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Paine ee UPSC = ‘be weston rub] wa fren be a cart Se | Candidates: De /UE¥en@ Answer Questions in NOT MORE THAN the Word Limit specified for each in the Parenthesis must not ait a Content of the Question is more important than length, write on tis ty afd ('Specimen Answer Booklet - For Practice Purpose Only) margin Tbe Section A ae => \F agnewtue goes wong , nothing else Te will go maht. Ty At the stroke vf the at tmid-night oF 14-19” August, 1944) when e The whole worlel slept, Inclig awoke +O < Q new beginning - However, inspite of ~~ . CT the new beginning . our jeaderg decided e FB Afocus,.,Ond, Hoeacmest araditonal 3 iS5ue — agriculture t Z, India’s 18” EYP Launched 19 2 (AS) wag Sampler ely Aedicoted +2 e. boosting agrou rural odpw - The next 2 3d years were focused on achieving £ foad security Fox the county - Green 2 evolution stands, as a testament +o : 2 Wg success « I a ? Page | fa » ii = Scanned with CamScanner ‘Please dot at * we wentege m tegesnnntl x4 fret Msp) Fare Candidates Amndena| ‘Answer Questions in NOT MORE THAN the Word Limit specified for each in the Parenthesis. must not reas Content ofthe Question is more important han length rte on tis af (Specimen Answer Booklet - For Practice Purpose Only) One might think thot when the new nodiong wag sdortin afresh | why cold if Not focus on sectora like nase Set s oewvicess UC? Why did the gewices Sector bloom only when ogticultute was secured ? The Omgwer Was giver in one Single line by M8. Swaminathan - the Fother of Green Revolwion. As he said, “Ip qgdcutture goes lormg, nothing else wil go night.” In this eseay, we will Fows on the impsttance of cage’ culture” io our Economy + What eracky is one with our agriculture @ how ig it mypssna ug 0 Finally 4 we wil) Condude With “Whot ig needed +0 make our a qricadiur, wight a Scanned with CamScanner Peseioan = UPSC oa We Hea al ‘Answer Questions in NOT MORE THAN the Word Limit specified for each in the Parenthesis. sates Content ofthe Guest s more moran than length. 1 ddvedeuveceweeueuy I St YSIIIVVOOOCUOOY a (eeeeeeseee ( Specimen Answor Booklet For Practice Purpose Only) a Macs ig the worst fotro OF violence" As stated by Gondhiji , Runges ig the Key Cause of mong Socdo- Economic issues . A hsngiys petoon wil) Wave poor health, Coannoy be economicolla Productive & might even indulge 10 crime to Fl hig Stomach - Agriculture by esanndR Te One sleea & ad targets roultiple Sgues with “Ong stone . Only woes India once food secur ty in 1930s, Me Socio- Economic Indicators ike HHR, IMR, GER Started Teasing. Moreover, an agro turally seorred county doesn't have te depenct on other countries OS Toy its Suétenonce. Sung foo Secure in itguf is O power OF ae . Page 3 Scanned with CamScanner Foun ease} hse) Faren| Agora af UPSC ‘Answer Questions in NOT MORE THAN the Word Limit specified for each in the Parenthess. ‘Conient ofthe Question is more important than length, (Specimen Answer Booklet - For Practice Purpose Only) Cy \n Seam) Se counties hke India, other sears like Taany Fachusng 5 Dervices oftty take time 7° bloom. Ti she, agriculture ShaWders the responsbiily oF Revie employment to people . Like in “India, if provides Employment TO 44). oF — population. The importence of agnouhire bringa us to the Queston that iF otc ig so important, why has thai - the) 2°? largest producer in the World- of Heen Oble +2 Athieve the stodus of Superpower ger? Thot's becouse coerg ne i@ Nor perfect - OR, iS Agriculture = Indic "s Strength becoming 4 weakness, ea WN Scanned with CamScanner Peed = UPSC SERPaTS) Answer Questions in NOT MORE THAN the Word Limit specified fer each nthe Parenthess a. Content of the Question is more important than length, Agriculture although employs Ga). oF Peputedion, it9, contribution +? GDP ie mere G1. While other Sectors have grown ot ~%]. \over lagt 3 decodes! Og reuture hoe been of SI... This Shows the huge probe oF disguised “employment in. ogrcwture The low employment inten silt rdweedddewedenuur rs} VUUVIOUOUOUDUVUOY of aqnewture con he attributed 1° Oge ola