a rich history that spans over two centuries, marked by periods of
innovation, decline, and resurgence. From their humble beginnings in the early 19th century to the
modern electric cars dominating today's market, the evolution of EVs reflects humanity's quest for
sustainable transportation solutions.

Electric vehicles (EVs) have emerged as a transformative technology with the potential to
revolutionize the transportation sector and address pressing environmental, economic, and social
challenges. By utilizing electric motors powered by rechargeable batteries or other energy storage
devices, EVs offer a cleaner, more sustainable alternative to conventional internal combustion
engine vehicles. In this essay, we will explore the significance of electric vehicles, their
environmental benefits, technological advancements, economic implications, and societal impacts.


1. Assessing consumer perceptions: Understand consumer attitudes, beliefs, and concerns about
electric vehicles through surveys, focus groups, or interviews.
2. Identifying barriers: Determine the factors hindering consumer adoption, such as range, charging

facilities, or vehicle cost.


The need and importance of study with reference to

1) Behaviours of electric vehicle consumers towards electric vehicles.

2) Why EV ?

3) How EV replaces Petrol Vehicle.

The scope of the study is to understand the consumer behaviour towards the electric vehicle. Also
knowing the advantages and disadvantages of EV and how EV can be adopted by normal


Primary Data : Questionnaire i.e survey conducted for the 101 samples from common people
and consumers which contains questions regarding EV.

Secondary Data : Collected information from the Researchs,websites which helped us to know
more about EV.

Data Presentation Tools : The tools used for presentation are tables,graphs,charts.


Although sincere efforts have been made to collect the maximum nformation from the respondents,
this research is subject to following limitation :

Due to limitation of time only few people were selected for the study. So, the sample of consumers
was not enough to generalize the findings of the study.



A few studies had been made which were indirectly helpful to this investigation. Reviews of such studies are
presented below :

Steven Travis Waller : Thus the majority of consumer preference studies on EV adoption have
used stated preferences and discrete choice. These studies have used various estimation models
such as multinomial logit, nested logit, latent class model, hybrid choice model, mixed logit model,
probit model, random regret model, multiple discrete-continuous extreme values to estimate
consumers preferences for different EV features and identifying the source of heterogeneity in
consumer preference related to purchasing an EV.

Ali Ardeshiri : The electric vehicle market is in its infancy stage as compared with the internal
combustion engine (ICE) market, with very few vehicle manufacturers embarking on producing
them on a large scale globally. EVs are perceived as inferior to ICE vehicles mainly due to limited
range, low density of recharging stations, high costs of purchase and maintenance, and extremely
long recharging times.

Joan – Francesc Fondevila-gascon : The more people care about their environment, the
more they will have a high perception of electric vehicles. the results of the study are in line with
previous research which stated that Environment Concern had a positive effect on Perceptin of EV

Matthew Wigginton Bhagat-Conway : The findings showed that averagely non-adopters

agree with this statement, but have a slight tendency to be neutral regarding who investigated
Australian market, stated that Generation Y is the one most prone to EV adoption, compared to
Generation X and Z. However, this is not in line with the findings of this research where it was
found that Generation X has the greatest intention to own EVs in the future.

Nikola Uskokovic : Generally, to be purchased by early adopters, new technologies must have a
relative advantage , and the stronger the compatibility of the innovation, the more readily it is
accepted by expected buyers . Consumers' perceptions of the innovative characteristics of electric
vehicles are reflected by three aspects: vehicle design, environmental influence, and security.
Bennett also pointed out that, since the transformation of innovation achievements is an input-
output process, and high income is the ultimate goal pursued by each innovation subject, more
innovative technological achievements that can meet the income needs of the diffusion audience
spread more easily.

Nosheena Yasir : He demonstrated that individuals who are highly interested in EVs tend to be
middle-aged. Unlikely, Gen Y is more likely to adopt EVs compared to Gen X and Z. Sovacool
(2018) revealed that consumers below middle age are most inclined to purchase EVs. ...

Niray Tunçel : It is necessary to look at the obstacles that occur in the community, why this can
happen, even though the Indonesian government wants to build an integrated electric vehicle
ecosystem to encourage energy security and domestic energy independence so as to reduce

dependence on the use of fuel oil and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. He also conducted research
on consumer perceptions of electric vehicles and their impact on consumer preferences in New
South Wales Australia, the perceived benefits of consumers related to EVs are centered on three
dimensions namely vehicle design/design, impact on the environment and safety, these dimensions
interact on price and mileage.

2.1 Brief History of EVs

It is worth mentioning that the first electric vehicles were developed in the early 19th century when,
in 1832, Scottish inventor Robert Anderson invented the first crude electric carriage. However, it
wasn’t until the second half of the 19th century that some of the first practical electric cars were

As the EVs were easier to drive than steam-powered and gasoline-powered cars, in the latter half of
the 19th century, the EVs acquired popularity in the United States for driving in the city. However,
due to multiple factors like better roads, the discovery of Texas crude oil, lower fuel prices, better
combustion engines, Ford’s mass production of cheaper vehicles and other factors, the use of EVs
started to decline in the 1920s. Due to the soaring oil prices in the 1960s and environmental
concerns after the 1990s, EVs evinced interest from researchers, policymakers, and the public.