Aechmi Que s bung Followed . Flood Farcal a rondicaiering of fertilizes lack of mechonizodion hag reduced aad OF agviculture « The woter inten sity oF Indian agrioltuce is 3-@x thot oF Ching. Moreover, eta odec area 3s leas then So" leaving, farmers oe voganes oF weother- a a a a IY ¢. > Scanned with CamScanner ( Specimen Answer Booklet - For Practice Purpose Oniy) {marin venta; Fears Ths) Fare Haters) Answer Questions in NOT MORE THAN the Word Limit specified for each in the Parenthesis sbheras Content of te Question is more important than length Ba ( Specimen Answer Booklet - For Practice Purpose Only) The ineffrciencies Ore oot one at produton Stage. NITH Aayog estimores} thet produce worth RS 1UCr is lost ewer qeee clue +0 \lack oF cold storage infrastructure. How have tese inchHidencdy inmapaded India For one, India ig foxd secure, Pot unger secure. We fanked 101s e in Glakel Hunger Index 2021 & the Coteqoy oF “Severe” hunger. India fs sone Problem of ‘Hunger in the midst of plenty’. Thig is due to tradition of Yous on wheat @ vice a6 compared +2 hotighe diet. Focus on grains has proviclee! Inviqg. with Ista of corks but without ere hudtients & minerds needed hy body : i i Page © Scanned with CamScanner NS Peeine = byte ranted? +4 fern i) ao FRET Candidates es ‘Answer Questions in NOT MORE THAN the Word Limit specified for each in the Parenthesis. must not ama e Content of the Question is more important than length. write on this i ( Specimen Answot Booklet - For Practice Purpose Only) margin YVVIVVIVIYOUUDDUDUUSI The second problem 1s with Vesped to climole shonge Agron ruce Contributes (41 to India’s GHG emission with F9:) Coming Form Flood Gein Indigcriminade use oF urea FerHlizers due 40 uncontrolled swosidies jead Fo Qs contibest da Lory.” OMENS oxides - India draw 6). oF world’s Grovndwater with BS- 40-1. Beingy Soc ox ogricul tire . lnctticient use hag led +o. 601: Srqurcsien in India’s water Foble in lagr 30 yeors (CANS) - The third problem 16 with « Expo Potential . Although Second largest Producer, India’s Aqricuiturok export 7S Grad. of De vs GI Sor Brazid. Subsistence faveic a, hv ge domestic demond| hough MSPs, leave litle for exporhs . Page Scanned with CamScanner UPSC [Answer Questions in NOT MORE THAN the Word Limit specified for each in the Parenthesis. Content ofthe Question is more important than length, (Specimen Answer Booklet - For Practice Purpose Only) —_—. 4 With al these issues *h Ormenrrures Indig’ a4 @ Whole 5 eae along With ‘farmers . To veop the full potential, 1t 18 imperotive +O ensure our SreeWara yermaing & strength . How con We ‘strengthen agriculture ? To moke Saree Hire sight, uimost Focus Showd be On the people involved in it. To reduce diggpi sed ua- Lnploy ment , belue- colored Jobs in) agri- lied achvities like fool processing Showd be Creoten. PM- KVY, DDUKESY Ore pre exigHing plotFerme Which coy be used: The second focus point Showd be Crop diversification. Rooating j+ Aheovgh MSP regime be cud Scanned with CamScanner Pees wi anti ct ‘epee | P S i) REM ver ien 3) ‘Answer Questions in NOT MORE THAN the Word Limit specified for each in the Parenthesis. rs Content of the Question is more important than length, ane] (‘Specimen Answer Booklet - For Practice Purpose Only) Syoveuerudunnadvecvcoeweoed eee a f ’ More vetuing _ AS Compared +o 60°]. on Oilseeds | purses, oc: con help: ene ay demon d by Prowding nwri-slice bors OF millets in MDM, POSHAN, ICDS will Ensure Shift owacdg leae water intensive CYP « Along with traditions! Improvements, there hag + he perspedive Get ins agrewture,s from food wesiness Production +o enter py se CES 202))- Improvement in privat povticl podion From O31, +2,, 4 30, investments , ceveSTD Cola- choin. infra, wil) tronsform she Secor santo A modern enterprise - The trons formation will ole have to. be ftom, Input intensive +O koowled ge intengive . Precision Forming , @IS based renpRings. sadastrel mops , Can improve Greate oF Se a Page F ® = Scanned with CamScanner seri waayprgen| ra afere ‘tegesnnnte} aa Frees nbsp) car yar Candidates Yyreere] Answer Questions in NOT MORE THAN the Word Limit specified for each in the Parenthesis, must nt arenes Content ofthe Question is more important than fenath rte on this aie ( Specimen Answer Booklet - For Practice Purpose Only) meng Yndiq hag potenttal to grow it micro - WWigated Grek. Bap Hive “regia The last Step in Aansfometos Wowd be in mackcding. Shifling From Stock monagement to Surplus monagement. While India’s prdudiion has grown from Vege “person (9 #0) 00 keg! person Sa0lF), Consumption has Temainech conctant One ~ Veg Person » Engurings Free & inteqroted taarkets to farmers will help in surplug Mmonagement + Apast from domesh © demong | SivesiFging- bogkes in “the form of Ce Poe destinodion “& PredudS will increase Nolue of agriculture’, Sdting vp yenaiing Facilites} e- Mates, Crending Brand India” wi? Boost agreuiturag exports - La 0 ne Scanned with CamScanner Paes = wenn] raat a eon neo nese = — 4 Candidates IutWars] Answer Questions in NOT MORE THAN the Word Limit specified for each in the Parenthesis. must not. sirens Content of the Question is more important than length. write on this aie (‘Specimen Answer Booklet - For Practice Purpose Only) margin We must remember that while Our Coto tn was agciin‘g. under Second Wove SF pondemic , it was agriculture which Showdered the saad & eg terect Fesiient growth . Middle - eastern countries, Devoid oF aquiesture were hit much hovder even with [swer number of coges . For India to achieve $9 hillion, SeSHoeit sit will hove to cluh modern Sediais When VeS. BPO, Gutom obile, phosma with the backbone Sector — Oyrculture - “India’s place 99) the sun with come from Combinadh0a) OF wisdor of urtot econo & akillg of Ubon econore oa ese Kurien Page () SPOvvebeeeeevvudvdcee Scanned with CamScanner Peseta vee aytigen sateen a tegen eeu ay fete re vara We Answer Questions in NOT MORE THAN the Word Lint pecfied foreach nthe Paronhess. Sunt nat ater Content of he Question is more important than length, ite on tis ( Specimen Answer Booket - For Practice Purpose Oni) _| nari dedddueuvrie Raed IIYOHO OHV evo OUVUDIYS ” -----: Page (3 a Seton B . |!s gems om inevitable Ovicome of re] The day is io Femuarg 2022. Mictogoft office 7H “ane is al) decked op +o. Veetive “5 Indian ongin CEN, Saye Nadella , after bung Qhis Whom sg seohoefeas> As Subya lords ‘down “at Mumbs Oirpott, he notices the world’s largest oll Lebeeradl coe him . Bud soon, all that disoppeacs . AS he jravs the ‘woadg of | Sowh Sore de all he Sees 18) tail, qleeming, sky - Sereppers with Mecedes A Ralls — Royce sanity on The roode - Scanned with CamScanner Pawo seat vena em ca eft See 2 frert ais 6 wie tidal [Candidates immer’ Answer Questions in NOT MORE THAN the Word L fied for each nthe Parenthesis. | must nt. a Content ofthe Question is more an length. ita on is af (Specimen Answer Booklet - For Practice Purpose Only) margin Rad The Stark Contrast Sodye Seeg within & Hme ~ Spon of aon hour Makes him wonder — 15 Inequolitey on inevitable ovtcome of growth 2 This brings us te sodaa's topic where we wil) see Indiq?s gous us OF whet cost? Hag the growth beang inclusive 2 Wag i? inevitoble tO have gerne imequsity % Finally we wil) eynclude with what Cor be done 4p Mende thig ae vce ee After Ses le India in 19408, India hag achieved spectauwar grevth 1 1g Phe third lacqes? economy Ga, PPP teres) roast lt has been. Page Scanned with CamScanner pact afr a saw afer Candidates Answer Questions in NOT MORE THAN the Word Lint speci foreach nthe Parethesis | must rot Content of ie Queston Is more important han length ite on is ( Specimen Answer Bookat- For Practoe Purpose Only) marge See ee ae Cpring od ~ Bl. for last 2 decades | From being smporr dependent fer Susttnance in 19605, 1F has become & Mejor exportes 39 The fidds oF Oudorm obile, phamacenticel S , SC In 202), India wag the ae largest SFO) destinahOn in) Woe world. Sedya while joking. pride in the qrouth oF his origin county wonders - oF whot cost was this you"! Hog dhio grout come with equity 2 Eine irala hag 7 Unicorns in it arsenal, gel of ite pepysfon Sperds less thon Rs 1090 asin During: Covi, While