2.2 About Electric Vehicles (EV)

Early Development:

The journey of electric vehicles began in 1835 when Thomas Davenport built the first practical
electric vehicle. However, it was William Morrison's electric carriage in 1888 that captured public
imagination, marking the birth of the electric automobile industry. Throughout the late 19th and
early 20th centuries, electric vehicles gained popularity, particularly in urban areas, due to their
clean and quiet operation. Brands like Baker Electric and Detroit Electric flourished, producing
thousands of electric cars that rivaled their gasoline counterparts in performance and comfort.

Decline and Rebirth:

Despite their early success, electric vehicles faced stiff competition from gasoline-powered cars.
The mass production of cheaper gasoline vehicles, advancements in internal combustion engines,
and the availability of cheap oil led to the decline of electric vehicles by the 1920s. For decades,
they remained a niche market, overshadowed by the dominance of gasoline cars. However, interest
in electric vehicles resurged in the late 20th century amid growing concerns about air pollution, oil
dependence, and climate change.

Modern Era:

The 21st century has witnessed a remarkable resurgence of electric vehicles driven by
advancements in battery technology, environmental awareness, and government incentives.
Companies like Tesla have spearheaded this revolution, producing high-performance electric cars
that challenge the dominance of traditional automakers. The proliferation of charging infrastructure
and the introduction of supportive policies further accelerated the adoption of electric vehicles

Future Outlook:

As concerns about climate change intensify and governments prioritize decarbonization efforts, the
future of electric vehicles appears promising. Technological advancements continue to drive down
costs, improve range, and enhance charging infrastructure, making electric vehicles increasingly
accessible and practical for mainstream consumers. With the automotive industry embracing
electrification as a key strategy, electric vehicles are poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the
future of transportation, ushering in an era of sustainable mobility.

The government has taken the following measures to provide impetus to green mobility further:

• The Union Budget 2023-24 extended the customs duty exemption to the import of capital goods
and machinery required for the manufacture of lithium-ion cells for batteries used in electric

• GST on electric vehicles has been reduced from 12% to 5%; GST on chargers/ charging stations
for electric vehicles has been reduced from 18% to 5%.

• Both commercial as well as private battery-operated vehicles are given green license plates and
are exempted from permit requirements.

• Waiver on road tax on EVs, which in turn will help reduce the initial cost of EVs.

This shows all electric vehicles sorted. This made as a quick reference, click on a
vehicle for all details. The average is corrected for multiple versions of the same

Acceleration :

Average 6.5 seconds

Battery usable :

Average 72.1 kWh

Energy consumptions :

Average 188 Wh/km

Range :

Average 378 km

Top speed :

Average 188 kmh

The environmental benefits of electric vehicles extend beyond reducing greenhouse gas
emissions to include reductions in other harmful pollutants such as nitrogen oxides,
particulate matter, and volatile organic compounds. By eliminating these pollutants, EVs
help to improve public health, particularly in urban areas where air quality is a significant
concern. Furthermore, the quieter operation of electric vehicles compared to internal
combustion engine vehicles reduces noise pollution, enhancing the overall quality of life for
residents in urban and suburban areas.

Technological advancements in battery technology have been instrumental in driving the

growth of the electric vehicle market. Lithium-ion batteries, the most common type used in
EVs, have become increasingly efficient, affordable, and capable of storing larger amounts
of energy. As a result, EVs now offer longer driving ranges and faster charging times,
addressing two critical barriers to widespread adoption: range anxiety and charging
infrastructure availability. Moreover, ongoing research and development efforts are focused
on improving battery performance, durability, and recyclability, further enhancing the
sustainability of electric vehicles.

Governments around the world are implementing various policies and incentives to promote
the adoption of electric vehicles and accelerate the transition to electric mobility. These
measures include tax credits, rebates, grants, subsidies, zero-emission vehicle mandates, and
investments in charging infrastructure. By providing financial incentives and regulatory
support, governments aim to overcome market barriers, stimulate demand, and create a
conducive environment for electric vehicle adoption. Additionally, public-private
partnerships are essential for advancing electric vehicle technology, expanding charging
infrastructure, and fostering innovation in the electric mobility sector.

The societal impacts of electric vehicles are multifaceted and extend beyond environmental
and economic considerations. Electric vehicles offer equitable access to clean transportation
options, benefiting communities that may be disproportionately affected by air pollution and
transportation-related emissions. Furthermore, the adoption of electric vehicles can promote

social equity by reducing the cost of transportation and increasing mobility options for
underserved populations, including low-income individuals and communities.

In conclusion, electric vehicles represent a paradigm shift in transportation towards a more

sustainable, efficient, and equitable future. By reducing greenhouse gas emissions,
improving air quality, enhancing energy security, and stimulating economic growth, electric
vehicles offer a myriad of benefits for society and the environment. However, realizing the
full potential of electric mobility requires continued investment in technology,
infrastructure, and supportive policies to overcome remaining challenges and accelerate the
transition to a zero-emission transportation system.


Sure, here's a breakdown of the advantages of electric vehicles in point form for your research

1. Environmental Benefits:
- Zero Tailpipe Emissions: Electric vehicles produce no tailpipe emissions, reducing air pollution
and mitigating the impact of transportation on climate change.
- Lower Greenhouse Gas Emissions: EVs significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions
compared to internal combustion engine vehicles, especially when powered by renewable energy
- Cleaner Air Quality: By eliminating pollutants such as nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, and
volatile organic compounds, EVs contribute to improved air quality and public health, particularly
in urban areas.

2. Energy Efficiency:
- Higher Efficiency: Electric vehicles are more energy-efficient than internal combustion engine
vehicles, with electric motors converting a higher percentage of energy from the battery into

- Regenerative Braking: EVs utilize regenerative braking technology, which converts kinetic
energy during braking into electrical energy, thereby improving efficiency and extending driving

3. Reduced Dependence on Fossil Fuels:

- Diversified Energy Sources: EVs reduce dependence on fossil fuels for transportation, enabling
the integration of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power into the
transportation sector.
- Enhanced Energy Security: By reducing reliance on imported oil and diversifying energy
sources, electric vehicles enhance energy security and resilience to supply disruptions.

4. Cost Savings:
- Lower Fuel Costs: Electric vehicles have lower fuel costs compared to gasoline or diesel
vehicles, as electricity is generally cheaper than gasoline or diesel on a per-mile basis.
- Reduced Maintenance Costs: EVs have fewer moving parts and require less maintenance than
internal combustion engine vehicles, leading to lower maintenance and repair costs over the
vehicle's lifetime.

5. Driving Experience:
- Smooth and Quiet Operation: Electric vehicles offer a quieter and smoother driving experience
compared to internal combustion engine vehicles, enhancing comfort and reducing noise pollution
in urban areas.
- Instant Torque: Electric motors deliver instant torque, providing responsive acceleration and a
dynamic driving experience.

6. Long-Term Sustainability:
- Sustainable Materials: Electric vehicles use fewer rare earth metals and hazardous materials
compared to traditional vehicles, contributing to resource conservation and sustainability.
- Battery Recycling: Efforts are underway to develop efficient battery recycling technologies,
ensuring the responsible disposal and reuse of electric vehicle batteries and minimizing
environmental impact.

7. Technological Advancements:
- Battery Innovation: Ongoing research and development in battery technology are driving
improvements in energy density, charging speed, and battery lifespan, making electric vehicles
more practical and affordable.
- Advancements in Charging Infrastructure: The expansion of charging infrastructure, including
fast chargers and wireless charging technologies, is reducing charging times and improving the
convenience of electric vehicle ownership.

8. Government Incentives and Support:

- Financial Incentives: Many governments offer incentives such as tax credits, rebates, grants, and
subsidies to promote electric vehicle adoption and support the development of charging

9. - Regulatory Measures: Zero-emission vehicle mandates, emissions regulations, and other

regulatory measures encourage automakers to invest in electric vehicle technology and reduce
emissions from the transportation sector.

Overall, electric vehicles offer a multitude of advantages, ranging from environmental and
economic benefits to technological innovation and improved driving experiences. As the world
transitions towards sustainable transportation solutions, electric vehicles play a crucial role in
shaping the future of mobility.


1. Limited Driving Range:

- Range Anxiety: Electric vehicles typically have shorter driving ranges compared to internal
combustion engine vehicles, leading to concerns about range anxiety, especially for long-distance

2. Charging Infrastructure:
- Limited Availability: The availability of charging infrastructure, particularly fast chargers, may
be limited in certain areas, leading to inconvenience for EV owners and hindering widespread
- Charging Time: Despite advancements, charging an electric vehicle can still take significantly
longer than refueling a conventional vehicle with gasoline, impacting the convenience of EV

3. Battery Degradation:
- Limited Lifespan: Lithium-ion batteries degrade over time, resulting in reduced driving range
and performance as the battery ages. Battery degradation can lead to additional costs for battery
replacement or refurbishment.
- Environmental Impact: The manufacturing and disposal of lithium-ion batteries have
environmental implications, including resource extraction, energy-intensive production processes,
and challenges associated with recycling and disposal.

4. Upfront Cost:
- Higher Initial Cost: Electric vehicles typically have higher upfront costs compared to equivalent
internal combustion engine vehicles, primarily due to the cost of battery technology. While prices
are decreasing over time, the initial purchase price remains a barrier for some consumers.

5. Charging Challenges:
- Lack of Universal Standards: The absence of universal standards for charging connectors,
protocols, and payment systems can create confusion and compatibility issues for EV owners,
particularly when traveling or using public charging stations.
- Peak Demand: Widespread adoption of electric vehicles could strain electricity grids,
particularly during peak charging times, necessitating upgrades to infrastructure to accommodate
increased demand.

6. Cold Weather Performance:

- Reduced Range: Electric vehicle batteries may experience reduced efficiency and range in cold
weather conditions, impacting performance and requiring additional energy for heating the cabin
and battery.

7. Limited Vehicle Options:

- Market Availability: While the selection of electric vehicles is expanding, there may still be
limited options available compared to traditional vehicles, particularly in certain vehicle segments
such as trucks and SUVs.
- Infrastructure Adaptation: Transitioning to electric vehicles may require changes to
infrastructure, including upgrades to electrical grids, charging infrastructure deployment, and
modifications to home charging setups, which can pose challenges and additional costs.

8. Perceived Performance and Convenience :

- Consumer Perception: Some consumers may perceive electric vehicles as having inferior
performance, range, or convenience compared to internal combustion engine vehicles, leading to
hesitation or reluctance to adopt EVs.
- Lifestyle Considerations: Electric vehicle ownership may require adjustments to driving habits,
travel patterns, and lifestyle choices, particularly for those accustomed to the convenience of
gasoline-powered vehicles.