marked Copitetization of India itcreaged Sth 190-1, , more, thoy Page LS Scanned with CamScanner lca aia ; a eatin meet eaaesmnnte} 34 fro ‘ia el a Candidates ja Hane Answer Questions in NOT MORE THAN the Word Limi spected for each inthe Parenthosis must rot athe Content ofthe Question is more important than length write on his afr ( Specimen Answer Booklet For Practice Purpose Only) margin 3 Croce Perple were pushed into overt ; The inequolites ore not Yeeticted to income , While on One hand We have Tes Oberoi , Tudent S ster Wetls, \ndiq iS Sees as ‘ evere? hunger bg Globe) Munger Index - The inequalities continue Gcress| Arser~ Bay. of india’s income iS Contrib ed. by men (word Tequ stity Index) While female LFeR is ratrely as 28/., #18 ag high ag 481. for men- Moreover, the Inequalities Ore SPreed across vegions, Top 3 states = Moharashtra, Kamatoke, Tomil Neda contro 3 times GDP then bottom & stored | White HHR ig 200 in UP, iF is qusr 4Q in kerala . Page \G, comm ite Scanned with CamScanner * maoed nore teansennnte peal ‘nbs sae) atten, er Candidates IERWen') Answer Questions in NOT MORE THAN the Word Limit specied for eachn the Parenfesis. | mustno Content ofthe Questions more important than length ite on his ( Specimen Answer Booklet - For Practice Purpose Only) margin Raving onaly zed these facks, One might wonder — whos exachy went eas Ae How did India achieve, such O Sspectaeatay qrowth but onkt Foro SU of ite popwedion 2 The answer Ves in grout Hregectony of India. The fous of policies post 149) was more on © qroutth Oe ee cost”. Ruying on the ‘trickle - Sewn’ effeds India logged in. enhoncin the Humon Bevdlonmen Indicotors CHOI). While privote Componies Flousished otering gobs +o limited Secion of Prepwedion , no saFery nds were provided fer the poorest . ' et oom the wedge bdween both these Sections widened - SIVISKEVUVOUO OUD TDUSG Page (> Scanned with CamScanner Peet water wena reste ‘raesorante sa feat ins) cafe a Candidates Fader] Anewer Questions in NOT MORE THAN the Word Limit specified for each in the Parenthesis must not Content of the Question is more important than length rte on his ais ( Specimen Answer Booklet - For Practice Purpose Only) margin The educodionad spending has been gtagnont? of 4-0:/: of GDP for 19st RQ decqdeg- Atthough steps like RTE has increased GRE Fe. quonhty , ea FeEmoains abystrot. Onty eal. oF Cass S children Gos Solve Tass 2 problems (A9€R) The third indicodor oF ND! ive, heath has the most Stark Contrast. 09 One hood, India ig a medcck tours om estinodion while 09 other hord it has onty 36 doctors per Vb population = Ow of Pocker Expenwiture (cope) at 6Oh 16 one at the © Nighest gqrobetig The at pandemic wave ed ghoweal the infirmikes oF Indic, healthcore Systere when people died oa Toad becouse they cowd not Find G bed tm hospital - hon Page LQ Scanned with CamScanner 7c j Pan = Soe arte ramet ae cafe, re candidates Answer Questions in NOT MORE THAN the Word Limit specified for each the Parenthesis. | must not ae Content ofthe Question 's mare important than length rite on this N ( Specimen Answer Booklet - For Practice Purpose Only) margin addaddeeoed’ a DIY Y YY oe KLLUYVUVIGOYS The, issue, of * Growth oF ong O91" 16. Fusther exacerbotect bt Ager ld. Mentality . Low empowerment of women due | to, low education , no? alteuting thera +0 work inhibites India’s growth: AS quoted by Michelle Obama, “ No country Con Amt flousigh if it SHfleg empowement OF iS Women” ito neces Samy +0 indude the S9:) sf population in Country 'S growth SSN . Bur has this been the stor oF every Country gyiob ally 2 Not of all: Senge having Arasued the aioe ba no, clearty geeg. Where India went wrong « We dss haS a Gear perspective O5 +o whot needs to be done +0 dleviote this nequodity: s 2. Page | 4 Scanned with CamScanner ik heat strange ra afee ‘egetrnme| we free he safe Candidates, a Fimter’| Answer Questions in NOT MORE THAN the Word Limit specified for each inthe Parenthesis. | rust no 7 Content of the Question i more portant than length rite on this aie Specimen Answer Booklet - For Practice Purpose Only) agin