While electric vehicles offer numerous advantages, it's essential to consider the associated
challenges and limitations to inform decision-making and policy development aimed at promoting
sustainable transportation solutions. Addressing these disadvantages through technological
innovation, infrastructure investment, and supportive policies is crucial for accelerating the
transition to electric mobility and realizing the full potential of electric vehicles in combating
climate change and improving environmental sustainability.


3.1 Importance of EV


Electric vehicles (EVs) have emerged as a crucial component of efforts to mitigate climate change,
reduce air pollution, and enhance energy security. The importance of electric vehicles transcends
mere transportation; it encompasses environmental, economic, and societal dimensions, making
them a key player in shaping a sustainable future.

Environmental Benefits:

One of the primary reasons for the growing importance of electric vehicles is their significant
environmental benefits. Unlike internal combustion engine vehicles, EVs produce zero tailpipe
emissions, thereby reducing air pollution and improving air quality in urban areas. By replacing
gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles with electric alternatives, society can mitigate the adverse
effects of vehicle emissions on public health and the environment, including respiratory illnesses,
smog formation, and climate change.

Energy Security and Independence:

Electric vehicles play a crucial role in enhancing energy security and reducing dependence on
imported fossil fuels. By leveraging domestically produced electricity or renewable energy sources,
countries can reduce their reliance on oil imports, thereby enhancing energy independence and
resilience. Furthermore, the decentralized nature of electricity production enables greater
diversification and localization of energy sources, reducing vulnerability to geopolitical disruptions
and price fluctuations in the global oil market.

Economic Opportunities:

The widespread adoption of electric vehicles presents significant economic opportunities, ranging
from job creation to technological innovation. The transition to electric mobility stimulates
investment in clean energy infrastructure, including charging stations, battery manufacturing
facilities, and renewable energy generation. Moreover, the electrification of transportation fosters

innovation in battery technology, electric drivetrains, and vehicle design, driving down costs and
improving the performance of electric vehicles. As the electric vehicle market continues to expand,

it creates new employment opportunities in manufacturing, research and development, and

related industries, contributing to economic growth and competitiveness.

Social Equity and Accessibility:

Electric vehicles have the potential to promote social equity and enhance transportation
accessibility for all segments of society. By reducing the environmental and health impacts of
transportation, EVs benefit marginalized communities disproportionately affected by air pollution
and noise pollution. Furthermore, initiatives to promote electric vehicle adoption, such as
incentives, subsidies, and infrastructure development, can help address transportation equity issues
by ensuring that underserved communities have access to clean, affordable, and reliable
transportation options.


The importance of electric vehicles extends far beyond their role as a mode of transportation; they
represent a paradigm shift towards a more sustainable, resilient, and equitable transportation
system. By reducing greenhouse gas emissions, enhancing energy security, stimulating economic
growth, and promoting social equity, electric vehicles offer a compelling solution to address some
of the most pressing challenges facing society today. As governments, businesses, and individuals
increasingly recognize the benefits of electrification, the transition to electric mobility is poised to
accelerate, driving positive change for generations to come.

3.2 Benefits of EV
Electric Vehicles (EVs) offer a wide range of benefits, spanning environmental, economic, and
societal aspects:

Environmental Benefits:

1. Zero Emissions: EVs produce zero tailpipe emissions, reducing air pollution and improving
urban air quality, which is particularly beneficial for public health.

2. Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions: EVs contribute to lower greenhouse gas emissions
compared to conventional vehicles, especially when powered by renewable energy sources.

3. Resource Efficiency: Electric motors are more efficient than internal combustion engines, leading
to higher energy efficiency and reduced overall energy consumption.

Economic Benefits:

1. Lower Operating Costs: EVs have lower fuel and maintenance costs compared to gasoline-
powered vehicles, resulting in potential long-term savings for consumers.

2. Job Creation: The shift towards electric mobility stimulates investment and job creation in
industries such as battery manufacturing, charging infrastructure development, and renewable

3. Energy Security: EVs reduce dependence on imported fossil fuels, enhancing energy security by
leveraging domestically produced electricity or renewable energy sources.

*Societal Benefits:*

1. *Noise Reduction:* EVs are quieter than conventional vehicles, reducing noise pollution in urban
areas and improving overall quality of life.

2. *Health Benefits:* By reducing air pollution, EVs help mitigate respiratory illnesses and other
health issues associated with vehicle emissions, particularly in densely populated areas.

3. *Transportation Equity:* Promoting EV adoption through incentives and infrastructure
development can improve transportation accessibility and affordability for underserved
communities, enhancing social equity.

Overall, electric vehicles represent a sustainable and socially responsible transportation solution
that offers numerous benefits to individuals, communities, and the environment.

3.3 Drawbacks of EV

While electric vehicles (EVs) offer numerous benefits, they also come with certain drawbacks:

1. Limited Range: Most EVs have a limited driving range on a single charge compared to traditional
gasoline-powered vehicles. Although this range has been increasing with advancements in battery
technology, long-distance travel may still require careful planning and access to charging

2. Charging Infrastructure: The availability of charging stations remains a challenge, particularly in

rural and less-developed areas. Limited charging infrastructure can cause range anxiety and
inconvenience for EV owners, especially during long trips.

3. Charging Time: Charging an EV typically takes longer than refueling a gasoline vehicle,
especially when using standard home charging outlets. While fast-charging stations are becoming
more common, they are still not as widespread as gasoline stations, and charging times can vary
depending on the vehicle and charger type.

4. Upfront Cost: EVs often have a higher upfront purchase price compared to equivalent gasoline-
powered vehicles, primarily due to the cost of battery technology. Although the total cost of
ownership may be lower over the vehicle's lifetime due to savings on fuel and maintenance, the
initial investment can be a barrier for some consumers.

5. Battery Degradation: The performance and range of EV batteries can degrade over time,
particularly in extreme temperatures or if not properly maintained. Battery degradation may
necessitate costly repairs or replacements, impacting the overall ownership experience and resale
value of the vehicle.

6. Environmental Impact of Battery Production: The production of EV batteries requires raw

materials such as lithium, cobalt, and nickel, which can have environmental and social implications,
including habitat destruction, water pollution, and human rights abuses in mining regions.

7. Grid Strain: The widespread adoption of EVs could potentially strain electricity grids, especially
during peak charging periods. This may require infrastructure upgrades to accommodate increased
electricity demand and ensure grid stability.

Despite these drawbacks, ongoing technological advancements, supportive policies, and increasing
consumer acceptance are helping to address many of these challenges, making electric vehicles an
increasingly attractive and viable option for sustainable transportation

3.4 Services provided by EV

Electric vehicles (EVs) offer various services and advantages to both individuals and society as a

1. Transportation: EVs provide a mode of transportation for individuals, families, and businesses,
enabling them to travel efficiently and conveniently while reducing reliance on fossil fuels.

2. Environmental Benefits: EVs produce zero tailpipe emissions, helping to reduce air pollution and
combat climate change. By replacing internal combustion engine vehicles with electric alternatives,
EVs contribute to improved air quality and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

3. Cost Savings: EVs have lower operating costs compared to gasoline-powered vehicles due to
lower fuel and maintenance expenses. Electric motors are also more energy-efficient than internal
combustion engines, resulting in potential long-term savings for vehicle owners.

4. Grid Flexibility: Electric vehicles can serve as grid resources by participating in vehicle-to-grid
(V2G) and smart charging programs. By intelligently managing EV charging and discharging, V2G
technology can help balance electricity supply and demand, support renewable energy integration,
and enhance grid stability.

5. Energy Storage: EV batteries can serve as distributed energy storage systems, storing excess
energy from renewable sources such as solar and wind power. This stored energy can then be used
to power homes, businesses, or even feed back into the grid during peak demand periods.

6. Ancillary Services: EV batteries can provide ancillary grid services such as frequency regulation,
voltage support, and peak shaving. By leveraging the energy storage capacity of EVs, grid operators
can improve grid reliability and resiliency while reducing the need for costly infrastructure

7. Vehicle-to-Home (V2H) and Vehicle-to-Building (V2B) Integration: EVs equipped with V2H
and V2B technology can power homes and buildings during power outages or peak demand
periods. This capability enhances energy resilience and reduces dependence on centralized power

8. Enhanced Driving Experience: Electric vehicles often offer smooth, quiet, and responsive driving
experiences compared to traditional gasoline vehicles. Instant torque delivery from electric motors
provides brisk acceleration and a dynamic driving experience.

Overall, electric vehicles offer a wide range of services and benefits beyond conventional
transportation, contributing to a more sustainable, efficient, and resilient energy system.

3.5 Challenges faced by EV consumers

Electric vehicle (EV) consumers face several challenges that can impact their adoption and usage

1. Range Anxiety: Concerns about running out of battery charge before reaching a destination,
particularly on long trips, can cause range anxiety among EV owners. Limited charging
infrastructure and long charging times exacerbate this issue, leading to uncertainty and

2. Charging Infrastructure: The availability and accessibility of charging stations vary widely across
regions, with urban areas typically having better coverage than rural or remote areas. Inadequate
charging infrastructure can limit EV adoption and deter potential buyers, especially those without
access to home charging solutions.

3. Charging Time: Charging an EV typically takes longer than refueling a gasoline vehicle,
especially when using standard home charging outlets. While fast-charging stations are becoming
more common, they are still not as widespread as gasoline stations, and charging times can vary
depending on the vehicle and charger type.

4. Upfront Cost: EVs often have a higher upfront purchase price compared to equivalent gasoline-
powered vehicles, primarily due to the cost of battery technology. Although the total cost of
ownership may be lower over the vehicle's lifetime due to savings on fuel and maintenance, the
initial investment can be a barrier for some consumers.

5. Battery Degradation: The performance and range of EV batteries can degrade over time,
particularly in extreme temperatures or if not properly maintained. Battery degradation may
necessitate costly repairs or replacements, impacting the overall ownership experience and resale
value of the vehicle.

6. Limited Model Options: Compared to traditional gasoline vehicles, the variety of EV models
available on the market is still relatively limited, especially in certain vehicle segments such as
trucks and SUVs. Limited model options may restrict consumer choice and hinder widespread
adoption, particularly among consumers with specific vehicle preferences or requirements.

7. Home Charging Availability: Not all EV owners have access to home charging solutions, such as
a dedicated garage or parking space with an electrical outlet. The lack of home charging
infrastructure can pose challenges for EV ownership, especially for individuals living in multi-unit
dwellings or urban areas with limited parking options.

Addressing these challenges requires a coordinated effort from automakers, policymakers, utility
companies, and other stakeholders to improve charging infrastructure, reduce costs, increase vehicle
range, and enhance consumer education and awareness about electric vehicles.