Fast & Foremoet Gerona the measures needed’ 15) Empowering the Mworginalizedt - Till now, Qovemment has Made desigions for them in the form oF tone, heath) shdter, Oc Bu ag Arora. Sen ‘suggested, ib ig Tmperodive to empower them Such hor thea hecome Capable fou their Wo Yeusions. Thig con be achieved through education & Sar ake Education howd focus on Yearning oureomes in ye life rather than rene based texts « \ocweatng vocation af ecducodional on the lineS of Nei Tobin latte, SF Gonghiji will Crete (re generators rwrother thon Seekers - am rd generated, jo Sreoders Though edlucetion, Em ployment i Page 20 ann (a Scanned with CamScanner seeantege tegen Stem er vers star ta UPSC ‘Answer Questions in NOT MORE THAN the Word Limit specified for each in the Parenthesis. Content of the Question is more important than length WPIYIOVO VO YVVYVUVUVDUIYS an iad l474 ( Specimen Answer Booklet - For Practice Purpose Only) wil Gucromolticaliy boost up. It Gon be Further promoted by expanding SHGs, Schemes Uke Stord Up ladia to poorest of poor + Regions with low een pact like orth: East or LWE. Yegions con be Equipped with , foot loose industries like horticulture, Food PROCESSING 9 efc . The Seconch aspect im empower Ment 16 40 improve health of popwation. \t Ww Sstarts wght From Providing holig htc die comprising oF millers, Fruits, Vegeosies coe. Hough “1cDS ,MDMAEC- China ostheughs having: Similiae dem og roghg hag been able to reduce, hunger bY eae Bx the nwtients thot oF India - Along with — nudvition, healthcare Showd be made More accessible through more public Infrastructure . OOPE Poge 21 Scanned with CamScanner goku seta wayne reefer equa nate] od ren ‘ts fre eR Candidates jeter Answer Questions in NOT MORE THAN the Word Limit specified for each in the Parenthesis. must ot ro Content of the Question is more important than length. rite on this aie (Specimen Answer Booklet - For Practice Purpose Only) margin Needs +o he reduced from 60°). +0 304. The Univerght Health Coverage (Lune) ghoul sq indude the middie dass. A beter education Stee will Qu Orosi calls Channel More youth towards Pursuing health professions. The 4hied sped 16 to empower Women . Counties headed by women like Nuw Zectond , Gemony 1 hove hondled COvID-14 much better. Thig demonstrobes “her Copsbitties which Showd be enhanced, hg meqgures like Bei Barrao, Beli Padhao Sukenya Somrddhi Yojana , dc. The another Pressing issue OF regional disperittes Showd be addressed! he Equitable infragtrictuce grew - Launusing of Fiest MulH-modal Jogistce fark oF Slogiqophs, ASSom 5 Page 22 Scanned with CamScanni er SS SS 5999's lant atd ta, 4 (oo to a te (Pease dome sempre fom ‘De ester numbey a ferern isu wire te Sp ERR rower cvestons in In NOT MORE THAN he Word Lit spcted or aach nthe Prenihess. must ‘of the Question is more important than length. write on this aft (Some Nese! eect Faroe sees OT margin WII III Syeveeeeeoevuy a a a a o " a ™ E an budget foc LWE distict; FE devolution fOr under performing states, wil) a a a oo (i) Al) theee measures Can help India Aeweaop more equitably. in fuduee | Scandinavian countnes have Shown have equ od Sone Jeadg +o better harman . Treg Nave increased sgaclal trust with One of the lowest Corruption index, Drifting bock +o reali From hig thoughts . Saya weahizes hak \ndiq , in just SO years is clready, Competing. with the biggest eronomies Wee the US @ Ching. IF the country ahh fecuseS On equity » in no me ew wil) Tr compere with the best of Page 23; Scanned with CamScanner a 4 Pee ont sen ate raat ‘egestorante] va fre sa) safe (candidates aren Hwmwera| Answer Questions in NOT MORE THAN the Word Limit specified for each inthe Parenthesis. must not ater sB Content ofthe Question is more important than length. wrt on this aie (Specimen Answer Booklet - For Practice Purpose Only) margin HD) countries like Switzerlond , Norwoys Fe . And moqbe then, the der qenerotton OF Sdyo in hig coe wowld nok Nove +o leave i+ +0 achieve his dream. fala I ISSEY ao ala one >> y 2 Page 24 tae J Scanned with CamScanner

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