3.6 Marketing Strategies of EV:
The marketing strategies of electric vehicles (EVs) often focus on highlighting their unique selling
points, addressing consumer concerns, and promoting the benefits of electric mobility. Here are
some key marketing strategies commonly employed by EV manufacturers:

1. Environmental Messaging: EV marketing campaigns often emphasize the environmental benefits

of electric vehicles, including zero tailpipe emissions, reduced air pollution, and mitigating climate
change. By positioning EVs as environmentally friendly alternatives to traditional gasoline vehicles,
manufacturers appeal to eco-conscious consumers concerned about sustainability.

2. Cost Savings: Marketing efforts highlight the potential cost savings associated with owning an
EV, including lower fuel and maintenance costs compared to gasoline-powered vehicles. By
showcasing the long-term economic benefits of electric mobility, manufacturers aim to attract
budget-conscious consumers looking to save money over the lifetime of their vehicle.

3. Performance and Innovation: Electric vehicles are often marketed as innovative, high-
performance vehicles that offer smooth, quiet rides and instant torque delivery. Manufacturers
leverage advanced technology, such as electric drivetrains and regenerative braking systems, to
position EVs as cutting-edge vehicles that provide an exhilarating driving experience.

4. Range and Charging Infrastructure: EV marketing campaigns address consumer concerns about
range anxiety by highlighting the increasingly longer range of modern electric vehicles and the
expanding network of charging infrastructure. Manufacturers promote the convenience of charging
at home, at work, and on the go, emphasizing the ease and accessibility of electric vehicle

5. Lifestyle and Brand Image: EV marketing often appeals to consumers' lifestyles and values,
positioning electric vehicles as symbols of modernity, innovation, and sustainability. By associating

their brands with environmental consciousness and technological advancement, manufacturers seek
to attract aspirational consumers who prioritize social responsibility and forward-thinking.

6. Government Incentives and Policies: Manufacturers leverage government incentives, subsidies,

and supportive policies to incentivize EV adoption and make electric vehicles more affordable and
accessible to consumers. Marketing campaigns often highlight available incentives, such as tax
credits, rebates, and HOV lane access, to encourage consumers to choose electric.

7. Education and Awareness: EV marketing efforts include consumer education and awareness
initiatives to dispel myths, address misconceptions, and promote the benefits of electric mobility.
Manufacturers provide informational materials, online resources, and test drive opportunities to
educate consumers about the advantages of electric vehicles and alleviate concerns about range,
charging, and performance.

Overall, successful EV marketing strategies combine messaging around environmental

sustainability, cost savings, performance, convenience, lifestyle appeal, government support, and
consumer education to attract and persuade consumers to embrace electric mobility.

3.7 How EV replaces Petrol Vehicle

Electric vehicles (EVs) are gradually replacing petrol vehicles in the automotive market through a
combination of technological advancements, supportive policies, and shifting consumer
preferences. Here's how EVs are replacing petrol vehicles:

1. Technological Advancements: Continuous advancements in battery technology, electric

drivetrains, and vehicle design have led to significant improvements in the performance, range, and
affordability of electric vehicles. Modern EVs offer competitive driving ranges, rapid charging

capabilities, and comparable performance to traditional petrol vehicles, making them increasingly
attractive options for consumers.

2. Environmental Concerns: Growing concerns about air pollution, climate change, and
environmental sustainability have fueled interest in electric vehicles as cleaner and greener
alternatives to petrol vehicles. Governments and regulatory bodies worldwide are implementing
stricter emissions standards and incentivizing electric vehicle adoption to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions and improve air quality.

3. Cost Savings: Electric vehicles offer potential cost savings over petrol vehicles in terms of fuel
and maintenance expenses. While the upfront purchase price of EVs may be higher, the lower
operating costs, including lower fuel costs and reduced maintenance requirements (due to fewer
moving parts), can result in long-term savings for consumers.

4. Supportive Policies: Governments around the world are implementing various policies and
incentives to promote electric vehicle adoption. These include tax credits, rebates, subsidies, and
grants for purchasing EVs, as well as investments in charging infrastructure development, research
and development, and consumer education programs. Supportive policies create a favorable
environment for electric vehicle manufacturers and consumers, encouraging the transition away
from petrol vehicles.

5. Charging Infrastructure: The expansion of charging infrastructure, including public charging

stations, workplace charging, and home charging solutions, is essential for increasing the adoption
of electric vehicles. Investments in charging infrastructure make it more convenient and accessible
for consumers to charge their EVs, reducing range anxiety and increasing confidence in electric
vehicle ownership.

6. Consumer Awareness and Acceptance: As awareness of electric vehicles grows and consumers
become more familiar with the benefits and capabilities of EVs, adoption rates are increasing.

Positive word-of-mouth, media coverage, and educational campaigns contribute to changing
perceptions and attitudes towards electric mobility, driving consumer demand for electric vehicles.

Overall, the gradual replacement of petrol vehicles with electric vehicles is driven by a combination
of technological progress, environmental concerns, cost savings, supportive policies, charging
infrastructure development, and increasing consumer acceptance. As these factors continue to
evolve and improve, electric vehicles are poised to play an increasingly significant role in the
transition to a more sustainable and electrified transportation system.


Here is the data analysis and interpretation of the questions asked in a
survey :
1) What is your gender?



Number of
52 48 1

% of respondents 47.50% 0.99%
From the above table and below graph we can infer that out of101 respondents
52(51.50%)responded male and 48(47.50%) responded as females .

From the data we can interpret that majority of respondents are males.

2) What is your age?

UNDER 18 18-30 55 YEARS


Number of
5 94 2 0

% of respondents 5.00% 93.10% 1.90% 0%

From the above table we can observe that out of total 101 respondents 94(93.10%) persons are in
between the age of 18-30 years and there are 5(5.00%) respondents who belong to under 18 years
of age.There are also 2(1.90%) persons who are in between 31-55 years of age.We can observe that
here are no responses for the category 55 years and above.

From the graph and table we can infer that the majority of the respondents of this survey are in
between the age of 18-30 years.We can observe that most of the respondents are adults who can

3) What is your occupation?


Number of
96 5
% of respondents 95.00% 5.00%


From the above table and graph out of total 101 respondents,96(95%) are students and remaining
5(5%) are employed.While there are 0 responses from others.

From the above data we can interprete that the majority of responses received are from
students .So, from this survey we can get to know the opinion of students on electric vehicles.

4) Have you ever heard about electric vehicles(EVs)?


Number of
92 9

% of respondents 91.10% 8.90%


From the above graph and table out of 101

responses 92 persons (i.e 91.10%) have heard

about electric vehicles and the remaining 9

persons (i.e 8.90%) haven’t heard about the


From the above data we can observe that majority of the peoples have heard about the electric
vehicles,Since there is a growth in the mrket for electric vehicles and many peop-le had heard about
them because of the marketing.While very less number of people haven’t heard about them.

5) Have you ever ridden in or driven an electric vehicle?


Number of respondents 70 31

% of respondents 69.30% 30.70%

From the table and graph out of a total 101
respondents 71people i.e(69.30%) opted for
“Yes” which means they had experienced the
electric vehicle and the remaining
31(30.70%) selected “No” that means they
had never experienced electric vehicles as of

From the above data we can observe that
majority of people had already experienced
electric vehicles while some people have not
experienced it yet.

6) What are the main reasons why you would consider purchasing an electric


Number of
71 73 18 30
% of
36.97% 38.02% 9.38% 16%
NOTE: One person can select multiple options

From the table and graph we have received a total 192 responses where
71 people (i.e. 36.97%) opted for environmental
benefits ,73 people(i.e. 38.02%) opted for cost
saving ,18 people(9.38%) opted for government
incentives and 30 (16%)people have opted for to 55

improve technology.
21 18
From the above graph and table we can observe
that the major reasons people have considered
buying electric vehicles are environmental benefits

and also for cost saving of fuel and maintenance.

7) What are the main barriers preventing you from purchasing an electric vehicle?

NOTE:One person can select multiple options




61 60.4%



From the above table we have observed that majority of the
i.e 61 members are beleiving that there is a limited availabilty of
charging infrastructure

From the above graph and table we are able to identify the major reasons behind why people

afraid of buying electric vehicles .The popular reason being limited availability of charging
infrastructure, followed by limited driving range and concerns on battery life.

8) How likely are you to purchase an electric vehicle in the next 3 years?

Number of
21 22 42 4 11

% of respondents 21.00% 22.00% 42.00% 4% 11%

From the above graph and table out of 100 responses
received , 42 people has a neutral opinion, 22 people are
somewhat likely and 21 people are very likely to purchase an
EV vehicle in the next 3 years. Whereas a total of 15 people are
unlikely to buy an EV vehicle .
From the above data we can observe that a total of 43% people are likely to buy an EV
in the next three years.This shows a positive response from the citizens towards adoption of electric
vehicles in future.

9) What features or incentives would encourage you to switch to an electric
NOTE: One person can select multiple options

From the above table and graph we can infer the features or incentives which would encourage the
respondents to switch to an electric vehicle.Since this question involves selecting multiple answers
the data is represented in the form of raw counts.As we can see the majority of respondents i.e-
56%,51% and 52% prefer Lower purchase price,Longer driving range and Faster charging
infrastructure respectively whereas minority of respondents i.e- 26% and 27% have chosen

Availability of government incentives and Access to dedicated EV protocols respectively .


10) Are you aware of any government initiatives or policies promoting electric
vehicle adoption in India?


Number of
15 86

% of respondents 14.90% 85.90%

From the above table and graph out of 101 responses ,
86people (i.e 85.9%) have voted for “NO” and 15 people( i.e
15.1%) had voted for “YES”.

From the responses we can observe that most of the people
are not aware of the incentives and subsidies provided by the government .

11) How often do you travel more than the average range of an electric vehicle on a
single trip? (e.g., more than 200 km)


Number of
12 41 26 15

% of respondents 12.80% 43.60% 27.70% 16%


From the above table and graph we can see that out of 94 responses 43.6% people travel
more than 200 kms occassionaly and 12.8% travel frequently.Whereas 27.7% and 16%
people travel rarely and never travel respectively.

We can observe that most of the people travel occassionaly above 200 kms .As most of the
electric vehicles can accommodate less than 200 kms. This is a positive response as many
people do not prefer to travel more than 200kms.

12)How important is it for you to have access to public charging stations?



Number of
55 21 18 2

% of respondents 57.35% 21.87% 20.75% 0.03%

From the table and graph we get to know that out of 96 responses received on access to public
charging stations 57.35% people responded as very important followed by 21.87% people who
thinks it is important. While 20.75% people have neutral opinion on it and 0.03% of people think
that it is not very important.

From the above graph we get to know
that the majority of people think that it is
very much important to have access to
public charging stations. Having access to
public charging station is very much
important because if the battery of the
vehicle is out of power one can be able to charge it immediately if he had access to charging
stations anywhere.

13) Would you be interested in a test drive of an electric vehicle to experience it



No. of respondents 82 14

% of respondents 85.40% 14.60%

From the above table and graph out of 96
responses received 85.40% had responded
‘YES’ and
14.60% had responded ‘NO’.

After analysing both the graph and tables we
get to know that majority of the people are
interested for a test ride of EV. It shows that
consumers are actually interested and if they get to know about all the advantages they may
be ready to buy an
Electric vehicle.

14) Which type of electric vehicle would you prefer?


No.of respondents 31 25 11 29

%of respondents 32.30% 26.00% 11.50% 30.20%


From the above table we can see that out of 96 responses received 32.30% have opted for battery
electric vehicle(BEV) i.e 32.30% and 26%
have opted for plug in hybrid
vehicle(PHEV).30.20% people are not sure on
what type of electric vehicle to select.

By the above graph and table we can observe that most of the people are preffering Battery
electric vehicle instead of PHEV and FCEV and second major proportion part are not sure on what
type of vehicle to prefer. This shows that there is a lack of information and awarness to public on
different types of EV’s.



 Majority of respondents 52 (51.50%) responded male and 48(47.50%) responded as

females .

 Majority of respondents 94(93.10%) persons are in between the age of 18-30 years

 Majority of respondents 96(95%) are students and remaining 5(5%) are employed.
 Majority of respondents 92 persons (i.e 91.10%) have heard about electric vehicles and
the remaining 9 persons (i.e. 8.90%) haven’t.
 Majority of respondents total 101 respondents 71people i.e(69.30%) opted for
“Yes” ,remaining 31.70% opted “NO”

 Majority of respondents total 192 responses where

71 people (i.e. 36.97%) opted for environmental benefits,
73 people(i.e. 38.02%) opted for cost saving,
18 people(9.38%) opted for government incentives and
30(16%)people have opted for to improve technology.
(Note**:- one person can select multiple options .)

 Majority of respondents100 responses received,

42 people has a neutral opinion,
22 people are somewhat likely and
21 people are very likely to purchase an EV vehicle in the next 3 years.
Whereas a total of 15 people are unlikely to buy an EV vehicle .

 Majority of respondents out of 101 responses , 86people (i.e 85.9%) have voted for
“NO” and 15 people( i.e 15.1%) had voted for “YES

 Majority of respondents out of 94 responses

43.6% people travel more than 200 kms occassionaly and
12.8% travel frequently.
Whereas 27.7% and 16% people travel rarely and never travel respectively.

 Majority of respondents out of 96 responses received on access to public charging
stations 57.35% people responded as very important followed by 21.87% people who
thinks it is important. While 20.75% people have neutral opinion on it and 0.03% of
people think that it is not very important.
 Majority of respondents out of 96 responses received 85.40% had responded ‘YES’ and
14.60% had responded ‘NO’.

 Majority of respondents out of 96 responses received 32.30% have opted for battery
electric vehicle(BEV) i.e 32.30% and 26% have opted for plug in hybrid
vehicle(PHEV).30.20% people are not sure on what type of electric vehicle to select.

 It is suggested that the electric vehicle companies should increase their charging
 It is suggested that consumers should get awareness about the government policies
regarding electric vehicles.
 It is suggested that there are more advantages than disadvantages of purchasing electric

From this research and survey, we can conclude that majority of the respondents are interested to
experience electric vehicle and most of the respondents believe that electric vehicles are cost
saving and support for environmental benefits. Electric vehicle lacks behind because limited
availability of charging infrastructure, limited driving range and battery life and they also believe
that electric vehicles are lower in price , longer driving range and having fast charging
infrastructure. Majority of respondents are interested to purchase an Electric vehicle. Finally , with
this research we can conclude that “Consumers are ready to Accept and Adopt Electric Vehicle”

There is a scope to gather more information regarding electric vehicle’s updates, policies etc


1. Gender
2. Age
3. Occupation
4. Have you heard of electric vehicles (EVs)?
5. Have you ever ridden in or driven an electric vehicle?
6. What are the main reasons why you would consider purchasing an electric vehicle? (Select all
that apply)
7. What are the main barriers preventing you from purchasing an electric vehicle? (Select all that
8. How likely are you to purchase an electric vehicle in the next 3 years?
9. What features or incentives would encourage you to switch to an electric vehicle? (Select all that
10. Are you aware of any government initiatives or policies promoting electric vehicle adoption in
11. If yes, please specify which initiatives or policies you are aware of.
12. Would you be willing to pay a premium for an electric vehicle compared to a conventional
vehicle if it offered significant benefits?
13. Do you have any concerns about owning an electric vehicle? If yes, please specify.
14. How important is it for you to have a wide variety of electric vehicle models to choose from?
15. Would you consider purchasing a used electric vehicle?

16. How often do you travel more than the average range of an electric vehicle on a single trip?
(e.g., more than 200 km)
17. How important is it for you to have access to public charging stations?
18. Would you be interested in a test drive of an electric vehicle to experience it firsthand?
19. Which type of electric vehicle would you prefer?
20. Any additional comments or suggestions regarding electric vehicle adoption in India?


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